Essays on Work

Free essays on work are academic papers written on the topic of work, employment, and careers. These essays may include various subtopics, such as the benefits and drawbacks of different types of jobs, the impact of technology on the workforce, or the effects of the pandemic on the job market. Students and researchers can utilize these essays as study aids or reference materials to gain insights into the latest trends and research in the field of work. Additionally, individuals who are seeking employment may find these essays helpful in understanding the current job market and in formulating job search strategies. Overall, free essays on work provide valuable information and analysis on the vital topic of work and employment.
We Can, but Dare We
Words • 1205
Pages • 5
In the advancing world of technology we have access to various forms of devices, which enable us to communicate faster and efficiently. Technology has provided us to communicate with one another via phone call, text messenger, FaceTime and other forms of social media that make communication a lot easier. As technologies continue to grow, it has significantly made an impact in the medical field. Nursing informatics itself is a specialty that encourages the usage of communication technology that makes patient…...
Special HIPPA Requiremnys For Dislosing
Words • 1046
Pages • 5
HIPAA is an acronym for the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Commonly known as the health insurance act, HIPAA was enacted by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996. This act was put in place to regulate the privacy of patient health information, as well as to lower the cost of healthcare and shape the many pieces of the complicated US healthcare system. There are three main provisions of the Act: portability, tax, and…...
My First 30 Day Challenge
Words • 616
Pages • 3
This is my first 30-day challenge; so I was excited to experience and explore any feelings uncovered by this process. I use the staircase as my medium of getting me from one floor to another within a building. I realized despite my commitment I will need to resort to an escalator where stairs are unattainable. This change was needed in my life for various reasons. Its everyday activities like using the stairs vs. an elevator that can help me promote…...
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Promoting Culture of Job Satisfaction through Goal Setting Theory
Words • 2957
Pages • 12
The continuously deteriorating conditions in the organization are very concerning for all the employees and directors who are doing their jobs honestly and desire to see their organization prosper. There are only one portion of employees that are causing the problems in the organization by not doing their work and divulging in the activities that is causing them issues as well. In the light of these concerns I would like to promote the job satisfaction culture in the organization. The…...
About Big Changes in The Work of Congress
Words • 670
Pages • 3
The article is operated, that started 10 years ago. The major problem is that the senate and the house are divided to the point that no progress is made in places where the parties don’t agree, many less experienced senators and representatives aren’t able to get fully involved in issues, and small committees are meeting less and less than in the past. Very little progress is being made because every member of each party almost always votes together and a…...
Leaders And Effective Leadership Styles
Words • 1230
Pages • 5
This essay will delve into the qualities of an exemplary leader that researcher desires to emulate, which include of their ability to problem solve, motivate, grow staff and balance their personal lives by use of relational leadership styles. The paper will evaluate the leadership style and communication techniques utilized by the leader, compare and contrast between the identified researcher’s leadership characteristic and style to that of the relational leader characteristics and style. Moreover, the paper will evaluate the researcher’s opportunity…...
Emotional IntelligenceLeadershipNursing
“The Tragic Story of the Life and Death of Doctor Faust” by Chris Marlow
Words • 1345
Pages • 6
Different periods in history had their different authors, and their characters reflected, more often than not, what was happening in that society. Chris Marlowe lived from the middle of the middle age to the early years of the renaissance, where his work is based. Doctor Faustus, like many other works of art, has a hero, a proponent who carries the day throughout the plot. The work of art in question is an Elizabethan comedy, which ends tragically. Written in the…...
Doctor FaustusWork
Lincoln Electric, John S. Lincoln
Words • 1053
Pages • 5
Lincoln Electric was founded in 1895 founded by John C Lincoln in Cleveland, Ohio his company became a world leading in welding equipment and supplies. They had huge success in the USA with its own incentive system which followed high competitive on price, brand, preference, quality, customer services, and innovation, annual bonuses, few benefits, and guaranteed employment. LE success in the United States was through skilled personnel, training practices, and reward system. While analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of LE…...
