Free essays on Medicine refer to written documents that explore various aspects of medical science, including treatments, diseases, medical ethics, and social aspects related to healthcare provision. These essays may cover different types of medical practices, from traditional medicine to modern and alternative medicines. Additionally, these essays may include different perspectives on medical science, ranging from opinions on medical treatment policies to breakthroughs in medical research. Free essays on Medicine are a useful resource for students, healthcare practitioners, and researchers, as they provide valuable insight into the world of medical science.
Death In The Open Lewis Thomas
Death in the open In the essay “Death in the Open” Lewis Thomas talks about the dead animals he finds on the side of the road and how he feels about such death. Life is about leaving an impression in one way or another. Death is a reflection of what a person has done in the world. Thomas’ feelings towards death Is sadness and anger because of the way he reacts towards dead animals on the side of the road,…...
Cultural Interaction Essay
Cultural interaction is the basis for the world today. Without cultural interaction, the Americas would still be filled with Native Americans. The whole world would be isolated from other cultures. For example, America would not have certain foods and animals, such as bananas and cows; likewise, Europe would not have corn or turkeys. Between the years 600 and 1450 C. E, Cultural interaction was very beneficial due to the expanding of trade, spreading of religion and cultures, and strengthening nations.However,…...
AfricaAstronomyBubonic PlagueCultureEuropeIslam
Le Moulin De La Galette Painting
This painting was based on Moulin, where people used to go for entertainment. This mostly took place on Sunday afternoons. In this picture, people are seen dancing in a Sunday afternoon in a courtyard, which is shaded by an acacia tree. The people belonging to the working class would dress up and go to this place. There would be dancing, drinking a lot of laughter. This is a happy occasion, and it is one of Renoir’s happy compositions. In most…...
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Countertransference Example
Countertransference Tina Huley Psychology: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Professor: Dr. Yvonne Patterson Chicago State University Countertransference Countertransference is the therapist’s unconscious emotional responses when a client discusses a therapist’s unresolved issue. The counselor’s thoughts and feelings in reaction to the client can be from the client themselves or events in the counselor’s own life. Counselors should monitor their feelings while working with their clients. Counselors who are aware about their personal issues allow them to manage countertransference. They can feel…...
Mental HealthPsychiatryPsychotherapy
Evolutionary Relationships Quiz
Credit Quiz 2 1) If two modern organisms are distantly related in an evolutionary sense, then one should expect that A) they live in very different habitats. B) they should share fewer homologous structures than two more closely related organisms. C) their chromosomes should be very similar. D) they shared a common ancestor relatively recently. E) they should be members of the same genus. 2) Within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3TC, a patient’s HIV population consists…...
BiologyEvolutionGeneGeneticsHivNatural Selection
The Importance of Correlation in Statistics
Correlation in statistics is the measure of the association between two variables. The number computed in correlation is known as the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient’s value ranges from -1 up to +1. The -1 value means that there is a perfect negative association between two variables. The +1 value means that there is a perfect positive association between two variables. A coefficient of zero means that there is no association between two variables (Agresti & Franklin, 2007). The next…...
Is Eric or Gerald Responsible for Eva’s Death
Compare And Contrast Eric And Gerald. Which Do You Consider To Be Most To Blame For Eva’s Death? Eric and Gerald share similarities, the main one being that they both had a relationship with Eva. They also both gave her money and their behaviours went against the moral ‘code’ of the time. There are more differences however between the pair. Eric exploited Eva whereas Gerald ‘rescued’ her meaning that Eva meant different things to them. Whilst Eric made Eva worried, Gerald…...
An Inspector CallsDeathDiseaseHuman Nature
Human Cloning Ethical Issues Essay
Cloning human beings: an assessment of the ethical issues pro and con, Brock tries to take a neutral stance on the subject and give both the positives and negatives of cloning human beings. While doing this he talks about the individual and societal repercussions, what It means to be an Individual and human rights. He takes a strict secular approach to both sides of the argument and doesn’t Involve religious Implications or stances on any points that he mentions. There…...
Case Study Analysis Paper
Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Case Study Analysis Paper Comments on the Case Study Analysis by Two People Response 1 In the first response to the case analysis, the writer first notes that the actions of the physician are unethical. The response also recognizes that the physician had an obligation to both George and his wife, as well. This is one responsibility of physicians in their practice, which they should never forget. From the two statements,…...
