Essays on Materials

Free essays on Materials refer to the collection of academic writings that offer an in-depth analysis of various materials used in manufacturing, construction, and other areas. The essays explore the various properties of different materials, including their chemical composition, durability, and environmental impact. Additionally, they provide insights into the applications of these materials, the challenges of their production, and the potential future innovations in the field. These writings are an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and industry professionals who seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of materials and their impact on society.
What Is Caffeine Extraction
Words • 1352
Pages • 6
The following sample essay talks about what caffeine extraction is and how the process takes place. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Extraction of Caffeine from Tea Leaves Jaybee Balilea, Sharmaine Baysic, and Maria Anjelette Patricia Belen 3BIO7, Department of Biology, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines Abstract Extraction is a technique for isolating and purifying organic substances. In this technique, a solution is combined thoroughly with a second solvent that is immiscible with the…...
Buffer Definition And Meaning
Words • 456
Pages • 2
A buffer is a special solution that stops massive changes in pH levels. Every buffer that is made has a certain buffer capacity, and buffer range. The buffer capacity is the amount of acid or base that can be added before the pH begins to change significantly. It can be also defined as the quantity of strong acid or base that must be added to change the pH of one liter of solution by one pH unit. The buffer range…...
Types of Rocks.
Words • 599
Pages • 3
Types of Rocks Geologists classify rocks in three groups, according to the major Earth processes that formed them. The three rock groups are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Anyone who wishes to collect rocks should become familiar with the characteristics of these three rock groups. Knowing how a geologist classifies rocks is important if you want to transform a random group of rock specimens into a true collection. Igneous rocks are formed from melted rock that has cooled and solidified.…...
GeologyMaterialsNatural Resources
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To find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea
Words • 2465
Pages • 10
The aim of my experiment is to find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea (pondweed). To do this I will place the light intensity to various distances and observe the amount of oxygen bubble given off from the reactionPrediction:I predict that as the light intensity changes the rate of photosynthesis will increases of decreases dependent on the amount of light intensity. This will be observed by counting the amount of oxygen bubble given off from…...
BiologyCarbon DioxideChemistryPhotosynthesisWater
Water’s Unique Characteristics
Words • 825
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Water's Unique Characteristics" talks about the unusual abilities of water. We will talk about adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension. Water, with its unusual bonding to hydrogen, is an invaluable resource to the Earth, wildlife, and the environment. Due to water's hydrogen bonding, it has developed many unique characteristics that many other liquids do not possess. Some of these characteristics are the following: adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension. These three characteristics alone allow for the attachment…...
Fractional Distillation Organic Lab Report
Words • 2335
Pages • 10
If such ideal conditions are not possible as is usually the case”then simple distillation can be applied as long as he liquid in question is composed of compounds that differ in volatility such that their boiling points differ by at least 40 to 50 degrees Celsius. Because the very essence of simple distillation is relies upon the idea that more volatile compounds have lower boiling points and thus when heated to this boiling point will occupy most if not all…...
Investigatory Project Homemade Bouncy Polymer
Words • 5642
Pages • 23
One might think that chemists are a bunch of boring scientists who wear lab coats and look at beakers all day, but did you know that many toys you play with are made using chemistry?Some of your favorite toys like Gak, Slime and Silly Putty started out as chemistry experiments. In fact, some of your favorite toys may have been invented by chemists who work for toy companies like: Crayola, Play-Doh or Mattell. Chemistry is the study of matter, and…...
Copper Iron Stoichiometry Lab Report
Words • 932
Pages • 4
The two possible balanced reactions are - Cuscus (aqua) + Fee(s) Cue(s) + Feces (aqua) [I] cuscus (aqua) + fee(s) ICC(s) + [II] Through the possible reactions, one of the best way to determine which one is the correct reaction pertaining to the lab is limiting reagent analysis, where mass of copper is quantitatively determined or by observations. Through the process of weighing by difference as suggested by the lab manual, anhydrous copper sulfate and iron powder were weighed out.…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterials
Chemical Bonding
Words • 2860
Pages • 12
Chemical compounds are formed by the joining of two or more atoms. A stable compound occurs when the total energy of the combination has lower energy than the separated atoms. The bound state implies a net attractive force between the atoms ... a chemical bond. The two extreme cases of chemical bonds are: Covalent bond: bond in which one or more pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms. Ionic bond: bond in which one or more electrons from one…...
