Essays on Humanities

Free essays on Humanities refer to essays that are available for downloading or reading online without having to pay any fees. These essays cover a wide range of topics within the field of humanities, including literature, philosophy, religion, history, art, culture, and language. They are written by scholars, academics, and students, and provide valuable insights and perspectives on various issues and debates within the humanities. Free essays on Humanities offer a great resource for people looking to explore new ideas or gain more knowledge in the area of humanities, without having to spend money on expensive books or journals.
Theories of Growing up From a Young Age
Words • 726
Pages • 3
The movie Failure to Launch, directed by Tom Dey, was based on the idea of adults still living at home with their parents. Matthew McConaughey, “Tripp”, was a rare case though. In the movie, he was thirty-five-year-old son perfectly content with living with his parents. The parents made it a great lifestyle to have by treating him like he was still a young child. For example, the mother cleaned his room, did his chores and laundry, and made him a…...
AdulthoodHuman DevelopmentSocial Psychology
Police: The Use of Discretion
Words • 1688
Pages • 7
There are two very different viewpoints on the use of police discretion. One viewpoint is that most officers enforce their discretion properly and that proper use of their discretion can be beneficial to citizens. Another viewpoint is that most police officers will abuse their power, and their discretion must be limited. Both viewpoints seem to agree that there are both positives and negatives to police discretion. The textbook talks about how police officers, “have a great deal of discretionary power”.…...
Historical Contributions by Nurse Pioneers
Words • 857
Pages • 4
Healthcare was changed forever because of progressive, dedicated, and goal-oriented nursing pioneers. Nurse pioneers overcame endless amounts of challenges and showed commitment and determination to make their mark in healthcare. In this paper I will compare and contrast various contributions made by nurse pioneers who served as stepping stools for nursing students today. By exploring Early Civilization, The Colonial American Period, The Civil War Period, and World War 1 I will discuss the evolution of professional nursing. Florence Nightingale, who…...
Florence NightingaleMedicineNursing
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Nurses Who Have Influenced the Profession of Nursing
Words • 526
Pages • 3
Many nurses throughout history have impacted the profession of nursing  caring for those who could not do for themselves. One leader that comes to mind is Dorothea Dix. She aided in founding hospitals that treated the mentally ill. She did so during a time when people thought badly of people with mental illnesses. They were seen as people who could not be cured or helped. If someone had a mental illness, they were often tossed away in a hospital where…...
Florence NightingaleHealth CareMedicineNursing
One of the Causes of Wars During the Middle Ages Was Religion
Words • 903
Pages • 4
The connotations of most religious we hear about today weren’t always so positive, as they often led to war among people. Throughout the middle ages, many wars were fought in response to religious disagreements with others. These disagreements turned into battles, and eventually warfare. From the Crusades to the Thirty Years’ War, there were many instances in which religion promoted warfare and destruction instead of peace and prosperity. The Crusades were some of the first of the most notable wars…...
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Francophone Writer Amin Maalouf
Words • 872
Pages • 4
The series of wars in which European Christians sought to take, by any means, the holy places under Muslim control between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries AD, came to be known as The Crusades. Various compositions have been written about these wars, but The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by francophone writer Amin Maalouf seeks to tell the story of the Crusades as they were seen, lived, and recorded in the ‘other side’ – in other words, in the Arab camp.…...
The Main Reasons Why Children in America Fall Into the Foster Care
Words • 789
Pages • 4
In order to understand how to fix a problem, you must first understand what causes it in the first place. One of the top reasons children in America is placed in foster care is substance use and emotional and physical abuse. Miranda Davies wrote the GALE article “The impact of parental substance abuse on the stability of family reunifications from foster care” and was quoted saying “Event history shows that children whose reasons for initial placement in foster care included…...
AbuseChildFoster Care
Are People Responsible for what They Do?
Words • 1088
Pages • 5
To respond to the clip from Waking Life, I like the conclusion that we need to make room in the world for persons, for embodied agents with individuality, choice, freedom, and responsibility. It’s difficult to reconcile the notion of freedom with the idea we are mechanisms. These questions about whether discoveries in neuroscience threaten the notion of moral responsibility or whether we can have moral responsibility without full consciousness of the significance of our actions seem far from new. I…...
