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IB English Language and Literature Paper 1 Stylistic Features
Allegory A literary work in which the apparent meaning of the characters and events is used to symbolise a deeper moral and spiritual meaning. Allusion A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art Ambiguity An event or situation that may be interpreted in more than one way. Analogy Illustrating the subject under discussion by making a parallel comparison Anachronism something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context Anaphora Repetition…...
Intro to Psychology – Chapt 1-8
The title of the American jazz classic, "Body and Soul" echoes a view known as dualism, a view associated MOST prominently with the philosopher: Decartes Akira has declared psychology as his major. He will be studying: behavior and mental processes In a journal article in psychology, the specific hypothesis tested in the research usually appears in the: introduction. Whereas the philosopher _____ believed that humans possessed some innate knowledge, the philosopher _____ believed that all knowledge is derived from experience.…...
DreamFlashcardsResearchScientific MethodSleep
Perrine’s Literature Structure, Sound, & Sense 11th Ed. (Short Stories)
Commercial Fiction Fiction intended solely to entertain. Literary Fiction Written with serious artistic intentions with hopes to broaden, deepen, and sharpen the reader's awareness of life. Plot Sequence of incidents or events through which an author constructs a story. Conflict A clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills. Protagonist The central character in a conflict. Antagonist Any force arranged against the protagonist. Suspense The quality in a story that makes readers ask "What's going to happen next?" or "How will…...
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Music Final Chapters 29-31
Beethoven called the Moonlight sonata a:. fantasy-like sonata Beethoven composed the Moonlight sonata: early in his career Beethoven felt that the Moonlight sonata was not one of his best works. true Beethoven gave the nickname "Moonlight" to his own piano sonata. false Beethoven had little regard for the formal conventions of his day. false Beethoven's Moonlight sonata is set in a minor key throughout all the movements. false Beethoven's Moonlight sonata was dedicated to one of his students, with whom…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaSonataWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Contemporary Postmodernism: Lesson 1
What is metafiction? the act of telling a story becomes part of the story What is a nonfiction novel? literature that reveals true facts through story form What makes a verb irregular? A regular verb in the present would then have -ed or -d added to it to make it past or past participle. For questions 4-5 chose which category of poetry matches the excerpt or poem. When the black snake flashed onto the morning road, and the truck could…...
Elements of Postmodern Literature
Irony, Playfulness, Black Humor Treating serious or depressing subjects in a lighthearted or humorous manner. Intertextuality The relationship between one text and another. Often a reference or parallel to another literary work, an extended discussion of a work, or the adoption of a style. Pastiche To combine or "paste" together multiple literary elements such a narrative structure, genre, style, etc. Metafiction Writing about writing. Fabulation A rejection of realism which embraces the notion that literature is a created work and…...
Chapter 8 Judaism True/False
Ultra-Orthodox Israeli leaders accept converts to Reform Judaism. False Judaism may have been influenced by outside views in the diaspora. True Moses destroyed the first set of tablets he received from God. True Apocalyptic literature focuses on God's victory over evil. True The head of Orthodox Judaism is known as the tzaddik. False The chief goal of reconstructionist Judaism is to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. False King Soloman advocated and practiced strict asceticism. True The Jewish sabbath begins Saturday…...
AP Spanish Literature and Culture LITERARY MOVEMENTS
naturalismo an outgrowth of realism that is more less concernedealism that is concerned less with the individual and more with humanity as a whole and with the fact that human reality is at the mercy of the natural environment - tends to seem more intense than realism; introduced in Spain by Emilia Pardo Bazán realismo literary movement during second half of 19th century concerned with analyzing reality and presenting things as realistically as possible; El hijo, La casa de Bernarda…...
Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Literature
The earliest written documents were: political and legal records What is the Tetragrammatron? The sacred name of Gods Ancient cultures developed in ares like the Nile valley and the Tigris and Eurphrates Valley for what reason? Ease of Agriculture Which characterizes the Roman political system? It separated political power. What did the term "Spohist" mean? A tutor. The Phoenician writing system relied on... An alphabet for consonant sounds. During the dark ages of Greece, Greeks lost what? Wealth, Writing, and…...
Ancient GreeceCultureFlashcardsGreeceLanguage
Abeka 11th grade American literature Quiz 15
Lew Wallace __________'s most popular novel is "Ben-Hur". naturalism A view of life which emphasizes a detached scientific and photographic accuracy which includes everything and selects nothing. Local color writing _________ is portraying in sketches and short stories the life of a particular geographical location. Bret Harte _________ was the first prose writer after the Civil War to gain popularly and became the leading local color writer of his day. Alma Way , Candace Whitcomb "A Village Singer " Simonides…...
