Free essays on Materials refer to the collection of academic writings that offer an in-depth analysis of various materials used in manufacturing, construction, and other areas. The essays explore the various properties of different materials, including their chemical composition, durability, and environmental impact. Additionally, they provide insights into the applications of these materials, the challenges of their production, and the potential future innovations in the field. These writings are an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and industry professionals who seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of materials and their impact on society.
Magnesium Oxide Lab
The duration of this experiment it is a must to wear safety glasses and lab coat at all times during the lab, even when not working directly with the chemicals r apparatus. 2. Do not touch the apparatus, during the experiment it may still be which further can lead to burns. 3. Be careful around the Bunsen burner, even when switched off – they may still be hot! 4. Do not inhale the magnesium ribbon. 5. Do not touch the…...
Banana Peel As Water Purifier Thesis
The Banana is a kind of herb that is usually consumed as either food or flavoring. Its peel is often deemed as useless or without any use that It Is Just thrown away. But are banana peels as useless as people think? Banana Peels have Potassium (K) that commonly helps clean your body and is used to manufacture Today, many fleshes have been dying due to polluted waters and careless soap. Oil spills. Fishes are a food source to many…...
Sand And Salt Separation Lab Report
Some of the salt may be lost if the salt doesn’t dissolve completely or if some of the salt water is spilled – this can be avoided by making sure that all of the salt has dissolved, and by being very careful while stirring the mixture not to spill it. Procedure: 1. Place a small beaker on the balance. Press the rezone button to make sure to take the mass of only the sand and salt sample and not the…...
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Global Warming And Remedial Measures Essay
Most of the governments all over the world have laws by which no one is suppose to exceed creating pollution in air or water beyond prescribed limits. Law breakers often face punishments to the tune of heavy fines and even stoppage of work. Opal, India gas tragedy is the best example to explain the necessity to take adds Tate measures to control pollution. Thousands of people were affected due to lack of adequate measures. The managing director of the company…...
Air PollutionChemistryGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsPollution
Biodegradable Plastic Essay
Most manufacturers nowadays produce bio-degradable plastic bags. Environment organizations and advocates promote this. Bio-degradable suggests they breakdown faster in comparison with other plastic items which take thousands of years to decay. Lots of consumers debate that this particular type just isn’t as sturdy as the traditional plastic bags. Environment experts, nevertheless, demonstrate that this feature does not affect its durability as a container of various goods. Lots of individuals also believe paper bags are better than plastic bags.Essay Example on…...
Solution Of Land Pollution
Land pollution Land pollution is mainly caused by poor solid waste management. There are three answers to these environmental problems. YOU can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. ; Reduction ; Reuse ; Recycle Reduction We can reduce the amount of waste that is produced by doing simple things like two-sided copying on paper and backyard composting. This will decrease the amount of waste that will be disposed of in landfills.Essay Example on Solution To Land Pollution The Government can raise awareness…...
ManufacturingMaterialsPollutionRecyclingWasteWaste Management
Combustion Of Acetylene Lab Answers
Incomplete combustion is the reaction of an element or compound tit oxygen to produce some oxides with less oxygen than the most common oxides. Incomplete combustion occurs when there is not enough oxygen to react completely, not all fuel is used. This may result in the formation of solid carbon a black residue. Procedure The lab was performed on 25 October 2012, the lab results obtained from Ms. Reynolds. Safety precautions were to not breath in the acetylene gas.Essay Example…...
Endothermic And Exothermic Reactions Lab Conclusion
In endothermic reactions heat Vass absorbed. This avgas discerned by the temperature drop and the test tube became cool to touchy Reactions such as ‘Potassium Chloride crystals [s] Water were. Some vigorous reactions {reactions that occurred at a fast pace} were ‘Sodium Hydroxide [I] * Dilute hydrochloric acid [as]’, ‘Sodium Carbonate [s] + Ethanol Acid [l]’ and ‘Magnesium ribbon [s] Dilute Sulfuric Acid [I]’ (mostly reactions involving strong acids + throng bases}. There was no sound or light given off…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterials
Identification Of Macromolecules Lab Report
I no color change I I Red light blue Proteins are the basis of the protoplasm (fluid living content of the cell that contains the cytoplasm and cell nucleus) and are found in all living organisms. Proteins make up the bulk of animals body’s non-skeletal structure. As enzymes, they catalyst biochemical reactions; as antibodies, they prevent the effects of invading organisms; and as hormones, they control metabolic processes (C. Bassoonists, 2011). The Beirut test was used to detect the presence…...
