Paperap is an online platform that offers a vast collection of free essays on various topics, including Poetry Literary Genre. The website's collection of essays on poetry covers different aspects of poetry, such as analysis, interpretation, and critique. Students, educators, and poetry enthusiasts can easily access these essays, as they are available for download in various formats, including PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. The essays on the Paperap website are written by experts in the field, and are designed to help students improve their understanding of poetry and develop their critical thinking skills. With its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of essays, Paperap is the go-to resource for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of poetry literary genre.
English Language and Literature UNIT TEST #5
Read the poem. Instruments poised, chins high Not a blink, nor a sigh As every eye awaits her hand To cue the members of the band. What is the poem's rhyme scheme? aabb Read the paragraph from The Hot Zone. There was not a uniform in the group, although a few members of the ambulance team wore camouflage fatigues. The caravan crossed the Potomac River at Point of Rocks and hit Leesburg Pike just as rush hour began. The traffic…...
Characteristics of Langston Hughes Poetry (SL)
Common Subject of Harlem Renaissance Poetry Sadness, isolation, loneliness, aspects of the African American experience, both historical & contemporary Common Themes Effects of oppression; Emotions of people who are oppressed; Racial identity; Pride; Resistance Two Dominant Styles Emulation of traditional poetic style (elevated and formal diction); Experimentation with new style, especially the African American vernacular Two Dominant Forms Use of traditional forms of romantic poetry, especially the sonnet; Experimentation with new forms and rhythms (jazz, bebop) and free verse Influences…...
CultureFlashcardsHarlem RenaissanceJazzPoetry
English 10 A Unit 1 Pretest
Identify the subject and mood of the poem. Discuss how the poet's use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism contribute to the reader's understanding. There's a resentful mood. There is personification, imagery, and figurative language. Her mother's house represents the attitude of her mother; the walls stood at attention, the air knew to hold its breath, the polished floor defied heel marks. Which excerpt best illustrates a contemplative mood? "Ah, when she moved, she moved more ways than one:" Each…...
Edgar Allan PoeFlashcardsKing ArthurMetaphorPoetry
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English 10 A Unit Test
"Metonymy" is best defined as a figure of speech in which one noun is substituted for another with which it is closely associated Which excerpt best reflects Byron's appreciation of beauty? "the nameless grace/Which waves in every raven tress" "Conceit" is best defined as a lengthy or extended metaphor Which of the following techniques does this poem use? I. simile II. sensory imagery III. allusion I and II Which of the following is a key reason to include hyperbole in…...
Meta Poetry: Poetry about Poetry
Read the excerpt from "Poetry." In the meantime, if you demand on the one hand, the raw material of poetry in all its rawness and that which is on the other hand genuine, you are interested in poetry. What is the theme of this excerpt? Poetry should convey truthful content and emotion. Which words from "A Day for Wandering" best indicate that the speaker is happy to be outside? harmonic, confidant, and content Which statement best describes the effect of…...
Gentility and Social Acceptance in Jane Austen Novels.
publication of Jane Austen's novels Which event did not occur between 1750 and 1800? gentility In order to be socially acceptable, a family needed? increased because of lowered mortality rates from diseases Between 1760 and 1815, England's population? first public railways opened in England What was an important improvement in transportation during this time period? romantics valued emotion and imagination How does Romanticism differ from the Enlightenment? sensibility and imagination Early Romantic writers valued? all of these Robert Burns was?…...
FlashcardsPoetryPride And PrejudiceRomanticismShooting An Elephant
MOOD The overall feeling or emotion felt by the reader. TONE The author's attitude toward his subject; sets the mood. POETRY Literature written in verse with a blend of imagery and sound to tell a story or create an emotional response. VERSE A single line of poetry. STANZA A group of lines within a poem; like a paragraph in prose. ALLITERATION The repetition of a sound or letter at the beginning of words - ex. Sally sells seashells by the…...
