Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
MOOD The overall feeling or emotion felt by the reader. TONE The author's attitude toward his subject; sets the mood. POETRY Literature written in verse with a blend of imagery and sound to tell a story or create an emotional response. VERSE A single line of poetry. STANZA A group of lines within a poem; like a paragraph in prose. ALLITERATION The repetition of a sound or letter at the beginning of words - ex. Sally sells seashells by the…...
"Sound and Sense" Poetry Terms – Duple meter – Irony
Duple meter a meter in which a majority of the feet contain two syllables. Iambic and trochaic are both this End rhyme rhymes that occur at the ends of the lines End-stopped line A line that ends with a natural speech pause, usually marked by punctuation English (Shakespearean) sonnet A sonnet rhyming ababcdcdefefgg. Its content or structure ideally parallels the rhyme scheme, falling into three coordinate quatrains and a concluding couplet; but it is often structured, like the Italian sonnet,…...
Reaction Paper to “Through Deaf Eyes”
Sign language is language that uses visual hand patterns to convey a meaning without using any vocal. It truly is a wonderful way of communication, although it was not always accepted in society. Wherever communities of deaf people exist, sign language develops. There was no stopping the advancement and the flourishing of the deaf culture. The movie "Through Deaf Eyes" was an inspiring documentary on deaf people and their struggle and triumph in society throughout history. I enjoyed watching the…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageSign Language
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types of verse, meter, rhyme, poetic devices, and figurative language
lyric subjective, reflective poetry with regular rhyme scheme and meter which reveals poet's thoughts and feelings to create a single, unique impression narrative non-dramatic, objective verse with regular rhyme scheme and meter which relates a story or narrative sonnet a rigid 14-line verse form, with variable structure and rhyme scheme according to type: Shakespearean (English) or Italian (Petrarchan) ode elaborate lyric verse which deals seriously with a dignified theme blank verse unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter free verse unrhymed lines…...
Grade 10- poetry terms:sound devices, structure, types AND Literature
onomatopoeia A word that imitates the sound it represents. rhyme Repetition of sounds at the end of words alliteration Repetition of sounds at the beginning of words consonance Repetition of a consonant sound within two or more words in close proximity. assonance Repetition of a vowel sound within two or more words in close proximity stanza A group of lines in a poem forming metrical unit couplet A pair (2) of rhymed lines that may or may not constitute a…...
Types of Diction
Slang Refers to a group of recently coined words often used in informal situations. Colloquial Expressions Non standard, usually regional. Ways of using language appropriate to informal or conversational speech and writing. (Y'all) Jargon Words and expressions characteristic of a particular trade, profession and pursuit. Dialect A nonstandard subgroup of a language with its own vocabulary and grammar features. Writers often use regional dialects or dialects that reveal a person's economic or social class. Concrete Diction Specific words that describe…...
Week 12 Poetry Terms "John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in two or more stressed syllables refrain A phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated throughout a poem, usually after every stanza. Theme A main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly. Tone A writer's attitude toward his or her subject matter Slant Rhyme rhyme in which the vowel sounds are nearly, but not exactly the same (i.e. the words…...
Literary Terms (Cliche-Inversion)
Cliche is a word or phrase, often a figure of speech, that has become lifeless because of overuse Colloquialism a word or phrase in everyday use in conversation and informal writing but is inappropriate for formal situations Comic Relief the use of a comic scene to interrupt a series of intense dramatic moments Conflict the struggle between opposing forces or characters in a story External Conflict conflicts can exist between two people, between a person and nature or a machine,…...
Madrigal Poetry Vocab
abstract refers to language that describes concepts rather than concrete images (ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places) ex: love, faith, friendship alliteration the repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words. ex: she sells seashells allusion a reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art. can be historical, literary, religious, or mythical, plus many more possibilities anaphora repetition…...
What Don’t You Know
The following example essay focuses on the topic of information and its value. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Information is a blessing, a burden, a motive, and a deterrent- all-depending on how it is viewed and who acts as the viewer. As a viewer, I always force myself to take a second glance, to look back over my shoulder, even if I know nothings there. As a visual learner, I have the ability to…...