Melting Point Lab
Words • 1875
Pages • 8
What is Melting Point? one of the characteristic physical properties of a solid What is Melting Point used for? to characterize a known compound (if you had to choose between several known compounds) to record a physical characteristic for a new compound (important for comparison between compounds) to establish purity of a known compound (if an experiment reliably forms this known compound OR if you are taking a melting point of a known compound) What kind of compounds will melt…...
Air Pollution Essay
Words • 1941
Pages • 8
Blacksmith Institute World's Worst Polluted Places report. [l] An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made. [2] Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a…...
Air PollutionChemistryGreenhouse GasMaterialsNatural GasPollution
Mechanical Weathering Explanation
Words • 555
Pages • 3
What is mechanical weathering ? when physical forces break rock into smaller and smaller pieces without changing the rocks mineral composition What is frost wedging ? when water freezes and expands it enlarges the cracks after many freeze thaw cycles the rocks break into pieces when water freezes its volume __ increases Which of the following is NOT associated with mechanical weathering ? reactions with oxygen What is chemical weathering ? Is the transformation of rock into one or more…...
ChemistryFlashcardsGeologyMaterialsNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Cause and Effects of Global Warming
Words • 875
Pages • 4
We all know that it is bad but because most people don’t know what to do to help their environment. Well its the simple things like recycling and reducing your carbon-foot print. All these things if each person contributes we can make a better world not just for us but for our children and our grandchildren. Cause and Effects of Global Warming Global warming it’s the increase in the average temperature on Earth. Temperature on earth is controlled by the…...
Carbon DioxideChemistryClimate ChangeGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
EDCI Assignment 3
Words • 1306
Pages • 6
Chapter 1 Chemistry 1201/1202 Give the chemical symbol or name for the following elements, as appropriate: (a) sulfur, (b) magnesium, (c) potassium, (d) chlorine, (e) copper, (f) F, (g) Ni, (h) Na, (i) Al, (j)Si Question 1.13 Make the following conversions: (a) 62 degree Farenheit to Celsius, (b) 216.7 degree Celsius (c) 233 degrees Celsius to Kelvin, (d) 315 K to degrees Farenheit (e) 2500 degrees Farenheit to Kelvin. Question 1.25 Round each of the following numbers to four significant…...
Proper Waste Disposal and Waste Mangement
Words • 672
Pages • 3
Very special thanks to my fellow classmates who have been readers to my research paper and who have pointed Out my mistakes. Would like to thank them for exchanging ideas with me and for helping me deal with the arduous publishing process of paper. I doubt that I won’t be able to express my appreciation to them fully, but I owe them all my gratitude. I would also like to acknowledge my friends for being the ones who have motivated…...
ManufacturingMaterialsRecyclingResearchWasteWaste Management
Background information about waste disposal practices
Words • 3132
Pages • 13
Paper Type:Informative essays
A primary objective of waste management today is to protect the public and the environment from potentially harmful effects of waste. Some waste materials are normally safe, but can become hazardous if not managed properly. For example, 1 gal (3. 75 1) of used motor oil can potentially contaminate one million gal (3,790,000 1) of drinking water . Every individual, business, or organization must make decisions and take some responsibility regarding the management of his or her waste. On a…...
IndustryManufacturingMaterialsPollutionRecyclingWaste Management
Product and Purification and Infrared spectrum of trimyristin
Words • 1021
Pages • 5
Trimyristin is one member of a class of triglycerides which is found in animals' fatty tissues and vegetable or marine oils. It can dissolve in organic compound such as hot acetone readily as it is a non-polar compound. After the isolation of tirmyristin from nutmeg seed by solvent extraction followed by recrystallizaiton, the present of functional groups in organic molecules can be identified by infrared spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most useful tools available to the organic chemist as…...
Nitrosyl Complexes: Preparation
Words • 643
Pages • 3
The aims of this experiment are as followed: 1) To distinguish between the linear and bent coordination and draw possible metal to NO coordination modes. 2) To form the product [NiBr (NO) (PPh3)2] and provide a balanced equation for the product. 3) To record the melting point, weight and infra-red spectrum of the product. Assign the band in the infra-red that is due to NO group. Calculate the percentage yield 4) To assign the oxidation state to the metal in…...
