Essays on Disease

Free essays on disease refer to various types of writing that are accessible online without any cost. These essays focus on various topics related to disease, including the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of various illnesses. Such essays are written by professionals and experts in the medical field, and they strive to educate and inform readers on different aspects of disease. Additionally, free essays on disease may cover different angles, ranging from the social and cultural impact of disease to the latest scientific research on illnesses. Overall, these essays offer valuable insight into the world of medical science and can help people understand the complexities of various diseases.
A Life-Destroying Disease
Words • 427
Pages • 2
The complexities among HIV and Aids, HIV is a malady that strikes the safe frameworks if it stays untreated the individual safe structure will unavoidably be crushed. The more HIV in the stream system the more cd4 cells get polluted. The sickness wrecks the white platelet in the sheltered frameworks called the CD4 and it will make duplicates of itself inside the phones. As HIV devastates a progressively significant proportion of the CD4 cells and makes more duplicates of itself…...
CD4 , HIV, and AIDS
Words • 424
Pages • 2
The contrast between HIV and Aids, HIV is an infection that assaults the insusceptible frameworks if it stays untreated the individual resistant framework will inevitably be decimated. The more HIV in the circulation system the more cd4 cells get contaminated. The infection wrecks the white platelet in the resistant frameworks called the CD4 and it will make duplicates of itself inside the phones. As HIV obliterates a greater amount of the CD4 cells and makes more duplicates of itself the…...
Lupus and autoimmune disease
Words • 1475
Pages • 6
Attention Getter: Lupus is an autoimmune disease and although you may not be able to see it on the outside you can feel it on the inside every moment of your life. Personal experience has led me to my interest in the topic of Lupus, and I believe the general public should be more educated on the topic. Importance: Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus are skyrocketing. According to the American Autoimmune Related Disease Association website which was last updated in…...
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More Than a Number
Words • 609
Pages • 3
The human body has many insane phenomenons that have taken medical scientists ages to understand. One of them is illnesses that attack the human body from the inside. A disease that is found in large numbers in the US is Lupus. This autoimmune disease affects roughly 1.5 million people in America alone. Sadly even with how common Lupus is, most people have either never heard of it. Or have but know little to nothing about the disease. Lupus is an…...
The Effects of Lupus
Words • 449
Pages • 2
''Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease affecting about 1.5 million people in the U.S.'' The resistant framework secures your body from outside trespassers like microscopic organisms and infections. when it recognizes these germs, it assaults with a blend of resistant organisms and explicit proteins called immunoglobulins. There is a solid verification that characteristic properties, epigenetics changes in chromosomes that influence quality activity, basic fragment, diseases, and sullying. Moreover, lupus can influence the bones, skin surface, mind, heart, and lungs. Medication…...
An Analysis of the Social Factors Influencing the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Words • 501
Pages • 3
Social factors have significance in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Many educational programs have been created to inform the public about HIV/AIDS. Free testing and brochures can be found at almost any medical institution or drug rehabilitation building. Public awareness of the causes and preventions of HIV/AIDS has also greatly attributed to controlling the epidemic. Activist groups such as ACT UP created a voice for the HIV/AIDS community and allowed them to express their freedom and rights as human beings. ACT UP…...
Amon on HIV/AIDS Campaigns’ Human Rights
Words • 488
Pages • 2
In the book chapter we read, Joseph Amon introduces and discusses several human rights campaigns that have surfaced in many countries regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Specifically, the “right to know” campaigns focus on providing individuals with knowledge about their HIV status and those of others while the “know your rights” campaigns try to reduce discrimination and persecution against HIV-positive patients through providing legal services, social mobilization, and education, and more. Amon criticizes the “know your rights” campaigns for mandating testing…...
The Subject of HIV/AIDS in Precious by Lee Daniels
Words • 495
Pages • 2
HIV/AIDS in Precious In Precious, Lee Daniels has HIV/AIDS plays a minimal but significant role. This sets the film apart from others that deal with the subject of AIDS, by allowing its protagonist to be identified as more than just an AIDS patient. Also, by showing that the virus devastated low-income African-American communities, Lee Daniels provides insight into the AIDS epidemic by reminding audiences that AIDS was never just a gay disease, a misconception that continues to have harmful consequences to this day. The…...