Literary Devices of Prose & Poetry
Setting The time and place in which the events of a literary work take place. Plot Structure: A. Exposition Gives background information on such things as character and setting. Plot Structure: B. Rising Action/Conflict A series of complications that develop Plot Structure: C. Crisis/Climax/Turning Point An accumulation of events that reach a turning point Plot Structure: D. Falling Action The downward rushing of events towards a resolution Plot Structure: E. Resolution/Denouement A final unraveling of all the complications of the…...
Gwen Harwood Critical Study
An Australian poet who, seems to develop an imaginative, rich form of poetry through the use of recurring themes. Complex language techniques and even further through the use of sophisticated structures only seen in the most prestigious of poems in the modern era. Gwen Hardwood has a tendency to write poetry that is significant in all eras, cultures and/or societies of the world as she captures, and develops them Into a strong universal theme that recurs strongly. These themes seem…...
Adam And EveCultureLanguageLearningMemoryPoetry
Stolen Bacillus & Half Pair
I have been asked to read two stories from the science fiction genre and discuss and comment on the similarities and differences. The two stories that I have read are; The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells and The Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler. Both of these stories are of the same genre, but science fiction is difficult to define. In order for me to complete this essay, and compare the two stories to their full extent,…...
How does Seamus Heaney use language to create a rural Irish scene in digging
Seamus Heaney does a number of things to create the rural Irish scene. Some of the rhyming that he used would not rhyme unless done with an Irish accent, such as sound, ground and down. These are very special northern Irish sounds that have to be used. Also he is dispassionate during the poem like using the word 'rump' instead of a nice word such as lower back. Also the farming aspect creates the typical Irish farmer vision, through generations…...
Priestley’s Language, Character & Setting in An Inspector Calls
This essay shall examine the way in which J. B. Priestley uses dramatic effect in his 1945 play - 'An Inspector Calls'. The play is centred on an Inspector who gatecrashes the Birling's engagement party to their daughter Sheila and her Fiance Gerald croft, by announcing that earlier in the day a girl called Eva Smith, also known as Daisy Renton, committed suicide by drinking a bottle of disinfectant. The Inspector slowly makes his way around each of the Birling's…...
CharacterDramaEducationLanguageLiterary GenreLiterature
Tess of the d’Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? How does Lawrence use setting and place in 'Tickets Please'? How do these two writers manage to convey a sense of the time at which these stories are written? The first extract I have…...
LanguageTess Of The D'UrbervillesThomas Hardy
What To Expect in an English Class
What I Expect From This English 103 Class Students need to do a lot of reading and writing in higher level English classes. But what makes English 103 unique I believe, is the intensity and the depth of reading materials required. I needed this class because it is a prerequisite for me to enroll in the University level English course. I finished English 28 and English 101 last year and as I reflect, both English subjects were both hard as…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageLanguageReading
Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company
This study was written to reexamine the procedure of internationalisation of one Nipponese fabricating company in Singapore. Impacts from fiscal crisis in twelvemonth 2008 forced the group companies to exert cost-cutting steps in their planetary operations, and localisation is the lone manner to salvage costs and to maximise the use of local expertness and reactivity to run into planetary competition.The reappraisal focuses on several front-end facets of international HRM activities during the procedure of internationalisation. Literature reappraisal on the subjects…...
Stealing, Education for Leisure and Originally
This essay analyses and evaluates the underlying theme of alienation in these three poems. It compares and contrasts the ways in which the different poems present alienation to the reader and how effectively this has been portrayed. Alienation is when a person is socially withdrawn or isolated from others, causing aggression or loss of friendliness. Duffy attempts to interpret and reveal the thoughts and feelings of those who are alienated. Each poem presents a different interpretation of people in various…...
Music Game and Vocabulary Recall
This research has been done by Jonathan deHaan. W. Michael Reed and Katsuko Kuwada. Jonathan deHaan is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Shizuoka. He earned his Ph. D. in Educational Communication and Technology from New York University. His research focuses on 2nd linguistic communication acquisition and learning with games and simulations. As for W. Michael Reed. he was a retired professor of Educational Communication and Technology at New York University and the…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageEntertainmentLanguageLinguisticsMusic
The Relationship Between Language and Content in Poetry
The following sample essay explores the relationship between language and content in poetry. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Many tallented poets describe words as tools of verbal language used to build an image in people's mind and to move an emotion or win a certain cause. David Waggoner's "Their Bodies", Langston Hughes' "Share-Croppers", and Ruth Collins "The Song of the Factory Worker is three particular poems that were analyzed in comparison styles and…...
