Free essays on Life are written by individuals who seek to express their opinions, beliefs, experiences or lessons learned about the value and meaning of life. These essays may cover various aspects of human existence such as happiness, love, success, faith, purpose or fulfillment. They may offer insights into how to navigate any challenges along one's journey, explore various perspectives on how to live life to the fullest, or offer advice on how to improve one's own life. These essays can be a source of inspiration or motivation for readers who are seeking to find meaning or purpose in life.
Self-discipline and Persistence in Tough Times
Freedom is the ability to make a choice. Thus, a person will always have freedom. However even though everyone can make a choice, if the choice they make is something difficult, or something that they don’t want to do out of laziness, then it requires discipline and persistence to continue following their choice. If the path that a person wants to walk becomes difficult to travel upon, discipline is essential, If discipline hasn’t been developed, people will be more likely…...
AdolescenceDisciplinePsychologySelf Discipline
A Study on the Effects of Anime on the Lifestyle of People
The word anime [pronounced as “ah -knee -may”] is an abridgement for animation, it was coined around 1970s. While in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is delineated as a style of animation that originated from Japan that uses colorful images of 2D characters with strong and remarkable personality in a story full of action. As for the, anime in Japan is used to pertain “all animation”. Anime is a kind of medium before it's launched on televisions it started as…...
Work Ethic And Motivation
As many students around the world explore further into the school system getting good grades especially receiving an A becomes the focus for a positive future and getting into college. Is grade inflation which is “awarding student’s better grades than earned either to maintain a school's perfect record in academia or from lack of expectations from teachers. Grade inflation affects schools across the United States in public universities and even some Ivy League colleges. Grades given are not a true…...
InflationMotivationPsychologyWork Ethic
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A Review of On the Wings of Love, a Filipino Romantic Comedy Series
“Achieve, kaw na, juice colored, push!“ familiar isn’t it? This line is one of the famous lines from the newest primetime habit of Filipinos and even foreigners, On the Wings of Love. This 2015 Philippine romantic comedy television series directed by Antoinette Jadaone and Jojo Saguin, starring James Reid and Nadine Lustre in their first primetime television series is creating a big commotion worldwide. The rom-com centers around two different people --- Leah, a simple girl with an American dream,…...
Concert ReviewEntertainmentPhilippinesTelevision
A Review of an Essay on Understanding Music
On Thursday, Mar 31, 2016 at around 7:30PM, I made my way to the New Haven Symphony Orchestra to view and listen to their magnificent concert. Before attending this concert, I had not seen a live orchestral concert in a very long time. I was very excited to be able to View a live orchestra again as I myself used to play the violin and viola for 8 years. I had gone to see The New Haven Symphony Orchestra’s Mozart,…...
Concert ReviewDanceMusicViolin
The Value and Underappreciation of Theater
As the group of college students filters into room 219 of the Fine Arts Instructional Center at Eastern Connecticut State University, the energy level is palpable and there is excitement in the air. This is a business meeting, but it soon becomes clear that the atmosphere of the organization is regularly more casual than formal. Club president Lucy Shea greets the members and engages in lighthearted, cheerful conversations while the group gets settled. As the entirety of the club assembles,…...
Discourse CommunityEntertainmentTheatre
One of The Most Popular Newspapers of Los Angeles Time
The source I am evaluating is an article called “The white flight from football” from the Atlantic. This article is published on the Atlantic website by an author name Alana Samuels. The article is about how many parents know that football is a very dangerous sport and has many risks like brain damage and back problems later on in life but sports like football is the only option many people have to having a good life such as achieving a…...
CommunicationExperienceLos AngelesScience
Let Them Make Their Own Choices
The younger generation want a voice in our politics, but should there be an age restriction? Yes, there should be. People who arent legal adults shouldn't be able to choose the future of their country. The human brain isnt fully developed until age 25, kids don't know enough about politics, and their choices are heavily based off of what they hear and read from others. In a reach study that took place at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed…...
AdolescenceChoicesPsychologySocial Media
Choice As Related to Money or Business Choice
Ethical leadership administration is wonderful enough to reassuring and impelling insight of good direct at work. it's essentially described as ethics suggest a standard of lead that elucidates us how people react all around as they imagine their activity on condition Johnson utilized Starbucks shared qualities as the foundation for basic leadership after two men capture it demonstrates an ethical pioneer who contributes qualities to making the network as he perceives the assertion between associates and strengthens their responsibility at…...