Conclusion Of Separation And Purification Of Organic Compounds
If a saturated hot solution is allowed to cool, the solute is no longer soluble in the solvent and forms crystals of pure compound. Impurities are excluded from the growing crystals and the pure solid crystals can be separated from the dissolved impurities by filtration. (rougher. Colorado. Due) A desirable solvent for crystallization has the following properties: 1) dissolves the solute readily at an elevated temperature, but only sparingly at a lower temperature (room temperature); 2) gives no chemical reaction…...
Melting Point Lab Report Example
I did three mixed melting point trials that resulted in a melting point of 1 ICC to 1 ICC. The melting point range is small, which indicates a relatively pure substance. I did a mixed melting point trial to find out what substance I had. I used Benzene Acid and Ecumenicist because they were the two substances in my melting point range. Just by comparing the characteristics of the two substances to my unknown, I assumed it to be Benzene…...
Chemistry Flame Test Lab Report
Hydrochloric Acid into the 50 ml beaker. 3. Clean the Monochrome wire before each test. To do this, rinse it with distilled water from the wash bottle, dip it into the Hydrochloric Acid, and place it in the burner flame for a few moments. 4. Take note of the color of the flame when the wire is clean. This is the color you should see after each cleaning. 5. Once the wire is clean, dip it into one of the…...
Simple Distillation Lab Report
Fractional distillation is almost the same as the simple distillation, the only preference is that in a fractional distillation, fractionating column is used which is attached at the top end of the pear-shaped flask and it is connected to the condenser as well. Vacuum distillation is a process used to reduce the pressure to a lower boiling point. In a vacuum distillation, the solvent’s boiling point should be over OFF or ICC. This distillation method is used to recuperate the…...
T-pentyl Chloride Lab Report
Edward Kluges, by a temperature of 79-ICC, the product is expected to boil (pig. 20). At about ICC, the product began to stabilize. This matches the expected boiling point for the product. After simple distillation and measurement, a total of 17 ml of the product was obtained. Side Reactions: Summary of experiment: The following experimental procedure was directed from Introduction to Organic Lab Techniques CHEMIC IL Courseware by Dry. Edward Kluges found on pages 18- 20. Using 22 ml of…...
Agar Cube Lab Report
Diffusion in agar cubes Introduction: All cells are dependent on a processes called diffusion, which is the movement of a substance from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Cells need to obtain certain essential substances, like oxygen, for their survival. The rate of diffusion is said to be dependent upon the various factors: Size of molecules that have to diffuse, concentration gradient, the distance across which diffusion occurs, number of pores/openings, surface area and concentration.…...
Essay Example on Postcolonial Literature
Anode marking Cleaning the cavity by shovel Placing new anode Covering of anode New anode thus set starts drawing current after 2-3 hours. To check if new anode is set properly, it should withdraw current within the range of 0. NV to 1. 5 NV after 16 hours. Defects in anode change: I) Low set anodes- In this case, anode draws higher current. It can result in clad failure and block drop and hence disturb the metal stability. The anode…...
Harmful Effects Of Non Metals On Living Systems And The Environment
Among the most harmful and dangerous non-metal compounds are nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide. These can cause devastating effects to human beings, plants, animals and the environment. Metals are generally less harmful, although lead is extremely toxic. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic gas. It has a very bad smell, often identified in rotten eggs and stink bombs. Hydrogen sulfide interferes with cellular respiration. If inhaled, Hydrogen Sulfide combines with Mongolia in the bodies…...
N-butyl Bromide Lab Report
Add drop of water to aqueous solution that you plan to discard. Make SUre water dissolves then discard. Add ml MM HOSTS to remaining solution and shake. Again, remove the aqueous layer on bottom and discard. Add ml of water to solution and shake. Organic layer on bottom, transfer bottom layer to clean ml vial. Add saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate a little at a time while stirring. Shake and allow layers to separate. Transfer lower alkyl halide layer in ml…...
Magnesium Oxide Experiment Lab Report
One objective was to figure out if the burnt MGM ashes weigh more than the product which is Magnesium Metal. Another objective was determining the formula of the compound that results when Magnesium and Oxygen react. Theory: The purpose of this lab was to confirm the chemical formula of magnesium oxide by comparing the masses Of pure magnesium solid prior to any reaction and magnesium oxide solid after a reaction between all of the magnesium and oxygen from the air…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsOxygenWater
Persuasive Speech Global Warming
Global Warming Persuasive Speech Gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas and this is…...
