Free essays on classical music are documents that provide readers with an in-depth overview and analysis of the music genre. These essays offer a comprehensive understanding of classical music, its history, composers, styles, and forms. Students and scholars can use these essays as reference materials or learning resources when studying classical music. The essays explore various aspects of classical music, including its cultural significance, artistic merit, and place in modern society. They can be personal reflections, analytical essays, or literary works that paint vivid pictures of classical music and its impact on the world.
Music 111 Chapter 16
The term Romantic was: used by writers of literature in the nineteenth century and adopted by musicians. The composer most responsible for elevating music to a new level of respect during the Romantic era was: Ludwig van Beethoven. Which is true of the relative status of music in the nineteenth century? Music rose to the same status as literature The Romantic movement in literature first arose in: England and Germany Who provided the Romantics with the ideal of the individual…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSound
Music 101 Midterm Speedbacks
Lessons 1-3: Pavanes are often paired with galliards Which of the following is not a chief characteristic of the late medieval motet? stratified texture intricate and complex rhythmic combinations dissonant harmonies! smooth, regular rhythms and long, lyrical melodies Which of the following is not a characteristic of Notre Dame organum? the first use of fixed patterns of surface rhythm use of textures in which some voices move quickly; others, more slowly use of long-held notes in the lower parts texts…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaSound
Music History 1A
Music can be defined as An art based on the organization of sounds in time In general, the smaller the vibrating element, the____its pitch higher Tone color is synonymous with _____ timbre Plucking the string with the finger instead of using a bow is called_____ pizzicato Brass instruments did not acquire valves until the middle of the____century 19th ______is a standard adopted by manufacturers for interfacing synthesizer equipment MIDI Melody may be defined as a series of single notes that…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsLudwig Van BeethovenMusicRomanticismSound
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Test #1 Medieval and Renaissance
which of the following does NOT describe life in the medieval cloister? being at the center of trade and commerce who is traditionally associated with collecting and organizing the chants of the church Pope Gregory the Great a setting of Gregorian chant with one note per syllable is called syllabic in addition to composing music, Hildegard of Bingen is known for visions that foretold the future, writing religious poetry, and founding her own convent (all the above) which of the…...
Classical MusicCultureFlashcardsMusic
MUS 1030: Unit 5
Which of the following was not a member of the Russian five? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Which of the following statements is not true? The strongest impact of musical nationalism was felt in Italy, France, Germany, and Austria. Which of the following statements is not true? During the last years of his life, Liszt settled in Rome and devoted himself solely to his religious duties. Which of the following statements is not true of the piano in the early romantic period?…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRichard WagnerRomanticism
Performance Analysis: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 15 (D. 760) (“Wanderer” Fantasy)
Performance Analysis: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 15 (D. 760) (“Wanderer” Fantasy) Schubert composed the Fantasy in C Major (“Wanderer” Fantasy) in 1822. This fantasy became a milestone in music history because it was the first time when a composer “integrated a four-movement sonata into a single movement. ” Schubert did so by matching the sequence of a traditional four-movement sonata (Allegro, Adagio, Scherzo, Finale) to one big sonata form (exposition, development, recapitulation, coda). This exploration opened a new era…...
Classical MusicFantasyLiterary GenreMusic
Chapter 16 Review
The term Romantic was: used by writers of literature in the 19th century and adopted by musicians The composer most responsible for elevating music to a new level of respect during the Romantic era was: Beethoven Which is true of the relative status of music in the 19th century? Music rose to the same status as literature The Romantic movement in literature first arose in England and Germany Who provided the Romantics with the ideal of the individual and was…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSound
Classical Era Sonatas and Aristocratic Norms
Composers of the Classical era fully explored which formal structure? Sonata. Louis XV and Frederick the Great ruled as a result of : Aristocratic norms. The four musical masters of the Viennese school are: Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert. Classical harmony is best described as: Diatonic The composers Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert are part of the: Viennese School The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century saw a series of important inventions, which helped shape the modern world. True/ The…...
Classical MusicCultureFlashcardsMusicWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Romanticism Questons and Answers
Romanticism, as a stylistic period in western art music, encompassed the years 1820-1900 Which of the following is not characteristic of romanticism? An emphasis on balance and clarity of structures Which of the following is not a characteristic aspect of romanticism in literature and painting? Emotional restraint Of all the inspirations for romantic art, none was more important than nature. Which of the following composers is not associated with the romantic period? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Drawing creative inspiration from cultures…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaPianoRomanticism
Symbolism in Literature
When a literary artist uses a concrete or perceptible thing to suggest something abstract and not clearly defined, he or she is using a. symbolism b. imagery c. simile d. diction a. symbolism The poem "Paralytic" illustrates the fact that the first person a. may be employed to create a character separate from the poet b. is effective only when it refers to the author's actual experience c. is effective only when it refers to another person's actual experience d.…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMetaphorMusicPoetryTragedy
Music Appreciation Exam 4
T/F The Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century saw a series of important inventions, which helped shape the modern world. True T/F The composers Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert all composed in large-scale forms. True Maria Theresa von Paradis She was blind. She was an excellent pianist and organist. Authors associated with the German Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) movement of the 1770s were: Schiller and Goethe The music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert is characterized by _____…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsLudwig Van BeethovenMusicOperaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Barroco Pearl & Handel’s Harpsichord
barroco irregular shaped pearl the _________ is a keyboard instrument whose strings are plucked by quile harpsichord Handel was considered a master of writing what form oratario dido sings her favorite lament in the opera “dido and aeneas” just prior before doing what kills herself the first era of western music history in which instrumental music was a major vocal for composers for what time period the baroque era the keyboard instrument that uses various sets of pipes to create…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
Music Listening – 20th century
In music, the early twentieth century was a time of stagnation. disinterest. the continuation of old forms. revolt and change. revolt and change. T/F Twentieth-century music follows the same general principles of musical structure as earlier periods. false The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 at the first performance of Igor Stravinsky's Les Noces. Richard Wagner's Siegfried. Arnold Schoenberg's Gurrelieder. Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. All of the…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsIgor StravinskyImpressionismMusicSound
pop quiz #2 music 1010
The earliest polyphonic works were called organum development of polyphony was centered in? France The medieval genre that employed polytextual settings was the motet The songs of the troubadours and trouvères were generally monophonic with instrumental accompaniment She was an Abbess, composer and author Hildegard of Bingen He was the earliest known composer at Notre Dame, and was involved in the development of polyphony. Leonin The french composer who wrote the first complete polyphonic setting of the Ordinary of the…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusic
Exam 1 True/False
A phrase is a component unit of a melody. True In some cultures, womens voices are preferred for certain styles of music. true The text for the final portion of the Ordinary, the Agnus Dei, is divided into 3 parts. True The art of combining 2 or more simultaneuous melodic lines is called counterpoint. True Josquin di dnot use preexisting melodies in his sacred works. False The degree of loudness and softness in music is called dynamics True Medieval artists…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsHarmonyMusicSound
The Renaissance and Education
Education and literacy became more widespread during the renaissance in part due to the invention of the printing press True The term Renaissance man is used in case someone who is well educated in many areas True The music of the Renaissance changed very little from the late Middle Ages False The renaissance attitude of humanism require people to get all worldly goods and think solely about their life after death False Early Renaissance musical development was centered in Italy…...
Classical MusicCultureFlashcardsMusicRenaissanceSong
Baroque Music and Virtuosity
As musical instruments developed technically, the level of virtuosity rose in the Baroque. True The term "Baroque" means misshapen, extravagant, or even distorted true The two instruments that provided Baroque accompaniment as a pair are referred to as: Basso Continuo The approximate dates of the Baroque period are: 1600 - 1750 The group of early Baroque writers, artists, and musicians whose aim was to resurrect the musical drama of ancient Greece was known as: the Florentine Camerata What is figured…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
Music History Paper 111 Chapter 17 Questions & Answers
Who composed "Erlkönig"? Franz Schubert "Erlkönig" is a: miniature, a song. The form of "Erlkönig" is ________ form through-composed Because of the piano accompaniment, it can be said that the mood of "Erlkönig" is: agitated. What does the piano introduction to "Erlkönig" bring to mind? the pounding of a horse's hooves How many different "characters" do you hear in "Erlkönig"? three, plus the narrator The performing forces in "Erlkönig" consist of: one soloist and piano. Who composed "Im wunderschönen Monat…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicPianoPoetrySong
Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1
A musical sound is represented by a symbol called a(n): note Measures mark off groupings of beats, each with a fixed number that coincides with the meter. True A repeated rhythmic pattern in which an accented beat is followed by two unaccented beats is in: triple meter The metrical pattern in which a strong beat alternates with a weak one is called: duple meter The resting place at the end of a phrase is called: a cadence Syncopation is typical…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsHarmonyLudwig Van BeethovenMusicOpera
