Seizure Disorders and Thyroid Antibodies

Importance of thyroid antibodies diagnosis for the patient

The testing of anti-thyroid antibodies in cases of a patient who have deranged thyroid profiles is significant. Tipu et al. (2018) notes that common autoimmune thyroid disorders (AITDs) include Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves diseases. Anti-TPO and anti-TG antibodies are present in an estimated 90% of cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Tipu et al., 2018). Hence, their diagnosis was important in confirming the disease.

Symptoms experienced when too much thyroid replacement medication is administered

The overuse of prescription thyroid hormone to treat thyroiditis is detrimental.

Daher et al. (2009) observe that symptoms of too much thyroid replacement medication are similar to hyperthyroidism disorder of overactive thyroid gland. Symptoms include constipation, frequent bowel movements, intractable vomiting (Daher et al., 2009). Dahl, Danzi, and Klein (2008) add that patients may also experience cardiovascular changes like high heart rate and sweating. The symptoms relate to hyper-metabolism in the body.

Seizure Disorders

Major assessments that the nurse should make during seizure activity. In an emergency care setting, seizure cases are common.

In assessing seizure activity, the nurse should check for sufficient oxygenation and regular vital signs (Teran, Harper-Kirksey, & Jagoda, 2015). Teran et al. (2015) submit that an evaluation of patient’s history should check past traumas, medication, substance abuse, and neurologic family disorders. Recommended diagnostic testing for adults includes neuroimaging and routine laboratory tests for sodium and glucose (Teran et al., 2015). Rationally, non-necessary exposure to radiation explains why neuroimaging is not preferred for children.

Why EEG is a priority study for patients with seizure disorders

Ideally, an Electroencephalography (EEG) test is a common recommendation for patients with new-onset for seizures.

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Teran et al. (2015) maintain that an EEG test is a precedence when there is a worry of status epilepticus. Studies indicate that one-fourth of patients who receives treatment for status epilepticus may appear to be seizure free and only EEG may detect continuous seizure activity (Teran et al., 2015). Moreover, EEG testing is endorsed for patients who had a seizure before a drug-induced coma or receive a long-acting paralytic agent (Teran et al., 2015). Thus, EEG testing is significant under such medical peculiarities.


  1. Daher, R., Yazbeck, T., Jaoude, J. B., & Abboud, B. (2009). Consequences of dysthyroidism on the digestive tract and viscera. World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG, 15(23), 2834-2038.
  2. Dahl, P., Danzi, S., & Klein, I. (2008). Thyrotoxic cardiac disease. Current Heart Failure Reports, 5(3), 170-176.
  3. Teran, F., Harper-Kirksey, K., & Jagoda, A. (2015). Clinical decision making in seizures and status epilepticus. Emergency Medicine Practice, 17(1), 1-24.
  4. Tipu, H. N., Ahmed, D., Bashir, M. M., & Asif, N. (2018). Significance of testing anti-thyroid autoantibodies in patients with deranged thyroid profile. Journal of Thyroid Research, 2018, 1-5.

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