Carbon DioxideClimate ChangeFireGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Organic reactions and mechanisms report 1
center53657500Organic Reactions & Mechanisms Lab Report 1Experiment 2Chloe Condon, X00147696, DNA & Forensic Analysis3rd October 2019Date of Practical:3rd October 2019Title of PracticalPreparation of 4-vinylbenzoic acid by a Wittig reaction in an aqueous medium.Lab partners:Meagan Dooley, Emma EganIntroduction:The Wittig reaction involves the reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with an ylide that is generated from a phosphonium salt, in order to produce an alkene [1]. An ylide is a neutral molecule that has positive and negative charges on adjacent atoms and…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryHydrogenMaterialsWater
Usually the process industry is often confronted
The following sample essay on "Usually the process industry is often confronted": usually the process industry, is often confronted with problems where explosive atmospheres endanger safety and health of the personnel. A number of reported incidents with serious results for personnel and equipment confirm the meaning of that problem. Historically, fire and explosion are the predominant causes of chemical plant losses and adoption of effective measures for prevention, protection and mitigation of fire and explosion requires high priority. INTRODUCTION Usually the…...
Task about Biotechnology
Over the recent years besides the traditional ECL systems such as luminol-H2O2 and Ru(bpy)32+- tripropylamine, the new ECL luminophores based on nanomaterials including CdSe, CuS, MoS2-CdS, CeO2 and CdS have been used to developing sensitive biosensors. Accordingly, yang and co-workers developed a signal-switchable electrogenerated chemiluminescence aptasensor based on ferrocene-graphene sheets (Fc-GNs) for high-efficiency quenching of ECL from Au nanoparticles functionalized cadmium sulfide flower-like three dimensional (3D) assemblies (Au-CdS flowerlike 3D assemblies) for sensitive detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Herein,…...
Progress in the Invention of Optoelectronic Devices
The following sample essay on Innovative progress in the invention of optoelectronic devices like LED and semiconductor laser was began in early 1960s. Many researchers applied spontaneous emission (SE) principle to generate red visible lights by using GaAsP alloy thereby they developed red LEDs which shows excellent application in electronic devices. During 1961, Albert Einstein applied spontaneous emission principle to explain quantum theory of radiation. In 1961, Bernard and Duraffourg concluded that the principles of spontaneous emission were highly involved…...
32 Preparation of cutting tools and work piece321 WorkpieceAISI 12L
3.2 Preparation of cutting tools and work piece3.2.1 WorkpieceAISI 12L 14 free cutting steel was used as the workpiece for the turning process in this experiment. The chemical composition for the AISI 12L 14 are stated in Table 3.1.Table 3.1: Chemical composition for AISI 12L14Free cutting steel Chemical CompositionC Mn P S PbAISI 12L 14 0.15 0.85-1.15 0.04-0.09 0.26-0.35 0.15-0.35AISI 12L 14 will be in the form of bar with the dimension of 2500m length and 50mm diameter. The bar…...
Density Functional Theory DFT using B3LYP with 631+G d p and ccpVTZ
Density Functional Theory (DFT) using B3LYP with 6-31+G (d, p) and cc-pVTZ basis sets were used to determine the ground state geometries of 2- allyloxyanisole (2AA). FT-IR, FT-Raman, UV and quantum chemical calculations are accomplished on 2- allyloxyanisole, in order to gain the intuitions of its structural, spectroscopic and electronic structure properties. Fukui function as a Global reactivity descriptor to distinguish the nucleophilic and electrophilic centers, HOMO - LUMO energy gap, Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP), thermodynamic properties are calculated and…...
The Standard Roof Covering Products
Of all significant house repair services, installing new roofing is probably as essential as it obtains. Though brand-new roofing isn't all that glamorous, you'll understand its importance in a large method need to an old roof fail, permitting water to damage within your home, from the attic room insulation, down via the meticulously renovated kitchen area, exactly on to the basement living room with a large television. Less house problems can be extra tragic than a stopped working roofing. Roof…...
ArchitectureBuildingCivil EngineeringConstructionMaterialsService
Transportation and issue of Oil Consumption in US
Oil and petroleum products have been mainstay of world’s economic and technological advancement since past 150 years. The mechanism driving the entire transportation system from automobiles, airplanes, railways, ships to space rockets is based on utilization of energy of petroleum oil. Petroleum products are also extensively used in a number of infrastructure industries that form the core of industrial processes and basis of existence of modern world.However, the petroleum resources of world are very limited and they cannot endlessly meet…...
Electric VehicleEnergyEnergy SourcesHydrogenIndustryPublic Transport
Stress is the loading applied on the material while strain is the deformation that results due to application of load or stress. By this definition, it is obvious that stress and strain are related and that relationship can best be explained by considering a stress-strain curve (Figure 1). Building materials have their own corresponding stress-strain curve which can be obtained by recording the amount of deformation (strain) upon application of tensile or compressive loading. Curve results reveal the behavior or…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringConstructionMaterialsMechanical EngineeringMental Health
Linde Bangladesh
Linde Bangladesh Limited (formerly BOC Bangladesh Limited) a multinational organization that has been present in the country for nearly 60 years with continuous expansion in operations and business, providing global solutions with a local outlook. With a modest appearance at the beginning, all the products of Linde Bangladesh Limited are now part and parcel of all the industrial and economic activities of the country. The selected topic of this internship report is “A Comprehensive Study on the Distribution Channel of…...
