The term Romantic was:
used by writers of literature in the 19th century and adopted by musicians

The composer most responsible for elevating music to a new level of respect during the Romantic era was:

Which is true of the relative status of music in the 19th century?
Music rose to the same status as literature

The Romantic movement in literature first arose in
England and Germany

Who provided the Romantics with the ideal of the individual and was considered the ideological father of the French Revolution?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which describes the emotional goal of music in the 19th century?
a search for freedom of individual emotional expression

Which is true of Romantic composers such as Beethoven, Liszt, and Verdi?
As rebels against the social order, they associated themselves with revolutionary and libertarian politics.

Which is true of the social revolution of the 19th century?
Composers such as Liszt personally crossed class boundaries.

WHich describes Romantic composers’ view of form and harmony?
Romantic composers did not allow form or harmony to restrain spontaneous creativity

An early monument to supernatural Romanticism was the opera The Magic Bullet by:
Carl Maria von Weber

In the 19th century, which of the arts was believed to be most capable of expressing inner experience and emotion?

Increasingly, the focal point for the performance of Romantic music was the
concert hall

What musical genres became established on the concert stage by the end of the 19th century?
lieder and string quartets

Which is true of the relationship between Romantic composers and the public?
Nineteenth-century audiences became more conservative and more critical of innovative composers

The composer who started a music magazine to defend music of the Romantics against public indifference was:
Robert Schumann

The quality most prized by Romantic artist was:
the integrity of the expression of individual feeling

The musical term applied to flexibility in rhythm is:

Which statement is false?
Romantic melodies have more regular phrase lengths than Classical melodies

Which statement is false?
Romantic harmonies were clearer and more diatonic, and they established a stronger sense of tonality than in earlier musical periods

What is chromaticism
using all twelve notes of the scale liberally

In which stylistic period was chromaticism used the most?

Romantic treatment of tone color included:
combining and blending different instrumental tone colors in innovative ways

Compared to the Classical orchestra, the typical Romantic orchestra was:
larger and blended tone colors in new ways

The important new member of the Romantic orchestra was:
the conductor

In 19th century opera, the orchestra:
increased in importance, sometimes providing special effects and overshadowing the voices

Music without singing but derived from a poem, story, or other literary source is
program music

Romantic treatment of form
free and spontaneous

Miniatures were usually written for
voice and piano, or piano alone

Miniatures were generally heard:
as separate compositions

Miniatures were given all of the following titles except:
formal titles such as sonata or rondo

In composing Romantic “grandiose” composition, composers created works with
more movements and increased performing forces

Thematic unity occurs when:
a composer uses the same themes in all movements of a work

The technique of having the same theme fragment appear with some sort of variation at loosely recurring intervals is:
thematic transformation

All of the following are characteristics of thematic unity in Romantic symphony music EXCEPT:
using the same themes in several symphonies

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