EducationLanguageLifeLiterary GenreLiteratureLove
Thomas Hardy – Analysis of Three Poems
An epitaph is an inscription upon a tomb, in few verses for the casual observer to read carefully. It is usually carved in stone and is very synthetic. The Elegy is much more lengthy than an epitaph. The two genres differ not only in lengths, but also in subject matter, since the epitaph is a 'report' concerning the deceased, the elegy is an expression of 'mourners'' sorrow. As for the setting and space, the epitaph is part of a spatial…...
Delia Smith and Jamie Oliver
Delia Smith and Jamie Oliver are both extremely influential television chefs, however their methods and approaches used to convey themselves and their programmes are extremely comparative. Compare and discuss. However, before I begin, I feel it beneficial to look a little into the history previous of their fruitful careers in cookery. This will enable me to retrieve a fuller picture on how their backgrounds influenced whom and what each portray present day. Jamie Oliver was born in South end on…...
Analyse how cultural variations can influence communication
Good communication is essential to ensure optimum health care for people from different cultural backgrounds. Culture is something that we all have, so whilst some cultural beliefs and practices may seem strange to a white indigenous British person, then the opposite is likely to be true to a person from a different culture. Harris (1999) asserts that a culture is the socially learned ways of living found in human societies, and that it embraces all aspects of social life, including…...
Body LanguageCommunicationCultureLanguage
How Iago manipulates language to achieve his aims
Iago is often described as the narrator of 'Othello', he directly speaks to the audience, and they enjoy the privileged exposition of Iago's intricate schemes as he intertwines his network of lies around the rest of the unsuspecting characters. The audience witnesses this through soliloquy, and in the speeches early in the play, he gives several clues as to his motives, modus operandi and intentions. He is open to their scrutiny who, throughout the play, admire, horrified, the progress of…...
Who’s for the Game and Recruiting
EA Mackintosh's 'Recruiting' and Jessie Pope's 'Who's for the Game? ' are both effective poems to look at when making a comparison between views of war in poetry, since there is definite contrast between the two. The primary difference is that Mackintosh's poem is very much anti-war whereas Pope's poem takes a pro-war stance. As the poems are so fundamentally different in their approach to the topic it is not surprising that the rhyming schemes and language employed are also…...
Interpersonal Interactions in Health and Social Care
In wellness and societal attention we use many assorted methods of communicating and interpersonal interaction to pass on efficaciously in assorted environments. These methods can be influenced by many factors which may interfere with how the information we have communicated is transmitted such as linguistic communication demands. self-pride. propinquity and centripetal damage. In my essay I am traveling to explicate how centripetal damage and linguistic communication demands may act upon effectual communicating and interpersonal interactions in wellness and societal attention…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLinguistics
Asleep by Wilfred Owen Poem Analysis
In the poem "Asleep", Wilfred Owen links sleep to death. The one word title of the poem depicts a scene of soldiers dying quietly and slowly, It is ironic that the word has only two short syllables and is pronounced lightly without stressing any of them, actually suggests such a heavy, serious theme-death. The poem opens with "under his helmet, up against his pack... work and waking", suggesting to us their long battles and sufferings, not for just one day…...
The light in my Darkness
Assignment Compare the two passages. Comment on layout, subject and style of writing and language. Both pieces of writing are about being a hostage, one to the sea and the other to men. The first article is for the newspaper "The Independent", it's a broadsheet which is published daily, and it's considered to be a conservative newspaper. The other article is for "Readers Digest" a weekly magazine aimed for intellectuals, it can only be bought by subscription. Since they are…...
The Black Masculinity Essay
What is an cultural group? An cultural group is a human population whose members identify with each other. normally on the footing of a presumed common family tree or lineage. These cultural groups are normally united by shared cultural values. common Fieldss of communicating. or spiritual patterns. So possibly the theory of Black maleness can be considered an cultural group. There is the obvious factors of being ‘Black’ and ‘male’ that connects these members in this group; they have skin…...
