Essays on Engineering

Free essays on engineering are academic papers that cover various topics related to engineering. These essays can cover different aspects of engineering such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and many more. They are typically written by experts in the field or students who have specialized in engineering. The essays are available for free and can be easily accessed online. They provide a wealth of information on different engineering concepts, theories, research, and technology. Reading these essays can help students to gain a better understanding of the field and improve their academic performance.
Positive Feedback Amplifier
Words • 537
Pages • 3
FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER FEED BACK: The process of applying a fraction of output energy of some device back to the input known as feedback. FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER: The amplifier using feed back process is called feedback amplifier. TYPES OF FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER: There are two types of feedback amplifier: a)Positive feedback amplifier b)Negative feedback amplifier POSITIVE FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER: >The amplifier in which feedback energy is applied in the same polarity or in same phase is called as positive feedback amplifier. increases the voltage…...
Electronic Engineering
An Insulated Piston-cylinder Device Contains 5l
Words • 349
Pages • 2
Explain all your answers using the Problem-Solving Technique 1. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 0. 07 m3 of nitrogen at 130 kPa and 120oC. The nitrogen is now expanded polytropically to a state of 100 kPa and 100oC. Determine the boundary work during this process. 2. A piston-cylinder device with a set of stops initially contains 0. 3 kg of steam at 1. 0 MPa and 400oC. The location of the stops corresponds to 60 percent of the initial volume.…...
ChemistryMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Eclipse Android Emulator
Words • 610
Pages • 3
Download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) Download and unzip Eclipse IDE – go to http://www. eclipse. org/downloads/. – Download either Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Download and unzip Android SDK – go to http://developer. android. com/index. html – Select SDK tab, download SDK of your platform. Install ADT plug-in into Eclipse IDE 3. 4. Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a…...
Application SoftwareComputer ScienceComputersSoftware Engineering
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Direct Exchange Geothermal
Words • 380
Pages • 2
Direct exchange geothermal heat pump The Direct exchange geothermal heat pump is the oldest type of geothermal heat pump technology. It is also the simplest and easiest to understand. The ground-coupling is achieved through a single loop circulating refrigerant in direct thermal contact with the ground (as opposed to a combination of a refrigerant loop and a water loop). The refrigerant leaves the heat pump appliance cabinet, circulates through a loop of copper tube buried underground, and exchanges heat with…...
BuildingEnergyMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Methodology Of Effect Of Pollution On Historical Monuments
Words • 907
Pages • 4
Cultural heritage represents a country’s national identity and pride and maintains and enriches that country’s culture. Therefore, conservation of the monuments remained from our ancestors requires everybody’s serious and unremitting effort. Conservation, renewal, restoration, and technical study of cultural and historical matters are issues which have a special Status among various forms of art and science in the present century and this is due to two reasons: firstly, progress of humankind in this century has created a factor called environmental…...
ClimateCultural HeritageEngineeringFirePollution
Slider Crank Lab Report Politeknik
Words • 622
Pages • 3
Crank and Connecting Rod Introduction- The motion of assemblies is determined by the configuration of links and joints. Using the configurations the operation of rotational and sliding joints are examined and observed. This kind of mechanism is very commonplace in machines. Machines are made up of a number of parts and relative motion between the various parts permits the working of the machine. As the crank is rotated the rod starts moving but the velocity is not uniform. It is…...