Its Natural Through its Unique Experience and Choice
From the moment a child is asked what they want to be when they grow up, they envision the meaning of something in life. They imagine growing up to be an astronaut or a doctor, someone who will make an impact in the world. They envision having a purpose in life, wanting to envision the best for themselves. However, they do not think about all the decisions they will encounter to eventually mean something in the world, the path they…...
Changes in The History of Art And Changes in The World Itself
In a small room, we see a man sitting on a stool with a pile of bones underneath him, his face covered in honey and gold leaf, cradling a dead hare and whispering to it about his drawings on the walls. This man is Joseph Beuys. He’s covered in honey because he believes it will help him communicate spiritually to the dead hare in his arms. He believes this dead hare will bring healing to himself and the audience. This…...
Art HistoryCultureExperienceThought
Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare
In act 1 scene 1 Romeo describes his love for Rosaline and as a reader you see that his love is not true and based on lust. We see that it will only cause pain to Romeo as she does not reciprocate this feeling The location where Romeo talks about Rosaline is in Sycamore Grove which is wordplay meaning sick with love, which reinforces the idea that Romeo will get hurt. Romeos love is shown as based on lust and…...
LiteratureLoveSonnet 130William Shakespeare
A Comparison Between the Poems of Lord Byron and William Shakespeare Sonnet 130
Published in 1814, She Walks in Beauty is a poem celebrating the beauty of Lord Byron’s female lover, It is composed of three stanzas with sestets of an ABAB rhyme scheme Byron‘s inspiration for this poem is Anne Beatrix Wilmot, a captivating guest who attended the same party as him in the year 1814‘ Byron was moved by Anne’s striking physical appearance and constructed a poem to express his admiration of Anne‘s physical perfection published in 1609, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130…...
LiteratureLovePoetrySonnet 130
Individuality and Clones in Never Let Me Go
In this world every child created by any reason whether real or manufactured is still completely human. The question is do these clones have souls? Many argue that they do not, but if they didn’t would they get feelings towards love. Would this even be possible if they didn’t have a soul? These clones are just being used for organ donations and nothing else. They should have the right to manage their own life without letting others do it for…...
EthicsLoveNever Let Me GoPhilosophy
An Analysis of How the Civil Rights Movement Effects Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson may not have been the best baseball player in the history of baseball but he was surly the most important. Without Jackie courage we would not have other great baseball players like: Ken Griffey Jr., Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, or even Sammy Sosa. I hope in this essay you will get a better understanding for how the civil rights movement effected Jackie Robinson. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born in 1919 in Cairo, Georgia. He was a well brought…...
BaseballJackie RobinsonSports
The Personal Life and Career of Jack Roosevelt Jackie Robinson
Its April 15, 1947 opening day at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. Many people have turned out to see one man, the first black person to ever play in major league baseball. He is setting new standards for all blacks now and those to come. His name is Jack Roosevelt Robinson. We all wish him well and hope he can surmount the racial differences. At this time it was unheard of to have a black person treated equally to a white person,…...
BaseballJackie RobinsonSports
An Introduction to the Life and History of Jackie Robinson
On August 28, 1945, Jackie Robinson met a men by the name of Branch Rickey, who wanted to end, once and for all, discrimination (Allen, 1987). Jackie Robinson was the first black baseball player to play in the Major Leagues; he had to struggle through the racial barrier of black and white to play. After leaving the Army Robinson joined the Kansas City Monarchs, a team in one of the Negro Leagues, as a shortstop. He earned $400 a month,…...
BaseballJackie RobinsonSports
Why I Chose the Work of a Zoologist
I selected this job becaue I really love animals. I think I would enjoy taking care of animals, I wouldn t do this job for the pay I would do it to learn more about animals, and because I love animals. If there is a hurt animal in the community, I might be able to help it and show others how to care for the animal. If someone wanted to know more about an animal, I can either tell them…...
Donn Is Successful and Well Known For Creating Paradoxes Within These Metaphors
John Donne is talented with words and uses them to construct extended metaphors, also known as metaphysical conceit, throughout many of his works. These conceits often involve comparisons between religious ideas and worldly things, which sometimes results in, what many consider to be, scandalous writing. Donne is also successful and well known for creating paradoxes within these metaphors. Paradoxical literature combines contradictory elements that often result in being true or at least logical. Readers constantly find pieces of Donne’s literature…...
