Essays on Music

Paperap is a website that offers a wide range of free essays on various topics related to music. With its extensive collection of essays, students and researchers alike can find useful information and insights that can help them better understand different musical genres, artists, and movements. From classical music to contemporary pop, jazz, rock, and more – Paperap covers it all. The essays are written by knowledgeable authors who have a passion for music, and each essay is meticulously researched and contains valuable information and analysis. Whether you’re studying music history, theory, or criticism, Paperap is a great resource to explore and expand your knowledge on the subject.
Michael Jackson Bibliography
Words • 968
Pages • 4
Defining Psychoborg through Michael Jackson & Morimura As an artist, one’s art may be used to depict emotion, used as an outlet for expression, or even to convey a distinctive message. Whether this may be appreciative or analytical in its purpose, Yasumasa Morimura’s depiction of the pop-icon, Michael Jackson, are certainly radical in his piece Psychoborg, from 1994. As a matter of fact, there is a clear resemblance between Michael Jackson and Yasumasa Morimura himself because he uses his art…...
CultureGenderHuman NatureMichael JacksonMusicPainting
Still Life By Elizabeth Daryush
Words • 774
Pages • 4
Daryush looks at the sweetness of life from a naïve and “young heiress” in Poem A, Still Life while in Poem B, Cunningham chooses to look at life from the perspective of an “aged lover.” In both poems, the poets reveal their differing attitudes towards life. Both poets emphasise love as an aspect of the speakers’ lives through the similar form of a sonnet in their poems. The form of a sonnet expresses the poets’ focus on love in both poems,…...
50 Cent Curtis Album
Words • 778
Pages • 4
Curtis Jackson Born in the South Jamaica section of Queens, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson has lived in New York City all his life. He was raised by his grandparents after his father ran out and his mother was shot when he was only eight years old. As 50 cent was growing up, he originally wanted to be a heavyweight boxer, but eventually he gained interest in rapping. DJs around the area released two Best of 50 Cent mix CDs, before…...
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Dangdut: Indonesian Pop Music Fusion
Words • 252
Pages • 2
Dangdut is a genre of Indonesian popular music that is partly derived from Arabic, Indian, and Malay folk music. It developed in the 1970s among working class Muslim youth, but especially since the late 1990s has reached a broader following in Indonesia. A dangdut band usually consists of a lead singer backed by four to eight musicians. The term has been expanded from the desert-style music, to embrace other musical styles. Modern dangdut incorporates influences from Latin, house music, hip-hop,…...
Causes And Effects Of Noise Pollution
Words • 868
Pages • 4
Noise can be defined as an unwanted or undesired sound. Decibel is the standard unit for measurement of sound. Usually 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful. And can be termed as noise. Humans, animals, plants and even inert objects like buildings and bridges have been victims of the increasing noise pollution caused in the world. Be it human or machine-created, noise disrupts the activity and balance of life. While traffic dons the cap of being…...
Hearing LossPollutionSound
Akiba Drumer Night
Words • 861
Pages • 4
Both The Crucible and Night show instances of religion. They all have faith in God, but there are people in each book that have different faiths. There are also people that lose their faith when they find that it does not help them or they chose to abandon their religious faith in order to follow a route of higher morals. Coming mainly from the presence of different religions, there is religious persecution that occurs in both books. Faith is seen…...
ChristianityFaithNatureNightPuritansThe Holocaust
Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds
Words • 730
Pages • 3
Basically, this poem is about love, but here shakespeare has discussed the love which is in his mind. you may disagree with him if you like. The first stanza in this poem is a quatrain and its rhyme scheme is abab. Shakespeare uses alliteration, assonance, consonance, and repetition to develop this stanza, which, as a whole, states that love does not change. The first line contains an example of alliteration in the words “me,” “marriage,” and “minds. ” In this…...