A History of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
Words • 1145
Pages • 5
HIV/AIDS and Human Services On June 5, 1981, the CDC published their “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report” describing five cases of a rare form of pneumonia in generally healthy young men in Los Angeles (CDC 2001). Following this, reports poured in from across the country stating similar cases. This was the beginning of what we know as the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States. Since then, the human services field has been on the frontlines combating the spread of this disease. As the HIV/AIDS…...
An Essay Explaining the Definition of Extinction
Words • 1234
Pages • 5
There are hundreds of thousands of mammals on the planet; I will be journeying through the existence of wolves. From the evolution of the species to the extinction of some. I will explore why there are so few of the tain species of wolves. I will also study those who want to preserve the wolves rather than those who want to hunt them for sport or money. There are humans in this world who say "Why should I care about…...
A Research on the Chronic Disease of Lupus
Words • 929
Pages • 4
It is estimated that about 5 million people worldwide are afflicted with Lupus. Lupus is a chronic disease that affects the immune and integumentary systems, and in more serious cases, other body systems. Lupus causes the body's immune system to produce autoantibodies, which attack healthy body tissues (What Is Lupus?). In mild cases, only the integumentary system is affected, but as Lupus increases in severity, more organs and organ systems are affected. The severity of the disease and the systems affected depend on the type…...
The Ideal Diet for Lupus Patients
Words • 1242
Pages • 5
How to Eat Right When You Have Lupus As an autoimmune disease, “lupus” is an aggressive health condition that should not be taken lightly. More specifically, the patients with this disorder need to treat their condition with as much care as possible. Because of the diversity found within the human body, each lupus patient has different necessities that require special care. From a general standpoint, every hhuman'sbody reacts differently based on what influences these differences. Therefore, an individual that struggles…...
An Introduction to Multiple Sclerosis
Words • 1304
Pages • 6
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of the myelin sheath surrounding the axons of the central nervous system. The damaged oligodendrocytes which generate myelin cannot be restored. Scarring occurs, which results in an interruption of the salutatory conduction of an action potential down the axon. This slower conduction velocity results in weakness and lack of coordination in the individual suffering from MS (Beas, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001, p. 94). Previously, MS was thought to only…...
Multiple Sclerosis
An Introduction to NINDS Multiple Sclerosis
Words • 1634
Pages • 7
Multiple sclerosis is an ite4ong chronic disease diagnosed primarily in young adults. (NINDS Multiple Sclerosis Information Page 2000 p.1) Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of unknown cause that affects the nervous system. it may cause problems with vision, strength, coordination, speech, bladder control, sensation, or other faculties governed by the eyes, brain, or spinal cord. Both men and women are affected. These types of problems are caused by this disease and the severity of those problems vary greatly from…...
Multiple Sclerosis
An Analysis of Life with Multiple Sclerosis
Words • 266
Pages • 2
Life with Multiple Sclerosis is like a roller coaster, you feel good some days and bad on other days, said David, the person I talked to in the chat room who is living with Multiple Sclerosis. David is 44 years old and has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for 12 years. He was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when he was 32 years old. When | asked David what it was like when he found out he had Multiple Sclerosis, he…...
Multiple Sclerosis
A Study of Global Medical Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis
Words • 691
Pages • 3
Traditional Chinese medicine is today the second-largest healthcare system in the world, ater modem Western medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that the causes of most diseases originate from spiritual, emotional, behavioral dietary, and climatic factors in contrast to the biological and biochemical basis seen by practitioners of modem Western medicine. Chinese medical treatment is aimed at adjusting the environmental and human influences through lifestyle adjustments the use of medicinal herbs, and n and physical therapies. Since modem Western medicine, with…...