Case StudyDiseaseEducationEthicsHealth CareLearning
Operation Smile Facts
Charity Foundations Depend on You For charity foundations, every charitable donation truly makes an impact. Whether a large corporate charitable donation or a small personal charitable donation, everything counts. With the average cost of a cleft lip operation at only $240, even a charitable donation of $20 per month for one year alleviates the burden of a facial deformity for one well-deserving child. Operation Smile is one of the many charitable foundations where you can really see the impact of…...
Health CareMedicine
Causes And Effects Of Noise Pollution
Noise can be defined as an unwanted or undesired sound. Decibel is the standard unit for measurement of sound. Usually 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful. And can be termed as noise. Humans, animals, plants and even inert objects like buildings and bridges have been victims of the increasing noise pollution caused in the world. Be it human or machine-created, noise disrupts the activity and balance of life. While traffic dons the cap of being…...
Hearing LossPollutionSound
The Little Ship Poem
By this time, Lawrence was in the last year of his life. He was expecting to die, but he had no religious relief in an afterlife – he severely doubted the Catholic religion in which he was brought up. The poems from Last Poems are his way of reassuring himself that death is simply another stage in the journey through life. He was fascinated by the Ancient culture, especially the Greeks, and transformed their mythology and beliefs into his own…...
AfterlifeDeathHip Hop CultureSoul
Bibliography Of Insurance
Bragdon, T., & Allumbaugh, J. (2011, July 19). Healthcare reform in maine: reversing “obamacare lite”. Retrieved from This is a research article mentioning the problems with a government run health insurance program, specifically in the state of Maine. Information is provided pertaining to the effects (premiums actually being higher, less people becoming insured, etc.) of a government run program and new ideas implemented by other states that call for less governmental involvement are discussed including: guaranteed access to reinsurance…...
Affordable Care ActBibliographyHealth CareInsurancePrivacyResearch
Botox Usage in Medicine and Beauty Procedures
The following sample essay focuses on the use of Botox in medicine and cosmetic procedures. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Bottom is used to get rid of wrinkles in aging adults. The main reason it was used was to help patients that had a stroke and their face muscles were drawn up. Bottom actually paralyzes the muscles instead of relaxing them. Men and woman are spending 600-1,000 bucks each time they go and have…...
The Case Of The Unhealthy Hospital
Blake Memorial Hospital in Marksville recently hired Bruce Reid as their new CEO. The hospital and its clinics are not generating enough income. The hospital’s costs is rising, the quality of care is declining and is not generating enough revenue to cover the expenses. Bruce Reid was given a $70 million budget to improve the financial health of Blake Memorial and improve the quality of healthcare services. He was allowed only less than a week to finalize the budget and…...
Health CareHospitalMedicinePatient
Level II HCPCS Modifier for Portable Home Oxygen Unit.
Applying Level II HCPCS Modifiers 1)Portable home oxygen unit code = GM – I chose this code because due to the fact the physician prescribed this unit to the patient. 2)Emergency ambulance transport and extended life support code = QN – This code was chosen due to the fact that the ambulance services is one provided directly by the provider of service. 3)Diagnostic mammogram, left, code= GG – This code was chosen because it is used for performance and payment…...
Health CareMedicine
Television Is A Bad Influence
Arguments in favor of television being a bad influence. Television makes children violent and aggressive. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there is a consensus developing among members of the research community that violence on television does lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch the programs. Television discourages face-to-face interaction among children or families. Sitting passively in front of the television leads to weight gain, increasing the chances of diabetes in children and heart disease…...
Animal Experimentation Essay
Animal experimentation has been performed for centuries. The earliest recorded testing was by the Greeks in approximately 200BC; over 2000 years ago ( This topic raises a lot of controversy on both sides of the argument. Scientists claim animal testing seems to bring a lot of benefits, yet, others believe it is harmful to the animals and that there are many other ways to perform these trials. This essay will provide information on the advantages and disadvantages of animal testing…...
Animal TestingExperimentMedicineResearch
Michael J Fox Senate Speech
Analysis: The Balancing Act In modern-day speeches, rhetorical strategies are often used to impact listeners. In Michael J. Fox’s speech about Parkinson Disease, he uses rhetorical strategies to assist In Influencing the Senate Subcommittee to promote a larger budget to help lad In research for this disease from which he suffers, along with many more Americans. Fox’s celebrity status substantiated his confrontation with the Senate Subcommittee to support the “need for greater federal investment in Parkinson research. As an advocate…...
