Leaders And Effective Leadership Styles

This essay will delve into the qualities of an exemplary leader that researcher desires to emulate, which include of their ability to problem solve, motivate, grow staff and balance their personal lives by use of relational leadership styles. The paper will evaluate the leadership style and communication techniques utilized by the leader, compare and contrast between the identified researcher’s leadership characteristic and style to that of the relational leader characteristics and style. Moreover, the paper will evaluate the researcher’s opportunity for growth by focussing on communication skills and relational abilities as well as how to solve problems with a patient and the health care team.

The essay will also list three emotional intelligence characteristics the researcher would like to demonstrate in the work setting including a formulating a plan for developing these characteristics.

According to Huber (2017), nursing is a people-centred career and therefore the issue of leadership is important for the success of any health facility. Nurse Manager Leadership styles are known to be crucial determinants of nurse job satisfaction.

In this modern time with the nursing shortage, unequal distribution of health workers, skyrocketing health care cost and ever increasing workload. It has become imperative to examine the role of nurse manager leadership style on their work  The nurse leader the researcher desires to emulate is Carla hazel working at sacred heart hospital who espoused transformational leadership style. This is primarily because she has achieved has so much and so quickly as a nurse manager. Today the hospital has the best nurses and service due to the nurse manager reputation of choosing actions carefully by, establishing priorities whether formulating care for a cluster of clients or fixing strategic plans, prioritizing continually shifts and demanding attention.

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Carla placed a strong emphasis on remembering the three E’s of prioritization; Evaluating what needs to be done, estimating how long and Eliminating work that can be done by someone else. She never lost focus through critical thinking by her willingness to ask questions and accept new ideas. She helped persons to recognize difficulties and to go through the problems solving process to get a solution. Client’s problem, paperwork problems, and staff problems were the main frequently reported challenges. Another policy utilized by Carla was respect to every individual through recognizing people’s differences and helping them discover rewards in their work that means the majority to them.

Additionally, her communication technique involved listening to others by emphasizing that communication encompasses both giving and receiving of a message. The only means to know peoples individual needs and wants were to watch them do and listen to what they say. Encouraging the exchange of information through ensuring channels of communications remained open and that people use them was another technique she treasured most. Providing feedback either negative or positive was required so that employees in the hospital can improve their performance. According to her, a person needed to be given feedback in order to know where to improve. Similarly, she advocated for giving feedback in a way that neither is less harmful nor resented by the person receiving it. For example, a previous nurse leader failed to give feedback on grounds that the workers would know when a good job has been done.

The type of leadership identified above is transformational leadership style since as a leader Carla inspired the team of nurses to achieve remarkable results by giving them the autonomy and authority to make decisions concerning specific task entrusted on the staff. As a leader, the Carla was inspirational and raised the wellbeing and motivation level of the staff by use of excellent rapport. As a leader, she possesses the confidence, courage, and willingness to make a sacrifice for the greater good of the team. Similarities between relational leadership characteristics and style and the transformational leadership identified are that both of them focus to the ability of the leader to encourage and create a positive relationship within the organization through their ability to empathize and demonstrate the mindset and attitude they want to see in their team. They both utilize building and developing oneself and others by enabling them to grow and enlarge their visions. Both styles of leadership model components such as inclusiveness, integrity, empowering, and process oriented.

The main difference between transformational and relational leadership style is that relational leadership style involves connecting people and motivating them through encouragement while transformational leadership style involves setting priorities and plans for an organization. Furthermore, relational leadership style enables people to follow and increase new expression of their vision. On the other hand, transformation leadership characteristics and style assist people to think critically and solve problems. Relational leadership style gives by contributing material resources to people, whereas transformational leadership involves anticipation for the different scenario ahead, for example, handling of stress as well as self-awareness.

The researcher leadership style is democratic, which entails of shared or participative leadership in which the team members take a more participative role in the process of decision-making. In democratic leadership, the leaders have to consult the subordinates before taking any decision while the other hand, transformational leaders focus on inspiring subordinates but delineated the details of decision making to the worker himself or herself. This exemplified by Carla that gave the employees the freedom to do what they perceived as the best by only keeping watch of what the nurses did and provided necessary feedback to their performance The similarities between the researchers style of leadership and Carla is both styles foster an atmosphere of respect and integrity that is fundamental in building a productive team. Likewise, both styles of leadership demand the leader have good communication techniques

The opportunities for growth for the researcher focusing on communication and communication skills and relational abilities include improving on capacity listening to others with experience by emphasizing in giving and receiving information to discover out what individuals need and want. Likewise, the researcher needs to nurture the way in which they exchange information with the subordinate to avoid the occurrence of misunderstandings and mistakes. Finally, the researcher needs to learn how to provide feedback, appreciate both positive, and negative that is crucial to performance improvement. The researcher also needs to develop on problem-solving skills on those issues involving the patient and the healthcare team. The main aim is to get an answer for a given challenge that gratifies everyone involved

Emotional intelligence

According to Spano-Szekely et al. (2016) postulates that relationship aspects of a leader are primarily dictated by their level of emotional intelligence. Some of the emotional intelligence characteristics that the researcher would like to demonstrate on work setting include developing self-awareness, self-management, and relationship management. The researcher plans to develop these skill by realizing and understanding one’s emotions and managing them, channelling them, staying calm and clear-headed, as well as suspending judgment till all information are in when a crisis happens. Moreover, the researcher intends to listen keenly to others, unspoken fears, acknowledge others viewpoints and bring employees together in an atmosphere of respect, cooperating, helpfulness, and collegiality so that they might achieve team goals.


  1. Fischer, S. A. (2016). Transformational leadership in nursing: a concept analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(11), 2644-2653.
  2. Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and Nursing Care Management-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  3. Spano-Szekely, L., Griffin, M. T. Q., Clavelle, J., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2016). Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership in nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(2), 101-108.

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Leaders And Effective Leadership Styles. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/leaders-and-effective-leadership-styles/

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