Multiple Sclerosis
Role of Self-Care in Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Words • 1317
Pages • 6
Diabetes Self-Management Many people have heard of diabetes mellitus and that it's related to blood sugar. However, not many understand the epidemiology of this disease. Diabetes is a complex chronic illness that redefines a patient's definition of normalcy. In basic terms provided by the CDC, 'it affects how your body turns food into energy' ('Diabetes Homes', 2017). Food that is consumed is broken down into glucose (sugar) and processes into your blood, then, the pancreas releases insulin (a hormone) which…...
Diabetes Support Groups and Their Benefits
Words • 1020
Pages • 5
A support group is a gathering of individuals with similar life experiences who meet to encourage, share, listen, and guide one another through challenges (Hinkle, 2014, p. 92). The different types of support groups are maintenance groups, activity groups, self-help and special problem groups (Keltner & Steele, 2015, pp. 99-101). Each support group is uniquely geared towards needs of the members with some examples being groups for addicts, those with disease, and even groups for coping with loss. The philosophy…...
The History and Clinical Presentation of Diabetes Mellitus
Words • 1666
Pages • 7
Diabetes mellitus (DM) refers to a group of common metabolic disorders which share the phenotype of hyperglycemia.19 There are several distinct types of DM which are caused by a complex interaction of genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle choices.20 With a worldwide increasing incidence, DM will likely to continue to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.21 Depending on the etiology of the DM, factors that contribute to hyperglycemia include reduced insulin secretion, decreased glucose utilization, and increased glucose production.22…...
Importance of Diabetic Mellitus Diet
Words • 561
Pages • 3
A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that regulates a certain food or nutrient consumption. Usually it allows you to remove or limit certain types of foods, consume more of certain types of foods, adjust the consistency of your foods or modify your eating habit. Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly referred to as diabetes, is a category of metabolic disorders characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar over a long period of time. It is when your pancreas doesn't contain enough…...
Diseases CRISPR Could Cure
Words • 850
Pages • 4
The majority of diseases that plague the world target individual’s deoxynucleic acids (DNA). Since most diseases embed themselves into individual's genomes it was nearly impossible to cure diseases until the discovery of CRISPR CAS-9 in 2002. Discovered in prokaryotes and amoeba as an immune defense response is now being studied as a potential cure to DNA manipulating diseases such as AIDS, Blindness, and Muscular Dystrophy (Lander, 2018). CRISPR CAS-9 has the capability to target, cut, and replace specific regions of…...
DiseaseSickle Cell Anemia
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Testing
Words • 567
Pages • 3
Gene-linked abnormalities are disorders resulting from one or more abnormalities formed in a genome during gestation. This genetic problem can be caused not only by an abnormal number of chromosomes, but also by harmful genes. A well known example of a gene-linked abnormality is sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic disorder in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to sufficiently carry oxygen through the body. The gene for the disorder is passed through generations with a…...
DiseaseSickle Cell Anemia
The Sickle-Cell Disease Genetics Mutation
Words • 662
Pages • 3
Understanding the genetics and how we are built on a blueprint containing thousands and thousands of variant codes is something that the science still has much to learn about. Especially when it comes to understanding mutations and the effects that it consequently has on someone’s development and life. In this case we will discuss the research of sickle cell. Sickle cell affects about 70,000-100,000 Americans. Approximately 3,000,000 are a carrier of the trait. Sickle cell is a genetic disorder (…...
DiseaseSickle Cell Anemia
Medical Definition of Sickle Cell Anemia
Words • 635
Pages • 3
Introduction Patient at KAMCJD, her name is Fatemah Alshumrani. She is twenty-four years old. Her chief complaint for this present admission are severe generalized pain especially in her back and her both legs that worsen in coldness and relives by resting. She admitted to the hospital with medical diagnosis of sickle cell anemia, Definition of the medical diagnosis: Sickle cell anemia is an inherited condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen throughout the…...
