Essays on Tourism

Paperap is a website that offers a wide range of free essays on tourism. Visitors can find essays on various topics related to tourism, such as the impact of tourism on the environment, the role of technology in tourism, and the importance of sustainable tourism. These essays are written by experts in the field of tourism and are available for anyone to view and download for free. The website also provides helpful tools for organizing and citing the essays. Overall, Paperap is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and anyone interested in exploring the complex world of tourism.
Conflict of Interest: Understanding War.
Words • 1059
Pages • 5
War is known as the armed conflict between countries, states, governments, and informal groups which is solely created by varying focuses of interest of political, social, and economic visions. It started with the wars based on the differences in religions in, the mid-17th century, and then wars were fought for the interests of individual sovereigns such as the French Revolution, World War l, and World War ll, which opened the gate to weapons of mass destruction. War is seen as…...
The War, which Began as a Peaceful Protest
Words • 1692
Pages • 7
What started as a peaceful protest against Middle Eastern dictators seven years ago, has now developed into one of the most brutal conflicts in the world. The presidents of Egypt and Tunisia were successfully forced to resign from their position after the Arab Spring in 2011. These events led pro-democratic Syrians to believe that they could come to the same outcome and have their president, Bashar al-Assad resign from his position. It was at that time that a few teenage…...
Syria’s Path from the Uprising to the War
Words • 1533
Pages • 7
Civil wars are not a new twenty-first-century invention. Tribes, religious communities, and political groups all around the world have been fighting for thousands of years. But, the world has never seen an internal conflict like Syria’s. Over the past eight years, the Syrian civil war has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Men, women, and children have all perished in droves due to the ruthless strategies and tactics used in this conflict. I chose to educate myself on this topic…...
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The Mysterious Tragedy of the Malaysian Flight 370
Words • 552
Pages • 3
It’s been five years, and still, researchers have yet to find out the truth about how this tragic event happened. Malaysian flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at 12:44 am, carrying a total of 239 people, and crashes mysteriously with no answers and barely any evidence. Malaysia flight 370 had crashed and Malaysia has been suffering from how the plane went down, many people believe that the plane was hijacked but many others think that the pilot had…...
Kuala Lumpur
The Story of One Family
Words • 1723
Pages • 7
To current have a complete understanding of expatriation, it is crucial to conduct a thorough and critical review of the current literature regarding the topic. Firstly, to obtain a fully developed understanding of this topic, this literature will cover the key concepts as regards expatriation. In addition, specific cultural contexts will be considered in this literature review such as the Malaysian culture that Simon Jones has difficulty adapting to at the beginning of his job in Malaysia and how these…...
Kuala Lumpur
Capri by Fraser
Words • 680
Pages • 3
Introduction Fraser Hospitality was established on March 31, 1998, and many Fraser Hospitals have been established throughout the country have grown from 412 establishments. Fraser Hospitality starts with 2 properties in Singapore, Fraser Suites River Valley, and Fraser Place Robertson Walk, and grew to more than 24,000 keys worldwide. Fraser Hospitality has 5 brands unique with its offerings but also focuses on the mission and vision of the organization. Fraser Hospitality, a member of Fraser and Property Group, is a…...
Kuala Lumpur
International Relations
Words • 573
Pages • 3
A decision to move the embassy is a fear to other nations as they think it will bring violence but to the Americans, they are focused on creating a better dynamism of peace that will unite both Palestine and Israelites. Americans are focused on bringing peace which has not been achieved over the years. The United States is not focused on the past painful experiences of the both Palestine and the Israeli. Its primary focus is about the future generation.…...
Religious Tourism
Words • 1623
Pages • 7
Than 2,400 years ago to honor gods called Myogin, who were believed capable of performing miracles. At least five deities are now worshipped here: Susano-o mikoto; his wife, Kushinada-Hime; her parents; and the couple’s son. Lotus Temple, New Delhi Annual Visitors: 4.5 million The white lotus-flower-shaped Baha’i temple uses three layers of nine “petals” each to represent the world’s nine major religions and to accentuate the faith’s principles of peace, purity, and unity of all religions. At the base of…...
The Knights Templar
Words • 1526
Pages • 7
The Knights Templar was a big organization of devout Christians who carried out important missions like protecting European travelers that were visiting sites in the Holy Land while also carrying out other military operations. The Poor fellow soldiers of Christ otherwise known as The Knights Templar was founded in the year 1119, and was active until the year 1312. After Christian armies captured Jerusalem from Muslim control during the Crusades in 1099, groups of pilgrims from across Western Europe started…...