Personal Responsibility
Rose Tours Korea Terms & Conditions
Words • 1283
Pages • 6
Rose Tours Korea (any references on this document and in correspondence with “RTK” hereafter) is a Travel Agency based in Guam that promotes and arranges tours in South Korea. These terms & conditions apply to the person making the booking and all other persons on whose behalf the booking is made. Your booking of a tour through RTK signifies your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of RTK listed below. Bookings & Alterations Bookings will be made through…...
Personal Responsibility
The Moral Alienation of the Nazis from the Holocaust
Words • 839
Pages • 4
Euphemistic labeling is one of the most effective psychological mechanisms that for moral disengagement (Barbaranelli et al.,1996). Euphemistic labeling is when a harmful activity is masked as harmless by the use of less harsh language than what would describe the activity. This is widely used to make harmful conduct respectable and to reduce personal responsibility for it (Bandura, 1999). One example of how the Nazis used euphemistic labeling is in the naming and public description of concentration camps. The purpose…...
Personal Responsibility
Learning in Real Life Portfolio 
Words • 522
Pages • 3
Operant conditioning is the theory by B.F. skinner that learning can change a person’s behavior based on positive and negative reinforcement. If we do something pleasurable we will continue to do it, if we do something that is not pleasant then we won’t continue the behavior. In Beth’s case, operant conditioning can hinder her from making friends if the students aren’t welcoming and don’t include her in the group or if she tries to make friends and it doesn’t work…...
Operant Conditioning
Methods of Teaching the Use of Punishments and Rewards for Behavior
Words • 498
Pages • 2
Humans and animals have witnessed or experienced conditioning at some point in their lives. Conditioning is a way of establishing new behaviors by providing either a stimulus or a reward for the desired behavior (“Conditioning,” 2007). There are two types of conditioning: classical and operant. Operant conditioning is a method of learning to use punishments and rewards for behavior. We use operant conditioning to train pets such as dogs. Training dogs to behave in a certain way is not hard…...
Operant Conditioning
Is Skinner’s Theory Centered on Consequences?
Words • 1045
Pages • 5
B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning is primarily concerned with the final consequence of behavior rather than the mechanisms behind the behavior (Thomas, 2005). Consequently, the inner workings of the mind become one of the constructs in behaviorism. Using operant conditioning, an organism makes an association between a voluntary behavior and a consequence using stimuli (Thomas, 2005). Key constructs in Skinner’s theory include desired behavior, reinforcement, and punishment (Thomas, 2005). Behavior can be measured with concepts related to students performing…...
Operant Conditioning
On the Front Lines of a New Culture War
Words • 978
Pages • 4
Steve Kolowich argues in favor of inclusivity for Somali Muslim refugees in a diversely growing Minnesota town despite President Donald Trump’s close-minded administration and horrid verbal attacks against them. For over twenty years, St. Cloud, Minnesota, has been “a destination for refugees fleeting the Horn of Africa” (Kolowich 401), and the city was once known as “White Cloud” because of its extensive white population. During Donald Trump’s campaign, he called the Somali refugees a “disaster” for Minnesota and has called…...
Donald TrumpEthos
Django Unchained Rhetorical Analysis
Words • 799
Pages • 4
Hollywood’s Boy Wonder and controversial director, Quentin Tarantino is notorious for several classic movies like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. In Tarantino’s 2012 Western American drama and “blaxploitation” film Django Unchained, he used rhetorical techniques to appeal to the audience, which in return is then used to establish itself. Quentin Tarantino likes to show off Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Django Unchained to help convey an accurate setting of America’s 19th century. Starting off with Ethos, the credibility and/or reliability…...
Psychological Conditions and The Impact of False Memory Formation
Words • 1984
Pages • 8
Topic IntroductionWith the research of the brain’s complexity, there is an increased understanding that the brain is susceptible to committing memory errors, thus altering an individual’s perspective of reality. The assumption that human memory operates by recording past events and experiences with such accuracy is what leads people to place confidence in their own memories. Contradictory to what many believe, memories are not accurate records but rather they are reconstructive, meaning that memories can be modified by post-event information (Goldstein,…...
