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Figurative Language – Oxymoron
Figurative language The use of tropes or figures of speech; going beyond literal meaning to achieve literary effect Figure of speech An expression that strives for literary effect rather than conveying literal meaning. Fragment a word, phrase, or clause that does not form a full sentence. Hortatory Urging, or strongly encouraging. Imagery Vivid use of language that evokes a reader's senses (sight,smell,taste,touch,hearing) Hyperbole Exaggeration for the purpose of emphasis. Imperative sentence A sentence that requests or demands. Induction Reasoning from…...
Early American Literature Lesson: William Bradford
Why was literacy a prime concern in the Massachusetts Bay colony? So people could read the bible and protect themselves from sin. How does early American English differ from contemporary English? Early American English is generally more formal. Which of the following statements gives the best summation of life in Plymouth Plantation? There was discord and tension among the settlers, but they resolved their differences. The first surviving book of american poetry was written by which puritan author? Anne bradstreet…...
AP Literary terms 5 + 6 principles of theme
Third person narrator focuses on feeling of one character omniscient knows all and everything about characters objective point of view narrorator who is totally impersonal tells story Polysyndeton Sentence which uses a conjuction with NO commas to seperate items in a series. EX: X and Y and Z protagonist Central character in a story who drives the action usually the hero or anti-hero Pun a play on words based on multiple meanings of a word Quatrain Poem consisting of four…...
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The Pearl: Vocab, Story, and Literary Analysis
Where does the story take place? La Paz, Mexico Who are the main characters? A poor family that includes Kino, his wife Juana, and baby Coyotito. What is the one thing that causes all of the problems in the story? A scorpion stings Coyotito, leaving him in much pain and hurt. Therefore, they take him to the doctor, but he refused to help the baby because they had no money to pay him and they were not of the same…...
Epigrams, Aphorisms and Witticisms in The Importance of Being Earnest
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature an impossibility. Algernon (to Jack) The modern sympathy with invalids is morbid. Illness of any kind is hardly a thing to be encouraged in others. Lady Bracknell (to Algernon) The amount of women who flirt with their own husbands is scandalous. It is simply washing one's clean linen in public. Algernon (to Jack) It is important not to keep…...
CultureFlashcardsThe Importance Of Being Earnest
Romeo and Juliet – Act 5
Where does scene 1 take place? Mantua. A street. Name the people who are present in scene 1. Romeo, Balthasar, Apothecary What is Romeo's mood at the beginning of scene 1? Happy What premonition did Romeo have during scene 1? That Juliet found him dead (as she actually does) and kisses him alive and became an emperor. What is an example of a metaphor in scene 1? "My bosom's lord sits lightly in his throne." What news does Balthasar bring…...
FlashcardsRomeo And Juliet
Honors Literature sem. 1 The Crucible
What important information is revealed in the third paragraph of the first act in the Crucible? The information revealed is that Reverend Parris is one of the characters in the play. He is praying for his daughter, who is obviously sick. In what ways does a long exposition differ from a stage direction? A long exposition differs from a typical stage direction because a stage direction is usually brief. An exposition, however, goes into more detail. A stage direction also…...
Abigail WilliamsFlashcardsThe CrucibleWitchcraft
Act 2 Literary Devices
What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; metaphor: compares rose smell to Montague name. Means: name doesn't matter- Romeo is still sweet O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek! metaphor: compares Romeo to glove on Juliet's hand. Means: Romeo wants to be close to Juliet By whose direction found'st thou out this place? By love, who first did prompt me to…...
FlashcardsRomeo And Juliet
To Kill a Mockingbird English Part 2 Chapters 12-31
Why is Scout so surprised when Jem says, "It's time you started bein' a girl and acting right...?" What is Lee's purpose for having Jem say this? She's surprised because Jem is getting older and thinks she should start acting like a lady, still considers herself a tomboy, offended Why is Calpurnia so concerned about the children's appearance when she takes them to First Purchase? white children don't usually go to a black church, everyone will be judging them, wants…...
