Essays on Animals

Free essays on animals are written by a wide range of authors and cover a variety of topics related to animal welfare, behavior, and ecology. These essays may explore the impact of humans on animal populations, debates surrounding the use of animals in research or agriculture, and ethical questions about the treatment of animals for human benefit. Some essays may also delve into the unique characteristics and behavior of particular animal species, or examine the ways in which animals have influenced human culture and art over time. Whether you are a student or simply interested in learning more about animals, free essays on this topic offer a wealth of knowledge and perspectives.
Do you know what a red panda is?
Words • 826
Pages • 4
Sure you may think,” Oh yeah, that’s a panda that’s red.” Well if you thought this, you’re wrong. As a matter of fact, red pandas have many different qualities and looks that giant pandas don’t have. Do you know how red pandas live, look, and do plenty of other things they do in their everyday lives? Red pandas are small animals that are about the size of house cats. They measure twenty to twenty-six inches from the top of their…...
HuntingRed Panda
Obesity in Pets
Words • 409
Pages • 2
Obesity in pets is a nutritional disease that causes an excessive amount of adipose tissue that accumulates in the body. Pets are considered overweight when their weight is at least twenty percent greater than its ideal weight. Pet obesity can cause metabolic and hormonal changes as well. Pet obesity in the United States had increase to sixty percent for cats and fifty four percent for dogs. Obesity can result in several issues with the pet’s health. It can cause the…...
9 Awesome Costumes For Your Cat
Words • 610
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on 9 Awesome Costumes For Your Cat. Fall is finally here! Have you got your kitty’s Halloween costume yet? We mere mortals dress up as animals on this Halloween trick or treat, so it’s only fair our Furry friend should get a costume too. Maybe your cat is sleek or spooky and look great in a witch costume or if they are funny a slice of pizza is a perfect costume. It’s fun to show off…...
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Foods Your Dog Or Cat Should Avoid 
Words • 1211
Pages • 5
The following example essay on "Foods Your Dog Or Cat Should Avoid" talks about the list of forbidden foods for pets that every caring owner should know. Most of canines and felines love the flavor of milk, yet it isn’t something they need so as to have a decent eating routine. After a little cat or young doggie has wrapped up, a portion of the lactose movement is lost (this is the catalyst that is utilized to process the milk…...
Selection Programs in Dairy Cattle
Words • 1983
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on "Selection Programs in Dairy Cattle" приводятся examples of the different livestock schemes and ow they function within the south african livestock. Genetic improvement programs for livestock in the developed countries have advanced to the present stage, mainly because the infrastructural elements necessary for planned breeding programs such as thorough performance recording and AI (Artificial Insemination) are available. In addition, advances have also been made in population genetics and statistics which have made it possible to…...
AgricultureAnimalsFood IndustryMilkNatural SelectionZoology
In T A Dellaca v PDL Industries Ltd the court considers part
Words • 1361
Pages • 6
In T A Dellaca v PDL Industries Ltd the court considers part performance in 2 steps there has been an oral agreement between mark and Frieda which a) showed a step in the performance of contractual obligation or the exercise of a contractual right under the oral contract and b) when viewed independently of the oral contract was, on the possibilities, done on the footing that a contract relating to the land and such as that alleged in existence. under…...
AnimalsBusiness LawCommon LawJusticeLawProperty
Living with Pets: Pros and Cons with The Pets Planet
Words • 1189
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Chapter 1": describing pros and cons of living with pets, use of The Pets Planet website. Introduction to “The Pets Planet” In today’s world, great variety of things exist on the internet. Almost everything can be searched or browsed here. Ordering food, buying clothes and adopting pets are the common activities that are being practiced on internet. Whereas, an online business identity like a website or mobile app has become compulsory to win the anyone’s…...
A wolf is a wild carnivorous mammal which is the largest member
Words • 840
Pages • 4
A wolf is a “wild carnivorous mammal which is the largest member of the dog family, living and hunting in packs”. In the poem “Wolf” by Keki Daruwalla, we see a young child haunted and /or traumatized by the howls of a wolf. The child is somewhat confused as to why the howls of the wolf were of despair as they were such powerful creatures. In the poem we see the poet comparing the wolf’s radiating presence to a lit…...
Our Mind Holds all of our Most Memorable Memories whether it Your
Words • 788
Pages • 4
Our mind holds all of our most memorable memories, whether it your first day at school, very your first kiss, or even the first time you watched "The Hunger Games" and cried when Rue died. These types ‘objects in our life that we specifically, hold on to for the reason that we like to really be reminded of an event or a period of fairly your life or simply you cannot let go of the pretty past in a big…...