Psychological ProblemSleep Deprivation
Is Stem Cell Reasearch and Treatmetn Ethical
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
The source gives an introduction to stem cells, explaining what they are and their importance. The source continues to go into information on different types of stem cells, including where they are located and what they are used for. The source also includes the uses of stem cells and obstacles that doctors face while using them. This source will help me give background information on stem cells that I will need to tie into the ethical issues surrounding stem cells…...
EthicsStem Cell ResearchStem Cell Therapy
A Way to Improve Society, but Only Further Destroy It
Words • 694
Pages • 3
To censor is “to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable” (Merriam-Webster 1). Censorship is practiced to protect people from controversial topics in books, whether it be violence, substance abuse, or religious views. This seems like a beneficial thing to do for the youth of society, however censorship can end up doing more harm than good. In Fahrenheit 451, censorship is a result of and assisted in people becoming too attached to technology. This made many people…...
AdolescenceCensorshipFahrenheit 451
Tolerance of Censorship in the Countries of the World
Words • 2738
Pages • 11
As an American, I know that I have my entitlement towards the first amendment, which it states, “ the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.” That “freedom” is guaranteed to the lives of professionals and citizens of the…...
Minimalist Consumption Consciousness
Words • 1710
Pages • 7
Minimalism can be described as a multi-faceted, cultural, even spiritual lifestyle in which people embrace the “less is more” mindset to free themselves from the unwanted burdens of a pro-consumer society. They seek to recognize the unnecessary and excessive drive of spending and collecting material possessions, and for many, it is ultimately targeted to starve the insatiable hunger of the beast that is consumerism. Minimalism is a complex culture since the practitioner can adopt their personalized principles based on their…...
ConsumerismUs History
The Rise Of Consumerism In The Us Of America
Words • 442
Pages • 2
The rise of consumerism in the 1920s allowed people to purchase items not because they needed them but for their own pleasure and satisfaction. People during this era had the opportunity to purchase items such as refrigerators, washing machines and electronic appliances and automobiles. Women were able to buy makeup and fashionable items. The rise of consumerism gave people more free time. The consumerism era also led to the rise of mass production by producing goods in large quantities so…...
ConsumerismUs History
About History Of Consumerism In American Culture
Words • 2249
Pages • 9
Consumerism is the theory that an increase in the consumption of goods is economically desirable. In other words, it is economically “attractive” to encourage the obtaining of goods and services in increasing amounts. The presidency of President Woodrow Wilson gave rise to American consumerism in the 1920s. Consumerism is known to be the shift in American culture from being a producer society in the nineteenth century to a consumer society in the twentieth century.From the colonial era to the late…...
ConsumerismUs History
Difficult Life in the Middle Ages (“The Dark Ages”)
Words • 2698
Pages • 11
Life during the middle ages was not how someone would picture it. It was a little more of a routine than anything else. How Hollywood portrays it is the exciting parts, but the real life of the regular commoner consisted of labor and growing of food in order to survive the following year. The whole idea of war being a part of their everyday life was just an exaggeration. The church had a major role in how people lived their…...
Byzantine EmpireCultureMiddle Ages
The Impact of Critical Lens Theories
Words • 2056
Pages • 9
The wonderful thing about books is that you can read them over and over again and pick up on new details each time. Any time we read a story, or any work of literature, we are able to experience the story through a variety of perspectives, or “lenses”. These “lenses” -Critical Lens Theories- are what allow us to decode literature by almost forcing ourselves to pick up on different details and possible new meanings. Most stories will already have multiple…...
Brave New WorldPsychologyThe Great Gatsby
The Nobles’ Crusade Was the First Successful Crusade
Words • 1086
Pages • 5
Through bloodshed, battle, and war, Christianity was able to climb its way to the top and convert most of the world. During the Middle Ages, the Christian religious group sought out to regain the Holy Land, Jerusalem. Through a series of military expeditions called the Crusades, they conquered the Muslims and many others to obtain their goal. The First Crusade, also called the Nobles’ or Baron’s Crusade, began the year 1096 and ended three years later in 1099. Throughout those…...