FlashcardsHuman NatureTo Kill A Mockingbird
Japan Art History
What years defined the Jomon Period in neolithic Japan? 10500 - 300 BCE Name the specific type of pattern that is characteristic of Jomon pottery. Chord-patterned with sticks and rope. Bean applique design called toryumon that later developed into linear applique and a finger nail-like impression. What was the pottery mostly used for? Boiling starchy tubers and plants. The use of breakable pottery suggests what? A semi-sedentary lifestyle where their hunter-gatherer culture was subject to minimal movement of the tribes.…...
Romeo & Juliet Act IV Literary Devices
Allusion "Venus does not smile in a house of sorrow" aside The Friar tells us in the audience that he knows why Juliet can't marry Paris. dramatic irony We know that Juliet is not dead, but Bathazar doesn't hyperbole "I'd chain myself to a bear rather than marry Paris!!" imagery "...the coloring in your lips will fade ...your body will be stiff and stark" monologue Friar Lawrence tells Juliet's parents not to grieve her death personification "Death has tied up…...
Allusion in ‘Burning Bright’
Allusion reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art example of allusion Burning Bright," the title of Part Three in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, is a what to the poem "Tiger, Tiger" by William Blake, an English poet Ambiguity the effect that occurs when doubtfulness or uncertainty about the intention or meaning of the text arises. example of ambiguity In the story "Where Is Here?" by Joyce Carol Oates, for example, the author uses…...
ArchetypeFahrenheit 451FlashcardsGothic FictionThe Red Badge Of Courage
Sociology 101 Chapter 2
Which of the following terms is used to describe a systematic, organized series of steps that ensures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem. a. scientific method b. experiment c.value neutrality science Scientific method Which of the following is NOT incorporated into the basic principles of the code of ethics for sociology? a. a required number of data sources b. disclosure of sources of financial support c. respect for subjects privacy d. acknowledgment of research collaboration A. a…...
DataFlashcardsResearchScientific MethodSocial Science
Western Civilization ch6
Which statement best describes the position of the Pharisees in Palestine during the first century C.E.? The Pharisees believed in life after death and a system of individual rewards and punishments. Most of what we know about Jesus was written down: between c. 70 and 100 C.E. Jesus is the central figure in Christianity, but Paul was important: as founder of the universal church, giving it theology and organization. By the end of the third century, the involvement of women…...
Ancient RomeChristianityCultureFlashcardsRoman Empire
Analyzing the Meaning of Art Why is Bernini's sculpture of the biblical character, David (above), different from other famous sculptures of David? c. The sculpture shows David as active and ready for battle. When the artist painted this piece, what circumstance was the artist trying to criticize in society? c. The mistreatment of women in France. Which form of art allows the observer to learn about the artist through his/her work? d. Biographical How the art relates to the artist's personal concept of…...
Honors English 10 Semester 1
Members of a family share certain values. Members of a family share certain values. Values and beliefs are passed on from the older family members to the younger. Values can be either good or not so good. A good value from my family would be to be respectful of your elders. However, some might see that as old fashioned and think older people are just a waste of space. Some families might only eat certain foods that they were taught…...
American Literature: Colonial & Early National Period
1620-1820 The scope of the Colonial and Early National Period. Casas Bartolome de las ______: Spanish historian, social reformer, and Dominican friar, whose extensive accounts of the colonization of the West Indies revealed the atrocities committed by colonizers against the indigenous peoples. Castillo Bernal Diaz del ______: Spanish conquistador, encomendero, and governor in Chiapas and Guatemala, an outspoken critic of the over-blown claims made by Bartolome de las Casas. Thomas Morton Early American colonist from Devon, famed for founding the…...
