Essays on Nature

Free essays on nature refer to written pieces of work that discuss different aspects of the natural world. These can range from essays about the ecological balance of nature to personal narratives about the beauty of nature. These essays are typically available online for individuals to read and use for educational purposes. The essays can be informative, thought-provoking, and inspiring, and can provide a greater appreciation for the environment around us.
Constellations Endless Night Sky
Words • 598
Pages • 3
It was just past ten o'clock and the icy blades of grass, preemptively freezing for next morning's dew, brushed against my Achilles tendon, sending shivers down my spine. I began to focus the rusty telescope into the vast night sky, looking past the mammoth trees and water towers that obstructed the moonlit view. As the lens began to clear, I focused my attention on the sea of stars above me. Like my ancestors before me, I began to see the…...
Jackson PollockNight
Let The Sea Set You Free
Words • 897
Pages • 4
For me, a location that best helps me relax is the beach. The waves are always calm and quiet with a steady cool flowing breeze coming off the water. The weather in the ocean always abides beautiful, the sun still shining, and the waves always falling to crash. It is different from any other place; it brings a bright adventure. I go to the beach to get away from all my problems and anxiety that brings me down physically and…...
Sustainability And a Brief Assessment of Their Results
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Submit your Resiliency score and a short assessment of your results. I scored a 6 on my resiliency test. This puts me in the bottom most score of the ‘indeterminate section’- right on the boarder with below-average emotional regulation. My score implies that there might be times when I have good control of my emotions and other times when I do not. Do you agree with the test findings? Were you surprised with the results? This was the first resiliency…...
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Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines By Pablo Neruda
Words • 521
Pages • 3
The poem “Tonight I Can Write the Saddest Lines” by Pablo Neruda has a timeless quality, it’s message about loving someone who you aren’t with anymore and young loves passion can be enjoyed by everyone at any point in time. The speaker of the poem writes the saddest lines about his love for a girl that he is no longer with but still loves and she herself is in and out of love for him. He reminisces on their time…...
NightPablo Neruda
What Thoughts Does The Season Of Lent Stir Up In You
Words • 1234
Pages • 5
What thoughts does the season of Lent stir up in you? It may be thoughts of giving up something like caffeine, meat, or alcohol, of contrition, or of the sorrow of the cross. For some, it can be a season of introspection that feels somber or a time pervaded by guilt. For this reason, not everyone connects with Lent. Perhaps this is also due to how you may have experienced the season in other times and places. I challenge you…...
Impact Of Hurricane Katrina
Words • 1219
Pages • 5
Forced local and state governments to implement stronger pre-disaster programs. These programs were implemented to make individuals aware of the risks associated with a natural disaster and make the provision of aid to assist the community in response efforts more easily accessible. State and federal funding started to increase in preparation for another major hurricane. There were still major issues that needed to be addressed within the government. Much emphasis was being placed in getting information to the communities and…...
HurricaneHurricane Katrina
Events That Took Place On Mount Kilauea
Words • 1895
Pages • 8
Introduction In order to really understand the events that took place on Mount Kilauea on May 3, 2018, we first should get to know the volcano and the background of the place the volcano resides, Hawaii. When I think of Hawaii, I think of paradise. Some of the most breathtaking scenery. It is interesting to think that without volcanic activity this beautiful chain of islands would be in existence as it is today. The chain of islands that make up…...
Powerful Storm brings Damage and an Unexpected Surprise to Hawaii
Words • 2163
Pages • 9
With the polar vortex split, it’s probably no surprise to anyone that the country is feeling its effects and dealing with some seriously strong storms that are plaguing the United States. After all, Chicago was at one point colder than Antarctica with a wind chill of -50 degrees. So it’s definitely been a strange year for the United States and people have been sharing their “winter apocalypse” pictures all over social media. Strong storms have also made their way over…...
Noise In The Woods
Words • 646
Pages • 3
This happened while I was in the Mendocino National Forest. My friend Kyle and I were trying to get up into a flat area above the tree line and we got there really late thanks to him not being ready to go so we were really pushing it up the trail trying to make camp before dark. Kile hikes way faster than I do, so he got way out ahead of me by, and by the time I got to…...
BigfootInto The WoodsNoise
The major problems of ocean pollution
Words • 1184
Pages • 5
Did you know that without the ocean, you would not be able to survive in this world? The ocean provides us with the water we drink and the air we breathe. Ocean Pollution is becoming a major problem, some people just don’t care about the ocean. Most people think that throwing trash in our local waters would not have an affect on them. What they don’t know is that the ocean not only that it affects marine life, but also…...