Byzantine EmpireConflictCrusades
The Importance of Technology and Inventions of the Byzantine Empire
Words • 1054
Pages • 5
Throughout history, technology has been very important. From the beginning of time little or big things have been invented to help us live better, or just to make life easier. Technology is a tool that simplifies a task. First technology is shown with Roman architecture such as, the coliseum entertainment and the Aqueducts for fresh water. Then technology is shown used for travel and trade shown by the Roman Roads. The Roman Roads were only for the military to travel…...
Byzantine EmpireHistoryTechnology
A Book About George Washington That Will Appeal to Many Readers
Words • 1151
Pages • 5
While His Excellency is not a traditional biography, this book’s unoriginality is what makes it refreshing. The viewer can learn about George Washington as a real person, instead of a perfect figure society depicts him as. This book manages to explain Washington’s struggles and flaws while still showing appreciation and respect for the man. Joseph Ellis manages to express this with pure accuracy and years of backing up research. While the writing can be a bit complex at times, the…...
BooksGeorge WashingtonHistory
Medicine in World War I: Reaction, Evolution and Legacy
Words • 3445
Pages • 14
World War I marked a turning point in the history of civilization, a point that forever changed the future and the promises held within it. Unimaginable weapons of chemical destruction were released on men ill-equipped for the horrors of modern warfare; millions lived weeks upon weeks in the mud of the trenches, only to be buried by the barrages of the artillery; airplanes brought warfare to never-before-seen heights, while submarines and dreadnoughts intensified the importance of naval supremacy. In the…...
HistoryLegacyWorld War 1
Investigating the Media Analysis of Art in Child Development
Words • 2399
Pages • 10
Media Analysis of Art in Child Development Keelyn MacGregor University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin Abstract Research on how art has benefitted academic achievement in children has been done but does not have the same news coverage as math or science. The news coverage for cognitive development in education has a very broad range of topics, the audience must not be fooled by what is deciphered as “fake news”. By unfolding and taking apart these articles in the news, one can analyze the…...
Child DevelopmentMedia Analysis
Black & White Photography History
Words • 597
Pages • 3
Through a camera that reflects society and life, reproduces the world‘s truth and beauty, and it always achieves a kind of information and emotional exchange. Photography is not only a technology to help people record their memory, but also is a witness to history. Photography is really important to invest in human history and art history, and in chapter 1, we comprehend the history of photography and realized some important inventors who help photography develop a lot. Now I will…...
Art History
Bathsheba & Sleeping Maid: Classic Dutch Art.
Words • 1164
Pages • 5
The Toilet of Bathsheba by Rembrandt Van Rijn and A Maid Asleep by Johannes Vermeer are two significant pieces in art history that lie on the walls of the exhibition In Praise of Painting: Dutch Masterpieces at the Met, Galleries 964-965 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) located in New York City, which I visited on October 24, 2018. This exhibition highlights Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century—which is oftentimes recognized as the Golden Age of Rembrandt, Vermeer, and…...
Art History
The Influence of Modernism and Postmodernism on the World
Words • 1919
Pages • 8
“Modernism” and “Postmodernism” are different in many ways. They both heavily impacted the art world and created movements around the world. “Modernism” was surrounded by scientific reasoning and understanding the human while “Postmodern” was the reaction to “Modernism” in which it challenged all of its assumptions. Running from the 1890s to 1970 Modernism was born during the industrial revolution. This was because of the rapid growth and changes in Manufacturing, transportation, and technology. Lasting through the 19th century it had…...
Art History
Ideas of Politicians During the Second World War
Words • 2339
Pages • 10
Francis Galton (1822-1911) was the father of eugenics. He was the cousin of Charles Darwin and developed the first bases for the improvement of the race. His first idea was inspired by the process of selection and improvement of racehorses. He decided to apply the methodology of breeding horses to raise men and thus improve the human race. '... just as it is easy, despite certain limitations, to obtain by careful selection stable breeds of dogs or horses endowed with…...