Strengths and Weaknessess of Psychoanalysis
11 Strengths of Psychoanalysis 1)Offers an in-depth perspective (i.e., transference, countertransference) that emphasizes exploring the origins of psychopathology 2)The focus on developmental considerations 3)Most of the models address sexuality (except self psychology, which sees sexuality as a drive derivative—secondary to narcissistic concerns). 4)Freud brought gender issues to the fore with notion of "penis envy". 5) The notion of "repetition compulsion" transcends theory, often drawn by several models as a central concept. 6)Gabbard—Many people do not respond to medications or brief…...
FlashcardsHuman NatureMental HealthPsychiatryPsychotherapy
Drug information literature evaluation 1 PPT
The provision of pharmaceutical care requires integration of sound therapeutic principles and evidence-based data to render patient-centered care Pharmacist must have the knowledge and skills to: Retrieve Evaluate Communicate In order to keep abreast of new and emerging developments and improvements in patient care and patient-oriented outcomes you must possess: Drug Information Biostatistics and Literature evaluation skills Define Evidence-based medicine from quotes "The integreation of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values" "The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use…...
FlashcardsHealth CareMedicinePharmacyTherapy
American Literature Unit 2
Lesson 1 Questions An emotional appeal uses words and images to stir up an audience's feelings. True. The "Speech to the Virginia Convention" addressed The need to resist the military presence of the British. Emotional appeal is a persuasive technique that provides reasons to support a particular opinion or course of action. False. In the "Speech to the Virginia Convention," Henry discourages the delegates from resorting to argument because more can be achieved through reason than through hotheaded exchanges. True.…...
FlashcardsHenry David ThoreauLanguagePatrick HenryPoetryReason
10 literary terms explanation
allusion A reference to another work of literature, person, or event personification attributing human qualities to something non-human, 2. acting as an example of simile A comparison using like or as metaphor figure of speech comparing two different things onomatopoeia A word that imitates the sound it represents. interjection A word that shows strong emotion or surprise imagery Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste) hyperbole An exaggeration dialogue Communication between two or more people alliteration…...
12 Grade English Literature Quiz 12 Review
The opponent or force in conflict with the protagonist Antagonist A short, narrative folk song which tells of a single event in an objective manner Popular ballad The repetition of the same consonant sound Alliteration A comparison of two things that may share common characteristics Analogy The speeches between two or more characters in a play Dialogue A play that ends happily Comedy Unrhymed iambic pentameter Blank verse Two rhyming lines which express a complete thought Couplet A pause or…...
12 Angry Men – Characters/Props/Literature Terms
Foreman He is a small, petty man...formal, not overly bright Juror #2 He is a meek, hesitant man. . .easily swayed Juror #3 He is a very strong, very forceful. . .sadist Juror #4 He seems to be a man of wealth and position. . .fancy suit Juror #5 He is a naive, very frightened young man. . . Juror #6 He is an honest, but dull-witted man. . .slow Juror #7 He is a loud, flashy, glad-handed salesman. .…...
Mechanical Weathering Explanation
What is mechanical weathering ? when physical forces break rock into smaller and smaller pieces without changing the rocks mineral composition What is frost wedging ? when water freezes and expands it enlarges the cracks after many freeze thaw cycles the rocks break into pieces when water freezes its volume __ increases Which of the following is NOT associated with mechanical weathering ? reactions with oxygen What is chemical weathering ? Is the transformation of rock into one or more…...
ChemistryFlashcardsGeologyMaterialsNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Study Question Chapter 1-9
What are the tests for Canonicity? -Written by a prophet or other Spirit-led -Written to all generations -Written in accord with previous revelation At which council was the Old Testament canon confirmed? Jamnia How many groups does the Hebrew arrangement of the Old Testament have? 3 Which theory of inspiration holds that the Bible contains the word of God? Limited Inspiration Theory Plenary Verbal Inspiration theory holds that God's inspiration includes all? Scripture What were the Scribes called who preserved…...
BibleFlashcardsJudaismOld TestamentSacrifice
World Literature FINAL EXAM Study Guide
Iliad (author) Homer Metamorphosis (author) Franz Kafka The Song of Roland (author) Unknown All Quiet on the Western Front (author) Erich Remarque The Death of Ivan Ilyich (author) Leo Tolstoy Hedda Gabler (playwright) Henrik Ibsen Medea (author) Oral Tradition/ Lyric Poetry Candide (author) Voltaire Koran (author) Muhammad One Thousand & One Nights (author) Collection of Middle Eastern and South Asian stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic Things fall Apart (author) Chinua Achebe Merchant of Venice (playwright) Shakespeare Proem Beginning…...
