Essays on Tourism

Paperap is a website that offers a wide range of free essays on tourism. Visitors can find essays on various topics related to tourism, such as the impact of tourism on the environment, the role of technology in tourism, and the importance of sustainable tourism. These essays are written by experts in the field of tourism and are available for anyone to view and download for free. The website also provides helpful tools for organizing and citing the essays. Overall, Paperap is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and anyone interested in exploring the complex world of tourism.
An Overview of the History of the 1980s in America
Words • 1829
Pages • 8
The 1980s The 1980s was a decade of tragedy and innovation, a decade of big hair bands and sci-fi movies, and a time for change. During this time period stars like Michael Jackson and Madonna began their rise to fame, while franchises such as Star Wars gained popularity. This was also a time when international conflict struck, Olympics were boycotted and bombings left people dead around the globe. Even amongst all the bad things that spotted this decade, there were new advances in technology and…...
AmericaCelebrityWhitney Houston
The Creations of John Baldessari and His Impact
Words • 1480
Pages • 6
Over the last century, art has taken more twists and turns than the several centuries prior. Artists have aimed to continuously challenge the idea of art and its making among the communities of creators and consumers, however, this took a  new form starting in the mid-1900s with the rise of the Dada movement and continued to take new forms and shapes up to and including the present day. This gave rise to numerous artists who have shaped the creative world as…...
Traditional Knowledge Of Medicine In Manipur
Words • 864
Pages • 4
'Caraka Samhita' and 'Susruta Samhita' were the two traditional medical conspectuses in India's earliest system of indigenous medication. Indian insight of healing system returns to at least 6000 BC, in which Lord Brahma is connoted as the maker of the Universe and the principal instructor in Ayurvedic texts, in the Hindu mythology, where he showed the curative information to the Celestial healer Prajapati Daksha, who thusly moved the gained wisdom to the twin divine sons, 'Asvins' of the Sun God.…...
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Recommendation Letter
Words • 847
Pages • 4
I take great pride and pleasure in writing this letter of recommendation for Mrinali Modi for her admission to the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Practice program at MIT. I have known her since she joined IIT (BHU), Varanasi in 2013. During her four-year undergraduate program in the Department of Chemical Engineering I have taught her three courses namely, Heat Transfer operations, Transport Phenomena and Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Additionally, I was also one of her Faculty Advisors for…...
A Study on Two Periods of Buddhist Art in India
Words • 2663
Pages • 11
Less than 1% of the population of modern India is Buddhist. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that Indians' importance for Buddhism and its art is mainly its historical influence. Not only is India the country where the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, lived and taught, but it is the land where the first images of the Buddha were produced and where Buddhist iconography and symbolism evolved. Being a student whose family originates in India, I am interested in some of the…...
The Issues of Cannibalism and the Psychology Behind it
Words • 962
Pages • 4
The particular customs by which people dispose of the dead are driven by a wide variety of cultural and religious motivations. Examining the motivations behind these practices gives us insight into the particular beliefs, values, and assumptions of a culture. The cultural and/or religious attitudes regarding death, dying, and the afterlife profoundly influences what is considered the proper way to dispose of a deceased individual. These can vary widely, from cannibalism and cremation to mummification and burial. Several of these…...
An Analysis of Religion in Classical India
Words • 969
Pages • 4
Religion in Classical India 3 doctrines came into Indian History that tried to establish Cultural order. They were Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Jainist doctrines first appeared during the seventh-century b.c., they became popular only when the greater teacher Vardhamana Mahavira turned to Jainism in the late sixth-century b.c. Mahavira expounded his thought to a group of dedicated disciples who formed a monastic order to perpetuate and spread his message. These disciples refer to him as Jina ("the conqueror") and borrowing…...
Poor Sanitation in Hospitals in India
Words • 2009
Pages • 9
As you open your eyes you see your mom standing next to the bed you are in. When you look around there are many other people lying in beds waiting in pain. You try to get up, but you feel as if the world is spinning around you. You fall back onto the bed and hear your mom speak but you can’t tell what she is saying. After laying down for a while a nurse walks in and gives you…...