HorseIndustryMemoryMindReal Estate
Why Do I Want to Go to Spain?
Words • 1004
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on “Why do I want to go to Spain?” describes this state in the southwest of Europe. In addition, the article tells interesting facts about Spain. Spain is located in south-western Europe, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, between Portugal and France. The country covers a total area of 505,957 sq km. Spain has 4,964 km of coastline. Besides five other places of sovereignty on and off the coast of Morocco, Spain consists…...
Animal CrueltyAnimalsChristmasCultureWeddingZoology
Care & Action for Strays
Words • 554
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Care & Action for Strays" is an overview of is a private, non-profit organization striving to develop the lives of the strays in Brunei and it only contains animals such as dogs or cats. Although they do not have a physical shelter as according to them it is to stop or block more undesired dogs/cats dumped at their doorstop or feeding sites so all their address details will not be revealed but it is known…...
AdoptionCommunicationFoster CareHomelessnessPetWebsite
How Was Halloween With My Friends
Words • 851
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on how was Halloween with my friends.On a blustery, autumn evening three friends walked home from school through the graveyard that bordered the neighborhood. Tonight is Halloween so the friends were wearing matching skeleton costumes. The graves were old and cracked but all of a sudden there was a shake from the ground. The graves started to shake and then they fell over onto the ground. Out popped out big and little creatures made up of…...
Ways to stop mass extinction
Words • 704
Pages • 3
With the pollution, changing climate, and how we treat Earth, a new mass extinction may be near. All of the changes in the world may seem like they are helping us, but they are actually harming the earth, and are leading us to another mass extinction. Fortunately, there are many ways we can stop this next mass extinction, while some may seem unconventional, others can be done very easily in our everyday lives.Ways that Mass Extinctions are causedThe first way…...
Animal ExtinctionAnimalsClimateClimate ChangeEarthExtinction
Pomeranian Spitz – A Decorative Breed of Dog
Words • 596
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Pomeranian Spitz - a decorative breed of dog" is about a tiny fidget with a pretty face who cannot imagine life without active walks in the fresh air. From this essay you will know everything about this dog. With an air of self-importance that belies its diminutive size, the Pomeranian exudes cheeky confidence. Notoriously bossy and blessed with a cute fox-like face, this little character is the ideal companion dog  if you can keep him…...
Dog BreedsFilm AnalysisTitanic
Basic Information on Bull Shark Outline
Words • 2155
Pages • 9
The folllowing sample essay on Bull Shark Outline discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. Bull Shark: Osmoregulator Predator Scott Marshall English Composition: EN-101-15 Professor Craig Cushing April 19, 2010 Outline Thesis Sentence: Carcharhinus leucas also known as Bull Shark are unlike other sharks as they can tolerate fresh water and can travel far upstream in rivers. I. Introduction A. Definition of Carcharhinus…...
Animalism: Pros and Cons
Words • 2120
Pages • 9
This essay sample on Animalism provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.The Principles of Animalism are the set of principles devised by Old Major in Animal Farm that all the animals are expected to live up to and follow. These include complete equality among the animals, and a rejection of human ways. During the tale, we see these principles progressively…...
Animal FarmDogLogicMindNapoleonSheep
Animal Behavior Lab Report
Words • 1558
Pages • 7
The folllowing sample essay on Animal Behavior Lab Report discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.This was done by creating palatable and non-palatable red, green, and purple prey out of flour and lard. They were placed on a feeding try in random arrays with the same relative frequencies twice daily. Our groups null hypothesis was that there would be no particular preference in…...
Pig Lovers and Pig Haters History
Words • 1578
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on Pig Lovers provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Harris’ reasoning brings the history of the people and the land into account. They were nomadic pastoralist and the climate and location simply was not good to be raising pigs. They would have required too much energy to raise, for not as much output for the people.…...
Cathedral Carver
Words • 1658
Pages • 7
This essay sample essay on Cathedral Carver offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Raymond Carver’s Cathedral: Religious Undertones Revealed However, this epiphany was not Just about the ignorant man attaining insight, but a divine realization. In Carver’s “Cathedral” the main character not only experiences an epiphany Into keenness. He also awakens too world of religious insight. There are several indicators that affirm this assertion. First,…...