The death of aquatic environments from pollution
Words • 2033
Pages • 9
Introduction Ocean pollution is a defining crisis of the twenty-first century. Considering even only the last decade, disasters such as the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill—one that leaked more than 200 million gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, have already caused irreparable damage to our biosphere. Additionally, the millions of tons of trash, oil, fertilizer, sewage, and toxic chemicals that enter the ocean every year only exacerbate this burgeoning problem. Though humanity has prided itself on its mastery…...
Marine PollutionOcean PollutionPlastic Pollution
Helens Spewed Ash in 11 US States
Words • 823
Pages • 4
Helens spewed ash in 11 U.S States, rock and volcanic gas, steam and the destruction of everything due to melting rock, turning the surrounding area into a wasteland, destroyed plans, trees, and whole ecosystems. Hundreds of homes, cabins, and buildings were either damaged or no longer existed. Helens did not expel a lava flow of any kind because the explosion broke the dacite (volcanic rock) magma into pumice (sponge-like stone) and ash particles. St. the early signs that Mt. Helens…...
Continental DriftVolcano
 The Predatory Nature of Human Existence  
Words • 1125
Pages • 5
Written by John Steinbeck in the year 1937, Of Mice And Men illustrates the harrowing, heartfelt, and somewhat controversial tale of George Milton and Lennie Smalls, two migrant workers, as they attempt to navigate the complex societal struggles faced by ranch workers during the Great Depression. The novel has, since its time of publishment, become quite notorious for both positive and negative cognitions, but one point for which no argument can surround is that of Of Mice And Men’s memorability.…...
NatureOf Mice And MenSymbolism
The Remarkable Power and Destruction of Tornadoes and the root of their History
Words • 2582
Pages • 11
This area has been noted for high activity of one of the most unpredictable and destructive forces of mother nature in the United States of America, tornadoes, which are a highly destructive circular wind storm. This area is also notable flatter than a majority of the rest of the United States of America, as well as a higher temperature swing than the rest of the country. Both properties are a catalyst than help these destructive storms form. I will discuss…...
Tropical Forest Ecosystems Issues
Words • 553
Pages • 3
All the tropical forest ecosystems combined host at least two-thirds of the total terrestrial biodiversity. However, the last century marked an astonishingly rapid decline regarding the extent of tropical forest (Gardner & Et all. , 2009). It has been estimated that 350 million hectares so far have been deforested and additionally, around 500 million hectares of tropical forest have been degraded. The consequences of this are the loss of ecological services, which include the loss of biodiversity and watershed protection, the loss…...
Pollution Management
Words • 1012
Pages • 5
Abstract As technology progresses, and the ability to monitor various forms of pollution within the atmosphere is possible, how can ensure the longevity of Earth? NASA has sacrificed numerous missions towards ensuring that we are capable of monitoring different forms of atmospheric composition, and other trends. Yet, we systematically ignore them, and continue burning fossil fuels inefficiently, and waste products generating carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide. These actions have implied consequences, which we will have to face eventually, whether that…...
Sustainable Fashion
Words • 504
Pages • 3
My proposed research topic will focus on sustainable fashion, specifically upcycled fashion and the consumers’ attitudes towards it and its impact on profitability. I chose this topic because I find sustainability in fashion a cause that is dear to me. In a time where people from all parts of the globe can feel the impact of extreme environmental changes, sustainability, especially in the fashion industry, is an important and urgent matter that needs to be addressed and given proper attention.…...
FashionFashion IndustrySustainability
Night by Elie Wiesel Analysis
Words • 856
Pages • 4
Night by Ellie Wiesel is a novel regarding Elie and the other jews being sent to forced labor and concentration camps. Elie Wiesel was about 15-16 years old when he and his family were expelled from their small town and forced to work or die. Elie and his father survive many of the hardships that arise. Soon he and his fellow Jews are liberated by the United States. The story makes you feel dreary at heart when you read about…...
Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace and Night Analysis
Words • 1107
Pages • 5
Fahrenheit 451 In the novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, the psychological manipulation of the resentment of time-consuming things that people living in the society is held to believe creates a moral conflict between Guy Montag and the people around him. In the society Guy lives in, the fire department does not put out fires; they start them. They are all believers of the idea that reading is a waste of time and all books should be burned to save everyone…...
Hurricane Katrina and Police Violence
Words • 867
Pages • 4
New Orleans, also referred to as the ‘Big Easy”, was a city known for their gentle, slow and easy-going way of life. When Hurricane Katrina struck on August 29, 2005, life for its citizens became devastating and fearful. Rumors had circulated that Mayor Ray Nagin had declared martial law. Governor Kathleen Blanco stated “Looting and other lawlessness will not be tolerated.”. City officials helped create a climate in which officers felt justified to take extreme measures to ‘take the city…...