DiseaseSickle Cell Anemia
Hyperparathyroidism in Humans and Canines
Words • 1522
Pages • 7
Calcium makes up 1 to 2% of total body weight. Ninety-nine percent of that calcium is stored in the bones, whilst the remainder is found in the blood, muscles and other tissues. Maintenance of homeostatic levels of calcium in the blood is regulated by two counterregulatory hormones. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcatonin which are released from the parathyroid gland and thyroid gland, respectively, maintain a blood calcium level of about 10mg/dL [Blaine, Chonchol et al. 2015]. Deviation from that amount…...
DiseaseThyroid Disease
Fluorodopa [F-18] – Thyroid Cancer (Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma)
Words • 1309
Pages • 6
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) has different characteristics compared to all other types of thyroid cancer. It starts as an abnormal growth of cancer within the thyroid cells. It produces from the parafollicular C cells of the thyroid gland. These cells make a hormone called calcitonin instead of making thyroid hormone. It is an uncommon neuroendocrine tumor comparing to all other thyroid malignancies in the United States. In order to detect the medullary thyroid carcinoma we use the Positron Emission Tomography…...
DiseaseThyroid Disease
Seizure Disorders and Thyroid Antibodies
Words • 437
Pages • 2
Importance of thyroid antibodies diagnosis for the patient The testing of anti-thyroid antibodies in cases of a patient who have deranged thyroid profiles is significant. Tipu et al. (2018) notes that common autoimmune thyroid disorders (AITDs) include Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves diseases. Anti-TPO and anti-TG antibodies are present in an estimated 90% of cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (Tipu et al., 2018). Hence, their diagnosis was important in confirming the disease. Symptoms experienced when too much thyroid replacement medication is administered…...
DiseaseThyroid Disease
Hypothyroidism: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatments
Words • 1959
Pages • 8
Fatigue. Weight gain. Sensitivity to cold. Constipation. Anxiety/depression. Hair loss. Joint/muscle weakness. When these symptoms are unexplained and found in conjunction with one another, they are often a sign of hypothyroidism, which is a very common disorder. The thyroid is a small, butterfly shaped gland located at the base of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It is fairly large and consists of two lobes joined by a central mass called the isthmus. It is responsible for making two…...
ObesityThyroid Disease
A Case Study About a 13-Year Old Male Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy
Words • 1003
Pages • 5
This patient is a thirteen-year-old male diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy birth. His female therapist, physical therapist assistance (PTA) at Andalusia Regional Hospital has been seeing him since he was three months old. This patient is an outpatient along with a homehealth patient. He has had surgeries for muscle releases of contractures. Since the PTA has been seeing him of his entire life, I will only discuss his most recent surgery. In April 2002, he had surgery bilaterally for the lengthening…...
Cerebral PalsyDisease
An Overview of the Case of Christy Brown on the Topic of Cerebral Palsy
Words • 375
Pages • 2
Christy Brown was born in Rotunda Hospital, on June 5th, 1932. He was the victim of the Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy is disability caused by brain damage before or during birth, or in the early years of the baby, in result that the baby had loss voluntary muscular control. However, the exact cause is unknown, because some of the factors that might cause the disease are; very low infant birthweight, or maybe the mother were smoking and consume alcohol when…...
Cerebral PalsyDisease
The Story of a Boy with Cerebral Palsy
Words • 434
Pages • 2
Tommy is an eighteen year-old male who was born with Cerebral Palsy and Mild Mental Retardation. He is diagnosed as right - hemiparetic which effects his right leg, arm and hand. Tommy is ambulatory, however, his gait is short and uneven which manifests in a noticeable limp and the dragging of his right leg. He has trouble lifting over ten pounds and walking up stairs but can sit, stand and bend without pain for long periods of time. Tommy is…...
Cerebral PalsyMental Retardation
Words • 605
Pages • 3
A life threatening disease that most individuals in the U.S. are in high risk of is, Malaria. This disease is not contagious because it cannot spread from one human to another. But, malaria is an infectious disease. An infectious disease is a type of a disease that is caused by an infectious agent such as a parasite. In this case, the parasite is an anopheles (female) mosquito. This form of disease is most commonly found in warmer regions of the…...
