Essays on Engineering

Free essays on engineering are academic papers that cover various topics related to engineering. These essays can cover different aspects of engineering such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and many more. They are typically written by experts in the field or students who have specialized in engineering. The essays are available for free and can be easily accessed online. They provide a wealth of information on different engineering concepts, theories, research, and technology. Reading these essays can help students to gain a better understanding of the field and improve their academic performance.
Centripetal Force Lab Report
Words • 586
Pages • 3
Sketching of the set-up Theory Centripetal force F is the net force causing the centripetal acceleration of an object performing uniform circular motion. Its magnitude is given by the equation: = Mrs.. When an object is whirled in horizontal circular motion in mid-air with a piece of string (as shown in figure 1 above), the centripetal force on the object is provided by the horizontal component of tension in the string: 2 =>2 (since r = L) Procedure 1 A…...
ForceMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report
Words • 500
Pages • 2
Motion Lab Report Introduction Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hooker’s Law. In this lab, we will observe simple harmonic motion by studying masses on springs. In the first part of this lab, you will determine the period, T, of the spring by observing one sliding mass that is attached to two springs with the spring constant k, and attached to a…...
EnergyMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Wheel And Axle Lab Report
Words • 497
Pages • 2
Now for a rolling wheel the kinetic energy has two monuments, translational due to the bodily movement of the mass centre down the slope and rotational due to the wheel spin. Now the source of this energy is the loss in potential energy as the wheel moves down the slope. If it is reasonable to assume that friction effects are insignificant then no energy is lost. Thus the loss in potential energy becomes a gain in kinetic energy.Essay Example on…...
EnergyForceMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpace
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Shear Force And Bending Moment Lab Report
Words • 491
Pages • 2
Moments are calculated by using static theory, or multiplying perpendicularly directed load by the respective distance to the pivot point. 1. 2 Objective The main objective of that laboratory is to provide students with basic experience and thus, the comparison between calculated and measured values (software) should be demonstrated to show the ability to apply static theory from applied mechanics module. 1. 3 Theory Shear forces The shearing force at any section of a beam is the algebraic sum of…...
ForceMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Two Shaft Gas Turbine Simulator Lab Report
Words • 194
Pages • 1
It has isentropic processes occur that upon investigation describes the Carrot cycle. It can be shown that it is the most efficient cycle for converting a given amount of Herman energy into work, or conversely, creating a temperature difference by doing a given amount of work. Calculations were done for the air compressor, combustion chamber and turbines. Power, isentropic efficiency, mechanical efficiency and pressure loss were all deduced with error factors in mind. In the combustion chamber, the overall pressure…...
EnergyEnginesMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Introduction To Electrical Circuits Lab Report
Words • 647
Pages • 3
In order to correctly set up the breadboard, the ululations were used to determine which set of resistors needed to be matched together. Each color on the resistor represents the resistors value. The first and second bands represent the first two digits of the resistor value, the third band represents the multiplier, and the fourth band is the tolerance. After adding up the total resistor values, it is significant to match up the resistors to create a total of the…...
Electronic Engineering
Fluid Mechanics Buoyancy Lab Report
Words • 532
Pages • 3
From information learned in the accompanying Fluid Mechanics lecture course, basic formulas can be applied to solve for the specific weight of the object in question. The experiment performed will involve the buoyancy principle and include calculating the volume displaced of a submerged object. This is laboratory experiment under a controlled environment. The results of this experiment can be found by using the weight of each object when dry as well as submerged in water in order to determine the…...
Mechanical EngineeringPhysics
Theory On Investigating Conductors
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Conductor Investigation Experiment Labret Introduction This experiment is about to test how will the monochrome wire effect the ampere of the electric current. All the possible factor that will effect to the volt of the current The Length of the wire The Diameter of the wire Temperature Magnetism Aim To determine the effect of the length of the wire on the ampere of the electric current. Hypothesis Monochrome is an alloy(a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements)…...