HurricaneHurricane Katrina
High Air Temperatures Due to the Summer Season and Organic Pollution
Words • 1409
Pages • 6
In this study benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of Balaban Stream was detected and appropriate biometric approaches were applied on this organisms. A total 62 taxa were revealed during the research, and most dominant group between the benthic macroinvetebrates was found to Insecta. Researchers like Arman et al., (2019); Musonge et al., (2018); Zeybek et al., (2014); Galdean et al., (2008); Azrina et al., (2006) were found the similar results in different freshwater ecosystem. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation were…...
Body Paragraphs Pollution
Words • 734
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Body Paragraphs Pollution": tells about the freedoms that we are given and the dangers that come with it requires for some limitations to be implemented. At the end of the day, not one person, or law, can make a person not do something. Laws restrain people from doing ignorant and selfish things, which helps protect, defend, and prevent public and environmental dangers. We, as a people, have a natural instinct to not endanger others; for…...
Sustainability Is the Capacity to Endure
Words • 916
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Sustainability Is the Capacity to Endure" looks at the problem of global warming and climatic changes now a days. Pollution is a threat to our world as it would greatly affect our global development. Many cases of hazardous pollution have been resolved, like lead has been banned from car fuels. Toxic wastes are treated with greater care, industrial safety has significantly increased, electric power plants have become cleaner, and energy and materials are used more…...
The Usual Type of Dispensers
Words • 518
Pages • 3
The bottled water dispensers are the customary sort of dispensers that you can have in your home or office space and it can fill in as the focal spot in the workplace where people can grow and appreciate a benevolent discussion. These bottled water dispensers can likewise now and again be found in homes where people lean toward not to have separated water, yet need a decent supply of characteristic spring water. The dispensers of these sorts can have a…...
PollutionWaterWater Pollution
Many People Like to Consume Smoked Foods
Words • 2284
Pages • 10
Today many people like to consume smoked foods. However, the traditional fumigation process with direct contact with smoke can trigger the presence of carcinogenic compounds because traditional smoking can cause air pollution because during the combustion process it produces emissions of poly-hydrocarbons which we know are very dangerous and can causing cancer. Therefore, now with technological advances new alternatives have emerged for processing fishery products using liquid smoke that is safer for health. Tuna fish is popular with the community…...
The abuse of the environment
Words • 647
Pages • 3
The definition of ‘Environment’ by the Cambridge English dictionary: ‘The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.’ Essay on Environment The environment plays a pivotal role in the existence, growth and development of all living things on earth and importantly to humankind’s daily lives. The condition of the environment is very important for the quality of life that we lead. The environment is extremely important for the growth of all life on the earth…...
Importance Of Planting Trees
Words • 485
Pages • 2
Planting billions of trees across the planet is one of the best and cheapest ways of taking 25 percent of CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the crisis of global warming. The need for urgent action is clear, as rapid climate change is progressing apace. Tree planting would have almost immediate results, since trees remove more CO2 when they are young.Essay on Importance of Planting TreesForests are essential for life on earth. Three hundred million people worldwide live in…...
The Speeding Up Global Warming
Words • 486
Pages • 2
Global warming is speeding up. All around the world records for highest temperatures are being broken each year. In Venice, Italy the last year temperature records have been shattered. In November 2019, Australia temperatures hit a staggering 42 degrees beating the record twice since records began. Humankind’s activities are risking failure to meet the Paris Accord. Use of CFC’s and other global warming substances continues at alarming rates. The average temperature for Florida in May 2019 was 78.8 Fahrenheit (26…...
Advantages Disadvantages Deforestation Essay Points
Words • 1011
Pages • 5
This topic will help you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation. Forests are often referred to as the lungs of planet earth. They are the primary source of numerous resources that are important for our survival. They not only provide the major amount of oxygen, they also provide habitat to the majority of the wild life.  Although forests are an important asset for our planet, deforestation is causing a sharp decline in it its quality as well as…...
DeforestationNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesPollutionWater
Global Warming Is a Threat to the Planet
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion, learn to be human first. Water and air, the essential fluids and gases on which all life depends, We have become global garbage cans Said Shannon L. Alder. Humans are the smartest species in the world. We have invented technology in the last few 100 years. This technology helped us a lot, but it is going to be a big problem . I am here to tell…...
Climate ChangeEarthNatural EnvironmentPlasticPollution
Negative Impact of Improper Waste Management
Words • 2058
Pages • 9
The following sample essay on "Negative Impact of Improper Waste Management" is what the challenges faced by authorities dealing with waste. This issue has become especially relevant with the widespread development of infrastructure. With the development of infrastructural, improved the living standard of people and all other human activities including mining, building office complexes and hydropower development has bought a strong negative impact on our mother earth by disposing the unwanted materials or the part of machine that isnt functioning…...