John DonneLiteratureLoveReligion
Investigation into the Motives of John Donne
Born in the late 1500s, John Donne created some of the most impactful poetry of his time. Considered as the precursor to metaphysical poetry, Donne’s poetry contains far-fetched comparisons and a spoken tone, extremely different from the poetry at the time. On the surface, his poetry seems to have overly complicated themes, but in all actuality, most of his poetry deals with love and death. Before this, no one had heard of this style of poetry, making Donne one of…...
EthicsJohn DonneLovePsychology
The Donna Love Poems
John Donne was a poet of metaphysical poetry. Donne’s poems start off in his youth with his poems about love and move on to his later years with his poems focusing more on religion and death. He used love, religion, and death as prominent subjects in many of his poems. To discuss these subjects, Donne used devices such as puns, conceits, imagery and themes such as resentment and reflection. “The Sun Rising” is one of Donne’s love poems written in…...
ForgivenessJohn DonneLovePoetry
An Analysis of the Differences between the Older and Newer Generation
The older generations, like our parents and grandparents think very differently than our generation. The reasons that we have such differences is very complicated, it includes culture, social development, social value, and more. However, between our generation and the older generations the generation gap does exist, due to the examples of parenting style and educational focus, the generation gap has become a wall that blocks interaction of a family. The older generation and newer generation, their living style, parenting style,…...
ExperienceGeneration GapThought
An Analysis of the Dangers for Children in Car Accidents
Did you know that the mass of the head of a small child is about 25% of the body mass whereas the mass of the adult head is only 6%! In a head on automobile crash the force on a child's neck and spine is so great that in an infant it can have deadly consequences. This is why it is the law to keep infants rear facing until they are 1 year old AND weight at least 20 lbs.…...
Car AccidentSafetyTransport
A Look at Car Accidents Involving Teen Drivers
Every 16-year-old potential driver cannot wait for the day that their license is placed into their hands. To them, its the ticket to freedom. What most teens do not think of, however, is that they will then hold their lives and the lives of everyone in their car in their hands. According to Kemper Insurance Co., car accidents are the number one killer of teens. Why is this? Some say that 16-year- old drivers are too inexperienced to be able…...
AdolescenceCar AccidentDrunk Driving
My Grandma’s Death and My Car Accident Teaching Me About Responsibility
The thought of living in a world without my grandma was inconceivable someone who filled the emptiness of an absent father, and the loneliness of a busy, hard-working mother. My grandma is a resilient woman, an attribute that helped her persevere in the face of a heart attack; but, even her determination couldn't change the fact that she was treated unfairly. My grandma was left in a hospital room, unattended for over an hour. The pain became so agonizing that…...
Car AccidentHealthLaw
The Car Accident with My Grandparents and How It Shaped Me Who I Am Today
Social issue that made me who I am today I would have to say is November 21,2007 the day I got in a car accident with my grandparents we where driving on the highway that day when a big truck came out of know where and hit use from the back of are car. The car flipped back and we where in the middle of the highway I thought to my self what just happened I tried getting out of…...
Car AccidentFictionTruck
Events On One Of The Small Islands of Hawaii
The play I choose to do my costume designs for was The Tempest I chose this play because the backgrounds and personalities of all the character provide a wide range of costume possibilities Also, each character requires unique and different costumes. The four characters I picked to design were Miranda, Prospero, Ferdinand, and Caliban. I chose Miranda, because over the course of the play she is slowly maturing and becoming less naive. I chose Prospero because his personality is very…...
An Argument in Favor of Legalizing Gay Marriage in the United States
Gay marriage in America is slowly becoming more and more common. If two people love each other very much, they deserve to have the right to marry each other. Gay marriage should not be illegal in America because there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, people who object to gay marriage often cite religious reasons for their objections, and because when two people love each other they deserve to have the right to be married no matter what objections. There is…...
Gay MarriageHomosexualityReligion
Helping Legalize Gay Marriages in Washington in the Song Same Love by Macklemore
Listen to everything around you. The trees, the wind, and the people – they all make sounds. Sounds in which our ancestors long ago turned into harmonies, melodies, and eventually music. Probably not the type we still listen to today, but it definitely was a start to something beautiful. For centuries, music has been used as a method to bring uncomfortable and dark social issues into the light in a beautiful way, and Ben Haggerty has done just that. Ben…...