How Brexit Affects the UK
Words • 430
Pages • 2
This past June, the UK narrowly voted to leave the European Union. Britain's exit, or Brexit, subsequently led to the pound dropping to its lowest value in recent years, as well as alienating nations and putting EU foreign nationals residing within the UK in jeopardy. Because of Brexit, the British Pound dropped to its lowest value in over 50 years. The reason why this happened is that Brexit released the UK from EU trade partnerships, making it more difficult for…...
ScotlandScottish Independence
The Evaluation of the Criticisms and the Referendums in the United Kingdom
Words • 1910
Pages • 8
Evaluate the criticisms that have been leveled against the use of referendums in the UKleveled A referendum is a vote, which may be local, regional, or national in its scale in which qualified voters are asked a question over a proposal made by the government that would affect how the people are governed. The answer to the question is usually 'yes' or ‘no'. It is important to note that national referendums are not legally binding on Parliament or government, but in practice,…...
ScotlandScottish Independence
The Important Role of Reform in Religious Wars
Words • 1072
Pages • 5
The Renaissance lead to the Age of Conflict and Absolutism by the study of humanism instead of one person know everything like being a doctor, artist, math person and so on they started to split up the section. Another is the population expanded and when it is too pack they have to get more land and that causes problems for other countries because they might feel threaten. For better religion because before they were having to pay to enter into…...
A Personal Narrative About Learning About Latin America in Class
Words • 1649
Pages • 7
When I think about what this class has taught me over the semester, I have to go back to where I started when I first walked in. Even though I was far from knowing most everything about Latin America, I still held on to a broad knowledge about its history and the current standing of its countries. With so much of my present day knowledge being gained from what news stations show and publish, not being able to learn about…...
DeforestationExperienceLatin AmericaPolitics
Inclusion of Latin-American Baseball Players in the US
Words • 845
Pages • 4
Inclusion does not mean equality. Equality does not exist without inclusions In the instance of baseball it seems like inclusion is the only thing management, economic interests, and sometimes even fans care about, It seems like non-white players have to fight an onslaught of prejudice and unfairness to play. Foreign born Latino players receive significantly less pay than even U,Si born Latinosi The odds have been and continue to be stacked against non-white players‘ favor, In the article “Latin—American Ballplayers…...
Latin AmericaPoliticsSocial Issues
Latin America vs USA
Words • 798
Pages • 4
I have lived in Trumbull, Connecticut my entire life, and up until high school I did not realize how sheltered I was growing up in Fairfield County. In high school I began to learn a little more about the world and other countries although until this course I have barely looked into other countries cultures and how they live compared to us. Looking at the different barometers has been very fascinating and enjoyable. I chose Latin America because of how…...
EducationLatin AmericaSocial Class
How Can America Efficiently Solve the Problems of Animal Cruelty?
Words • 953
Pages • 4
America has been considered a "safe haven” for individuals across the world. Even in Upton Sinclair's novel "The Jungle", citizens from Lithuania saw America as a place for prosperity. Unfortunately in our "great” nation, more than 48.1 million citizens are starving every single day. More than 15% of our nation is in poverty, and citizens are spend 10% of their income on food alone. Additionally, expenses are only increasing when looking at the price of rent, gas, and necessities increasing.…...
An Overview of Johnson’s Island and Its Importance in the History of Our Nation
Words • 982
Pages • 4
This site, Johnson’s Island, is an island that played a monumental role in our nation’s history, so it is important to properly preserve important artifacts that might be found. The island was a prison that held confederate prisoners-of—war. Some of the goals were to gain a better understanding of the time period and the events that occurred here, Learning about the people who lived here, were imprisoned here, and the people who are buried here could contribute valuable knowledge. The…...
How Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Ignited a Nation, a Book by Randall Fuller
Words • 718
Pages • 3
The Book That ChangedAmerica: How Darwin’s Theory ovaoiution Ignited a Nation, written by Randall Fuller, is a book about a book; it tells the story of a particular copy of Darwin’s On The Origin ofSpeeies by Means ofNaturai Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life which exchanged hands between several owners who all became invested in the Abolition movement. The line of ownership begins with Asa Gray, who is considered to be one of the…...