Carbon DioxideChemistry
The On Amazing Rubidium
The following sample essay on The On Amazing Rubidium. To start off this amazing element has just a little bit of history to it. At first when I heard about this element I thought it was some type of gas but it can turn it to a liquid at a certain type of liquid. But is actually a very shiny type of metal. Rubidium was discovered by Kirchoff and Bunsen in 1861 through the use of a spectroscope. Rubidium metal…...
Pressure Die Casting
Presentation Pressure Die Casting Sam Mande Deepak Ch Veera Pratap Vamsi raj J (BUB0912011) (BUB0912016) (BUB0912013) (BUB0912010) M. Sc. (Engg. ) in Engineering Manufacturing and Management Module Leader : Dr N S Mahesh M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 1 History Casting since about 4000 BC… Ancient Greece; bronze statue casting 450BC Iron works in early Europe, e. g. cast iron cannons from England 1543 2 M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies Introduction Die casting is a very…...
ChemistryIndustryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Application of Colloids
Applications of Colloids| Colloids play a very important role in nature, in our daily life and in industry. Some of the important applications of colloids are discussed below. 1. Food stuffs and medicines: Many of our food stuffs are colloidal in nature. Milk, butter, whipped cream, fruit jellies, ice cream, bread etc. are all colloidal in nature. For example, milk is an emulsion of butter fat in water, stabilized by milk protein (casein). Ice cream is a dispersion of colloidal ice…...
Effects Packaging Materials on Shelf Life
The following example essay talks about the impact of packaging materials on shelf life. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. THE EFFECTS OF PACKAGING MATEIAL ON SHELF LIFE OF CRACKERS Introduction The type of food, chemical composition, size, storage conditions, expected shelf life, moisture content, aroma and appearance are just a few of the characteristics that must be taken into consideration when selecting the right material for a food product. A continuing trend in food packaging…...
CHM2211L Experiment #3
Recrystallization most common method for purifying solid organic compounds In this experiment, we recrystallize and obtain the melting point for 2 compounds and synthesize a third. What are the solid compounds? acetanilide trans-cinnamic acid caffeine salicylate Acetanilide recrystallization solvent H2O trans-Cinnamic Acid recrystallization solvent CH3CH2OH/H2O Caffeine Salicylate recrystallization solvent Pet ether or Ligroine Caffeine is a base and will react with an acid to give a salt When reacted with salicylic acid, caffeine forms a salt derivative, caffeine salicylate, which…...
Physics Data Analysis coursework
This coursework assignment requires me analyse and evaluate data on copper and constantan given to me. It entails investigating the young's modulus of the metal and alloy. Thus I will use many methods during to complete my investigation. Aims: 1. To draw stress and strain graphs for the metal copper and the alloy constantan 2. To calculate the figures of young's modulus for copper and constantan 3. To discuss the physics involved Plan: In this investigation I have received results…...
ChemistryCopperData AnalysisExperimentForceHealth
Concentration’s effect on Mg and HCl reaction rate
In this investigation I will be measuring the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. The rate of a reaction tells us how quickly a chemical reaction happens. Reaction Rate = change in volume, mass or concentration of substance Time taken There are two ways to measure the rate of a reaction, by observing how quickly the reactants are used up or by observing how quickly the products are formed. Measurements of the rate of reaction can be taken…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryEnergyMaterialsPhysics
Bio lab report on insulators
Foam is 5 percent air so the air molecules slow down the heat transfer from the liquid, so it stays warmer longer than cotton insulation. This leads me to predict that foam would be the best insulator, as it would trap the heat more, which will cause deficient heat lost. Identification of Variables There are three variables I will take in consideration whilst carrying out my investigation. The independent variable will be the types of materials used for insulation, which…...
Carbohydrates lab report
Carbohydrates are a type of acquirement found in many foods and beverages. Most carbohydrates are naturally occurring in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates to processed foods in the form of starch or added sugar. As with all our approaches to food ingredients/constituents we will first examine the structure of carbohydrates and then try to elucidate how their structures allow them to function as they do. As their name suggests, carbohydrates basically made up from sugar…...
Tensile lab report
Referring from the resultant graph, we can see that the obtained graph line is straight until the one point it decrease gradually and be rupture. This shows that both variables on the graph are linearly related with each other. From the data obtained, we identify types of fracture surface of mild steel under tensile loading. The yield strength was determined to be 165. Mamma. The ultimate strength was determined to be 285. Mamma. Calculation for percentage elongation was determined to…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringForceMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysics
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on Materials