Construction of the Colosseum 
Words • 482
Pages • 2
Standing prominent over its surroundings, the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, is recognizable to the entire world. Its general structure can be seen influencing many modern stadiums; this venue was once host to epic battles as Roman crowds bellowed out chants for the favored opponent. What some do not know is that the Colosseum’s construction was integral to the advancement of construction practices; this structure coincided with the introduction of concrete as well as precast parts. Emperor Vespasian, the first of…...
The Muslim Empire
Words • 863
Pages • 4
The Muslim empire emerged as the largest and the most civilized empire ever known in the history. They had the power of mind-blowing ideas, not swords. Holy city of Mecca was the heart of the Muslim empire and was the central feature of devotion of Islam, as Muslims from all over the empire embarked on journeys to Mecca. Soon the ideas and cultures of the Muslims traveled back and forth the empire openly. Leading to the growth of trade because…...
The Conflict Between Palestine and Israel: A Problem Proposal
Words • 867
Pages • 4
Introduction Imagine a world where freedom of religion is nonexistent. Imagine a world where loved ones are dying to obtain freedom of religion. Imagine the birthplace of one’s savior was located within an area where one was not welcome. There are people in the world right now living this struggle; not imagining. The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis has been unremitting. In this problem proposal paper, I will be addressing the issue between Palestine and Israel by including information about…...
Social Order and Stability in Ancient Indian Society
Words • 598
Pages • 3
In Ancient Indian society, social order and stability were created mostly by regional kingdoms, rather than socialized empires. Indian society contained a great amount of political diversity and religion quickly became the rulers' method of creating social order and convincing everyone to behave accordingly. Ancient India is not known for their long-lasting imperial traditions, but its Caste system is one of the thirst we well-known traditions that promoted social unity and order. India was based upon a cultural, philosophical, and theological…...
A Study of the Cultural Diversity in Monsoon Asia
Words • 1325
Pages • 6
Cultural Patterns of Monsoon Asia Mahatma Gandhi said, "No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive” (Yadav 2012). When culture is held as exclusive to one specific group it eventually fades away. However, when it is shared and intermingled with other groups or societies, a culture can sustain itself indefinitely. There is no better example of this sentiment than Monsoon Asia. Despite the diversity in location, ecosystems, nationality, religion, and history, the people that inhabit this region of…...
The Concept of Salvation in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Words • 2914
Pages • 12
Hinduism Throughout the history of Indian culture there has been a continuous interaction between the different religious, linguistic and social groups, and this has resulted in a richly textured mythology, rivalling the whole of the European corpus in quantity and diversity. An enormous bulk of narrative is preserved in the regional languages of India, but in the main the most popular myths have achieved wider currency by being adopted into the supra-regional language, Sanskrit, and collected together in the Puranas,…...
Minor religions worldwide: Jainism, Taoism, Lakhota
Words • 869
Pages • 4
Jainism, Taoism, and Lakhota Beliefs Religion have had a profound impact on the history of nations and how their citizens conduct themselves. Religion has been the cause of wars while also creating a sense of unity. Three religions or beliefs that have influenced today's world are Jainism, Taoism, and the animistic beliefs of the North American tribe, Lakhota. Jainism originated in ancient East India. It is a syncretistic religion, which is very similar to Hinduism and Buddhism. A "Jina", or…...
An Introduction to the Metaphors and Images of Brahmanism and Jainism
Words • 1839
Pages • 8
When I was young I was one of those kids who asked "Why?" about three million times a day. I feel bad for my mom now, but when I was younger I just wanted to know it all. I wanted answers for everything and I still do, and I don't think I am alone. I believe that many other people share that same personality trait as me. My mom tried hard to answer as many as she could and she…...
The Religions of Jainism and Buddhism
Words • 328
Pages • 2
Jainism refers to an Indian religion formed by Mahavira (540-468 B.C.E.), a senior contemporary of Siddhartha Gautama (the founder of Buddhism. Mahavira preached the values of living an ascetic and severely austere existence. He rejected certain aspects of Hinduism and the caste system. Jainism revolves around the basic tenet that all life forms are to be respected and protected because everything possesses its separate soul. As customary to the practice of Jainism, most Jains adhere to vegetarian diets. Yet, some…...
The Popularity of the New York City
Words • 1132
Pages • 5
New York City is the center of America and the second most populated city in current day but has been the first in the past. First, a place that you could visit in New York City is the Empire State Building to have a great view of the whole city Herald Square is a nice and famous place to go for lunch while you‘re visiting. Also, an amusement park to go to is Coney Island that also includes a seaside…...
New York CityPopularity
An Examination of the Administration of Hugo Chavez and the Economy of Venezuela
Words • 2605
Pages • 11
President Hugo Chavez and Venezuela's Economy Introduction to Venezuela Truth be told, everyday life is heavily dependent on oil – from pouring gasoline into cars to the lipstick women use. The importance of oil cannot be ignored when studying Venezuela, a country widely known for its oil industry. Unfortunately, Venezuela's economy heavily depends on its oil industry rather than any other natural resource owned, such as natural gas – its secondary source of energy. Under former President Hugo Chavez's rule,…...