Indian Market Lincoln Electric
Words • 1278
Pages • 6
It is our recommendation that Lincoln Electric enters the high growth Indian market by acquiring majority stake in smaller welding equipment manufacturers. The company has set high performance standards for itself, especially their goal to grow at double the rate of welding industry’s growth rate which is predicted to be 3% in 2006. These growths are driven by high demand of welding products in China, India, and Eastern Europe. Given the fact that Lincoln has a well-established set-up to cater…...
The Final Fillet Weld
Words • 1299
Pages • 6
Semester ii final assessment soran university faculty of engineering civil engineering department module title/ stage: steel design ii fourth stage module leader: dr. kamaran s. ismail name of student: 1st attempt date of final assessment: 28th june 2020 date and time for report uploading: 30th june 2020 11:30pm fillet welded connection abstract or summary the keywords: lateral list of contents the introduction or background welding is one of the ways to connect structural elements. during welding a metallic bond is…...
Intercultural Communication in the Medical Field
Words • 1692
Pages • 7
Her parents continued to bring her to the hospital with each seizure and she was admitted many times to both inpatient and outpatient facilities. Because the parents thought that Lia’s condition was a spiritual honor, they did not give Lia the medication prescribed by her doctors as they felt it would disrupt the spiritual process. One occasion, Lia’s father ordered that Lia’s IV be removed. Lia’s doctor believed the reason for this request was because the family rather have Lia…...
HealthIntercultural CommunicationNursing
Second Model for Understanding Maura’s Learning and Behavior
Words • 1134
Pages • 5
A second model that can be used to understand Maura’s learning and behavior is the behavioral theory. In this case, the behavioral theory of learning emphasizes on the response of an individual to the environment and other prevailing factors surrounding them. Contrary to the cognitivist theory of learning, the behavioral approach does not consider the learner as highly intelligent and with the ability to store and retrieve information from time to time when faced with new situations. Rather, a particular…...
BehaviorClassical ConditioningModel
Farm Grown Organic Mango
Words • 1018
Pages • 5
Declaration I hereby declare that the Summer Internship Project Report titled ‘A study on consumer buying behavior with reference to farm se organic mangoes’ in Farm Organic is a result of my own work and my indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. If I am found guilty of copying from any other report or published information and showing as my original work, or extending plagiarism limit, I understand that I shall be liable and…...
FarmerHealthOrganic Foods
Living Your Best Life
Words • 724
Pages • 3
It’s one thing to live. It’s another thing to live the best life you can. It is so easy to just put the autopilot on and move through the day without intention. The holidays have passed and if you were like me on New Years Eve you had that all too familiar conversation with yourself: It’s another year, how should I change? What can I do to be better? Regardless of how you answered those questions and decided on your…...
DisciplineLife Changing ExperiencePsychology
We Publish Director Anime
Words • 1048
Pages • 5
Now I could pick any of the many other directors I enjoy, all of which are already fairly well-known for example Satoshi Kon, Mamori Oiishi, Miyazaki, Yuasa, Takahata or Ikuhara etc, but rather than that I will be choosing a director that hasn’t made any masterpieces in my eyes, but boy did I really like pretty much all the works he’s directed. I will be mentioning works of his as well as what about his particular flair makes me enjoy…...
We Publish Annotated Bibliography on Watchmen
Words • 1867
Pages • 8
The article aims to explore the attention that requires appreciation on what Watchmen means to respective fields of adaptation, comic studies, and contemporary cinema. Alan Moore used the words “More regurgitated worms” to describe Zack Snyder’s 2009 film, the adaptation of Watchmen. Literally, Moor’s description can be tempting and may be dismissed as mere hyperbolic egotism, but overstating the importance of his co authored limited series of 1986 with Dave Gibbons is difficult. Despite the wide import and documentation of…...