Brutal Dog Fights
Words • 2273
Pages • 10
The folllowing sample essay on Brutal Dog Fights discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Dog fighting is an extremely disturbing crime that receives more and more attention in the underground world. For immoral and unethical reasons this corruption became illegal until the late 1870s in most of the United States. Yet, owners still continue to risk their dog’s life for money or in…...
AnimalsDogFamilySocial Issues
The Darkness Out There Analysis
Words • 1852
Pages • 8
The folllowing sample essay on The Darkness Out There Analysis discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Both authors use their titles as a way of drawing in the reader by making them ask questions right from the start. Lively chose the title “The Darkness Out There” and this poses the question, “What is “The Darkness? ” The word darkness foreshadows that the story…...
Black Smoke Savannah Cat
Words • 1711
Pages • 7
This sample essay on Black Smoke Savannah Cat provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.A Savannah Cat is actually a hybrid between a Siamese cat and a Serval The Savannah cats name is given to the off spring of a domestic cat and several medium sized, large-eared Wild African cats. The unusual offspring became popular among breeders at the end of…...
Wolf’s Rain Anime
Words • 2209
Pages • 9
This essay sample essay on Wolf's Rain Anime offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Keiko Nobumoto’s Wolf’s Rain is considered a classic in the anime community. It is set in an alternate, post apocalyptic-world. A world where wolves have been hunted to near extinction but have found a way to survive and live alongside humans. Which is by them disguising themselves as humans. The anime…...
Stifler Eats Dog Poop
Words • 1822
Pages • 8
This essay sample essay on Stifler Eats Dog Poop offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.The media have the power through selection to give us an influential portrayal of different groups, situations and ideas. We see these representations in different ways according to our own assumptions. Representations can change over time and give us a kind of social barometer of changing representations of social groups…...
Dairy Farming Essay
Words • 1672
Pages • 7
The sample essay on Dairy Farming Essay deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.The Big Business of Dairy Farming : Big Trouble for Cows June 11, 2007 Most people are aware that dairies in the United States bear little resemblance to the idyllic pastures of yesteryear. As with other branches of animal agriculture, such as chicken and egg production, hog farming, and beef…...
AgricultureAnimalsFactory FarmingFood IndustryIndustryMammals
Elizabethan Era Transportation
Words • 1673
Pages • 7
The essay sample on Elizabethan Era Transportation dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Woodward Academy Quotation Notebook Spring Semester, Second Quarter Huston T. Collings English 8H-2 March 29, 2010 Collings 1 Transportation is one of the most important parts of society today and even five hundred years ago. In Elizabethan England, travel was very basic, just feet, hooves, and wheels on cobblestone streets (Singman…...
Poem Catrin Analysis
Words • 1601
Pages • 7
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Catrin Poem. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Relationships can be portrayed through biological links, friendships and bonds between subjects of connotations and meaning. The intention of both poets is mainly to portray the strengths and weaknesses behind all bonds and the effect they encompass on the reader. Poets have the power to create, transform and enlighten upon a subject…...
Company Of Wolves
Words • 1534
Pages • 7
The essay sample on Company Of Wolves dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.In ‘The Company of Wolves’ the distinction made between man and wolf is based upon, ‘the wolf is the worst for he cannot listen to reason. ‘(p. 111) The forest the wolf inhabits represents an intermediary between the natural and unnatural worlds and it is ‘between the portals of the great…...
Catch Me If You Can Analysis Essay
Words • 1879
Pages • 8
This sample essay on Catch Me If You Can Analysis Essay provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Society is everything we see around us – the atmosphere we live in and the place we call home, the average people and their beliefs and what is accepted and what isn’t. It is in other terms, the world around us. In the film,…...
Thesis Dumbo Disney Movie Analysis
Words • 2172
Pages • 9
This sample paper on Thesis Dumbo offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below. Introduction: When thinking of films that portray disability Disney animated films generally are not the first titles that people think of. When thinking of Disney movies most people think of princesses, villains, magical places, and happily ever after, but there is another side to Disney that is not so…...
DisabilityElephantHuman NatureShame
Boxer Vs Pitbull
Words • 1332
Pages • 6
The sample paper on Boxer Vs Pitbull familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier Melanie Donaldson EN 1101 Mr. L December 21, 2010 The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier What makes these two dogs so similar is that they are two of the top most popular pets in the United States. It been said, that dogs are man’s best friend, and because of…...