CommunicationDiseaseParkinson'S DiseaseResearchRhetoric
The Death Of A Soldier Wallace Stevens
Alita Wright, ENG 311 Module 4, February 6, 2011 Depicting war into words is a strange and melodramatic practice, which can mean something different to each person. When my grandfather thinks of war, he thinks of friends and family that have lost their lives and the pride he feels that he defended his country and came home. My father, his own son, believes that war is a useless practice that wastes money and lives and holds no real purpose. My…...
Dealing with Exceptional Children
All children exhibit differences from one another in terms of their physical attributes (e. g. , some are shorter, some are stronger) and learning abilities (e. g. , some learn quickly and are able to remember and use what they have learned in new situations; others need repeated practice and have difficulty maintaining and generalizing new knowledge and skills). The differences among most children are relatively small, enabling these children to benefit from the general education program. The physical attributes…...
The Refutation Of Medical Paternalism
The following sample essay talks about the refutation of medical paternalism. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Alan Goldman’s piece. ‘A Refutation of Medical Paternalism’ . contains an statement for why medical paternalism is incorrect. Goldman argues from the thought of ‘The Relativity of Value. ’ Explain this peculiar statement and demo how it is an statement against medical paternalism ( be certainly to first specify what medical paternalism is ) . Do you…...
EthicsLibertyMedical EthicsPhilosophical TheoriesPhysician
Air Pollution’s Health Impact on Different Groups
Air pollution affects health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects. Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in various ways – Some individuals are much more sensitive than others. People with health problems such as asthma, heart and lung disease also suffer more when the air is polluted. Some chemicals are more dangerous than others. They harm people in different ways (Health impacts, ND). New research found smog in Christopher air pollution thickens the blood…...
Air PollutionAsthmaEpidemiologyMedicine
Acute Hospital Care
Acute care is medical treatment at a hospital which is short-term. Acute care is a level of health care in which a patient is treated for a brief but severe episode of illness, for conditions that are the result of disease or trauma, and during recovery from surgery. Acute care is generally provided in a hospital by a variety of clinical personnel using technical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies. According to Connecticut public health code that regulates hospitals, an acute…...
Health CareHospitalMedicineSurgery
Why Teenagers Act Crazy
Adolescence is usually seen in our society as a period of emotional drama and troublemakers teenagers, there is a psychological explanation for this. First of all, during adolescence teenagers go through life changing events like starting to separate from their parents, trying to fit Into a social group and figuring out who they want to be and what they want to do In their lives. All of this causes a lot of anxiety, but there is a psychological reason for…...
Anxiety Disorder
Parallelism Essay Examples
The following sample essay on:"Parallelism Essay Examples" Abortion Speech Abortion is the deliberate killing of the weakest and most defenseless among us. Unfortunately, in the last few decades, the practice has been recognized as a fundamental human right. The act of abortion should be illegal. We cannot keep murdering innocent lives, we cannot keep telling society that it is within their power or right and we cannot keep ignoring the issue. -(parallelism). Abortion is the return of an unwanted gift.…...
Ricky And Bianca
Abortion, rape, marriage, death and murder may all be things used to make soap operas more realistic and ‘in-touch’ with today’s current affairs. All of the issues mentioned above are written into the scripts to make this realism seem possible. A perfect example of a moral issue used, is an episode of where the main protagonists, a young couple called Bianca and Ricky, decide on having an abortion after they find out that their child will be born with an…...
Dilation And Curettage Procedure
The following sample essay focuses on the dilation and curettage procedure. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. A dilation and curettage procedure, also known as a D&C, is a surgical procedure in which the cervix (lower, narrow part of the uterus) is dilated so that the uterine lining (endometrium) can be scraped with a curette instrument in order to remove abnormal tissues. During the dilation and curettage procedure, the patient is placed in supine position…...
MedicineSurgeryWomen'S Health
Is Self-Harm an Addiction
The following sample essay focuses on is self-harm an addiction. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Self-harm is a self-destructive behavior that involves the self-infliction of damage, for example by vomiting, cutting or burning own flash. Nine out of ten hospitalized for self-harm have hurt themselves by poisoning, such as drug-poisoning. The person who hurt himself does not do it in order to commit suicide, but through such a behavior tries to experiences a positive…...
Abnormal PsychologyHuman NatureMental HealthPsychiatry
Pharmacology Research Paper Topics
Pharmacology is a medical and biological science about the influence of drugs on the human organism and in the broader meaning it is the discipline about the physically active substances in general and their influence on the biological systems. If substances are used in pharmacotherapy, they are called pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacology is informally divided into the general and direct branches and each branch has its own field of research and methodology. The purpose of the general pharmacology is to observe…...