Publication Art And Design And The Opportunity to Enhance Individuality
Words • 1263
Pages • 6
Romantic literature was one of the most influential periods of writing when talking about American literature. Authors like Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne both produced a plethora of works that changed the way people viewed nature in their time period. Nature today is now viewed in a more flattering light thanks to the Romantic artists. The Romantic period of writing led to a reform of the way people viewed nature by making it a place for spiritual reflection, inspiring…...
Publication about Surrogacy Anthem EVP
Words • 1044
Pages • 5
Anthem, Inc. is one of the largest leading health benefits companies in the United States after the merger with WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. Anthem companies deliver a number of health benefit plans through a wide arrange of integrated health care plans and related services, along with several specialty products like life and disability insurance benefits, dental, vision, behavioral health benefit services, long term care insurance and flexible spending accounts (i.e. Health Savings Accounts (HSA)).  Anthem also employs approximately 57,000 full…...
Collaboration Between Nurses and Other Professionals
Words • 1368
Pages • 6
In the field of nursing, it is crucial to know the art of conflict handling as conflicts are a common occurrence in the workplace. These conflicts tend to arise while providing care to the patient or while being the patient's advocate. While a number of conflicts are sorted out easily, others consume a lot of time and energy, thus derailing what could be the focus on the patient. Patient care tends to be altered by prolonged conflicts, thus causing harm…...
Dental Botox: The Healing Poison
Words • 1555
Pages • 7
This paper discusses the history of botulinum, later branded Botox or BONT-A, a toxic poison common in foods, and how it is now being used therapeutically for many dental conditions. Several journals, websites and magazine sources were used to better understand the different conditions and those afflicted by these conditions and how Botox injections are used to help manage pain and muscle control. There is an increasing number of studies that show the benefits and efficacy of botulinum as an…...
Dental HygienistHealthMedicine
Reccuring Esthetic Dental Proportion
Words • 616
Pages • 3
Many dental problems tend to have esthetics solutions which have good functionality and nice appearance. The advancement of new dental material gives dentists new options of treatment which increases the chance of having treatment with nice and attractive appearance. Many scientists and researchers have explored the beauty of a smile and how it is related in a fascinated way to the proportions and numbers. When someone wants to express happy and joy emotions he/she simply smiles. This smile is made…...
Dental HygienistDentistry
Causes of Dental Caries
Words • 612
Pages • 3
Have you ever suffered from dental caries ? I bet you have heard about this topic so many times during your childhood. Dental caries or tooth decay is a damage or cavity in the surface of the tooth in response to bacterial acids. Regarding to the color created, Fejerskov, Nyvad and Kidd(2008) said ”food stain will sieve into the enamel and hence a white spot lesions may over time change color to brown and even almost black.”(p.8). Studies show that…...
Dental HygienistHealthHealth Care
Current Bioactive Dental Materials
Words • 2001
Pages • 9
INTRODUCTION In this highly competitive market of dental materials, researchers are always looking for the next best material to improve the prognosis of restorative dentistry. Many dental restorations fail due to secondary caries, pulpal sensitivity or inflammation, marginal gaps and discoloration1. Researchers have been testing new dental restorative materials to combat these issues. Bioactive dental materials are one way to decrease the failure rate of restorative dentistry. There are many types of bioactive dental materials out there in the market.…...
ChemistryDental HygienistDentistry
My Research on Choosing a Profession as a Veterinarian or Dental Hygienist
Words • 1319
Pages • 6
When I was younger, I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to do when I grew up. From a young age I knew I wanted to do something in the medical field but was torn between a few things. In middle school I made up my mind to be a Veterinarian. In order to become a Veterinarian, it requires many years of school, experience, and hands-on learning. The process of deciding to become a Vet was somewhat difficult…...