Winston Churchill
Presidential Courage
Words • 1012
Pages • 5
In the book Presidential Courage by Michael Beschloss, the presidents who deserve to be revered in American History are Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The actions of these presidents impacted American History dramatically and shaped The United States into what it is today. Abraham Lincoln was committed to freeing the slaves in the south and was devoted to restoring the Union. Theodore Roosevelt took risks by challenging the citadels of wealth and power and quickly reacting to…...
Winston Churchill
The Legacy of Kailash Satyarthi Is the Freedom of Children
Words • 888
Pages • 4
When ever you think of slavery, you think of it as a resolved problem, you think of African Americans and about the Civil War and its abolition in 1865.What, you don’t think about is the number of children who are being exploited, sexually abused, and forced into labor every single day. Slavery is not a modern term. Unfortunately, it is still a modern problem people are oblivious to. Kailash Satyarthi saw the problem for what it is- unethical, unjust, and…...
What Is Respect and Its Origin
Words • 553
Pages • 3
Adverse think that respect is something that has to be given. Respect is not something that is always simply given, respect is something people have to earn. To understand the meaning of respect one must understand the origins to which it comes from, they will also need to understand the two main kinds of respect, the different uses of respect, and the importance of self-respect. Respect is when you admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities,…...
RespectSelf EsteemSocial Psychology
Respect for Living Beings
Words • 466
Pages • 2
Many people believe animal abuse is physically hurting an animal. Animal abuse is much more than physically hurting an animal, it’s also mentally hurting innocent creatures who can’t or won’t fight back. Animal cruelty is a topic that’s not talked about very often as it should be, it’s a matter that no one really pays attention to. Animal brutality can be found everywhere in the world, we in fact harm animals everyday without even knowing it. We can help prevent…...
AbuseRespectSocial Issues
The Importance of Respect in Communication
Words • 403
Pages • 2
A relationship, whether it be between friends, lovers, or family, cannot flourish or be maintained without respect. In order to respect someone, it must be recognized that the person is worthy of high regard. It means to treat someone with dignity and concern, to admire them. Respect is formed on the basis of the accomplishments and qualities of its subject, encapsulating what is thought about that person. Everybody knows why this entity must be present in consociation, but nobody really…...
The World’s Most Famous Sanctions
Words • 2380
Pages • 10
Napoleon’s Continental System One of the most famous sanctions cases is that of Napoleon’s Continental System, which was in place from November 1806 until April 1814. The Continental System occurred during the Napoleonic Wars, which were a series of conflicts between the French Empire (led by Napoleon I) against various European coalitions (usually led by the UK). These conflicts were the result of unresolved disputes from the French Revolution. On November 21, 1806, Napoleon I issued the Berlin Decree, which…...
HistoryNelson Mandela
Chronological Excursion into History
Words • 2478
Pages • 10
April 3, 1948- December 1951- The United States of America begins to help send aid to many western European country'scountries' economies on April 3, 1948. The United States doesn’t want the weak European countries to turn to communism after world war two. $ 13 billion was raised, causing the restoration of industrial and agricultural production, a rise in the gross national product, economic stability, and the expansion of trade in European countries. May 14, 1948- July 1949- Jordan, Syria, Egypt,…...
HistoryNelson Mandela
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Nurses Who Have Influenced the Profession of Nursing
...After reading and learning what I have so far this week, it has brought me to the realization that nurses are amazing. Being a nurse means having so much kindness and care for others that you would do anything to help heal another human being. Just l...
The Main Reasons Why Children in America Fall Into the Foster Care
...Another great solution to the issues in the foster care system is to simply adopt. For many people, adopting is a challenge, and most couples would rather have a child that is biologically related to them. However, educating adults on the benefits of...
Are People Responsible for what They Do?
...Are people responsible for what they do, when brain abnormalities are found? There’s the guy who started having pedophilic tendencies and eventually acted on them. Just as they were putting him in jail, he complained of a headache, and after scanni...
What Is Respect and Its Origin
...Without self-respect, it problematic to be honest, confident, and sincere. A person without self-respect may feel angry, remorseful, or shame, because deep down they feel undeserving. When you show someone self-respect, it shows that person has some ...
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