Music Appreciation Pt. 6
Impartial in approach; reality rather than illusion classicism Aristocratic patronage of the arts classicism Emphasis on balance and clarity of structures classicism Emotional subjectivity; fantasy romanticism Interest in the strange and the unknown romanticism Wide range of emotional expression romanticism Nationalism romanticism Traditionalism; adherence to established methods classicism Enthusiasm for the culture of the Middle Ages romanticism Exoticism romanticism Belief in the supernatural; personification romanticism Art and culture of ancient Greece as a basic influence classicism Brilliant colors and dynamic…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRomanticismSong
section 5 Example
Orchestration The technique of setting music for instruments in various combinations. Page 192 Through-composed Song structure that is composed from beginning to end without repetitions of large sections. Page 196 Modified strophic form Song structure that combines elements of strophic and through-composed forms; a variation of strophic form in which a section might have a new key, rhythm, or varied melodic pattern. Page 196 Lied German for "song"; most commonly associated with the solo art song of the nineteenth century,…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRichard WagnerSong
ch. 27 intro. to music
Schumann wrote his song cycle A Poet's Love during his "year of song," in which he wrote hundreds of Lieder and also married Clara Schumann. True The form of Schubert's Lied Elfking is through-composed. True The song form that combines features of strophic and through-composed forms is called modified strophic. True ____________ is NOT an important composer of nineteenth-century Lieder. Heinrich Heine The favorite subjects for the Romantic poets were: love, longing, and nature. Schubert composed over six hundred Lieder.…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSong
Music Appreciation Pt. 7
Composers in the twentieth century drew inspiration from all except: American marching band music The combination of two traditional chords sounding together is known as a polychord Among the unusual playing teechniques that were widely used during the twentieth century is the _____, a rapid slide up or down a scale. glissando Which of the following composers was not stimulated by the folkore oh his native land? Anton Webern A chord made of tones only a half step or a…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsIgor StravinskyMusicPianoSound
German Romanticism Q&A
German term for the art song: lied A song whose text is a short lyric poem in German with piano accompaniment is lied ________ was NOT an important composer of nineteenth-century Lieder. a. Heinrich Heine b. Robert Schumann c. Fanny Mendelssohn d. Franz Schubert Heinrich Heine The favorite Romantic poets of the composers of Lieder were: Goethe and Heine Which of the following was NOT a typical theme of Romantic poetry? A. the beauty of nature B. love and longing…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSong
Survey of Music
A scale comprised entirely of half steps is called a ____ scale Chromatic An interval smaller than a half step is called a: Microtone The key of a piece is determined: By the scale used When a composer shifts the pitch level of an entire work, it is called: Transportation The sign that indicates a pitch should be raised a half step is called a: Sharp The note one half step above G is: G Sharp When a composer shifts…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
MUS 1751.26, Twentieth Century & Beyond, Test 4
In music, the early twentieth century was a time of revolt and change A chord made up of tones only half a step or a whole step apart is know as tone cluster Striking a group of adjacent keys on a piano with the fist or forearm will result in tone cluster Composers from which area rose to importance during the Twentieth Century Latin America One of the most important teachers of musical composition in the twentieth century was Nadia…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsIgor StravinskyImpressionismMusic
Music Chapter 30-40
A song form in which the same melody is repeated for each stanza, often heard in popular music, is known as: modified strophic form strophic form through-composed form b A song form that is composed from beginning to end without repetitions of whole sections is called: through-composed form strophic form modified strophic form a A group of Lieder unified by a descriptive or narrative theme is known as a: medley oratorio song cycle c A Lied is an art song…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRichard WagnerSong
European Music History Questions & Answers MU 120 Ch. 61-64
The early twentieth-century style that sought to revive certain principles and forms of earlier music was: neo-Classicism Which of the following composers would NOT have been emulated during the neo-Classical era? Wagner Which of the following genres was NOT favored by the neo-Classicists of the early twentieth century? the symphonic poem How did twentieth-century nationalism differ from its nineteenth-century counterpart? it approached music more scientifically The comparative study of musics of the world is called: ethnomusicology Which of the following…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicSoundWest Side Story
ch. 12 intro. to music
Hildegard of Bingen was a leader of the Notre Dame school of early polyphony. False Hildegard of Bingen wrote both the poetry and the music for Alleluia, O virga mediatrix. True Organum was freely composed, with no preexisting basis. False The modes served as the basis for European art music for less than one hundred years. False The portion of the Mass that changes from day to day, depending on the feast celebrated, is called: the Proper. For which liturgical…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusic
Of the following, which is NOT a subcategory of postmodern art? abstract expressionism Aleatoric music represents a move toward greater complexity. False Of the following, which does NOT describe postmodernism? It is a more radical form of modernism. What art movement drew themes from modern urban life, including machines, comic strips, and commercial advertisements? pop art Postmodernism embraces a pluralistic approach to gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity in art. True A technique used by Lukas Foss in which composers incorporate…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsHarmonyMusicPop Art
Opera and Recitative.