FamilyLiterary CriticismLoveMarriagePoetryRhyme
Bach Brandenburg Concerto 5
Words • 670
Pages • 3
Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 Overview: This baroque concerto is composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, the famous baroque composer of his time. This work is the fifth of six concertos the composer dedicated to Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg. This piece showcases Bach’s inimitable strength as a contrapuntist. Bach’s music has flexibility in its form and influence, but still retaining the constraints of the form of baroque music. He blended Italian and German music in these concertos, giving them a…...
BachClassical MusicComposersMusic
Amadeus Film Analysis
Words • 361
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on: " Amadeus Film Analysis". At first glance of the film, my initial impression was that it would be a long and boring documentary about the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart but to my surprise, the movie was nothing of the sort. It was not a formal documentary but a cleverly dramatized depiction of Mozart’s rise to fame and his relations to Antonio Salleri. Anyone would be discouraged after realizing a film they were assigned to…...
CommunicationFilm AnalysisMusicResearchWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Richard Wagner Popular German Composer
Words • 934
Pages • 4
In the following example, an essay about Richard Wagner is a popular but controversial German composer. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. As in religious and political questions, when race has once been admitted, it becomes a factor of the highest importance in musical controversy. A prominent part in the music and literature of Germany in the 19th century played the popular, but controversial as well, German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist Richard Wagner.…...
CultureMusicNazi GermanyOperaRichard Wagner
Hound Dog Elvis
Words • 806
Pages • 4
As most of us know, Elvis Preserve, “Hound Dog” was one of his most famous singles, however there are many people that do not know of the original written by Willie Mae, “Big Mamma” Thornton. Why did Elvis have more commercial success with his version? Big Mamma Thorn’s version was released just four years before Elvis’ and was number one for seven weeks. Rather than it being recorded as a pop song, it was a blues/Ran single. The tonality of…...
Cold WarCultureDogElvis PresleyFamilyMusic
Classical Music Concert Report
Words • 931
Pages • 4
As the era progresses decades later, Classical music Aries in many forms, tempos, textures, melodies, timbres, harmonies, and us e of instruments. A more modern, progressed piece compared to Henry Parcel’s is Peter Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake ACT 1 Waltz. Many things were going on in most progressed classical pieces, such as this o Usually, pieces like this are in the form of polyphony, because there’s so many melodies going on at once, with multiple instruments playing together. In this…...
Classical MusicClassical Music ConcertEntertainmentMusicMusic Concert Report
Salem Witch Trial Essay
Words • 623
Pages • 3
Arthur Miller, many lies have been made by the Puritan Community. The witch trials took place during the times of the Salem In Massachusetts. This was a time of much hypocrisy in the people of the town of Salem. The witch trials involved many people to lie about the devil and witchcraft, which also harmed others in many ways. The Puritans of Massachusetts were a religious faction. Miler involved the Intense dishonesty over the Puritan Community. The story began with…...
Abigail WilliamsPuritansSalem Witch TrialsWitchcraft
Amy Lee Boyfriend
Words • 598
Pages • 3
Amy Lee Amy Lynn Lee, singer-songwriter and classically-trained pianist, is co-founder and lead singer of the alternative metal band Evanescence. Inspired by her mother, Lee spent nine years of her life practicing piano. Lee was born to parents John Lee, radio personality, and Sara Cargill. Living in Florida and California, they finally settled in Little Rock, Arkansas, where the band Evanescence began. Hearing Lee’s beautiful voice and heartfelt words, tears fall from the cheeks of some listening. Her words resonate…...
Marx Communist Manifesto Summary
Words • 261
Pages • 2
All throughout history. there has ever been a sense of hierarchy in society such as the elites over the provincials. blue bloods over plebeians. etc. Although there was much social alteration in the clip of revolution. this subordination of categories did non. Sprouted from feudal society. businessperson continues the division of social categories: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. The work of the Proletariats was to merely happen occupations and work. They’d continue working so long as it increased the capital. However. Proletariats…...