Surface Tension Of Water
Words • 892
Pages • 4
The capillary rise method was used to measure the surface tension of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and acetic acid. Molar concentrations of 0. 5 M and 1. 0 M for each solution were tested. The results were then compared to the surface tension of pure water to observe how solute properties affect the surface tension of water. The experimental results showed that adding acetic acid solute in water lowers the surface tension of water. As the concentration of acetic…...
Determining the Molecular Weight of a Volatile Liquid
Words • 1241
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Determining the Molecular Weight of a Volatile Liquid. In today's society, many products are designed to undergo many chemical reactions before the desired product(s) is created. This principle, also known as chemical synthesis, is an integral part in the operation of products such as an automobile airbag. Beginning with the releasing of nitrogen gas to inflate the bag and ending with the production of Na2SiO3 and K2SiO3, the airbag is an excellent example of how…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryCopperMaterialsSodiumWater
Cation Identification by Flame Test
Words • 878
Pages • 4
Title: Flame Test Aim: To determine the cation in each of the unknown substance X, Y and Z by observing the flame colour of different metal compounds. Introduction: A distinctive feature of many s-block metals is their ability to produce flame colours. At temperature of a Bunsen flame, a compound will decompose to give gaseous atoms of its constituent elements. When an electron in the gaseous atom absorbs energy from the flame, it will move from an orbital with lower…...
Diagnostic Subsurface Horizons
Words • 469
Pages • 2
Agric -illuvial horizon formed under cultivation-significant amounts of illuvial silt, clay and humus-directly below Ap horizon-thickness of 10cm or greater Albic -eluvial horizon that is lightly colored and low in clay and oxides (leaching)-1cm or greater-separate horizons that, if they were together, would meet requirements for a mollie epipedon or separate lamellae that together would be an argillic horizon Anhydritic -anhydrite accumulation through neoformation and transformation-hue of 5Y, chroma (moist and dry) of 1 or 2, and value of 7…...
ChemistryMaterialsNatural ResourcesResources
India: Dumping Ground for Developed Countries?
Words • 3282
Pages • 14
In the late 1980s, a tightening of environmental regulations in industrialized countries led to a dramatic rise in the cost of hazardous waste disposal. Searching for cheaper ways to get rid of the wastes, “toxic traders” began shipping hazardous waste to developing countries and to Eastern Europe. When this activity was revealed, international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the Basel Convention. During its first Decade (1989-1999), the Convention was principally devoted to setting up a framework for…...
The final product
Words • 991
Pages • 4
Abstract: In this experiment three Werner complexes, hexaamminecobalt(III) chloride, pentaamminechlorocobalt(III) chloride and hexaamminenickel(II) chloride were synthesized so their structural formula could be examined through magnetic susceptibility, electronic conductance measurements and the analysis of free chloride in the two cobalt complexes through titrations of silver nitrate. Cobalt (III) coordination compounds usually only form in low spin, octahedral complexes where the all t2g are paired leaving all the eg unpaired; whereas nickel(II) complexes are usually formed in the high spin state1. Through…...
Synthesis of chloropentaaminecobalt(lll) chloride
Words • 1643
Pages • 7
Paper Type:Synthesis essays
  Insert the tube into the MSB and take a mental average of the fluctuating reading. 5. Repeat the previous step three times. 6. If the MSB displays a negative number, the coordination complex is diamagnetic and no further steps are necessary. 7. Determine how many unpaired electrons reside on the cobalt. E. Interpreting Infrared Spectrum 1. Assign the bands of the infrared spectrum of the complex. Results A. Synthesizing Carbonatotetraamminecobalt (III) nitrate: [Co(NH3)4CO3]NO3 The first attempt to dissolve the…...
Lost Foam Casting
Words • 4469
Pages • 18
LOST FOAM CASTING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: The Report presents some theoretical and practical aspects regarding the casting of alloys in lost foam moulds. The stages of the procedure, the economic benefits and several ecological aspects are synthetically presented. KEY WORDS: casting, alloys, lost foam process, Expanded polystyrene --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction The lost foam casting process offers several advantages over conventional sand casting processes, such as simplified production techniques and reduced environmental waste due to binder system emissions and sand disposal. The process…...
ChemistryIndustryManufacturingMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPlastic
Tungsten in light bulbs
Words • 936
Pages • 4
  The reason for tungsten's unusually high melting point is that potassium was located in small bubbles in the tungsten. It is these potassium bubbles which provide the wire with its unique high temperature creep resistance. Potassium is essentially insoluble in the tungsten. The bubbles are first formed from the doped powder in the pure tungsten during sintering. Sintering is a process that takes place when they make the tungsten wire. When they are making the wire these initial bubbles…...
Stratospheric Chemistry Data Collection Methods
Words • 966
Pages • 4
The troposphere extends from 12km - 50km above the Earth's surface. Ozone is present from 15km - 35km. Many different techniques are used to investigate the stratosphere. Monitoring Measurements can be taken using the helium balloons. A 10 miles long cord is used to attach the balloon and the measuring device which can be reeled in and out to take measurements at different altitudes. Spectroscopic measurements can also be taken from the ground stations by looking upwards through the vertical…...
AtmosphereChemistryMaterialsOzoneOzone Layer
Sodium Borohydride Reduction: Diphenylmethanol from Benzophenone
Words • 2685
Pages • 11
Megan Entwistle, Maria Amos, and Paul Golubic CHEM 0330 Organic Lab 1 Sodium Borohydride Reduction: Diphenylmethanol from Benzophenone 11/16/11 Introduction Redox (shorthand for REDuction-OXidation) reactions are chemical reactions in which the oxidation state (or oxidation number) of atoms has changed. Oxidation can be observed through the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by an atom, ion or molecule. Reduction describes the gain of electrons or decrease in oxidation state of an atom, ion or molecule. However, there…...
AlcoholChemical ReactionChemistryHydrogenMaterials
Thermal insulators
Words • 955
Pages • 4
To investigate different materials for the most effective thermal insulator for a house. Introduction Heat transfer is the gain and loss of energy. There are three ways in which thermal energy can be transferred:  Conduction  Convection  Radiation Conduction - this is when energy travels from molecule to another. When one molecule receives energy it begins to vibrate and hits other molecules and makes them vibrate. And will spread throughout the object. Convection - this will only occur in gases and…...
Chromatography and Solvents
Words • 979
Pages • 4
Chromatography is a method of separating compounds and mixtures so that they can be identified and analyzed. The word chromatography means color writing. There are many kinds of chromatography such as the thin layer chromatography, Partition chromatography, Column chromatography, and Paper chromatography. Chromatography is important in the analysis of processes and materials such as environmental contamination, food, drugs, blood, petroleum products, and radioactive fission products. It has many uses in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industry. The chromatography sorbents help purify…...
Waste Management Essay
Words • 3017
Pages • 13
IntroductionBackground of the StudyRA 9003. otherwise known as the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. ” authorizations that segregation and aggregation of solid waste at beginning shall be conducted at the barangay degree specifically for biodegradable. compostable and reclaimable wastes. and that the several metropoliss and municipalities shall advance enterprises in the community to set about waste segregation and aggregation at beginning pursuant to the spirit of the jurisprudence. Complementing this proviso. the jurisprudence mandates that “collection of non-recyclable…...
ManagementManufacturingMaterialsNatural EnvironmentPollutionWaste
Process and How Electroplating Works
Words • 1352
Pages • 6
It basically explains what electroplating is and what its function is in the process of electroplating. A section from this website gives detail parts of how electroplating works: "Electroplating is the deposition of a metallic coating onto an object by putting a negative charge onto the object and immersing it into a solution, which contains a salt of the metal to be deposited. The metallic ions of the salt carry a positive charge and are attracted to the part with…...
The Chemistry Lab Experiment
Words • 883
Pages • 4
To find the molarity of the unknown acid, first we had to create a standard solution, the solution we created was Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). We wanted a 0. 1 molar solution of sodium hydroxide so to get this we had to dissolve 4g of NaOH into 1000cm? of water, but we didn’t want 1000cm? we wanted 250cm? so to work out how much sodium hydroxide would be needed you need to do the same equation to the number of grams…...