US Foreign Policy Shift
Words • 761
Pages • 4
The growth of international trade displayed American desire to build, innovate and explore new markets, this, along with global competition for control of weak territories resulted in the change ofAmerican foreign policy from an isolationist View to an imperialist View, A reason as to President Roosevelt being an important factor to American imperialism is due to his influence with the Panama Canal and his Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine The Panama Canal was Roosevelt’s most significant achievement as it fully…...
Food Has a Huge Place in Egyptian Culture
Words • 1259
Pages • 6
Egyptian Culture Understanding the culture, traditions, values and ethics of the people of Egypt requires an assessment into the various aspects of their lives. As quoted by Kofi Annan (2019) “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” Being culturally competent as a nurse means providing skilled patient care to patients with different backgrounds. Language Many traditions, values and ethics of Egypt come from the nomadic desert tribe of the…...
Product Quality Responsibility in India
Words • 959
Pages • 4
Railroads Indian Railways today is the largest railroad network in Asia and currently ranks as the world’s second largest network. With tracks that expand over 68,525 km in length, India's railroads contains approximately 12,617 trains that carry over 23 million passengers daily. This is equivalent to moving the entire country of Australia that connects to more than 7,172 stations. Railways are one of the biggest forms of transportation in India and we believe that this will be a useful way…...
IndiaProduct Liability
The Different Reasons Why You Should Drop by Dubai
Words • 486
Pages • 2
Why you MUST visit Dubai As of July 2017, Dubai ranks number 10 on the list of the World's best locations for a holiday, compiled by the US News and World report. Another statistic ranks Dubai as the third busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic. Well, it can be agreed with doubt that a lot of people come by this way; and they like it too! It's not hard to see why it is that millions of tourists…...
Events that Affect the Economy of Dubai
Words • 884
Pages • 4
Since Dubai won the right to have Expo 2020 in 2013, nearby authorities have over and over said that the event’s effect on Dubai’s economy would be very big. it was highlighted in the news that the occasion will give a financial boost worth $33.4 billion through 2031. According to a report from EY, the occasion is additionally anticipated to produce as numerous as 905,200 full-time equivalents (FTE) job-years within the UAE between 2013 and 2031, around the equivalent of…...
UN Response to Middle East Human Rights Violations
Words • 649
Pages • 3
Human Rights Violations in the Middle East and the UN's Response Human rights violations have been a longstanding issue in the Middle East. The Islamic State, in particular, is known for its incredible human rights violations. In the New York Times article “The Horror Before the Beheadings,” Rukmini Callimachi reports the incredible torture many hostages endure when kidnapped by the Islamic State. Many of the hostages were beheaded if they were not released for ransom, but one released hostage was…...
Middle East
Middle East’s Formation: Key Factors
Words • 860
Pages • 4
The Husayn-McMahon Correspondence, Sykes-Picot Agreement, and Balfour Declaration were instrumental in the formation of the modern-day Middle East. All these agreements were made to decide how to divide up the Middle East by the European powers. These took place during World War I, to try and gain support for the allied war effort and defeat the Central Powers. The British and French took it upon themselves to claim the spoils, the vast land that was left where the Ottoman Empire…...
Middle East
Understanding the Concept of Emiratization in the Middle East
Words • 785
Pages • 4
Even though the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is mostly described as a modern country, all the indigenes follow prescriptions provided in the Quran in all spheres of their lives and their jurisdiction as well. It is known, that every Muslim has to give away to the Muslim Uma a certain part of their income every month, aka paying zakat. At the same time, if you find yourself in a financial crisis, you could ask for financial help from Uma funds. Moreover, all the…...
Middle East
US Involvement in Middle East History
Words • 320
Pages • 2
The history behind the American involvement in the Middle East in the years since the height of the Cold War is a case of innumerable contentious issues about the American military's role in the destabilization of the international relationships and internal policies as factors of disturbing Soviet relationships in the Middle East while creating power vacuums in the wake of the American presence. The rise of the oil-producing states in the Middle East was furthermore a factor in why American forces sought to prioritize our…...