A drama that is sung is called: an opera The vocal style in opera that imitates the natural inflections of speech is called: recitative It was thorough the musical innovations of the __ that opera was born. Florentine Camerata A highly emotional song in an opera is called an aria The orchestral introduction heard at the beginning of an opera is called: an overture The text of an opera is called: the script Who is best viewed as the first…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
Music Mid Term Questions and Answers
The approximate dates of the Baroque period are: 1600-1750. Which of the following does NOT characterize the Baroque era? an age of freedom and democracy John Milton's Paradise Lost is an epic poem expressing the views of: Protestantism Which best describes how Baroque musicians made a living? as servants to royalty or nobility as members of the church as employees of a free city The Baroque period witnessed a new style of music, which featured a single vocal melody with…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
Enjoyment Music Chapter 44
Technically, avant-garde music is highly demanding. true In composing, Crumb uses techniques and instruments from various world musics. true Whose poetry did George Crumb set in his second book of madrigals Frederico George Crumb wrote his song cycle Ancient Voices of Children expressly for: Jan Soprano Cathy Berberian is known for: specializing in avant-garde singing. The prevalent rhythm in Crumb's Caballito negro is meant to: emulate the sound of a galloping horse. George Crumb is representative of avant-garde composition in…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicPianoSound
Exploring Romantic Music and Composers: Themes, Forms, and Misconceptions
Of the following, who is a noted woman composer of the Romantic era Amy Cheney Beach Of the following, which was NOT a major theme of Romantic writers idealized heroes of Greece and Rome The favorite subjects for the Romantic poets were love, longing, and nature Of the following, which is NOT a title for Schumann's piano works Rondos Which does NOT characterize Romantic music reserved emotions What is the form of Schumann's "In the lovely month of May" strophic…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsIgor StravinskyJazzMusicSong
Music Appreciation (Baroque)
The vocal style in opera that imitates the natural infliction of speech is called: recitative It was through the musical innovations of the ______________ that opera was born Florentine Camerata The text of an opera is called: the libretto Who is best viewed as the first master of opera? Monteverdi A type of English entertainment combining music, poetry, and dance was called: masque The greatest native-born English composer of the Baroque was: Henry Purcell Dido's Lament from Purcell's opera Dido…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
The white tone singing style in George Crumb’s Ancient Voices of Children
The "white tone" singing style in the vocal part of George Crumb's Ancient Voices of Children is a style in which the singer: Sings without vibrato How many movements make up the Quartet for the End of Time? Eight The phrases that mention death in Crumb's Caballito Negro are represented musically by: A descending music line How many books of madrigal sets did George Crumb write? Four Which instrument in Vocalise from the Quartet for the End of Time is…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicSound
Music Appreciation Mid-Term
The quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another is? Timbre A specific area within the range of a voice or instrument, such as high, middle, or low, is called its? Register The standard ranges of the human voice, from highest to lowest, are? Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Which of the following voices has the lowest range? Bass The generally accepted term for the high male vocal range is? Tenor The human voice: possesses lyric beauty and…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusic
Music Appreciation: Romantic Period (Practice)
C Romanticism as a stylistic period in western art music, encompassed the years... A) 1600-1750 B) 1750-1820 C) 1820-1900 D) 1900-1950 B Which of the following is not characteristic of romanticism? A)A fascination with fantasy B)An emphasis on balance and clarity of structures C)An enthusiasm for the culture of the Middle Ages D)An interest in exoticism and the past C Of all the inspirations for romantic art, none was more important than... A)the aristocracy. B)ancient Greek art and culture. C)nature.…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsImpressionismMusicOperaRichard Wagner
Chapter 62. New Sound Palettes: Mid-Twentieth Century American Experimentalists
What instruments accompany the voice in Crumb's Caballito negro? piccolo metallic percussion In Caballito negro, Crumb requests his singers to sing without vibrato, with a _________ tone. white Who is the inventor of the "prepared piano"? john cage Which of the following describe John Cage's Sonata V from Sonatas and Interludes? irregular phrases piano produces percussive effects Harry Partch was a serious proponent of microtonal music. true The gamelan is a traditional orchestra from Japan. false The gamelan orchestra is…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicPianoSonataSound
Baroque Era Questions and Answers Test
During the seventeenth century, women who desired a public voice through music often joined a: convent Which of the following was a reason that a woman would join a convent during the seventeenth century? a. to avoid an unwanted marriage b. to seek asylum after being widowed c. to have an outlet for musical talent d. all of the above d. all of the above the canticle of Mary is generally known as the Magnificat during which service does the…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
We've found 105 essay examples
on Classical Music