About Big Changes in The Work of Congress

The article is operated, that started 10 years ago. The major problem is that the senate and the house are divided to the point that no progress is made in places where the parties don’t agree, many less experienced senators and representatives aren’t able to get fully involved in issues, and small committees are meeting less and less than in the past. Very little progress is being made because every member of each party almost always votes together and a limited number of amendments are allowed on bills passing through each house.

In addition to that, many younger senators aren’t fully participating or allowed in the discussions and decision making and sometimes the house leader decides to not allow discussion at all. Finally, small committees are meeting less and less each year. In fact, between 2006 and 2016 the number of times a house committee met was halted and the number of times a senate committee met was almost quartered. In general, the article is explaining why today’s congress is not working well or working the way the founding fathers intended it to.

The relates to what we are talking about in class because we are talking all about how the founding fathers wrote the constitution, the compromises they made to write the constitution, and how the government is designed to work. This article relates to that because this article is explaining why the government doesn’t work, and in order to understand why the government doesn’t work you need to be able to understand how it is supposed to work.

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The original goal of the legislative branch was to write bills, which were revised by input from the representatives, with an end goal of eventually creating a law. However, when committees aren’t meeting often enough to write new bills, input is not being taken on bills, and bills as so disagreed upon that the don’t get through, our legislative branch is not operating properly or as intended. With all these problems our legislative branch is doing almost doing nothing at all.

This event could have huge implications for our nation in the future. It the trend continues and legislative branch continues to become more and more ineffective, the it will lose its power in the government and the executive branch will get more power. If are Executive gets too much power then our government starts to turn into a dictatorship with no checks and balances and one person making all of the decisions. On the other hand, if we are are able to reverse the trend, we could restore the government back to the way it was intended to be. Resulting in the formation of new laws in a timely manner, and progress being made to improve our country, and more than one person making the decisions about our country. If not reversed this trend could cause major problems in or government system, however if we are able to reverse the trend we could stop our government from turning into a dictatorship.

I think that this event is a very bad thing for a nation going forward. The legislative branch’s inability pass laws has so many side effects including having no laws on new technology. One example of this are drones. Drones are relatively new technology with very few laws and restrictions on them. If two people had a dispute about privacy and the use drones because person thought the other violated their privacy, an the took it into to court, the court would have trouble resolving the issue because of the lack of laws around drones. Another problem with inability to pass laws is a loss of power in the government. If the legislative branch losses power the other branches will gain power, especially the executive branch, and if only one person has the power, then our government is a dictatorship. Also with no legislative branch nobody will able to stop the executive branch from making mistakes that could be harmful to our country.

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About Big Changes in The Work of Congress. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/about-big-changes-in-the-work-of-congress/

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