Mechanical EngineeringMotionPhysicsTime
Computer Network Assignment
Words • 527
Pages • 3
COMPUTER NETWORKS 4TH MARCH 2012 Examination Paper Answer ALL questions. Clearly cross out surplus answers. Time: 2 hours Any reference material brought into the examination room must be handed to the invigilator before the start of the examination. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Marks QUESTION 1 a) State FOUR (4) principles underpinning the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model. b) Describe the purpose of the physical layer of the OSI Reference Model. c) State THREE (3) elements of network design that relate…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceElectronicsInformation Age
History Of Civil Engineering Essay
Words • 824
Pages • 4
Civil technology involves the design. building. and care of plants such as roads. Bridgess. and edifices. It’s a scientific discipline that includes a assortment of subjects including dirts. constructions. geology. and other Fieldss. Thus the history of civil technology is closely associated with the history of promotion in these scientific disciplines. In ancient history. most of the building was carried out by craftsmans. and proficient expertness was limited. Undertakings were accomplished by the use of manual labour merely. without the…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringHistoryLearningScience
Tucker Company Case Study Analysis
Words • 840
Pages • 4
Case Study Abstract This case study highlights about the analysis of the problems, background, theories, and action plans. Before exploring Tucker Company, it is necessary to know the background including its past and present. It will be discussed further about the problems in Tucker Company that occurred when it reorganizing its company into 3 new divisions. The 3 new divisions are also known as 3 new product lines of Tucker Company. In the following point, it draws the relation among…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationEngineeringHuman NatureLeadership
Basic Principles and Benefits of Ssbsc
Words • 747
Pages • 3
Before investigating the various ways of creating a SSBSC signal it would be prudent to understand the basic principal of such systems and their advantages. SSBSC technology has developed so as to over come some of the inefficiencies of DSBSC (Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier) technology. In both systems the signal information is carried in the side bands of the carrier frequency. However DSBSC transmits both sidebands and the suppressed carrier even though signal information from one sideband would be sufficient.…...
Electronic Engineering
Impulse And Momentum Lab
Words • 717
Pages • 3
Background: Momentum is a measure of inertia and can be defined by “mass in motion” ( Stan brought ,) anything with mass that is moving has momentum. Mo momentum can be calculated with p=mass x velocity, there fore momentum is dependent on both mass and velocity. Momentum is similar to energy in that both are always conserved, but energy ha s multiple forms and has to be in the right situation to be conserved. M momentum transferred is the integral…...
EnergyForceMechanical EngineeringNewton'S Laws Of MotionPhysics
Atwood Machine Lab
Words • 452
Pages • 2
Atwood’s Machine Abstract: Ideally, Atwood’s Machine consists of two masses, connected by a massless inelastic string threaded over a frictionless pulley. In this experiment, the dependence of the acceleration on the two masses was investigated. Introduction Atwood’s Machine is represented schematically to the left. Upon inspection, Newton’s Second Law for the system can be derived: For m1: (1) For m2: (2) Solving the (1) for N, followed by substitution into (2), yields the following equation: Rearranging terms and solving for…...
Mechanical EngineeringNewton'S Laws Of MotionPhysics
Range Of Projectile
Words • 653
Pages • 3
As we all know ski jumping is a worldwide sport in which athletes skate down a slope ramp, gaining speed that throws them in the air that makes them land some distance away. The distance travelled at the time when the jumper leaves the ramp, until he reaches the ground is known as the jump range. This interesting and challenging sport involves a lot of physics behind it. Kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, motion, speed, height, time, distance and the…...
EnergyForceFrictionGravityLearningMechanical Engineering
Simultaneous horizontal and vertical motion in projectile
Words • 442
Pages • 2
An object in a projectile motion moue horizontally with no acceleration and vertically with the gravitational acceleration at the same time. This experiment is to investigate projectile motion using experiments, equations and comparing the expected and experimental data. Procedure: Case I: Use formulas to find equation of horizontal Range (R) in a projectile motion. Rearrange equation for Arena, and find the angle Adjust the launches angle to angle Launch the ball, measure Irma Use the equation to solve for initial…...
ForceLearningMechanical EngineeringPhysicsProject
Centripetal Force Report
Words • 699
Pages • 3
An object hat moves at a constant speed and changes direction is also experiencing acceleration even though its speed never changes. Both the acceleration produced by changing speed and the acceleration produced by changing direction require a net force. This force that is produced in called the centripetal force and the acceleration that causes a change in direction is called centripetal Centripetal force means “center seeking. ” It is the force responsible for keeping an object in circular motion. If…...
ForceGeometryMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpace
Effect Of Air Conditioner On Global Warming
Words • 699
Pages • 3
Air Conditioning and Global Warming Air conditioning systems use energy to remove heat from a given location, transferring it to the exterior in the form of exhaust. Some of the energy is invariably wasted as heat, and this additional heat must also be exhausted. Thus, air conditioning results in net heat release to the environment. The warming effect is aggravated, moreover, because higher forms of energy such as electricity are used to power air conditioners. Generating and transmitting this electricity…...
ChemistryEnergyGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Eutectic Temperature Of Naphthalene Biphenyl System
Words • 720
Pages • 3
Abstract Thermal analysis of a solid-liquid phase using cooling curves at various compositions is a method used to obtain the eutectic composition and temperature of naphthalene-biphenyl. The XE was 0. 45 and the TE was 310. 3K these are slightly different from the theoretical values which are 0. 44 and 312K respectively. Results The cooling curves obtained from both groups Group A Group B The table with the mole fraction and the actual masses added. RUN| Group A| Group B|…...
ChemistryMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Electric Circuit Lab Report
Words • 727
Pages • 3
A millimeter is an instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value. The millimeter has different programs to measure voltage, current, resistance, etc. Produced from one of two types of circuits. The first type of circuit is a series circuit. A series circuit is a circuit in which the components are arranged end to end in such a way that the electric current flows through the first component, through the next component,…...
Electronic Engineering
Fhe INC Production Management Case Study
Words • 711
Pages • 3
In the following sample essay about a practical example of production management FHE Inc. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. A Case Study on FHE Inc. Operations Management FHE Inc. Problem Statement FHE Inc. , a manufacturer of pumps and related fluid-handling equipment is reviewing the process used to introduce new products. Key Considerations It was stated in the case that this case was prepared as basis for class discussion, not to illustrate either effective…...
EngineeringInformation TechnologyManagement
Touch Screen Technology 
Words • 527
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Touch Screen Technology  A touchscreen is a computer peripheral that combines a display screen features (monitor) and those of a pointing device, such as a mouse or touchpad, but also with an optical stylus. This allows to reduce the number of the peripheral devices and make ergonomic software very well suited to certain functions. The touchscreen technology is used, for example, in PDA, GPS, MP3 players, smartphones, tablets, portable game consoles, automatic ticketing, ATMs, all…...
Computer ScienceComputersElectronicsInformation Age
Aviation Research Topics
Words • 538
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Aviation is the theory and practice of the flight in the planet’s atmosphere and space and the name of the complex activities related with this practice. Aviation is also the complex name of the organizations and services which use aircraft (planes, helicopters, etc) for various purposes. Aviation is this meaning is divided into the civil and military branches, which are used for transportation and military purposes. The bases of the development of technical sides of aviation are the disciplines: aerodynamics…...
Samsung Proposal
Words • 526
Pages • 3
Samsung group is one of the greatest groups of companies in South Korea which was founded in 1938. In the international market Samsung is known as one of the best producers of electronics. The history of Samsung is very long and interesting and runs to the first part of the 20th century. At that time Korea was a Japanese colony and it is obvious that it was difficult to start and develop business there. Nevertheless, Lee Byung-chul, a smart entrepreneur…...
Brief History Of Radio
Words • 311
Pages • 2
One of the most important means of communication among people in human history is the radio.The radio has many wide spread uses in today's society, which is very different from that fifty years ago. While in its prime, about the twenties, the radio was a common household item, having a major influence on the lives of Americans. A common picture of this time usually consisted of families gathered around their radio during evening hours in order to listen to a…...