Poem 1-A Poison Tree (Conflict Poetry)
Theme 1 that the poem uses? THEME- Anger-How we deal with angry is extremely important EVIDENCE/QUOTES- 'I was angry with my friend/I told my wrath, my wrath did not end' 'I was angry with my foe/I told it not, my wrath did grow' ANALYSIS- The first stanza deals with two different ways of dealing with anger and the two different outcomes that may occur as a result. Theme 2 that the poem uses? THEME- Deception-The speaker bottles things up and…...
A Poison TreeAngerFlashcardsPoetryWilliam Blake
WJEC 2017 Poetry Anthology Comparisons
Death The Manhunt, The Soldier, A Wide in London, Dulce et Decorum Est, Mametz Wood. Location London, Living Space, Hawk Roosting, The Prelude. War The Manhunt, The Soldier, A Wife in London, Dulce et Docurm Est, Mametz Wood. Relationships The Manhunt, Sonnet 43, Cozy Apologia, Valentine, A Wife in London, Afternoons. Grief The Soldier, As Imperceptibly as Grief, A Wife in London. Nature As Imperceptibly as Grief, Death of a Naturalist, Hawk Roosting, To Autumn, The Prelude. Power Hawk Roosting,…...
The Death of a Turret Ball Gunner and Facing It: A Comparison
War provokes many feelings in those that have experienced it and it provokes each of those men differently. Such as in the poems, “The Death of a Turret Ball Gunner” by Randall Jarrell and “Facing It” by Yousef Komunyakaa. These two poems, both similar in theme, have substantial differences. In “Facing It” the feelings of the author are somber and uneasy, while in “The Death of a Turret Ball Gunner” the author seems almost apathetic. In Komunyakaa’s poem, the author…...
"Sound and Sense" Poetry Terms – Duple meter – Irony
Duple meter a meter in which a majority of the feet contain two syllables. Iambic and trochaic are both this End rhyme rhymes that occur at the ends of the lines End-stopped line A line that ends with a natural speech pause, usually marked by punctuation English (Shakespearean) sonnet A sonnet rhyming ababcdcdefefgg. Its content or structure ideally parallels the rhyme scheme, falling into three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet; but it is often structured, like the Italian sonnet,…...
Metaphysical and Cavalier Poetry and Authors
what does metaphysical poetry refer to? the work of group of English lyric poets from the 17th century (not its own movement Who coined this term and when? Samuel Johnson in 1744 metaphysical concerned with abstract thoughts or subjects, like existence, causality, or truth; highly abstract or subtle Sig Fig Poets John Donne and George Herbert defining characteristic metaphysical conceit metaphysical conceit a comparison; a figure of speech that uses unusual and paradoxical images what is metaphysical poetry inspired by?…...
CultureFlashcardsLiterary CriticismPoetry
Metaphysical-Cavalier English 3
time period 17th century, 1625-1660bce English Civil War between cavaliers (support king) vs. roundheads (puritan peeps who back parlament) Oliver Cromwell head of puritans, arrests Charles 1st, set up Republic of England/ English commonwealth, wanted to unite nation but divided, stubborn, ruled 1653-1658 what other nations support the cavaliers Scottland (support charles 2nd) and irish (support catholic cavaliers) when was monarchy restored 1660 school of (ben) Jonson english renaissance (flowery poetry, longed to hold onto past) On my first son…...
types of verse, meter, rhyme, poetic devices, and figurative language
lyric subjective, reflective poetry with regular rhyme scheme and meter which reveals poet's thoughts and feelings to create a single, unique impression narrative non-dramatic, objective verse with regular rhyme scheme and meter which relates a story or narrative sonnet a rigid 14-line verse form, with variable structure and rhyme scheme according to type: Shakespearean (English) or Italian (Petrarchan) ode elaborate lyric verse which deals seriously with a dignified theme blank verse unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter free verse unrhymed lines…...