English 10 Unit 6 Review
Describe the Han dynasty in China -ruled by Han family -strong, centralized government based on Confucian ideas -territory doubled, population increase -arts and scientists increased -Buddhism reached from India -silk road -Rome became leading world power by conquering Greeks. -Christianity spread -rivalries Literary analysis presents a reader's ____________ of a work of literature and supports that __________ with appropriate responses, details, and quotations. interpretation;interpretation goosefoot a type of plant with leaves that look like the feet of geese seditious actions…...
outsiders study guide questions and answers
Identify Darry, Soda and Ponyboy Darry, soda and Ponyboy are all brothers, that parents died a couple years ago. They are Greasers and they are in a gang which is just a bunch of friends that look out for eachother How are Greasers different from Socs? Greasers are the poor kids they live on the east side, they have long greasy hair, most are dropouts, and barely have any families. Socs are the popular people, the rich kids, the kids…...
Beowulf Unit Exam
Which of the following does not reflect the oral tradition of the epic Beowulf? When the thanes feasted, the King gave the best portion of meat to the bravest warrior In Beowulf, why does Beowulf sail with his chosen companions to Hrothgar's kingdom? to help Hrothgar by destroying a monster and to gain fame for themselves What is a "mead hall"? social hall, center of royal festivities for drinking, eating, entertainment. The Danish mead hall is called Heorot. Mead is…...
crossword puzzle night
fast Elie did not do this on Yom Kippur bread the prisoners ate this and soup Birkenau the recepetion center for auschwitz elie the only son hitler one jew said he was the only one who had kept his promises moshe he tried to warn the jews in sighet: ____ the beadle tzipora the youngest of the wiesel children foot elie had surgery on his ____ tibi dreamed of going to haifa with elie and yossi stein mr wiesel didnt…...
Skills Lesson: Greek Literature and Archetypes
Which phrase defines "archetype" best? a universal element such as a character or situation that recurs across cultures Name the archetypal character who fits this definition: a strong, capable female who may disguise herself as a man in order to achieve her goals. the Lady Warrior The story of the Trojan War is primarily an example of which purpose of mythology? history In what areas do we still see the influences of early Greek culture? all of these areas William…...
Gregorian Chant: Beyond Triadic Harmonies
Pope Gregory traditionally associated with collecting and organizing the chants of the church triadic harmonies which doesn't characterize gregorian chant there is no harmony why does gregorian chant sound so different from other types of western music syllabic a setting of gregorian chant with one note per syllable neumatic a setting of gregorian chant with two to four notes per syllable neumes early notation that suggested melodic contours using small ascending or descending signs the mass service in the roman…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusic
Deuteronomy’s Bridge Between Pentateuch and History
The underlying principle of the law in Deuteronomy is Love What kind of bridge does Deuteronomy form between the Pentateuch and the historical books? Literary In Deuteronomy the list of witnesses for the covenant is found in chapter.... 31 Suzerainty treaties were most commonly initiated by Hittites In which section of the suzerainty treaty would this be most likely to be found: "You shall remain loyal to me, the Hittite king"? Stipulation How many parts are there to a suzerainty…...
BibleFlashcardsJudaismOld Testament
The Outsiders – Study Guide for Test and Final
How old is Ponyboy? Fourteen Why is Darry the guardian of Ponyboy and his other brother? Their parents died in a car accident What is the name of the oldest Curtis boy? Darry What is the name of the middle Curtis boy? Sodapop Who is the novel's narrator and the youngest Curtis boy? Ponyboy What is the name of Sodapop's girlfriend? Sandy Who is the joker of Ponyboy's gang? Two-Bit What is Two-Bit's prized possession? His black-handled switchblade Who is…...
Ch 11 AP Euro (Romanticism)
Romanticism Reaction in the early 19th century literature, philosophy, and religion against what many people considered the excessive rationality and scientific narrowness of the Enlightenment. Sturm und Drang A movement in German romantic literature and philosophy that emphasized feeling and emotion. Also meaning "storm and stress" Categorical Imperative According to Immanuel Kant, the internal sense of moral duty or awareness possessed by all human beings. Romantic Movement Reaction against much of the though of the Enlightenment and the social transformation…...
CultureFlashcardsMetaphysicsPhilosophical TheoriesReason
Music 111 Chapter 16
The term Romantic was: used by writers of literature in the nineteenth century and adopted by musicians. The composer most responsible for elevating music to a new level of respect during the Romantic era was: Ludwig van Beethoven. Which is true of the relative status of music in the nineteenth century? Music rose to the same status as literature The Romantic movement in literature first arose in: England and Germany Who provided the Romantics with the ideal of the individual…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSound
Bible Studies CWV-101 Quiz 3 Questions & Answers
1. Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2. When you are separated from God he cannot hear. God can and desires to save, but sin causes separation 2. The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people? It indicates how humanity…...