Dental HygienistHealth CareVeterinarian
Furthering the Knowledge of HPV Linked Oral Cancer
Words • 2666
Pages • 11
Abstract Among the familiar risk factors influencing the development of oropharyngeal cancer, like the use of tobacco or excessive consumption of alcohol, human papillomavirus has also been identified as a leading causal agent. A lack of education is present in terms of the link between these two phenomena, HPV and oropharyngeal cancer. A review of the literature was completed to assess the caliber of knowledge surrounding the correlation between human papillomavirus and oropharyngeal cancer, in reference to those diagnosed and…...
CancerDental HygienistMedicine
Their Child’s Oral Health Problem
Words • 958
Pages • 4
As a dental hygienist student, it is my responsibility to know just how important oral health is. Not only in adults, but more importantly, in children. Little did I know was how uneducated parents may be on how vital their child’s oral health really is. One of the main complications I see as a student are ECCs or early childhood caries. This seems to be an ongoing problem, mainly in low-income families, in the United States. “Perceptions of Dental Hygienists…...
Dental HygienistDentistryHealth
Professions Offered on the Path of Dentistry
Words • 1568
Pages • 7
Abstract This paper will contain information such as what a dentist is and what they do, what it takes to become a dentist, what it's like being a dentist and what the salary a person going into dentistry can expect. This paper will go in depth in each of the previously stated topics. It will give a great overview of all one could want to know about the profession itself. Not only will it give information for dentist across the…...
Dental HygienistDentistryHealth
The Importance of Oral Hygiene and How It Has Progressed
Words • 2854
Pages • 12
“Approximately 91 percent of U.S. adults aged 20-64 had dental caries in permanent teeth in 2011-2012 and 96 percent of Americans have tooth decay by age 65 because people do not take good care of their teeth,” found in the report from the CDC’s National Career for Health Statistics. Having poor oral hygiene can cause many health problems and could worsen existing health problems. Poor oral hygiene could cause cancers, such has kidney, pancreatic, or blood cancers. It could also…...
Dental HygienistHealth CareHygiene
Overcoming Communication Barriers at Workplace
Words • 863
Pages • 4
Effective Communication is the foundation of every business seeking success. One of the keys to a successful business relationship is good communication. Communication is a process of transferring information between two individuals, the sender, and the receiver. For communication to be effective, the receiver must fully understand the message that the sender intended. However, there are four types of communication barriers that interfere with good communication. These barriers are process barriers, personal barriers, physical barriers, and semantic barriers. Process Barriers…...
CommunicationWomen'S SuffrageWorkplace
Florence Nightingale
Words • 920
Pages • 4
Nursing theorists are an instrumental piece to the profession of nursing. They have shaped the way nursing began and how it's implemented today. One of the most notorious nursing theorists is Florence Nightingale. Ms. Nightingale was fundamental in the development of modern nursing. Her dedication to the caring and wellbeing of others, is why her legacy lives on today. Florence Nightingale was born May 12, 1820 (Selanders, 2018). She was of British descent and grew up in a very affluent family,…...
Florence NightingaleNursing
Registered Nurses’ Work With Christian Believers
Words • 2106
Pages • 9
In the clinical setting Registered Nurses or RN’s are forced to interact with a multitude of age groups, genders, beliefs, religions, and cultures. According to Spector (2017), “Now, more than ever, providers must become informed about and sensitive to the culturally diverse subjective meanings of health/HEALTH, illness/ILLNESS, and curing/HEALING practices” (Spector, 2017, p. 4). In Northern Nevada there is a vast variety of cultures that a RN may encounter on any given day. For example, one religion that might be encountered would…...
Theory That Helps to Increase Understanding of Readers
Words • 574
Pages • 3
What, if any, was the theoretical framework that was used by article author(s)? The article utilized a theory that helped it to promote the understanding of the readers. The theory used Watson’s Theory of Caring in this specific article. The theory focuses on the value of a human being. Watson’s Theory of Caring emphasizes the need to focus on the whole well-being of the patient. According to the theory, a human being, at no point, cannot be treated as an…...