Grade 10- poetry terms:sound devices, structure, types AND Literature
onomatopoeia A word that imitates the sound it represents. rhyme Repetition of sounds at the end of words alliteration Repetition of sounds at the beginning of words consonance Repetition of a consonant sound within two or more words in close proximity. assonance Repetition of a vowel sound within two or more words in close proximity stanza A group of lines in a poem forming metrical unit couplet A pair (2) of rhymed lines that may or may not constitute a…...
Sonnets and metaphysical poetry
Sonnet a poem usually of 14 lines in which the poet examines two usually contrasting ideas, emotions, states of mind, beliefs, actions, events, images, etc., by juxtaposing the two against each other, and possibly resolving or just revealing the tensions created and operative between the two 3 types of sonnets • Italian • Spenserian and English Italian (Pertrarchrain) sonnet ID • Divided into two sections by two different groups of rhyming sounds • The first 8 lines is called the…...
FlashcardsLiterary CriticismPoetryRhymeSonnet
Week 12 Poetry Terms "John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in two or more stressed syllables refrain A phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated throughout a poem, usually after every stanza. Theme A main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly. Tone A writer's attitude toward his or her subject matter Slant Rhyme rhyme in which the vowel sounds are nearly, but not exactly the same (i.e. the words…...
Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art by John Keats
What is the poem alluding to? The North Star (a.k.a. Polaris) Why does the author want to be like the star? The star is never changing Who wrote "Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art" John Keats You can infer that the narrator in the poem is a what, because he is referring to the North Star? A traveler (one who may be lost or adrift) What type of figurative language is in lines 1-2 of the poem?…...
FlashcardsLiterary CriticismPoemsPoetrySonnet
Anglo-Saxon Poetry, The Seafarer and The wanderer, The Wife’s Lament
Six characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poetry alliteration, epithets, kennings, understatements, repetition, and caesuras Define alliteration the repetition of the 1st consonant sound in a single line of poetry Define epithets an adjective only used for describe a certain noun Define kennings two nouns to describe one well-known noun Define understatements a statement making a scene less than what it is Define repetition repeating the same idea multiple times in different ways Define caesuras a pause/cut in the middle of the line…...
AP English – John Donne ~ John Milton
Metaphysical Poetry (History/Coined) a collection of different poets... *not a genre or a group that interacted!!. • Coined by Samuel Johnson (after the fact) Metaphysical Poetry (Definition) "meta" - after "physical" - world Questions that go beyond science I.e. religion, predestination? free choice? God(s)? Chief techniques used in Metaphysical Poetry (2) *Conceits* - extended metaphors Also used *wit & humor* to answer their questions... sometimes satirically- emphasis on intelligent humor List the Metaphysical Poets John Donne George Herbert John Donne…...
Andrew MarvellFlashcardsJohn DonneLoveParadise LostPoetry
Poetry vs. Prose Quiz
Poetry language sung, chanted, spoken, or written according to some recurrence that emphasizes the relationship of words according to sound as well as meaning. Prose the form of written language or everyday speech that is not organized according to the formal patterns of verse. Narrative Poetry the class of poems that tell stories. Ballard Form of Narrative Poetry- a story told in song, usually derived from a tragic incident in local history or legend Epic Form of Narrative Poetry- a…...
Emily Dickinson, "Success is counted sweetest…"
The alliteration in the first stanza serves to (A) soothe the reader (B) highlight the envious tone (C) complement the assonance in the fi rst stanza (D) contrast the consonance in the second stanza (E) emphasize the appeal of success by creating an appealing sound (E) emphasize the appeal of success by creating an appealing sound The rhythm and beat of the poem as a whole can best be described as consisting of (A) three to four feet of iambs…...
Literary Terms (Examples)
Alliteration the repetition of similar sounds, usually consonants, in a group of words ("whose heart hung humble" -The Open Boat by Stephen Crane) Allusion a reference to a person, a place, an even, or a literary work that a writer expects a reader to recognize ("He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot and Priam's Neighbors"-Miniver Cheevy by Edwin Arlington Robinson) Apostrophe a figure of speech where something inanimate or nonhuman is addressed directly ("Sleep sweetly in your humble graves"-Ode on the…...