Middle East
Western Influence on the Three Wars in the Middle East
Words • 447
Pages • 2
As the UN kept up its policy of imperialism in the Middle East into the 1950s, the U.S decided it was the time they also influence the Middle East in other ways. Following a disagreement about oil between Iran and the U.S, the CIA took the current leader out of power and installed their own Shah who began to westernize Iran. The Shah lasted until 1979 when an Islamic fundamentalist revolution composed mainly of Shia Muslims took power and installed…...
Middle East
The History of the Middle East’s Hatred of the West
Words • 494
Pages • 2
The Middle East has been of vital interest to many Western nations for centuries. It only had extreme importance after the first World War when France and Britain carved the region to their liking to secure its resources. The West wants to control the Middle East simply for economic purposes. It is rich in resources, especially oil. Why do we care so much about oil in the Middle East? If oil from the Middle East stopped being exported a near…...
Middle East
Which Most Informed Your Understanding of the Atlantic Empires
Words • 970
Pages • 4
In this course, Clash of Empires in Latin America, we examined the scene of international rivalry from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. We were subjected to imperial history as a framework for exploring the creation of an “Atlantic World”, in which Europe, Africa, and the Americas interacted to shape key political, economic, and social developments. In many ways, the increasing interdependence of these regions marked the beginning of modern globalization. Through the texts disused throughout the semester, we…...
Effects of Imperialism and Colonialism
Words • 1095
Pages • 5
Rwanda is a small country in east-central Africa. It was a country that faced genocide, about 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by dominant Hutu forces in just 100 days. Rwanda was a country with many great ideas it had a strange way of culture and Religion. The country had different languages because of the fact that Belgium and Germany took over the small country which then showed Rwanda a new way of living including traditions, languages, culture, and…...
AfricaImperialismImperialism In Africa
The Significance of the Railway in Imperialism in Africa
Words • 1357
Pages • 6
In 1815, George Stephenson, a self-educated Englishman, built the first steam powered train. Between 1830 and 1870, British entrepreneurs laid about 13,000 miles of railroads which linked industrial centers, coalfields, iron deposits, and port cities through the land and also carried some 322 million passengers as well as cargoes of raw materials and manufactured goods. Between 1860 and 1918, the making of the industrial society and the process of empire-building was in active across Afro-Eurasia. Railroads were a very important…...
The White Man’s Burden
Words • 1078
Pages • 5
Imperialism and race are some of the most prominent themes in the poems, as well as in Achebe’s novel. Kipling's poem was basically propaganda that supported the idea of Imperialism not only in America, but in other countries around the world. This topic heavily talks about race, which the other texts also cover. Johnson’s poem and Achebe’s novel take in the view of those being conquered. This allows us to see how the views were back in the late 1800s…...
AfricaColonizationImperialismImperialism In AfricaRudyard Kipling
Plots of Terrorist Activity in America
Words • 1951
Pages • 8
Facing the Challenge E Pluribus Unum—Out of many, One. This Latin phrase, which is inscribed on the United States seal, set the foundation of American ideals. Fostering a strong and indivisible society, the United States has proudly molded together immigrants and people from all backgrounds and social statuses. The United States of American is a country of vast diversity which is encouraged and embraced, because of this we have become strengthened as a society. Since 1776, we as a country…...
How Effective Is the Military Response to Threats from Terrorism
Words • 1828
Pages • 8
Terrorism is one of the utmost threats to humanity. Its derivation goes back into the history but world shifted its focus to the nuisance of terrorism after devastating attack on world trade centre on September 11, 2001. The way we respond to terrorism is how we conceive it and in order to answer this question we must consider terrorism as a special form of warfare that relies principally on military operations as prime counter-terrorism approach. After analysis of countries like…...
Implementation, Implementation Mechanism, Achievements and Failure
Words • 2095
Pages • 9
Pakistan has been victim of an intense layer of terrorism and bomb attacks for last ten to 18 years. But it abruptly increases after 9/11. Bomb attacks on government and public institutions, military personals and line enforcement agencies and offices of various organizations and suicide bomb attacks had become order of the day. Which compel the government to carry out military operation in various parts of the country operation Al-Mizan, operation Rah-e-Haq, operation Zalzala, operation black thunderstorm, operation Raah-e-Raast operation…...