Economic DevelopmentHealthManufacturingMaterialsPlasticPollution
The Benefits of Vegetarianism
Words • 815
Pages • 4
The Benefits of VegetarianismByKaren MesaPhilosophy 2604: CRITICAL THINKING/ETHICSABSTRACTDeciding what a person will eat is a personal choice. Some people will choose a meat-eating lifestyle, some a mixture and others will chose a vegetarian lifestyle. There are many people who do not support a vegetarian diet, for a number of reasons, including limited the idea they are not healthy. They also consider vegetarian movement to be tactics used by environmentalist to promote animal welfare. For those who support vegetarianism it is…...
Traditional marker in Vietnam
Words • 1241
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on " Traditional marker in Vietnam" .In Vietnam having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker. In Vietnam, having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker of beauty. Nguyen Thi Thuy has hair that reaches to her hips, she takes care of it every day and it is one of her greatest possessions (Lebsack, 2018). Unfortunately, hair traders travel to rural areas and target women like her who suffer financially and are desperate for money, they…...
Catholic ChurchHinduismHuman TraffickingSacrificeSlaveryWaste
STATEMENT OF PURPOSEBeing a well wisher of the Mother Nature
Words • 989
Pages • 4
STATEMENT OF PURPOSEBeing a well wisher of the Mother Nature and having volunteered in several social development initiatives, I have now decided to take a step forward in my career to broaden my expertise in the field of Natural Resource Management. It involves development and management of three essential sources of life namely water, food and energy in a sustainable manner.The school I studied was the place where one could witness the ocean of knowledge and intellectual wisdom. As part…...
EngineeringEntrepreneurshipNatural EnvironmentResearchStructural EngineeringSustainability
Deforestation in the Philippines
Words • 2762
Pages • 12
The following sample essay on Deforestation in the Philippines In this chapter, the researchers gather several studies and literature connected with the study listed as follows; (1) Basic Definition (2) History and Causes. (3) Biodiversity (4) Deforestation in the Philippines (5) and lastly, the effects of deforestation. Continuing devastation of backwoods or deforestation is to make the land accessible for different activities. An expected 18 million sections of land (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is the size of the…...
ClimateDeforestationForestMalariaNatural EnvironmentPollution
Consumer Responsibility in Reducing Plastic Usage
Words • 2618
Pages • 11
The following sample essay on "Plastic". We, as consumers, are the only ones who can make a difference in this by being directly and sincerely committed to saving our planet. Our actions must be managed and we must all be on board to achieve the desired results. Carolan 2017 states the popular question.What does sociology have to do with the environment? (p. 4) Most people don`t realize that environmental problems are just as serve as social problems, but they most…...
LitteringMaterialsNatural EnvironmentPlasticPlastic PollutionPollution
Since the effects of global warming and climate change are
Words • 998
Pages • 4
Since the effects of global warming and climate change are becoming serious today, most countries are trying to develop their own green road rating system to put sustainable practices into practice on their roads. This study presents a comprehensive review to identify and determine the material and pavement technology elements most suitable for the development of green road rating systems. The relevant literature hasbeen examined to help identify the material and pavement technology elements. These elements are tabulated and classified…...
EngineeringMaterialsNatural EnvironmentPlasticPollutionRecycling
Toilet Bowl – Sanitary Fixture
Words • 680
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Toilet bowl - sanitary fixture" talks about toilet being one of the most needed and important stuff in a house but it can also be considered a luxury. Having a toilet is extremely important for a household but to me having a flush toilet inside your nice and warm house is a luxury. You absolutely need a toilet, but not everyone in this world is lucky enough to have a flush toilet inside their house.…...
ConstructionHygienePublic HealthWaste ManagementWater
Words • 744
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on EFFECT OF WASTES tells about peoples health problem in daily life. Wastes are undesirable or unproductive elements which abandoned after primary using. Producing waste materials through a lot of human activities and they definitely will be discarded by their owner as they have no longer functions for any operating systems. Nowadays, a large amount of excess waste had become a critical issue in any newspaper, magazine or social media. A heap of the garbage can…...
George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Words • 1844
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on "George Orwell’s Animal Farm": discuss themes of control and power in Animal Farm by George Orwell. A city with dysfunctional attributes is bound to be conquered. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm it shows that without control of power it’ll most definitely fail. There are four main down factors that led to the end of the republic. Many ideals came to mind that has been put into action, but they never finished it. They also had…...
Animal FarmJoseph StalinLitteringNapoleonPollution
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What Thoughts Does The Season Of Lent Stir Up In You
...He once remarked to his sister about the little cemetery at Gailhac-Toulza where their parents were buried, “How good it will be to sleep here, there is so much sunshine!” Our Easter Sunday service will feature Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Five Myst...
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