Implementing a wirless network
Words • 569
Pages • 3
AcknowledgementFirst and foremost, I would like to thank our lecturer, Mr.Hasitha Sampath for his valuableguidance and advice. His inspiration is what helped us to complete this coursework. Hiswillingness was what motivated us, in order to complete. He taught us the benefits ofimplementing a wireless networkBesides that a whole lot of appreciation to the whole administration of Esoft for providing uswith a good environment and facilities in order to complete this coursework. You have guidedus in every possible way. And it…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceElectronicsRadio
Current Status and Future Directions of Light Emitting Diode
Words • 1034
Pages • 5
Finally, it is necessary to address the most obvious problem that LEDs are facing at present. Of course, it is the cost, this is the very much common obstacle that stops one product going for the market. LEDs are an energy efficient way of generating light. This is true, but it is expensive to produce them. The cost of LED mainly includes two parts, which are the material itself and manufacturing. For example, modern LED bulbs often contain 4 to…...
Electronic Engineering
Basic Principles of Safety Engineering
Words • 2786
Pages • 12
Introduction Now we are living in the 21st century. In this modern world, there are so many jobs to do. Among them engineering takes an important place in the modern world. It’s because the need of engineers is very important nowadays. So there is a question that who is an engineer?.Dr Paul MaCombie,who is a famous lecture said that engineers need good mathematical ability, but much more than that ,they have to be imaginative, responsible, creative and they must be…...
Fascinating World of Cars
Words • 450
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Fascinating World of Cars discusses about the fascination with machines and the interest in how they are designed. From childhood onwards the world of machines has fascinated me. How a collection of parts combined to create something whose working was far beyond my understanding. My curiosity for how a machine worked was satisfied to an extent by seeing the works at my grandfathers work shop. But still something was still bugging me. How did one…...
Child DevelopmentChildhoodCommunicationEngineeringHuman Nature
20 Review of Related Literature MyRent4 is a mobile application
Words • 1487
Pages • 6
2.0 Review of Related LiteratureMyRent4 is a mobile application that enables landlords and tenants to overcome a major problem that ends up becoming a conflict between both parties (landlords and tenants) because they have no proper way to channel their problems (communication becomes a problem between most landlords and tenants). MyRent4U was developed to provide landlords and tenants an effective application platform. It is a business model that provides the platform for landlords to maintain their business to their customers…...
Computer ScienceInformation AgeInformation TechnologySoftware Engineering
Mechanical Spider
Words • 1310
Pages • 6
Problem Statement It is difficult for humans to reach in compact places, or during search and rescue operations in disaster areas. So there is a need to design a robot with leg moving support mechanism with low cost and simple mechanism which can carry out the operations. Which can be easy to operate and effective for carrying out the operations Abstract I decided to implement linkage based locomotive systems on standard load carrying automobiles as a replacement for the conventional…...
Mechanical EngineeringRobot
Increased Production Increases Pollution
Words • 1211
Pages • 5
Gilbane Gold case study tells a story about a company called Z CORP which produces computer parts, which results in the arsenic and lead downstream discharge in the citys sewer system. The waste in the sewer system is taken and dried. That dried sludge is used and sold to the farmers as fertilizers. The city has good tax rates which attracts companies such as Z CORP. According to the standards of the current analysis method, as set out by law,…...
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
Words • 1915
Pages • 8
Abstract — The deployment of  has nowadays gained worldwide attention as one of the most fiber optic transmission system due to its flexibility, interoperability with other vendors, low operating cost and many services with high qua lity, that are provided by SDH. This paper describes SDH network elements and its structure and defines its features provided by this system comparing with other transmission systems and explores the disadvantages. The paper further discusses the future of this technology . Keywords —…...
Electronic Engineering
Stepping Stone Lab One – Pseudocode for Your Program
Words • 570
Pages • 3
2-2 Stepping Stone Lab One: Pseudocode for Your ProgramAlexander O. DiStefanoIT-511 Object Oriented App Developent11/4/2019Doctor NealSouthern New Hampshire UniversityThe program for the final project is a collection manager program for culinary recipes. There will need to be three primary classes in the overall program: The first one will be for storing ingredients to store what items comprise a given recipe. The second will be for the actual recipes which will draw objects from the ingredients class as well as methods…...