English Topic Test
What is a key reason to include metaphors in a literary work? to create new and surprising comparisons and deepen understanding Read the excerpt below from the poem "The Taxi" by Amy Lowell and complete the statement that follows. When I go away from you The world beats dead Like a slackened drum. Source: Lowell, Amy. "The Taxi." The Complete Poetical Works of Amy Lowell. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983. Poetry Foundation. Web. 9 June 2011. Each of the…...
Literary Terms (Cliche-Inversion)
Cliche is a word or phrase, often a figure of speech, that has become lifeless because of overuse Colloquialism a word or phrase in everyday use in conversation and informal writing but is inappropriate for formal situations Comic Relief the use of a comic scene to interrupt a series of intense dramatic moments Conflict the struggle between opposing forces or characters in a story External Conflict conflicts can exist between two people, between a person and nature or a machine,…...
third grade poetry vocabulary
poetry words written in a verse stanzaa group of lines in a poem, like a paragraph in a story line one row of text in a poem rhyme scheme a way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem repetition using the same word or phrase over and over again speaker / narrator the voice behind the poem, the person we imagine is speaking imagery making a mental picture in your mind from words in the poem. free…...
Analyzing Ekphrastic Poetry Assignment
What does the difference in size between Icarus and the farmer at the forefront most clearly suggest? The farmer plays a bigger role in the landscape than Icarus. What detail of the myth is suggested in the poem but not in the painting? What connection between the painting's landscape and the myth does this detail convey? 2nd choice 3rd choice How do the words pageantry, awake, and tingling relate to the painting? They describe the vibrant landscape depicted in the…...
English : the rose that grew from concrete
The Rose that Grew from the Concrete by American rapper Tupac Shakur is about reaching our goals in life despite the hardships and conflicts that we face on the way. The poem is highly inspirational and motivating the readers to focus and realize their dreams to make them come true. Summary: The poet begins the poem with a question that whether we have heard about the rose that has grown out from a crack in the concrete. Refuting the laws…...
English Language Arts 11 – All Questions/Answers
What is the most important idea of the second paragraph of Of Plymouth Plantation? The Pilgrims and ship's officers discussed the damage to the ship and decided to continue the voyage. To whom would Of Plymouth Plantation be most useful? someone looking for information about how early immigrants traveled to Cape Cod Of Plymouth Plantation suggests that one of the strongest values of the Plymouth colonists was Godliness. What is the central idea of the fourth paragraph of Of Plymouth…...
Puritans and Literary Devices
Puritan Plain Style short words, direct statements, and references to ordinary, everyday objects; clearly expressed only useful or religious ideas; used by Anne Bradstreet and Benjamin Franklin anastrophe Make me, O Lord, Thy spinning wheel complete.- Huswifery slant rhyme Then dye the same in heavenly colors choice. All pinked with varnished flowers of paradise. - Huswifery catalogue Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will Affections, judgment, conscience, memory - Huswifery John Smith first man to promote permanent settlement of America; English…...
Anne BradstreetChristianityFlashcardsPoetryTheology
Madrigal Poetry Vocab
abstract refers to language that describes concepts rather than concrete images (ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places) ex: love, faith, friendship alliteration the repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words. ex: she sells seashells allusion a reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art. can be historical, literary, religious, or mythical, plus many more possibilities anaphora repetition…...
Keats: Selected Poems
'O solitude! If I must with thee dwell: key themes Presentation of nature The imagination The individual Solitude 'O solitude! If I must with thee dwell: key points and analysis Use of address: archaic feature of poetry (particularly Greek and Roman)- personifies solitude; thus solitude is more to Keats (e.g. imagination/state of mind) Juxtaposition of nature and urban: 'jumbled heap' and 'the steep'- vertical in nature thus ascension and therefore progression/ Use of Enjambment: 'steep/ Nature's observatory'- there is a…...