70’s Music Genre and Style Research
Words • 767
Pages • 4
1970s Music The 1970s created a perfect musical bridge from the rebelliousness of the 1960s and the happy songs of the 1980s. Following the counterculture of the 60s, the 70’s created a trend of relaxing music as well as dance music. People may have grown tired of the fighting that happened the previous decade and many of them sought a refuge in dance clubs and other places to enjoy a good time. Out of this idea came the Disco movement.…...
Comparative Analysis Example
Words • 729
Pages • 3
0906 Writing May 30, 2011 Comparative Analysis The poem “Against Idleness and Mischief” written by Isaac Watts and the poem “How Doth the Little Crocodile” written by Lewis Carroll are two pieces of work that are always being compared and contrasted. The two poems are written by different poets in different times, however, they are very similar with each other in perspectives like the form, writing style, subject. Comparing to Carroll’s poem, “Against Idleness and Mischief” is more positive, educational…...
Andrew Jackson Essay
Words • 632
Pages • 3
 After reviewing Andrew Jackson’s positive and negative actions, it has come to a conclusion that he was in the position of a hero. In the 1800’s President Andrew Jackson showed he was a hero to the reduce in Federal debts, winning the Battle of New Orleans, and hearing the voices of the people and giving them the chance to vote for their president. Despite all his positive work, he also made many negative decisions, but none mayor and serious. Andrew…...
Andrew JacksonReasonResearchTrail Of Tears
David By Earle Birney Summary
Words • 706
Pages • 3
“David,” written by Earle Birney is a very emotional piece. The poem is narrative as told through the eyes of Bob, David’s friend. One of the themes that follow throughout this poem is the onset of maturity and all the barriers that must be over come. The tone is a cynical one, when Bob is asked by David to push him over the edge to his death. This poem also includes figurative language and poetic devices that help to develop…...
Culture and Gender in Composer Canonization
Words • 323
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Marcia Citron The works of a composer are not the only factor used to determine canonization; culture and gender play a large part in this process. Citron shows how the Western art canon is the result of a complex mixture of opinions, traditions, and interests that often go unacknowledged and unchallenged. The term'canon' was applied to music in last twenty years, defined as a "specified group or body of related works." 1It is debatable as…...
CommunicationCultureCurriculumGenderHuman NatureMusic
History Of Jazz Dance
Words • 308
Pages • 2
History of Jazz Dance “Jazz dance is a form of personal expression created and sustained though improvisation…it has certain defining characteristics, including improvisation, isolation, a centrifugal explosion of energy that radiates outward from the hips, and a propulsive rhythm that gives a swinging quality to the movement.” -Bob Boross Jazz is a crossbreed of north American cultures, a music and dance of the slaves of Africa, and old European Jigs and lits, Minstrel shows and presumably, Jazz music. Jazz is…...
Krabat: Book vs Movie.
Words • 351
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on"Krabat Book". Read this book wanted after watching the movie “Krabat. Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, released in 2008. I definitely liked the movie, but the book he does not concede, and even more as it often happens, in many ways superior to the film. Therefore, if you watched the movie, you do not try to fend off the books, it is worth it to read it. The book tells about the fate of an orphan boy who is…...
Carmen Maura and Mara Olvido Gara Jova
Words • 995
Pages • 4
After the death of Franco in 1975, and the consequent restoration of democracy towards the end of the 1970s, Spain welcomed a key period of transition. A period which has been greatly studied and accepted by many as La movida madrilea. This movement led to music, the arts, cinema and fashion to erupt and collide with each other to break away from the stifling dictatorship and repression experienced under Franco. Although this movement spanned across every area of Spain, this…...
Racism and Prejudice are Major Issues all Over the World They Have
Words • 1178
Pages • 5
Racism, and prejudice are major issues all over the world. They have been an important issue in society throughout history. Even though society has improved a lot in the last couple of decades, both socially and technologically; nonetheless racism, and prejudice are still present today. The play, Othello, is a tragedy that shows different events of racism and prejudice toward Othello. It illustrates with descriptive experiences how Othello was being disrespected by society due to his skin color. Othello facing…...
