Learning Process Is Different

Learning is a process where knowledge and skill are acquired by instruction or study. This process of learning however is different for everyone. Or in simpler words each person has a unique way of learning. They all have their own learning style or way of acquiring skills and knowledge. Additionally, one’s unique way of learning depends on their learning style. Learning style of definition is a “set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situation” (What are Learning Styles.

n.d). In academic success and making career decisions understanding one’s learning style is very important. They help you use a specific pattern which is comfortable and conducive for you. The patterns allow you to learn the way you can which makes it easier for you to achieve your goals and skills.

Moreover, when it comes to my learning styles, I believe that I am a combination of visual, verbal, and creative type of learner.

The word visual speaks for itself, this type of learners tends to use modes of learning such as reading and studying diagrams/pictures. This aids one to understand what is being portrayed. A verbal learner has a learning style where one interacts with the teacher or other students. This learning style helps learners better understand a process through communication. Besides these two learners, I often look at myself as an innovate learner. According to Simplicable.com (2017), “creative learners acquire knowledge and abilities using creative processes. These processes can be the use of test, creating theories, stories, solutions, analysis and designs as opposed to simply trying to memorize information” (Simplicable.

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These are considered strong learning styles for me because I was better able to better retain information by using diagrams and making my own notes when something is being explained. My learning styles have drastically affected my academic success and work life thus far. I was previously a secretary at a primary school before venturing out to become a student here at St. George’s University. I had to be creative because most of the time the principal will assign the task of writing letters asking for donation with very little idea of what the letter’s content should be. I had to then think on the creative side in order to complete the task. Academically, learning styles assisted me in being successful in my exams. I was able to study and prepare by making my own notes, using diagrams/pictures and coming up with creative study techniques to explain certain topics.

For instance, I was a slow learner in mathematics. I can seldom remember formulas when taking math exams. In addition, some strategies that I can use to help maximize my learning in that area are the use of YouTube videos, using diagrams and rewriting notes. There are numerous videos and learning guides on YouTube that one can utilize to help better understand or further explain math problems. These videos can be of great help by even showing you a simpler version of solving a problem. For me, drawing of diagrams to show the formula for math problems also aids to understanding the formula better. Rewriting my notes so as to assist me in finding a way to explain a formula/theory or problem helps break down the information in a form that I understand best.

Based on the case studies read, I selected Jill’s and Grant’s cases to analyze. Jill’s primary learning style is auditory. She tends to learn more easily by hearing/listening. She understands the material better. As a result, she finds it difficult to read instructions for her lab, thus, taking her longer to do the project. However, I believe she can succeed once she puts proper learning strategies in place such as recording herself reading the material instructions, discussing amongst friends and talking aloud while studying.

On the other hand, Grant’s primary learning style is visual. He learns without difficulty from reading, studying pictures, reading diagrams etc. Consequently, he faces challenges since he struggles to identify keys, tempo or other information about the piece by listening to music. He is able to identify the aforementioned from reading pages in the book as opposed to listening to music because it all sound the same to him. As a result, Grant should use videos when available as a means of learning strategies. Also, he can use diagrams, charts or tables to better assist him when listening to the music notes.

The learning style exercise was beneficial to me. I learnt not only my learning style but also strategies that can be adapted to be successful in whatever endeavor I may approach.


  1. Spacey, J. (2017) 20 Types of Creative Learning Retrieved from https://simplicable.com/new/creative-learning
  2. What are learning styles Retrieved from https://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/learning/Introduction.htm

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Learning Process Is Different. (2022, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/learning-process-is-different/

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