Assessing the Impact of Training For Parents
Words • 1661
Pages • 7
General Statement of the Problem: The research problem of this article was to explore the impact of a community-based training program for parents and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy who come from a low and middle-income settings where services for these children are most times not available. The authors of this article responded to the need for home and community-based interventions based on past research they encountered. This was clearly defined in the article’s introduction. to Purpose of Study:…...
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy – Symptoms and House. Questions and Answers
Words • 760
Pages • 4
Cerebral Palsy is a condition where it makes you or someone you know have movement issues as a result of abnormal brain development in the womb. These issues may come from some weakness, poor muscle coordination, and spasticity. Though what causes Cerebral Palsy is unknown still. No one has found what is the main cause for it. It can also be with prematurity and low birth weight. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘disability’? What comes to…...
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy Literature Review
Words • 1239
Pages • 5
Cerebral palsy is defined as a group of permanent disorders that develop in the fetal or infant brain that affect the development of movement and posture (Rosenbaum et al., 2006). These permanent disorders limit activity and thus are known as motor disorders. They also affect a wide range of functionality regarding disturbances in sensation, perception, cognition, communication, and behavior (Rosenbaum et al., 2006). Cerebral palsy can be classified or class. The classification system is based on four components: motor abnormalities,…...
Cerebral Palsy
Causes Of Cerebral Palsy And Help Families In The Fight Against This Disease
Words • 1958
Pages • 8
Early Greek mythological examples of congenital deformities included limb anomalies in which individuals had limited movement of their limbs or sometimes even extra or missing limbs. Implications of cerebral palsy are believed to be evident in early 19th-century literature such as Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of King Richard the Third in which Shakespeare makes a point to describe Richard III’s appearance using phrases such as “ill- featured of limbs” or “crook-backed”. (Williams 7) In the late 20th century the late neurologist…...
Cerebral Palsy
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Words • 1224
Pages • 5
Endocrinology is the branch of medicine that studies endocrine glands, specifically their structures, functions and disorders. Endocrine disorders or diseases include a malfunction (no secretion, hyposecretion or hypersecretion) of hormones involving an endocrine gland. The endocrine glands in our body include: hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes and the pineal gland. Hormones are chemical substances that control and regulate actions of target cells or organs by methods of simple feedback (positive and negative feedback) or the nervous system.…...
HealthThyroid Disease
Why Yearly Health Check Up Is Important if You Are Over 40
Words • 964
Pages • 4
As one gets older, it is natural to start worrying about your health and fitness. If you have been someone who has not had an intake of greens or never relied on fitness it is going to show on your internal tests like physical exams, health history exams and many others. It is recommended one conduct a full health checkup every 6 months once they cross 35 years. But people also have the choice to not do it because it…...
EpidemiologyHealthThyroid Disease
Complications of Type 2 Diabetes & Factors Association
Words • 422
Pages • 2
Between 2010 and 2030, there is an expected 70% increase in numbers of adults with diabetes in developing countries and a 20% increase in developed countries (13). Each year more than 231,000 people in the United states and more than 3,96 million people worldwide die from diabetes and its complications (2). This number is expected to increase by more than 50 percent over next decade (1). Estimated global healthcare expenditures to treat and prevent diabetes and its complications is at…...
Toe Amputation Secondary to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Words • 1893
Pages • 8
Toe amputation secondary to Diabetes Mellitus L.B. is a 56-year-old female who lives at home with her adult son and a brother that lives close in the same community. She has two dogs and three cats and no grandchildren. She is on disability and hasn’t worked outside the home in almost ten years. She has a history of type 2 diabetes uncontrolled, schizophrenia, depression, tobacco abuse. She informed ER doctor that she was compliant with her Effexor, Risperidone and Metformin…...
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Why Yearly Health Check Up Is Important if You Are Over 40
...Thyroid: Thyroid disease is a condition present in many people these days. This affects the functioning of your thyroid gland. This is located at the front of your throat let us say neck and produces thyroid hormones and helps in reg...
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