Synergistic Antibacterial Action of Honey and Oregano
Words • 2655
Pages • 11
In the following example, an essay on the synergistic antibacterial action of honey and oregano. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Impacts of E. Coli Escherichia coli, also known as E. coli, is a common bacterium found in our environment, our food sources, and our water source as well. The commonness of an issue may often be attributed to triviality; however, E. coli is not to be taken lightly. The bacteria can cause a variety…...
BacteriaBiologyHoney BeeMicrobiology
Music Production and The Music Business
Words • 2907
Pages • 12
Music is iconic in any culture, any language, and continent. At what point does music stop being art and become simply an income number? Music has always been an art form and yet today music is more concerned with topping charts than forcing you to think. Music that moves the soul seems to take a back seat to a tune that will move mountains of money. As new technologies are created, it seems the more original songs are changed. With…...
Bob Dylan And The Nobel Prize In Literature
Words • 494
Pages • 2
In 2016, the folk tale, country/rock & roll musician Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Now, I know what, you're thinking a musician is winning an award for authors and poets. Sounds unfair, right? Well, if you answered yes, you, and many others agree as well. This prize caused a considerable huge controversy which led people to write over 2 thousand essays. For those who don't know who Bob Dylan is, he's an artist and a writer…...
Bob DylanCommunicationCultureEntertainmentMusicPoetry
The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music
Words • 757
Pages • 4
Music isn't just a voice that can be tuned in yet is a tendency that must be experienced and felt. It mixes the emotions and makes you feel respected; it is basically divine in nature. In the video, Music to me, various youths share their friendship for music and their experience of learning music and how music completely transformed themselves for the better extraordinary. One of the young fellows above all else says that how he hated music and envisioned…...
1 Examine how editing constructs time and space in any ONE film we
Words • 2209
Pages • 9
1. "Examine how editing constructs time and space in any ONE film we have studied during this module."Editing is what makes cinema an art form. The cinematic medium enables storytelling by juxtaposing two images to create an emotion, hence a reaction from the spectator. Andre Tarkovsky once wrote1 that every cut in editing is "sculpting time" in that it enables the filmmaker to compress time and expand time, fitting several years into 60 minutes, for example. It is a language…...
Banal na Aso, Santong Kabayo: A Metaphorical Song Lyric
Words • 446
Pages • 2
Banal na Aso, Santong kabayo Natatawa ako, hihihihi, Sa’yo" Song by YanoI have encountered a lot of metaphorical song lyrics before, but this line is the one that intrigues me the most. This song lyric came from the Filipino song “Banal na aso, Santong Kabayo” by Yano. The line is a Filipino rock song that became popular during the 90’s, and is still known until now. The song lyric and tone easily gives a rock and roll vibe and somehow…...
New Orleans and Its Reputation
Words • 1052
Pages • 5
The following example essay on "New Orleans and its reputation" tells the story of the largest city in the US state of Louisiana. Everything outlandish, even vicious, that is associated in the popular mind with the image of the South, in large measure goes back to this port city at the mouth of the Mississippi. New Orleans  a multitude of brothels and other forms of vice in the city was not known to me before taking this course. What I…...
Musical Identities Research By Theodore Gracyk
Words • 478
Pages • 2
One of the primary notion is the Does everyone have a musical identity? Reflection on musical identities' research which was written by Theodore Gracyk. According to Theodore, It is clearly that there is a special tie between music and identity, especially with adolescent. For instance, if young teenagers keep on listening to music as a leisure activity, it could make an essential improvement to the process of discovering one's identity. Adolescence is one of the most crucial time to progress…...
Green Day’s Broken Dreams Lyrics Analysis
Words • 281
Pages • 2
This analysis aims to show how Green Day’s lyrics have become more complex and sophisticated. I will focus on the use of poetic devices in these lyrics to demonstrate that although they are using fairly simple language, the writing is not as simple as it seems. Most of the verses use both end-rhyme and internal rhyme: I’m walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind All of the verses use a lot of alliteration, for example: Essay…...