PakistanWar On Terror
Terrorism, the War on Terror and Approaches to Conflict
Words • 2106
Pages • 9
Russia has consistently remained in a global spotlight in regards to the topic of terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and its approaches to conflict. A focus on this subject allows for relation and analyzation of this country as it relates to other nations and how this compares and differs from that of Russia. This comparison to other nations will help to articulate the approaches that Russia takes effectively as well as ineffectively. The emphasis of this analysis will prioritize discussion on North Caucasus…...
RussiaWar On Terror
The Arab-Israeli War Is a War on Terrorism
Words • 3028
Pages • 13
The Arab-Israeli war of 1948-1949 has a few different names. Some call it the Palestine War. Others call it Israel’s War of Independence. Another common name for it is the Nakba, or “Disaster Day” in Arabic. Depending on the information one receives and who they identify as, the Arab-Israeli war can arouse a lot of different emotions and there is intense debate about the ethics of it. However, debating and knowing the causes of the war can help to prevent…...
ArabyIsraelWar On Terror
Threat of Terrorist Organizations
Words • 776
Pages • 4
With the endless number of attacks from the Assad Regime and the threat of terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Syrian refugees have experienced a disturbing amount of bloodshed and continue to as the Syrian crisis has only worsened. Now that outside nations such as Russia and the US have intervened, either backing Assad himself or using airstrikes to mitigate the terrorist threat, refugees have been caught in the middle. Jordan’s priority must be to stop the airstrikes and bombings perpetrated…...
Saint Ephraim the Syrian
Words • 735
Pages • 3
Saint Ephraim the Syrian is a doctor of the church and came to be a great influence on future generations. As a boy, everyone could have expected him to amount to anything but a holy man. Ephraim was the author of a large sum of religious texts and hymns. He also “used Syriac-language verse as a means to explain and popularize theological truths” (St. Ephrem, CNA). St. Ephraim was a kind-hearted man who empathized with the poor and sick. He…...
The Civil War in Syria and the Biggest Refugee Crisis
Words • 2122
Pages • 9
On September 2nd, 2015, a Turkish police officer discovered the body of two-year-old Alan Kurdi washed up on a shore. Alan was on a boat that sank on its way to the Greek island of Kos. This boat was carrying Syrian refugees. Photos of the boy were gruesome and shocking. It was on the front page of newspapers all around the world. The New York Times said that these photos “put a human face on the refugee crisis.” Unfortunately, this…...
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FAQ about Tourism

How Brexit Affects the UK
...In conclusion, Brexit had many devastating effects on the UK from an economic standpoint, as well as a military standpoint and a social standpoint. Many are questioning the decision to leave the EU and some wonder whether the UK will ever be restored...
How Can America Efficiently Solve the Problems of Animal Cruelty?
...These cats and dogs not only face depression, but have developed anxiety and fear because of the poor living circumstances they face. We wouldn't be ending their lives in a brutal and painful matter, but we will end their lives through a happy way, w...
How Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Ignited a Nation, a Book by Randall Fuller
...Thoreau— this book doesn’tjust meet one category, it contains a number of themes and topics in it which the reader can learn about. Fuller helps paint a picture of America just before the Civil War, explains a lot of the culture behind the Abolit...
The Different Reasons Why You Should Drop by Dubai
...A couple of hundred words cannot describe the unforgettable experiences Dubai has to offer. I have been an ex-pat, residing here for the past 10 years and I've got to say, I've had some of the best experiences of my life. And God, am I going to miss ...
Which Most Informed Your Understanding of the Atlantic Empires
...The trend demonstrated in Seeds’ text by these European powers can be seen recurring throughout the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century as demonstrated, and that is why Ceremonies of Possession in Europe’s Conquest of the New World informed...
How Effective Is the Military Response to Threats from Terrorism
...Gottlieb, ed. (2010), “Debating Terrorism and Counter-terrorism: Conflicting Perspective”, Are counterterrorism frameworks based on suppression and is military force effective in responding to terrorism? (Los Angeles: Publications. Inc) p. ...
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