FlashcardsMary RowlandsonPocahontasSalem Witch Trials
Types of Poems (AP Literature)
Aubade A love lyric expressing complaint that dawn means the speaker must part from his lover. Ballad A popular type of narrative poetry. Elegy A lament for the dead. Epic A long narrative poem that records the adventures of a hero whose exploits are important to the history of a nation. Epigram A brief witty poem that is often satirical. Folk Ballad Extra-ordinary events evoked in direct, simple language, and scant characterization that contain repeated lines and stanza in refrain,…...
FlashcardsLiterary CriticismPoetrySonnet
WHIST Q&T – Lesson 8 – Chapter 16
Manchu fighting units. Banners Leader of exploration and trading voyages. Zheng He Active Christian missionaries in China. Jesuits Dynasty founded by Ming Hong Wu. Ming Ruling dynasty from 1644 until 1911. Qing All of the following contributed to the downfall of the Ming dynasty _____. Weak rulers, peasant unrest, and poor crop yields. The emperor Kangxi was generally _____. Tolerant of Christian missionaries. The first Europeans to make contact with the Ming dynasty were the _____. Portuguese. Accomplishments of the…...
AsiaChinaFlashcardsMing Dynasty
Romantic Poet’s Favorite Themes and Repetition in Song
The favorite subjects of the romantic poets were: love, longing, and nature A song form in which the main melody is repeated for two or three stanzas but introduces new or significant varied material when the text requires it is called: modified strophic Schubert and his friends organized evening gatherings of artists, writers, and musicians, called: Schubertiads In which genre was Schubert NOT indebted to Classical traditions? Lied Approximately how many songs did Schubert compose? more than 600 What is…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaPianoRichard Wagner
Abeka American Literature Units 1-6 (Test 6) and Scarlet Letter
van Dyke wrote America for Me Bennett wrote The Flag goes By Benét wrote A Creed for Americans, American Names, and John Browns Body Coffin wrote America was Schoolmasters A Jingle of Words "In words you have a weapon more weighty than a gun. you can sway the multitude of stir the heart of one" Daniel Webster wrote Liberty and Union assonance repetition of vowel sounds onomatopoeia using words which sound like what they mean rhyme correspondence of sounds rhythm…...
Examples of Literary Devices in “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech
allusion - reference to a story that is commonly known by both author and reader "We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts." analogy - a comparison "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience." ethos - an appeal to one's sense of morality "Sir, we are not weak, if we make a…...
Mystery Genre: Definition, Characteristics @ Elements
Mystery genre A type of fiction in which a detective, or other professional, solves a crime series of crimes. It can take the form of a novel or short story. This genre may also be called detective or crime novels. General plot The main plot, or key events, in a mystery novel or short story focuses on the crime that needs solving. Protagonist Or central character, is the detective, and the rest of the characters are usually the suspects. Foreshadowing…...
Dark Romanticism and theGothic Literature movement
Dark Romanticism Works in the dark romantic spirit were influenced by Transcendentalism, but did not entirely embrace the ideas of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism vs. Dark Romanticism Dark Romantic works are notably less optimistic than Trans. texts about mankind, nature, and divinity Transcendentalism vs. Dark Romanticism While both groups believe nature is a deeply spiritual force, Dark Romanticism views it in a much more sinister light than does Transcendentalism, which sees nature as a divine and universal organic mediator Characteristics of the…...
CultureFlashcardsGothic FictionNathaniel HawthorneRomanticism
Chapter 31 World History
what is a totalitarian state? control over all aspects of public and private life whose theory of relativity replaces newtons laws of motion and gravity? Albert Eisenstein what do Franz Kafka, James Joyce and F. Scott Fitzgerald all have in common? all authors in the lost generation most nations after world war I had what type of government? Coalition government what event started the beginning of the great depression? the stock market crash how did Roosevelt's new deal program fight…...
Adolf HitlerFlashcardsGermanyInternational RelationsNazi GermanyPolitics
Archer English 11 Contemporary Literature
According to the introduction, the chief drawback of the spread of technology is.... the dehumanization of the individual U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War... sharply divided the American public In general, postmodern literature... comments on itself and is open to multiple interpretations One of the characteristics of postmodern fiction is the use of... nontraditional forms blurring the boundaries fiction and nonfiction New journalists such as Truman Capote and Joan Didion attracted attention by.. including the writer's presence and opinion in…...