Puritan Poetry
Anne Bradstreet wrote To My Dear and Loving Husband and Upon the Burning of Our House "Huswifery" was written by Edward Taylor The speaker claims at the beginning of "To My Dear and Loving Husband" that her relationship is the best that there ever was Metaphor Comparison of two unlike things NOT using like or as The last lines of "To My Dear and Loving Husband reveal the speaker's . . . strong belief in eternal life and God "mold'ring…...
Anne BradstreetCultureFlashcardsPoetry
An Examination of the Poetry of Anne Bradstreet
Prologue Summary -Anne is humble, believing that she isn't good as men, but believes women still deserve a chance How does Bradstreet view herself in comparison to other poets or writers of the time? -She doesn't believe she is as talented as other people of her time What is Bradstreet's concept of Art? -Art is inspiring for others but she isn't inspired by it -She doesn't know how to put it in her own words What is her attitude towards…...
My Last Duchess
My Last Duchess Robert Browning [1812-1889] -duke is speaking with an ambassador for a potential wife telling the story of how he killed his old wife (last duchess) because she expressed joy in everything, like compliments -talking while looking at painting of old wife -imagery, enjambment, caesura I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud William Wordsworth [1770-1850] -speaker is walking along the coast of a bay, describing the scenic views -personification, elision, imagery, hyperbole The Double Play Robert Wallace [1932] -poem…...
Literary Devices of Prose & Poetry
Setting The time and place in which the events of a literary work take place. Plot Structure: A. Exposition Gives background information on such things as character and setting. Plot Structure: B. Rising Action/Conflict A series of complications that develop Plot Structure: C. Crisis/Climax/Turning Point An accumulation of events that reach a turning point Plot Structure: D. Falling Action The downward rushing of events towards a resolution Plot Structure: E. Resolution/Denouement A final unraveling of all the complications of the…...
POETRY- Good Friday (Am I a stone and not a sheep)
What is the context surrounding the poem? Rossetti's religious beliefs- Good Friday is a Holy Day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus. Attitudes towards women. What are the main themes shown throughout the poem? Extent of religious faith and the consequences/ rewards of it. Hope given through religious faith. How does Rossetti show these themes through the poem? Uses euphemism for "stone" and "sheep" to demonstrate contrast between the sporadic and steadfast believer- the 'stone' will be lifeless and unfeeling, unable…...
Mock Epic: from TheRape of the Lock
Exulting rejoicing Repast meal Desist stop Recesses secluded or hidden places Titillating exciting; stimulating Dejects casts down; dispirits Nymphs young ladies Snuff powdered tobacco product sniffed or rubbed on the teeth and gums Omber card game for three players, popular in the eighteenth century Berries coffee beans While The Rape of the Lock was intended to mock the pretentious behavior of the English upper class, Pope accomplished his intention by adopting a humorous tone in the poem. In a short…...
Alexander PopeFlashcardsPoetry
Poetry of William Blake (all questions!)
Where in the poem does the speaker wonder if the tiger may have been created by God? What imagery tells us that the tiger could also be a demonic creation? Right at the middle the speaker wonders if the tiger was created by God. There is a lot of imagery that tells us the tiger could be a demonic creation. What imagery suggests that the tiger could be a force of enlightenment and of revolutionary violence? The image of the…...
FlashcardsPoetryThe Rime Of The Ancient MarinerThe TygerThe World Is Too Much With Us
Henry Longfellow, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Born in Portland, Maine Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Watched ships while thinking Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Published first poem at 13 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Went to Bowdoin College Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Knew foreign languages very well Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Married Mary Potter Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Became a professor at Bowdoin College Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Became a professor at Harvard Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Pregnant wife died Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Wrote Voices of the Night Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Married Frances Appleton…...
Emily DickinsonFlashcardsPoetryWalt Whitman
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on Poetry