Electronic Engineering
Charles Law Lab Report Essay
Words • 191
Pages • 1
Assuming that pressure does not change, if you double the absolute temperature of a gas it causes the volume of that gas to double. Temperature and volume are proportional. The volume of a gas increases by 1/273 of its volume at CO for every degree Celsius that the temperature increases. This relationship happens because while the gas molecules are moving around in their container in different directions and peed, they will have an average amount of energy that is the…...
ChemistryMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Circuit Lab Report
Words • 505
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on after completing these parts our aim is to see the operation oscilloscope and analyze simple circuits. Experimental work; In the first part of the experiment we read the colors of given resistors. There were 4 resistors in the kit. Three of them were same because their colors at the right hand side were same an done of them was different. The color of 3 resistors were orange and other one was red so when we…...
Electronic Engineering
Transmit Filter and Multi Secrecy Aided Optimization with DFE for Duplex Systems
Words • 1912
Pages • 8
The following example essay on "Transmit Filter and Multi Secrecy Aided Optimization with DFE for Duplex Systems" on the problem of secure transmission in wireless communication, especially in the physical layer. The interconnectivity of devices in Cyber-Physical systems under wireless environments facilitates information exchange but challenges network security. In order to proliferate secrecy, with the assumption of channel reciprocity, the legitimate users share the same channel which is independent of the channels between the legitimate users and the eavesdropper. It…...
Electronic Engineering
Prevention and mitigation of accidents in civil engineering
Words • 1380
Pages • 6
Flooding is the most destructive natural threat in Pakistan, and the recent flooding has demonstrated its seriousness. Floods are common throughout the country, but their characteristics differ from region to region. This article examines the flood behavior of major basins and flood management at the national level. Monsoon rains are the main source of flooding in the Indus Basin, while Mediterranean waves and cyclones that are generated over the Arabian Sea cause flooding in the Haran Basin and the Makran…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
Words • 1598
Pages • 7
-58420-254000(A Unit of Nitte Education Trust(R), Mangalore)(AN AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION AFFILIATED TO VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM)ACCREDITED BY NATIONAL BOARD OF ACCREDITATION (AICITE), NEW DELHIGovindapura, Gollahalli, P.B. No. 6429, Yelahanka, Bangalore 560-064, Karnataka, India2000250125095A Mini Project ReportOnULTRASONIC SOUND SENSING CARSubmitted in partial fulfilment for the SubjectMECHATRONICS SYSTEMS(Sub Code: 17ME53)Submitted byPRAJWAL M R(USN:1NT17ME093)V Semester 'C' SectionDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringNMIT, Bengaluru. SHAUNAK D RAI(USN:1NT17ME124)V Semester 'C' SectionDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringNMIT, Bengaluru.Course InstructorMR. PRASHANTH NAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringNMIT, Bengaluru.2019-20Marks Awarded for LA1 (Max Marks:2010)Objectives(4M)…...
Electronic Engineering
Progress in the Invention of Optoelectronic Devices
Words • 505
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Innovative progress in the invention of optoelectronic devices like LED and semiconductor laser was began in early 1960s. Many researchers applied spontaneous emission (SE) principle to generate red visible lights by using GaAsP alloy thereby they developed red LEDs which shows excellent application in electronic devices. During 1961, Albert Einstein applied spontaneous emission principle to explain quantum theory of radiation. In 1961, Bernard and Duraffourg concluded that the principles of spontaneous emission were highly involved…...
Engineering Drawings Leonardo da Vinci
Words • 1742
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "Engineering Drawings Leonardo da Vinci" is about the famous inventor, engineer and artist Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo, one of the most famous and most celebrated people of modern times since the Renaissance, was ahead of his time with his amazing ideas and concepts. I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. these are the wise words from an intelligent…...
DrawingEngineeringLeonardo Da VinciMindPaintingTechnology
During the Spanish colonial period there were no Filipino
Words • 1261
Pages • 6
During the Spanish colonial period, there were no Filipino civil engineers. The Spaniards made us think that we were inferior to them, suppressing our abilities and skills to build, design, and plan any structure during those times. On the brighter aspect, many infrastructures were built at the time, integrating the European standards in the installations of those structures, which helped the Filipinos in going from one place to another, transporting their goods and the like. Apart from that, imagine how…...