Lost Sister By Cathy Song
Words • 743
Pages • 3
There is a specific design of words, images, and metaphors involved in the creation of a poem, and this stands true for Cathy Song’s poem Lost Sister.  Even the title of the work suggests to the reader the importance of family, for the poem is a dedication to heritage in the word ‘sister’ and the idea that the sister is somehow lost (here with the title of the poem the reader does not yet know in what way the sister…...
What Is The Song Scars To Your Beautiful About
Words • 378
Pages • 2
There are many songs out today that portray women to be a certain type of way. Women are held up to very high standards and many songs acknowledge it. It happens to both genders, but it is more towards the girls have to have a certain type of image in order to be liked or wanted. It is not very common that there are songs about looking otherwise or just being who you are. Songs concentrate on being accepted by…...
CommunicationHuman NatureMusicSong
Crucible Newspaper Ideas
Words • 381
Pages • 2
The Salem Times ESTABLISHED 1684 WITCHCRAFT IN SALEM! SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS APRIL 11th, 1692 REVEREND PARRIS CLUTCHES HIS BEWITCHED DAUGHTER BETTY. DEMONS ON THE LOOSE??? BEtty Parris, daughter to Reverend Parris, fell ill last night with symptoms that speak to witchcraft. Betty lay inert in her bed, only to wake screaming for her late mother and attempting to fly out of her bedroom window. Doctor Griggs evaluation was witchcraft to the dismay of Rev. Parris. It is believed that he spotted…...
CommunicationMass HysteriaNewsSalem Witch Trials
Generation Gap: Young vs Old Differences
Words • 467
Pages • 2
The first part of our life was ruined by our parents, and the second-by our children. Th. Scott A “generation gap” is a popular term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms between the members of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behaviour. The term first came into prominence in Western countries during the 1960s.Essay…...
CultureGenerationGeneration GapMusicSubculture
Analysis of J Cole’s Song “Love Yourz”
Words • 368
Pages • 2
The artist Jermaine Cole, otherwise known as J. Cole, released his album called Forest Hills Drive in 2014. Among the songs on this album, there was one that stood out to me and touched me personally. “Love Yourz” which is a song that J. Cole used to show people that they should appreciate the life and experiences they have now instead of taking them for granted. In the context of the album, this song follows Cole’s self-reflection because he is…...
1812 Overture Analysis
Words • 377
Pages • 2
The 1812 Overture, composed by Peter Tchaikovsky is the most widely regonized piece of classical music. The 1812 Overture was written to commerate the victory of Russia in the Napoleonic War in 1812. The defeat of this battle marked the start of the long and disastrous retreat that destroyed Napoleon and his army. In 1880, the Russian composer Tchaikovsky was commissioned to write an uplifting and patriotic piece to immortalize Napoleon’s defeat and celebrate the liberation of the Russians. Cannons…...
Symphonie Fantastique 4th Movement
Words • 498
Pages • 2
Symphonie Fantastique 4th Movement Hector Berlioz The piece of music I have chosen to write about from the Romantic period is Hector Berlioz’s ‘Symphonie Fantastique,’ and to focus on the 4th movement of the Symphony. It was composed in 1830 as programme music. The story behind this particular movement is that Berlioz has dreamt that he has killed the woman he loves and is now being marched to the guillotine to be killed in return for her murder.Essay Example on…...
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1 Examine how editing constructs time and space in any ONE film we
...In conclusion, Inception is known for its special representation and invention of different spaces and timing using technology and artificial effects which exaggerate elements on the physical set. Nolan constantly blurs the line between reality and d...
What Is The Song Scars To Your Beautiful About
...With body image being such a major issue in today’s society, this song mentions how it is not all about what others think about your looks. Alessia mentions how models do not really go through the struggle that everyday people. In the song it says...
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