A Doll’s House – Language
Towards the end of the 19th century, Henrik Ibsen set out to write a play which represented a realistic society, a play without melodramatic language in unbelievable situations, and a play which attempted to show the realities of modern life. The result was unsurprisingly controversial, yet Ibsen sacrificed audience appeal for the naturalistic language he wanted to portray. The effect of this kind of dialogue meant that audiences were able to relate to the characters they were seeing on stage,…...
A Doll'S HouseCultureLanguage
Exploring the genre and style of the Political Interview
Politics is an area in society which is accepted as an important aspect of our lives. It governs our country and, as a result, affects how we conduct our everyday affairs. Since the commercial availability of television, politicians have had the opportunity to express party views, promote their manifesto and justify controversial actions. Live interviews have allowed the nation to put forward questions they want answered, significantly progressing the basis on who we decide to vote for to govern our…...
Why Having a Large Vocabulary Is Good
Your vocabulary tells the rest of the world a lot about you. It shows a person’s background, upbringing, education, and even his or her inclinations. A large vocabulary shows not only your aptitude for language, but also shows a good, solid background in reading. We tend to generalize people with wide vocabularies to be smart, highly-educated, and well-read. By this perception alone, it is no wonder that many people aspire to inject big words and elaborate phrases into their speech,…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
The Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee
The paper will discuss the main aspect of a Comanche and what their culture is like. The paper encapsulates an interview from such a Native American and this interview will be analyzed with the help of other sources from the Internet. The paper will be followed by first introducing the Comanche tribe with their features and then go about analyzing the interview. The culture of the Comanche will be discussed in the light of how they treat their elders, children…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
The Role of Japanese Mythology in Kafka on the Shore
Satoru Nakata was a young boy n November 1944 when he became involved in what would be known as the Rice Bowl Hill Incident. No one is sure what happened during this event but several Japanese school children ended up lying unconscious in a clearing in the woods near a town where they had been evacuated for their own safety. Nakata was the only child who did not re-gain consciousness and was in a coma for several months. When Nakata…...
Importance of English
If you are currently learning English in a school, college or institute of further education, you join approximately one billion other people around the world who are engaged in the same pursuit. However, as you try to memorise proper grammar, and try to avoid the mistakes common to most students of English, you may wonder why you are learning the language in the first place. So, why is English important? After Mandarin, English is spoken by more people than any…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Language and Its Characteristics
Language is a means of forming and storing ideas as reflections of reality and exchanging them in the process of human intercourse. Language is social by nature; it is inseparably connected with the people who are its creators and users; it grows and develops together with the development of society. Language incorporates the three constituent parts ("sides"), each being inherent in it by virtue of it's social nature. These parts are the phonological system, the lexical system, the grammatical system.…...
Celta Language Analysis Assignment
CELTA Language Analysis Written assignment 2 N. B. Please write legibly in black ink or type. Content carries the most weight, but you are also marked on clarity, accuracy (e. g. grammar, spelling, punctuation) and presentation (see CELTA criteria). Please read the shaded boxes to see the marking criteria. If your assignment does not meet the specified criteria, you will be asked to resubmit it. If the second submission is not satisfactory you will be awarded a fail grade. More…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Theory and Application of Audio Lingual Method
Unlike its predecessor, the Grammar Translation Method, which focuses on reading and writing skills, this approach chooses to emphasize on the first two stages in the natural order of language learning (listening, speaking, reading followed by writing) with the belief that learners who are better speakers and listeners consequently make better readers and writers. The ALM has a firm foundation in the theories of both structural linguistics and behavioural psychology, and thus incorporates techniques and strategies that advocate the concepts…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLinguisticsSecond Language
A Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address
Rhythm and Rhetoric: A Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address Liilia Batluk Supervisor: Stuart Foster School of Humanities Halmstad University Bachelor’s thesis in English Acknowledgment My appreciations to my supervisor Stuart Foster for very helpful advice during the research. Abstract In this essay I shall analyze Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, January, 2009 from the perspective of various linguistic techniques. More specifically, I shall propose and focus on the idea that the composition of the speech has an aim to create…...
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on Language