Uses and applications of Graphene Paper
Words • 2937
Pages • 12
Paper Type:Common App essays
Uses & A ; Applications of Graphene Paper Abstraction Graphene oxide paper was ab initio separated in 2004 via scientists in the North Western University. It is a sort of paper that is ready from Graphite by oxidization responses. It is 10 times stronger than steel, more slender and tantrum to take power and these belongingss have made graphene paper a miracle stuff. This quality of graphene paper relies on upon the sum of cross-connections between C beds. Now research…...
Furagin: Forced Degradation Studies
Words • 4856
Pages • 20
Furagin: Forced Degradation SurveiesIndexIndex of FiguresIndex of TablesAbstractionKeywordsAbbreviations1.Introduction1.1.Forced debasement surveies1.1.1. Overview of regulative counsel1.1.2. Review of bing literature and different attacks1.2.Furagin1.2.1. Chemical and Physical Information1.2.2. Pharmaceutical Information1.2.3. Impurities2.Aim of the Study3.Method3.1.Equipment and stuffs3.1.1 Method AHPLC/AUPLC3.1.2 Method B3.2.Reagents3.2.1 Method AHPLC/AUPLC3.2.2 Method B3.3.Working criterions3.3.1 Method AHPLC/AUPLC3.3.2 Method B3.4.Preparation of the solutions3.4.1 Method AHPLC/AUPLC3.4.2 Method B3.5.Chromatographic conditions3.5.1 HPLC conditions – Method AHPLC3.5.2 UPLC conditions – Method AUPLC3.5.3 UPLC conditions – Method B3.6.Injection Sequence and System Suitability3.7.Calculation and look of the consequences3.7.1 Method standardization3.7.2…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryPhPharmaceutical IndustryWater
Guyana Solid Waste Management
Words • 8967
Pages • 36
1.0 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background As a underdeveloped state, Guyana is faced with the basic job of solid waste direction. Harmonizing to Gonzalez ( 2009 ) [ 1 ] “solid waste” refers to all decayable and non decayable solid and semisolid wastes, including but non limited to garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, slop, destruction and building wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and discarded trade goods. This includes all liquid, solid and semisolid stuffs which are non the primary…...
Compared to the original Daniell Cell
Words • 2918
Pages • 12
By completing and testing this hypothesis our group believes that it will factor in the aim of increasing the voltage and current of our Daniell Cell. Hypothesis 2 According to the Standard Reduction Potentials for Half-Reactions table, our group hypothesises that by changing the half cells so that their E0 values are a greater distance apart that the voltage and current will show an increase and improve the Daniell Cell. The general make up of a Daniell Cell is two…...
Jared Diamond versus Charles Mann on the Sophistication of Metalwork
Words • 1598
Pages • 7
Jared Diamond's theory in his book Guns, Germs and Steel states that the Europeans were able to conquer the Natives because of their favorable geography, a key factor that lent itself to the manufacturing of steel and which Charles Mann, author of 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, also discusses in detail.Both Diamond and Mann agree that the centuries of experience in making steel weaponry in Eurasia gave the Spanish conquistadors an advantage over the Natives in combat;…...
Experiement to test for anions and cations
Words • 864
Pages • 4
The aim of the experiment is to test an unknown substance with a variety of experimental methods, by doing this the identity of the substance will be known. The two types of different testing methods will be anions and cations. Cations are positively charged ions; this is because the atom looses an electron during a reaction, therefore having fewer electrons than protons. Anions are negatively charged ions, as the atom gains an electron during a reaction, therefore having more electrons…...
CatChemical ReactionChemistryFamilyMaterials
We've found 244 essay examples on Materials

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What Is Caffeine Extraction
...Then percent yield caffeine was calculated and the weight of the sublimate was also noted. Using mortar and pestle, caffeine crystals were crushed into a very fine powder. One end of a micro capillary was sealed by heating while rotating it at a 45 d...
To find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea
...The aim of my experiment is to find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea (pondweed). To do this I will place the light intensity to various distances and observe the amount of oxygen bubble given off from the reactionP...
Process and How Electroplating Works
...The quality control over this product is to keep it fault free. It does this by checking each electroplated product to insure it is not damages in anyway. Once it has been approved that it is fault free it is quality assured and the products then sol...
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