Adam And EveChristianityFlashcardsGodOriginal SinTheology
English 11B – Semester Exam [Flashcards] 2017
The nonfictions novel was a creation of ___ writers. C) Postmodernist Which of the following conflicts influenced modernist writers? B) World War I The rebirth of African American musical and literary talent is known as the ___. D) Harlem Renaissance. Both Langston Hughes and __________ wrote about the inequality of African Americans during the modernist literary period. D) Ralph Ellison In the 1960s, poetry became ___. B) Less traditional Beat generation writers thought that traditional forms of literature should be…...
CultureFlashcardsModernismPostmodernismShort Story
Introduction to Early American Literature Quiz
What does Of Plymouth Plantation reveal about the determination of both the Pilgrims and the ship's officers and crew to complete the journey to the New World? Both the Pilgrims and the ship's crew considered turning back when the beam broke, but together they decided to continue. What does Of Plymouth Plantation reveal about the Pilgrims' readiness to establish a new colony where they landed? They were not prepared for the harshness of the environment or the hostility of the…...
Music 101 Midterm Speedbacks
Lessons 1-3: Pavanes are often paired with galliards Which of the following is not a chief characteristic of the late medieval motet? stratified texture intricate and complex rhythmic combinations dissonant harmonies! smooth, regular rhythms and long, lyrical melodies Which of the following is not a characteristic of Notre Dame organum? the first use of fixed patterns of surface rhythm use of textures in which some voices move quickly; others, more slowly use of long-held notes in the lower parts texts…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaSound
Quiz 3: Punctuation and Essays
formal essay serious nonfiction writing meant to inform or convince linking marks comma, semicolon, colon essai French word for essay informal essay often humorous thesis statement gives ideas or opinions to be proven genre form or type of literature American essayists Thurber and Emerson end marks period, question mark, exclamation point English essayists Addison and Steele interrupters comma, dash fiction made up; not real nonfiction factual true An informal essay attempts to entertain. using a semicolon between the clauses without…...
Music History 1A
Music can be defined as An art based on the organization of sounds in time In general, the smaller the vibrating element, the____its pitch higher Tone color is synonymous with _____ timbre Plucking the string with the finger instead of using a bow is called_____ pizzicato Brass instruments did not acquire valves until the middle of the____century 19th ______is a standard adopted by manufacturers for interfacing synthesizer equipment MIDI Melody may be defined as a series of single notes that…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsLudwig Van BeethovenMusicRomanticismSound
How does literature shape or reflect society?
humorist (n.) a person skilled at telling jokes and funny stories; comedian myth A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society. personal An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. regionalism an element in literature that conveys a realistic portrayal of a specific geographical locale, using the locale and its influences as a major part of the plot satire the use of irony, sarcasm. Ridicule,…...
English 10a literature of the Americas unit test
Which of the following words best describes the speakers tone Aggravated Read the following sentences from " day of the butterfly." " I did not know what to do. I could not afford to be seen walking with her, and I did not even want to but on the other hand, the flattery of those humble, hopefully turnings was not lost on me. A role was shaping for me that I could not resist playing." Which of the following best…...
(Verbal, Dramatic, Situational) Irony Examples & Definitions
Verbal Irony Occurs when what is said differs from what is meant. Dramatic Irony Occurs when you know what is going to happen to fictional character, but he or she doesn't know. Situational Irony Occurs when an event turns out to be totally unexpected. Irony Is a contrast, or difference, between what is expected and what happens or between what is spoken and what is meant. Example of irony Antigravity Boy finds that his superpowers are useless against MoleMouth, whose…...
Strategies for Academic Success
Margaret needs to compare the types of themes from the four books in her American Literature class. She should use a ____________to match the themes with the stories. B. Chart To organize notes, a student should review notes from class lectures, but not notes from the text book chapters. F Alisha's teacher usually includes lots of comments on student tests to help them understand why their answers were incorrect. These comments are important to Alisha's study guide because C. The…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingEncyclopediaFlashcardsResearchStudy Skills
British Literature Final Exam
Chaucer Father of English Poetry Mallory Father of Le Morte d' Artur Macduff Part of Prophecy Bede Father of English History Beowulf Anglo-Saxon Epic Fleance Escaoed the Murderers Macbeth Villan & hero Beowulf Hero/ Deliverer Hrothgar Good Rulers of the Danes Wiglaf Helped Beowulf Hygelac Ruler of Geats Rudyard Kipling Beast Fable Herot Mead Hall Unferth Envious Dane Canterbury Site of Martydom Shallot Island of Medieval Fable Sutton Hoo Archeological Site. Anglo Saxon artifacts. Lyrical Ballad Start of Romantic Period.…...
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