Color Variation in Venezuelan Guppies
Words • 755
Pages • 4
Color variation amongst organisms in a species can prove advantageous or harmful – it can contribute to their survival or death, as seen in the 1970 study by John Endler on the drastic color differences between Venezuelan guppies in different pools. Some of these wild guppies sported vivid, bright colors, while others displayed more drab shades and only offered scattered specks of color. This tremendous contrast in coloration led to a question: "What caused these trends in the coloration of the guppies?” Upon analysis of…...
International Politics and the Oil Industry in Venezuela
Words • 1645
Pages • 7
Politics and the Oil Industry: A Venezuelan Affaire Long before greedy corporations dominated the oil industry, the indigenous people of Venezuela were using natural resources for medicinal and construction purposes. Around the turn of the 15th century, Spanish explorers visiting the coast of Venezuela observed this and introduced its various uses to Europe. It was not until the early 20th century, however, that the first oil well was drilled in Venezuela and oil became a major export product. Before that,…...
The Importance of the Oil and Gas Industry in Venezuela
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Venezuela has inherited the largest volumes of oil and natural gas in the world, as the world's 4th most prolific supplier of crude oil to the USA. Also, Venezuela outstrips the several contributors of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). As of 2014, boasting of its almost 300 billion barrels of oil reserves (298 billion), Venezuela has even topped Saudi Arabia in oil reserves. In addition to petroleum, Venezuela stands prominent among world natural gas producers. In 2014, Venezuela ranked second among American…...
Venezuela’s Downfall
Words • 1219
Pages • 5
In 2011 US. Senator Bernie Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such ...) Venezuela(...), where incomes are more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger," However, looking at Venezuela just a few years later only one word can sum up the situation: turmoil. Despite receiving trillions of dollars in oil revenue over recent decades, Latin America is in full economic collapse. It can be…...
The Impact of Inflation in Venezuela
Words • 396
Pages • 2
Venezuela is not the best place to do business. Inflation is so high that menu costs ordinarily insignificant—would be high. The government has cut ties with the IMF and does not want to switch to a more stable currency to prevent further inflation, like what Zimbabwe did when it switched to the US dollar. But what might cause inflation to be more rampant? Because inflation is how much the growth of money supply outstrips the growth of GDP, assuming velocity is constant (the…...
My Birthday in Las Vegas
Words • 636
Pages • 3
Twenty-one and in Vegas! What an awesome experience and time to be young. When first thinking about what I wanted to do for my twenty-first birthday, visiting Las Vegas, Nevada, was the only thing that jumped out at me. It was my nana and grandfather who ultimately made that trip a reality. My excitement only grew as I planned for the trip, and I counted down the days as the trip approached. While my nana and I prepared to travel, my grandfather secured…...
BirthdayLas Vegas
Slave Insurrections in the History of the United States
Words • 486
Pages • 2
There were over 250 slave insurrections (or slave rebellions or revolts) in the area that would become the United States. Some of the most famous slave insurrections were the Stone Rebellion in 1739 in South Carolina, the Gabriel Prosser conspiracy in 1800 in Virginia, the Denmark Vesey revolt in 1822 in South Carolina, and the Nat Turner revolt in 1831 in Virginia. In each of these insurrections, those involved planned to arm themselves, take over the city, and kill any…...
Benefits of US Political Parties Over Time
Words • 541
Pages • 3
Formation of Political Parties: Early political parties came to be mostly due to two influential government figures voicing their disagreements. Alexander Hamilton, a soldier and a lawyer had determination and a vision to build a more stable economy for America. He had great influence in producing programs with Congress and George Washington such as the Bank of the United States and other debt plans (Ripper, 125). Hamilton believed that America's government and people should focus on building its economy in…...
African American Reparations Controversy
Words • 3207
Pages • 13
Reparations hashavehas have been a hot topic in America for many years, especially for minorities who have been brutalized, forced relocatsavedensl,saved, etc. Whether that be reparations for the Japanese for the past injustice of keeping them in internment camps back in 1942 under the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt or the Great Sioux Nation being rewarded a reparation settlement for land that was once illegally appropriated back in 1877. Other minorities have been granted some form of reparations from the U.S.…...
Immigration Laws’ Negative Effects in Lost in Detention
Words • 548
Pages • 3
Assignment 5: Lost in Detention The documentary, “Lost in Detention,” is about the negative effects of immigration laws and policies in the United States throughout recent history. One of the social and cultural factors associated with this issue is familial separation. When undocumented immigrants are caught in America, whether it is from a traffic stop or a criminal offense, they are often taken away from their families who live here legally. The documentary gave several cases of this, such as when a mother…...
