Essays on Street Art

Free essays on street art provide insight and analysis on the vibrant and diverse world of urban art. These essays offer a comprehensive look at the history, cultural significance, and artistic techniques used in the creation of street art. Topics addressed include graffiti, murals, stencil art, and other forms of urban art. These essays also explore the social and political context in which street art is created, and its role in challenging dominant narratives and promoting alternative perspectives. Students, academics, and enthusiasts alike will find these free essays invaluable for gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of this exciting artform.
The Evolution of Street Art in America
Words • 3112
Pages • 13
The assumption that the people who are walking down the street in oversized jeans, ripped clothes, singing or better yet, telling stories rhythmically, can contribute to the art, or even start the whole new era of art, was considered completely absurd. It was absurd even to those who started this artistic movement. Hip hop as a culture started developing in 70's, New York, and it was the begging of cultural stir which took place in United States, but the unique…...
ArtCultureStreet Art
Painted Work of Art
Words • 1257
Pages • 6
The research was about the “Freddie Gray” mural art located in Baltimore City, Maryland. Murals are any piece of art painted or drawn directly on a wall, ceiling, or another permanent surface. They are usually big a hold cultural, religious, and historical significance. I find murals attractive and valuable. It helps to portray the message in the community differently and eloquently. Murals have been around since their evolution started. I think the primary purpose of murals is to paint a…...
Street Art
Contemporary Art
Words • 587
Pages • 3
Contemporary art “refers to art—namely, painting, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, and video art—produced today” (Richman-Abdou, Kelly “Art History: What is Contemporary Art?). This definition of contemporary art fits because it is all the art that is being created today in the twenty-first century. The artists can create art that combines all different materials using their imagination. McGee and Kilgallen’s work is interesting because of the way they show their art and what inspires them. Kilgallen likes to paint images of women she finds inspiring.…...
Street Art
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An Essay on Street Art
Words • 595
Pages • 3
Street artists are on the rise around the world, many people see don't believe that street artists aren't artists, but people that just go out and make a total mess of the walls and just make graffiti rather than real artwork. However, I believe that the difference between graffiti and art is that one makes very vulgar remarks about other people in a very gang-related way. While the others make people think, this also allows the general public to have something…...
Street Art
The Significance of Street Art in Clarion and Balmy Alleys in San Francisco
Words • 1996
Pages • 8
Capturing hearts with street art: the dichotomy of two Mission alleys As a hub of art and culture, San Francisco holds some of the most impactful and interesting street art in the nation. By transforming the stigma behind street art as “graffiti,” San Francisco, specifically the Mission District is home to Clarion and Balmy Alleys that vocalize issues of gentrified and oppressed communities with mind-blowing murals, while also making social commentary fitting to all audiences. Although the primary aim of the two alleys is one…...
Street Art
The Three Aspects of Street Art
Words • 821
Pages • 4
Destroy All Lines Three apparent aspects make street art to be considered graffiti. The first is the danger and risk involved. Graffiti is illegal and often appears in areas that are dangerous and/or seemingly impossible to reach. There is also the search for recognition. This can also be called “tagging" and shows the need for young people to display their names as vibrantly and in as many places as possible. The last major part of graffiti is the artistic element. Art…...
Street Art
Encyclopedia of Street Art and Murals in Uptown Chicago
Words • 1430
Pages • 6
Uptown Chicago: Located just 3.6 miles north of the loop while having the reputation for being one of the most dense and ethnically diverse Chicago area. Not only did uptown welcome many people of different backgrounds, predominately white (55%, 2015), black (21%, 2015) and Hispanic (12%, 2015), it has many options of living situations that allowed people from different living classes to adapt. This was made possible by John Cochran, near the lakefront mansions were built; however, by Evanston Avenue…...
ChicagoGang ViolenceStreet Art
Banksy and Marxism
Words • 1782
Pages • 8
“The fact that works of art are connected historically with particular social structures does not mean that they lose their significance when these social structures disappear.” (Klingender, 1943) Introduction According to K. A. Sutherland critical reflection is a crucial component of academic development which assists us with understanding the context of the contemporary artworks “beyond our own circumstances” (Sutherland, 2013, pp. 111-113). Thereby, such a statement allows for assumption that exploring and applying contrasting theories to diverse works of art…...
ArtMarxismStreet Art
Paleolithic Art
Words • 2944
Pages • 12
The following sample essay on "Paleolithic Art": a description and discussion of the problem of art during the Paleolithic era. When we look at art what do we see, lines, imagery, references, details? But we if we take a closer look at the overarching meaning of art, we can see that art is an embodiment of a time period. Certain pieces of art regardless of the time period represents what is most important. During the Paleolithic era there was one…...
GraffitiLeopardLionPaintingStreet Art
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