Health CareMedicinePharmacologyResearch
Core And Supplementary Services Examples
Question no. 1 Which of the eight elements of the service marketing mix are addressed in this case? Give examples of each “P” you identify. Answer. Product Element: Beckett’s core product is dentistry services in a quality environment. All facilitating supplementary services increase the value of her core product. She tries to differentiate her core product from her competitors in terms of quality. Place Element: Place is the Dr. Beckett’s Dental Office. Time can be the working hours of the…...
Willy Loman In “The Death Of Salesman”
Intro Morning… The death of salesman comes to an end when Wily loan commits suicide, who is to blame for Willis destruction? Wily is to blame for his destruction by the way he lives his life in denial and with arrogance, the arrogance and Jealousy inside Wilily brings him down in the play. The American dream that Wily chases is also to blame but its Wily who decides to follow this lifestyle, which only leads him to guilt and depression.…...
DeathDeath Of A SalesmanDisease
Autism Informative Speech
“Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me…Be my advocate, be my friend, and we’ll see just how far we can go” –Ellen Botbohm, author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew. Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a complex developmental disability. I happen to have two nephews with autism, one who…...
AutismDiseaseMedicineNervous System
The Medicated Child
“The Medicated Child” The documentary “Medicated Child” shows how there is a lack of knowledge on how to diagnose and treat children with Bi Polar Disorder. Early on before proper research was done, children were often diagnosed with ADHD instead of the proper BI Polar diagnosis. This can be attributed to the fact that the symptoms are so similar. Doctors often feel treatment of such disorders can only be treated by medications, however, some psychologists believe that there are other…...
Health CareMedicineMental Disorder
How Malunggai Trees Are Used
“Malunggay” in the Philippines, “Sajina” in the Indian Subcontinent, and “Moringa” in English, it is a popular tree. Many Asians use the leaves of Malunggay (Sajina) like spinach and also the fruit it produces as a vegetable, like asparagus. It only used to be known as a vegetable for lactating mothers. But new scientific studies say that malunggay’s medicinal and market possibilities. Touted by scientists as a “miracle vegetable,” malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for…...
DiseaseHivMoringa OleiferaVitaminVitamin C
An Example of Self Eulogy for My Friend Peter
‘Eulogy’: A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing, usually at a funeral, in which a person who has just died is praised. Thesis Statement For Eulogy Peter was an intelligent and bright man. He lived a wonderful life. He was my friend who cried with me and advised me when I had problems with my work. I cannot tell you what it was, but I am happy that I had friend who always stayed next to me every…...
Bachelor'S DegreeDentistry
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
‘Easter 1916’ and ‘An Irish Airman Foresees his Death’ comment on Irish patriotism and their ways discuss. ‘Easter 1916’ and ‘An Irish Airman Foresees his Death’ were both written about the same contextual issues at around the same time. It was after Easter 1916, when the revolution of Irish nationalist rebels was at its highest. The poem discusses the role of Irish soldiers fighting for Great Britain during a time when they were trying to establish independence for Ireland, though…...
An Irish Airman Foresees His DeathDeathDiseaseIrelandPoetry
Sop Oral Hygiene
An attempt to decrypt the inner workings of dentistry, the development of oral health – every research project I’ve worked on in my undergraduate years has got me excited about the vast potential opportunity trapped in Dental Sciences. But every one of these times, I’ve faced a formidable challenge: the intricacy and complexity of dentistry itself. The chaos of molecular motion forms the basis for a remarkably well-organized biological system, whose actual mechanisms are only now being highlighted through better…...
DentistryHealth CareMedicine
Baroque Literature
The Black Death Greatly Improved the European Society Throughout history, many unforgettable events have affected the literature of the time: wars, revolutions, industrialization, and disease.Although many critics very quickly point out the changes in literature that the industrial revolution caused, not many of those critics are willing to dig any deeper into the past.However, the fourteenth century contained changes in literature that were just as dramatic.The repeated outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague in that century led to many significant changes…...
Black DeathBubonic PlagueCommunicationCulturePrinting Press
Hospital Sketches Alcott
The chapter ‘A Night’, in Louisa May Alcott’s Hospital Sketches, is the most inspired chapter in the book. It tells the story of a fatally wounded Virginia blacksmith John, and it fell to Alcott to tell the dying man of his imminent fate and to pen John’s final letter home to his family as he dictated it. The man died while squeezing Alcott’s hand. She described that none of the deaths that she summoned in her life would make her…...
Health CareHospitalPainWar
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