My First 30 Day Challenge

This is my first 30-day challenge; so I was excited to experience and explore any feelings uncovered by this process. I use the staircase as my medium of getting me from one floor to another within a building. I realized despite my commitment I will need to resort to an escalator where stairs are unattainable. This change was needed in my life for various reasons. Its everyday activities like using the stairs vs. an elevator that can help me promote and achieve overall health.

I have a need to fit in, stepping out and being different will challenge me to embrace my individuality. The first 2 weeks have been an intriguing experience.

During the first week, in observance of the Shavuot holiday, I needed to refrain from the elevator use, as it runs on electricity which is forbidden during Shabbat and Jewish holidays. I live on the 5th floor and work on the 7th floor, taking the staircase has become a part of my daily routine.

In the 2nd week, I anticipated the resistance to using the stairs but didn’t struggle. I never held back, avoided or felt any apprehension towards walking up the stairs. Is it my personality or life experiences, why didn’t I struggle with the process? In reflection; when given a task I just do what’s expected and the assignment required no different of me. When I was denied the standard health insurance class pricing because of my obese BMI, I felt shamed. I pledged to work towards achieving and maintaining overall health.

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I have committed to maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

It’s been 7 months since that awakening and I get stronger with each day. As I move towards my long-term goal, I consciously focus on making each day a successful one. Using the staircase at home or work easily fits into my demanding schedule. With a full-time job, family and college commitment- time is scarce. The health benefits are a perfect way for me to do a high return exercise when I’m busy. It’s easy to adapt as a daily habit and does not require any special skill set or training. Stair climbing is a cardio workout which works our body to release endorphins ‘the feel-good hormones’ which help me relax and reflect- key factors in managing everyday stress and tensions. Could small steps add up to big gains? I have a desire to conform to social standards and not stand out in the community, I anticipated the struggle but adapted easily to the change. People conform for lots of different reasons, culture; whether that elicits respect for authority, fear of being different, fear of rejection or simply a desire for approval.

Growing up in a culture that puts particular emphasis on respect for social standards, might have attributed to my need to blend in with the environment. I internally believe and know we are all unique with individualistic (diverse) thoughts, but I took on the norms expected of me. I consider myself unique with so many inner strengths and skills yet afraid of standing out in my community. I know this is a long-term goal, to step out and be different but this is a first. My proudest moment would be if my kids would join me or take on a commitment of their own, I entertained the idea of selecting a behavior and keeping a journal for the week. When working on achieving a goal it’s always better when done with support, in times of weakness support will usually give one the drive and motivation to persist. To preserve and abstain from a behavior one wishes to engage in takes courage and a strong-minded individual.

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My First 30 Day Challenge. (2022, Mar 01). Retrieved from

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