Colon CancerNursingPatient
The True Meaning of The Service Standard
Words • 1882
Pages • 8
As well as where the word derived from, and what if any changes have been implanted through out to make it better. The roots of medical malpractice go back centuries ago with a crisis breaking out in the 19th century. It is important to strengthen the patient-physician relationship but, we also must remember that changes won’t happen overnight. It is a process but a process that must continue to be steady and not remain at a standstill. The history of…...
Medical MalpracticeService
Digital Marketing On Agency
Words • 2395
Pages • 10
In the meantime, GDP growth is forecast to increase at a 2.2 percent average rate per year over the same 10 year period. The growing trend which makes it easier for people to spend more time on the internet especially on Digital networking sites is a major boost in the revenue generated by Digital networking marketing companies. It is not common to find companies in this industry generating an increasing amount of advertising revenue per user by developing targeted advertising…...
Digital MarketingInvictusMarketingMediaService
Working Conditions U.S Steel Corp
Words • 1086
Pages • 5
U.S steel Corp workers suffered long hour days low wages and horrible working conditions this motivated the workers at U.S. Steel Corp to go on strike and try to improve their low wages and unfair working conditions. Steelworkers were successful to some extent because this strike influenced future labor strikes and future labor laws. Ultimately this event caused tragedy, people were killed and did not gain anything to better their working conditions by striking. During the early 1900s factory workers…...
Social Work
Intrinsic Motivation Factors for Nurses’ job Satisfaction
Words • 2011
Pages • 9
Background: Job satisfaction is defined as the emotional feelings as well as the behavioral expression for a job. Nurses’ job satisfaction contributes to the delivery of high-quality healthcare. Even though nurses are the backbone of patient caring, there was no study done on intrinsic motivation factors for nurses’ job satisfaction West Amhara Hospitals in North West Ethiopia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess intrinsic motivation factors for nurses’ job satisfaction and associated factors in three selected hospitals…...
Job SatisfactionMotivation
Description of The Future Profession
Words • 521
Pages • 3
Identify your profession or future profession, and provide a brief background on the typical job responsibilities. My major is education. My degree will be in early childhood education. As a teacher, I will be creating lesson plans. I will present lessons in a way that facilitates learning. Plan for class activities. Teaching allow teachers to help with student’s instructive needs, capabilities, and successes. Dispensing work and correcting students' work.  Discuss what federalism is and why it is essential. According to…...
An Essay on The stress of Cops at Work
Words • 1087
Pages • 5
In this assignment, we were asked to write an essay about the stress that police officers experience on the job. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that law enforcement is a stressful occupation. If it wasn’t, many more people would be applying for the position. That being said, there has been a growing disconnect and disenchantment in recent years between the public and law enforcement. Protests against police is nothing new, especially in the Northeastern states. This…...
Hate CrimeWork
My Father’s Work Ethic Is My Example
Words • 693
Pages • 3
In 1975, the anti-communist republic government was abolished as the communist forces in North Vietnam reigned over the south. My father, who served for the South Vietnamese Army, was seized of his belongings and left homeless for years. In 1989, my parents immigrated to the United States to search for better opportunities. There were initial hardships transitioning, but with hard work and perseverance our family grew accustomed to the new lifestyle. In hindsight, I admired my father’s relentless work ethic…...
Work Ethic
Qualities Employers Look For in a New Grad
Words • 1012
Pages • 5
In the present time, employers aren’t just looking for someone who has the degree, whether a bachelor’s or Master’s, but the employer wants someone who brings that someone extra to the table. Sure, on a job posting or ad, it says certain requirements the candidate needs to have, but once you get the interview, the perspective changes. For example, when you get those set of questions asked during the interview, they are measuring your sense of responsibility and self-direction. In…...
Work Ethic
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The Importance of Oral Hygiene and How It Has Progressed
...Dentists and dental hygienist do their best to help keep people’s overall health good. They clean teeth, find diseases to help cure, and give tips on how to have good oral hygiene. The history of dental work, inventions, discoveries, and people who...
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