Civil EngineeringEngineerEngineeringPhilippines
The Standard Roof Covering Products
Words • 973
Pages • 4
Of all significant house repair services, installing new roofing is probably as essential as it obtains. Though brand-new roofing isn't all that glamorous, you'll understand its importance in a large method need to an old roof fail, permitting water to damage within your home, from the attic room insulation, down via the meticulously renovated kitchen area, exactly on to the basement living room with a large television. Less house problems can be extra tragic than a stopped working roofing. Roof…...
ArchitectureBuildingCivil EngineeringConstructionMaterialsService
Wire diameter & resistance
Words • 1022
Pages • 5
How does the diameter or cross-sectional area of a wire affect its resistance Essay IntroductionI am going to investigate how the diameter, or gauge, of a wire affects its resistance. In order for me to do this, I will need to find as many different diameters of wire as I can. I will cut each one to a reasonable length (probably about 10cm), then connect it to a battery pack and measure the current and voltage (with an ammeter and…...
Electronic Engineering
Engineering Essay Example
Words • 1598
Pages • 7
Engineering Essay IntroductionRoles & Professionalism By Ezer Yeboah-Boateng 1Quote of the Week? //? Working together for the common good of society. 2Outline?Introduction?Roles of Engineers?Engineers & the Environment?Engineers as Professionals?Engineers Today 3Books & Resources? Engineering & Social Justice, by Donna Riley, 2008; Morgan & Claypool Publishers.? Bridging the Gap Between Engineering & the Global World: A Case Study of the Coconut (Coir) Fiber Industry in Kerala, India, by Shobha K. Bhatia & Jennifer L. Smith, 2008; Morgan & Claypool Publishers. 45…...
Design of Electronic Circuits Lab Report 
Words • 440
Pages • 2
The ability to analysis a circuit gives a potential electrical engineer the ability to learn how o problem solve in a theoretical and practical sense which in turn develops industry skills in which will follow them for life, and allow a solid knowledge base for the rest of their career. This report covers the analysis of a DC circuit in order to determine unknown values within a circuit and covers the design process of a DC circuit when specific voltages…...
Electronic Engineering
Architecture of the GSM network Essay Example
Words • 1716
Pages • 7
Architecture of the GSM network Essay IntroductionGSM -> Architecture Architecture of the GSM network MobileStation BaseStationSubsystem Network Subsystem Following is the simple architecture diagram of GSM Network. [pic] A GSM network is composed of several functional entities, whose functions and interfaces are defined. Figure 1 shows the layout of a generic GSM network. The GSM network can be divided into three broad parts. The Mobile Station is carried by the subscriber, the Base Station Subsystem controls the radio link with the…...
ArchitectureCommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceElectronicsInformation Age
Things That Affect Marble Acceleration
Words • 1530
Pages • 7
The following sample essay is about things that affect marble acceleration. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. There are a number of things that affect the acceleration of the marble:- Angle/Gradient of slope. Changing the angle of the slope would affect the acceleration of the squash ball as it changes the energy the marble starts with as steeper angles raise the slope start higher so the marble would have more potential energy.- Mass of marble.…...
EnergyExperimentFrictionGravityMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Investigation Into How mass Affects the Rate of Fall of Cup Cakes
Words • 1154
Pages • 5
In this investigation we will observe and analyse the rate of fall of cup cakes when the mass is altered.In my preliminary work we conducted experiments where we dropped a large surface area parachute and small surface area parachute from the same height of 1 metre and 1.5 metres. The purpose of this preliminary experiment is to familiarise and understand the principles involved in the experiment.Diagram:Results of preliminary experiment:Parachute dropped at 1 metre -Time in seconds to fall 1 metreSmall…...
ExperimentForceGravityMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Words • 330
Pages • 2
Stress is the loading applied   on the material while strain is the deformation that results due to application of load or stress. By this definition, it is obvious that stress and strain are related and that relationship can best be explained by considering a stress-strain curve (Figure 1). Building materials have their own corresponding stress-strain curve which can be obtained by recording the amount of deformation (strain) upon application of tensile or compressive loading. Curve results reveal the behavior or…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringConstructionMaterialsMechanical EngineeringMental Health
Computer Networks
Words • 2492
Pages • 10
Explain what is data Distinguish between Analog and Digital signal Explain the difference between time and Frequency domain representation of signal Specify the bandwidth of a signal Specify the Sources of impairment Explain Attenuation and Unit of Attenuation Explain Data Rate Limits and Nyquist Bit Rate Distinguish between Bit Rate and Baud Rate Identify Noise Sources . 1. 1 Introduction A simplified model of a data communication system is shown in Fig. 2. 1. 1. Here there are five basic…...
Electronic Engineering
The Shadow robot hand system
Words • 5006
Pages • 21
The Shadow robot hand system Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, development and application of robots [1] and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans, in dangerous or manufacturing processes, or simply just resemble humans. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics. The concept in creation of machines that could operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research…...
Artificial IntelligenceAutomationMechanical EngineeringRadar TechnologyRobotTechnology
Pressure Die Casting
Words • 1207
Pages • 5
Presentation Pressure Die Casting Sam Mande Deepak Ch Veera Pratap Vamsi raj J (BUB0912011) (BUB0912016) (BUB0912013) (BUB0912010) M. Sc. (Engg. ) in Engineering Manufacturing and Management Module Leader : Dr N S Mahesh M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 1 History Casting since about 4000 BC… Ancient Greece; bronze statue casting 450BC Iron works in early Europe, e. g. cast iron cannons from England 1543 2 M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies Introduction Die casting is a very…...
ChemistryIndustryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Automatic Room Light Controller with Didirectional Visitor Counter
Words • 2586
Pages • 11
CHAPTER :- 1 Project Overview 1. Introduction Of Project 1. 1 Project Definition: Project title is “AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROLLER WITH BIDIRECTIONAL VISITOR COUNTER “. The objective of this project is to make a controller based model to count number of persons visiting particular room and accordingly light up the room. Here we can use sensor and can know present number of persons. In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances with the increase in standard of…...
Electronic Engineering
Sample of Chapter 2 of an Investigatory Project (Steam-Powered Toy Car)
Words • 4616
Pages • 19
Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Introduction This chapter indicates the ideas, also the history, relevant to the experiment to provide information and further elaborate different standpoints that were the foundation of the proposed study, also on the background study of the different methods and concepts used by other researchers that applies to the present study. In order to develop new method and procedures, careful review of literature and studies must be done for the development of the…...
ChemistryEvaporationHeatLearningMechanical EngineeringProject
Capacity and Demand Reconciliation in Orgs?
Words • 2528
Pages • 11
Faculty of Commerce Department of Business Management Master of Commerce Degree in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance 1. 2 Module : Production and Operations Management Module Code : MBM 705 NAME OF LECTURER : Mr A. Mafuka Semester 2, 2012 NAME: Gwyneth Ngoma Registration Number :R 12228 A Date:31st August 2012 ASSIGNMENT 1 : Evaluate ways of reconciling capacity and demand in either a service or manufacturing organisation you are familiar with. . Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Master…...
Electronic Engineering
Study Plan for Chemical Engineering
Words • 1828
Pages • 8
Chemical Engineering and its importance Advertisements Chemical engineering has a number of applications in our day to day lives. This course is offered to students at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Upon the accomplishment of their studies, individuals can apply for jobs with firms of the private or public sector firms. Placement opportunities are available for aspirants within some of the prestigious Indian firms such as Reliance and Indian Oil etc. One can say that this sector is one of…...
Air Conditioning
Words • 6866
Pages • 28
HVAC Systems: Air Conditioning Dr. Harjit Singh Room 116 Howell Building harjit. singh@brunel. ac. uk Fridays 09. 30 – 11. 30am Unless otherwise specified For students enquiries: 1 Building Services Engineering: Building Air Conditioning Module (ME5508), Brunel University Introduction to the module • Credit: 15 • Teaching materials: – Provided for the MSc students. – Undergrads: Buy them from the stores. • Assignment: to be handed two weeks before Xmas, deadline-28 Jan 2013 • Students enquiries: – Fridays 09. 30…...
ChemistryEvaporationMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Protection Devices For Electrical Machines & Control
Words • 337
Pages • 2
Neutral and safety ground must be connected at only one point and must be at the main service entrance. Improper earth protection will lead to certain hazards such as: A) Hazard due to stray impedance. B) Hazard due to direct contact 14. 1 Fuse and Circuit Breaker Fuse is used to protect electrical devices and conductors from excessive current which arises from short circuits or overload current. Its enclosure is made from certain type of material. Fiber is popularly used…...
Electronic Engineering
Civil Engineering in the 21st Century
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Throughout history, engineering has driven the development of civilization. From the metallurgists who finished the Stone Age to the shipbuilders who united the world's people groups through travel and exchange, the past saw numerous wonders of engineering ability. As civilization is developed, it was sustained and improved with the assistance of progressively advanced apparatuses for Agriculture, innovations for creating materials, and developments changing human collaboration and correspondence. Innovations, for example, the mechanical clock and the printing press irreversibly changed civilization…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
Research Proposal on Telecommunication
Words • 567
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Telecommunication is the type of communication, the way of information transfer with the help of electromagnetic signals, for example, cables or radio. Telecommunication has a long history which goes back to the dawn of the human civilization, because the information transfer has always been essential for the human life and existence of the human society. At first there were visual methods of information transfer: smoke, fire, flags, lighthouses, etc, which informed people about the threat with the help of these…...
Physics Data Analysis coursework
Words • 4976
Pages • 20
This coursework assignment requires me analyse and evaluate data on copper and constantan given to me. It entails investigating the young's modulus of the metal and alloy. Thus I will use many methods during to complete my investigation. Aims: 1. To draw stress and strain graphs for the metal copper and the alloy constantan 2. To calculate the figures of young's modulus for copper and constantan 3. To discuss the physics involved Plan: In this investigation I have received results…...
ChemistryCopperData AnalysisExperimentForceHealth
Investigating The Characteristics Of A Filament Lamp
Words • 3588
Pages • 15
Aim: To investigate how the current in a component changes as the voltage is altered. Prediction: As the voltage in the filament lamp increases, more current will flow through the circuit, causing the tungsten filament to get hotter. According to Ohm's law (R =V/I), the resistance in the circuit will therefore increase. Scientific Knowledge: In order to give reason for the prediction above, already proven scientific theory can be used. A number of factors can affect how the current in…...
Electronic Engineering
An investigation of the factors affecting the output of a transformer
Words • 3564
Pages • 15
Transformers are used in everyday life. They work on the principle of Electromagnetic field induction. Current (electrons) has an electromagnetic field. This field can manipulate the field of magnets. Also the field of magnets can manipulate the field of electrons in a similar way to how magnets interact. Transformers work by using the fields to transfer energy through the field lines: Wire induces a magnetic field in the iron core. Iron core. The field lines Are cut causing Wire an…...
Electronic Engineering
Fire Engineering
Words • 1141
Pages • 5
Fire Engineering Name: Institution: Lecturer: Course: Date: Fire Engineering 1. What do laws in your state indicate about false fire alarms and tampering with fire protection equipment? Cite the law. If anyone purposely breaks, molests or tampers with any private or public fire equipment, they will be considered guilty; for instance, tampering with fire alarms, fire extinguishers, emergency radios or phones. This includes attracting false attention to suggest fire accident. For example, shouting for help, sounding fire alarms or any…...
BuildingEngineeringFireFire SafetyLawLife
Java Collection Interview
Words • 3971
Pages • 16
Java Collection Interview Questions Q:| What is the Collections API? | A:| The Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on collections of objects. | Q:| What is the List interface? | A:| The List interface provides support for ordered collections of objects. | Q:| What is the Vector class? | A:| The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. | Q:| What is an Iterator interface? | A:| The…...
Computer ProgrammingComputer ScienceComputersDataSoftware Engineering
We've found 225 essay examples on Engineering

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Investigation Into How mass Affects the Rate of Fall of Cup Cakes
...Surface area also affects the speed of fall; an object with a large surface area will be slowed down and shown in preliminary experiment with the parachutes.However in this particular experiment the surface are will stay the same, perhaps a minute in...
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