The Important Events in the History of the United States
Words • 446
Pages • 2
One of my favorite examples of different opinions being voiced socially that represented a larger issue in American Stories is the exchange of toasts at a dinner party in 1830: "...Jackson rose and made a toast to the Union: 'Our Union: it must be preserved.' Wild-eyed John C. Calhoun, the vice president, followed with a toast to the states' rights: 'The Union: next to our liberty, the dearest'" (Ripper, 190-191). Not only is this passage comical, but it also gives…...
An Assessment of the Status of Working Women in Dubai, U.A.E.
Words • 1532
Pages • 7
There has been a lot of research that has been carried out to assess the status of women in the Arab world regarding cultural restrictions and gender bias in education and employment. In many Arabic nations, women are prohibited from seeking formal employment. In studies of gender factors and how they influence work, Arabic women are found to have very few opportunities to secure formal employment. The culture in some of the Arabic countries considers the role of women as homemakers and child…...
An Assessment of the Architectural Innovations in Dubai
Words • 893
Pages • 4
Dubai is one of seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula and is possibly the most famous. A city within the emirate also named Dubai has recently emerged as a global city and business hub for the rest of the world within the past few decades. Although being a newcomer, its strategic location has helped it in the international business area and with trade. One reason it has gained so much attention is…...
A Description of the Dubai Mall, a Popular Shopping Attraction
Words • 1310
Pages • 6
Dubai mall is one of the most immense malls around the world. Inside it, everything and anything anyone needs or wants is available. Since Dubai mall is known for the wealthy customers and the expensive and chic boutiques, the anchor shops of the mall are the luxurious shops such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Christian Dior, Fendi, Hermes, etc. Th, ey are the ones that cover one of the biggest parts of the mall and even their design and style are different.…...
Dubai’s Govt Involvement in Destination Branding
Words • 831
Pages • 4
Destination Dubai Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates, located in the Middle East region, is one of the world's fastest-growing tourism destinations. No country just expands that quickly. Rather, they must brand themselves to the community internally and externally. “Destination branding creates awareness of the destination through the brand's imagery, such as a brand slogan, and these images reflect the 'essence of the destination” (Williams, 13). Destination branding intends to market the country to the world. If successful,…...
DEWA Business Opportunities
Words • 2854
Pages • 12
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), is a utility company based in Dubai city and mandated by the government of Dubai t provides water and electricity services to the people of Dubai. Since its inception in 1992, DEWA has grown to become an effective provider of water and electricity services to 500,000 and 600,000 customers respectively (DEWA, 2016). In its long-term strategy, DEWA aims at increasing its installed electricity capacity from 9656 MW to 10000 MW and supply of desalinated water per day…...
A Plan on Advertising Traveling to Las Vegas
Words • 554
Pages • 3
More than 30 million tourists visit Las Vegas each year; 5,000 new residents call this place home every month. Based on this, one can expect to sell different travel packages to visitors. There are various reasons with senior citizens would be good clients for Las Vegas. Senior citizens can be targeted as clients because of their good demographic and amount of leisure time. They also possess a disposable amount of income because they haveinn their savings and retirement account. Senior…...
An Overview of the Dangers of Flash Floods in the Las Vegas Valley
Words • 579
Pages • 3
Torrential rains produced severe and unprecedented flash flooding across the Las Vegas Valley on July 8, 1999. Much of the Las Vegas valley experienced from 35%-70% of its annual rainfall. 13 inches) over 60-90 minutes. The resulting runoff from these rains caused widespread street flooding and record flows in normally dry washes and flood control detention basins, The floods caused over $20,000,000 in property damage and took 2 lives. Flash floods are not unusual in the Las Vegas Valley; however,…...
The Details of the Trip to Las Vegas
Words • 810
Pages • 4
I went to Las Vegas expecting it to be just like what I had seen on television, Bright lights, gambling, fast cars, and women, and couples getting married, were my idea of what Vegas had to offer. Las Vegas not only meet my expectations, but it also delivered much more. It was like Disney World for adults, a place of fantasy and entertainment. The hotel resorts in Vegas have a special theme that distinguished them from each other. It was…...
Taking a Trip to Las Vegas
Words • 803
Pages • 4
Taking a trip to Las Vegas was the best trip | have ever been on. Not a lot of people of my age have traveled to as many places | have been, | have been to every state in the U.S. and only Canada Trip to Vegas has a large role in American Culture. Many people can often be seen taking part in activities associated with a trip to Vegas. This is partly because people of most ages can be…...
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The War, which Began as a Peaceful Protest
...Despite the recent events imposed upon Syria, acts of violence are not guaranteed to resolve anything, nor is it the only thing that the United States can do to help those in danger. It simply does not make any sense for such a powerful nation to rel...
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