CultureGay MarriageMarriage
Against Gay Marriage Legalization in US: Reasons
One of the rising problems of the modern era is the problem of gay marriage, and, whether or not it should be allowed. Of course, the gay community and people who are supporting the gay population think that gay marriage should be legalized all around the globe and that gay couples should have all the rights as normal, straight couples. Moreover, they consider the adoption of children by gay couples to be perfectly normal and are continuously fighting for this…...
Gay MarriageGenderHomosexuality
Court Strikes Down Ban on Gay Marriage in California, Article in NY Times
In his article "Court Strikes Down Ban on Gay Marriage in California”, Adam Nagourney informs us that the ban on gay marriage enforced by the passing of Proposition 8 in 2008 was deemed unconstitutional by a three-judge panel by a two to one vote. The panel upheld the same decision made in 2010 by Judge Vaugn R. Walker, who has since retired from the Federal District Court of the Northern District of California. Judge Stephen R. Reinhardt stated that "Although…...
Gay MarriageHuman RightsLaw
A Personal Recount of Volunteering in St. John’s University
Some of the most important messages St. John's University and the Vincentian community teach are: to respect individuals, help the needy, and believe that one's help to another creates a better society and world. As a student of St. John's University, I believe that we must keep this message in mind. By following this teaching, not only the world will become better, but I will also improve my own abilities and make a better person out of myself as well.…...
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Television as Media for Communication
Television is considered vast media for communication. Television is considered to have the wrong information at the same time as the media running in everyone's home. Likewise, there are many controversies about the merits and demerits of television. Strictly speaking, this is true. Television delivers news from one corner of the world to the other, delivering many unwanted programs at the same time. There are a myriad of television education programs. There are many programs about science and technology. Current…...
Completely End Planned Parenthood
Ted Cruz is a republican member of the senate representing Texas. He has held this position since 2013 and has recently won in the 2018 race for senate against Beto O'rourke. Ted Cruz has solely republican views. He believes in the termination of Obamacare and payroll taxes. These taxes go towards medicare and social security. His position on abortion is pro-life without exception. Cruz would like to put a total end to planned parenthood. In addition to these views he…...
Donald TrumpGovernmentPlanned ParenthoodPolitics
Forensic Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
One of the most important decisions a student makes during his or her high school years is what career he or she wants to study in college. There are many career options that an individual can choose from in the math, science, humanities and art fields. When considering a career field to go into it is important to consider personal interests, skills and goals. Two career fields I am interested in are forensic science and veterinary medicine. One profession that…...
Forensic ScienceMedicineScienceVeterinarian
Many Different Sources of Entertainment
Even though the medieval times were tough due to war, famine, disease, and thieves, it did not stop people from enjoying the fun part of life. There were many different sources of entertainment, like music, pageant wagons, tournaments, and certain types of entertainers that performed for people. Much of medieval music was influenced by Catholic churches and pagan rituals. Some instruments included harps, flutes, horns and the hurdy-gurdy. Troubadours, which were musicians and singers who specialized in courtly love from…...
Epic Games and Respawn Entertainment
Two of the most famous gaming companies in America, actually around the world.Both.Both have two of the most games on the market. However, throughout these two of the famous company and games careers,some stuff has been stolen!! Epic games has stole a handful of ideas from Respawn Entertainment. However, Epic games has hired the co-founder of Respawn entertainment. Epic Games nearly got in trouble for taking Respawn Entertainment's ideas of their most famous game Apex Legends.Both companies are made in…...
Video Game
Respawn Entertainment Made Apex Legends
Epic games were known for making Fortnite. They are two different in many ways. They can do many things such as add a different thing to their game and they done many more thing to help them and epic games had ideas and they stole ideas too but they had made a lot of stolen ideas from them but they still made it to the top and they made a lot of money off Fortnite. Respawn had made double the…...
Video Game
Entertainment As A Way to Achieve Interaction With Others
Entertainment isn’t all that As we grow up entertainment has been a major influence on society as a whole, whether it is television, music, reading, plays, art, or even the way you can interact with others. You can find beauty in the most simple things in entertainment and even the darkest things. Humans all have that one thing they love to do when they need a day to relax, but they may never know the impact it has on humans…...
The Innovation and Entertainment of the 1920s
Life in America during the 1920s was a time of innovation and entertainment due to new food and beverages, the development of Mickey Mouse, and the invention of the Ford Model T. World War I had just ended at the beginning of the 1920s, so there wasn’t much food at first. Then, all of the men returning home needed jobs and that’s when all of the innovation and entertainment began to appear. A lot of men started farming again, so…...
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