DogDog BreedsHuntingPets
Dogs Macadamia Nuts
Words • 1271
Pages • 6
The essay sample on Dogs Macadamia Nuts dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Macadamia Nut poisoning in dogs| Roger Meadows| VET 123 Mrs. Owens | | Macadamia nuts come from the Macadamia tree grown in the United States, mostly found in Hawaii. They are popular ingredients found in cookies and candies or on a table during a party. Every year, calls are made to…...
Sample Paper on Origins of Bipedalism
Words • 1123
Pages • 5
  Upright walking is far more complicated than many people think. It requires a number of highly specialized adaptations that have taken millions of years to evolve. It is part of what defines the human race, because there is no other organism on the planet that shares this group of skills. An understanding of the origins of bipedalism is therefore the key to answering many questions about human nature. To understand the evolution of bipedal locomotion, one must first look…...
The Rocking Horse Winner Summary
Words • 1394
Pages • 6
This essay sample on The Rocking Horse Winner Summary provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.In David Herbert Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” Paul was a young child from a money-oriented family whose personality evolved from an introverted and inquisitive little boy seeking his mother’s attention to an obsession with trying to please her. Paul’s mother was merely attracted to material…...
Essays on Pets: Framework and Research
Words • 1225
Pages • 5
This sample paper on Essays On Pets offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.The public, government and breeders all have their hand in this catastrophic epidemic. So who is to blame for this epidemic? Since government intervention has caused more harm than foul, what will need to change in order for anything to improve? The pet overpopulation epidemic is not a myth, not…...
Royal Bengal Tiger Extinction Issue
Words • 1143
Pages • 5
This essay sample on Essay On Bengal Tiger provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. Royal Bengal Tiger The Royal Bengal Tiger, once known as the reigning feline of Asia, are now on the brink of extinction. This beautiful species is quickly disappearing due to human activity. Land development has pushed back forestry, which is making it almost impossible for…...
AnimalsEndangered SpeciesHuntingPoachingTigerZoology
Catherine A View From The Bridge
Words • 1401
Pages • 6
This sample of an academic paper on Catherine A View From The Bridge reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.The relationship between Catherine and Rodolfo also creates tension throughout the characters, and this is easily picked up on by the audience. In Eddie’s view they almost taunt him with it by flaunting it in front of him, and the audience can see that it is Eddie’s inability to control…...
BridgeCatEntertainmentFamilyFilm AnalysisLife
Tybalt King Of Cats
Words • 1048
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Tybalt King Of Cats discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.In act 3 scene 1 the characters frequently change this creates dramatic impact. Drama is the moments of change that could be in the following such as character, mood, atmosphere and plot. These factors provoke a response from the audience. Impact is the response to surprise, reaction and…...
Blue Remembered Hills
Words • 1247
Pages • 5
This sample paper on Blue Remembered Hills offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.Blue Remembered Hills revolves around a summer’s afternoon in a remote country setting and is about seven children and the tasks they go through in a day. The play includes many forms of cruelty for example; physical bullying, animal cruelty, child abuse and emotional bullying. Blue Remembered Hills was set…...
Animal CrueltyAnimalsZoology
Siberian Husky Faithfully Serves People
Words • 1501
Pages • 7
This sample essay on About Siberian Huskies provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Siberian Husky BY fallibility’s Siberian Huskies I chose Siberian huskies because they are my favorite type of vertebrates. I like them because they have a very nice coat and they can have multi- colored eyes. Siberian huskies will get to be very big dogs when they mature…...
AnimalsDiseaseDogDog BreedsLupus
We've found 277 essay examples on Animals

FAQ about Animals

Do you know what a red panda is?
...This fact however may eventually become false. The red panda population is now dwindling. Over the years red pandas have lost more than 40% of their population. Why is their population decreasing? It is decreasing because of people tearing down their...
A wolf is a wild carnivorous mammal which is the largest member
...In the “Nature” poems found in the Indian poetry anthology and the “nature” poems found in “One Eye’d Leigh” by Katherine Kilalea, we find that similarly these poems do not have a rhyme scheme. Although this is the case it is evident that the ...
Why Do I Want to Go to Spain?
...One of my good friends family are from Spain, they talk about their culture all the time. This is one of my places that I would love to visit in the near future. My friend talks about how beautiful Spain is in the summer. My friend told me about the ...
How Was Halloween With My Friends
...The sun was starting to come up and the moon was starting to set. The skeletons, beasts, and creatures were all starting to go back into their graves.The ghosts and the party decorations started to disappear out of the air. The cake and the dancefloo...
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