Computer ProgrammingComputer ScienceComputersSoftware Engineering
Heat Engine Lab Report
Words • 510
Pages • 3
Heat engine lab Intro: when an engine runs, it pumps pistons that move up and down and provide energy to the engine to it to go. These pistons move because of pressure and heat. This work done on the system is not only mechanical but its also thermodynamic. When a piston undergoes one full cycle its displacement is zero because it comes back to its resting place. This means that its net thermodynamic work to be done should also be…...
ChemistryEnergyHeatMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Phd Research Proposal In Wireless Sensor Networks
Words • 534
Pages • 3
A wireless sensor network is an ad hoc network with a large number of nodes, which are micro-sensors capable to collect and transmit environmental data autonomously. The position of these nodes need not be predetermined. They can be randomly dispersed in a geographical area called “Wellfield” corresponding to the field of interest of the captured phenomenon.Essay Example on Proposal On Water Pollution In addition to civilian applications, there are military applications for sensor networks (intrusion detection, fighters localization, vehicles, weapons,…...
Electronic Engineering
Viscosity Research Paper
Words • 520
Pages • 3
Viscosity (internal friction) is one of the transfer phenomena, the property of the fluid bodies (liquids and gases) to provide resistance to the movement of one part to the others. As a result, there is a dissipation in the form of work heat expended in moving.Essay Example on Research s On Internet Mechanism of internal friction in liquids and gases is that the randomly moving molecules carry pulse from one layer to another, leading to equalization of speed – is…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Civil Engineering Research Proposal Topics
Words • 530
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Civil engineering is the engineering in the sphere of building construction, which embraces all the stages of the embodiment of the building projects: projecting, constructing and exploitation of the objects. In the narrower meaning civil engineering is the complex of the engineering and consulting services in the planning, constructing and exploitation of the industrial, infrastructural and other objects.Essay Example on Thesis Proposal Civil Engineering The history of civil engineering starts from the 12th century with the development of the weapon…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
Worm And Wheel Drive Practical Discussion
Words • 497
Pages • 2
The worm and worm wheel is a very important mechanism in the field of Mechanical engineering. It has the ability to lift heavy loads with very little effort and keep the load raised and locked in a desired vertical position without any effort. The main objective of this experiment was to investigate the behavior of the worm and worm wheel gear set. Unfortunately, all the objectives of this experiment weren’t fulfilled in this session due to the following factors: The…...
ExperimentFrictionMechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Personal Statement
Words • 555
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Personal essays
The world hasn’t been connected ever so strongly before than today as the planet earth has turned out to be a global village and people are trying their best to go beyond and further. I want to be a part of this ever growing world and think the best way to discover more of It is through applying our knowledge Into more of Industrial process .Essay Example on Personal Statement Chemical Engineering My ambition to become an chemical engineer grew…...
CommunicationConfidenceEngineeringHuman NatureTechnology
Material Hardness Experiments
Words • 362
Pages • 2
The purpose of the following experiments is to study the hardness of different types of materials, and to understand the significance of this property in materials. The materials and the aforesaid property have significant use in civil engineering. Hardness is defined as a measure oaf material’s resistance to localized plastic deformation (i. E. Small dents or scratches). As said above, a variety of metal alloys were used in the experiments to understand how each of these metals is characterized as…...
ChemistryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Slider Crank Mechanism Lab Report
Words • 625
Pages • 3
The arm may be a bent portion of the shaft, or a separate arm attached to it. Attached to the end of the crank by a pivot is a rod, usually called a connecting rod. The end of the rod attached to the crank moves in a circular motion, while the other end is usually constrained to move in a linear sliding motion. In a reciprocating piston engine, the connecting rod connects the piston to the crank or crankshaft. Together…...
CircleGeometryMechanical EngineeringMotionPhysicsSpace
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