CultureFictionFlashcardsPoetryVirginia Woolf
The Good Samaritan
Good Samaritan (Christian Religious Writings / Bible) New Testament a figure in one of Christ's parables (Luke 10:30-37) who is an example of compassion towards those in distress a kindly person who helps another in difficulty or distress Someone who helps another in need for compassionate motives and with no thought of reward. (Christian Religious Writings / Bible) New Testament a figure in one of Christ's parables (Luke 10:30-37) from the root word in the bible "Samaritane " (from what…...
BibleDavidFlashcardsGreek MythologyPoseidonTrojan War
English 4A Topic 2
What is the main idea of "The World of Romance" (pages 16-17)? medieval artists focused on ideas of knights and the traditions of chivalry and courtly love How do medieval knights compare with Anglo-Saxon warriors? both value skill in warfare, courage, loyalty and fame the green knight can be described as unusual in action and appearance gawain can be described as all of these Why does Gawain consider himself the knight best qualified to accept the challenge? he is the…...
ChivalryFlashcardsKing ArthurLe Morte D'Arthur
BJU Fundamentals of Literature: Unit 5 Plot
John 9 Exposition Jesus passes by a blind man John 9 Inciting incident Christ performs a miracle John 9 Rising action The people deny that Jesus is God and that he has special power John 9 Crisis The blind man states that Jesus is God John 9 Falling Action The blind man is thrown out, Jesus hears of this, Jesus comes to him John 9 Dénouement The blind man professes his belief to Jesus John 9 Climax same as crisis…...
English Language &: Composition Vocab Words
Antithesis: A figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced grammatical structure. The resulting parallelism serves to emphasize opposition of ideas. The familiar phrase "Man proposes, God disposes" is an example of antithesis, as is John Dryden's description in The Hand and the Panther: "Too black for heaven, and yet too white for hell." Diction: Related to style, diction refers to the writer's word choices, especially with regard to their correctness, clearness,…...
American Literature for Christian Schools BJU Module 13: Modern American Prose
Developers of Plot and Conflict: Shirley Jackson, Richard Connell, James Thurber, Archibald Rutledge Developers of Character Eudora Welty Developers of Theme Ernest Hemingway, Ray Bradbury Modern Drama Thornton Wilder Modern Essay Jesse Stuart, James Saxon Childers, Bruce Catton, James B. Stockdale Shirley Jackson Charles Richard Connell The Most Dangerous Game James Thurber The Catbird Seat Archibald Rutledge The Tomb of Raven McCloud Eudora Welty A Worn Path Ernest Hemingway Big Two-Hearted River, Part II Ray Bradbury August 2026: There Will…...
AP Spanish Literature (Los Autores de Azulejo)
Don Juan Manuel De lo que aconteció a un mancebo que se casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava Garcilaso de la Vega Soneto XXIII "En tanto que de rosa y azucena" Luis de Góngora y Argote Soneto CLXVI "Mientras por competir con tu cabello" Francisco de Quevedo Salmo XVII "Miré los muros de la patría mía" Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Sátira filosófica Hernán Cortés Segunda carta de relación Anómino La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes…...
Social Studies, Chapter 3, Mesopotamia & The Fertile Crescent
Which 2 land features gave Mesopotamia its name? The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Why did Mesopotamians build canals? To control the river's flow Why did city-states fight each other for farmland? Each city-state wanted to have enough farmland to grow food. What did Sargon's empire have in common with other Mesopotamian city-states? It fought with surrounding city-states Who served as a link between the Sumerians & the gods? Priests What is cuneiform? A form of writing using wedge-shaped symbols Why…...
Literature 9 Unwind Terms With Samples
Lev's "not-so-white jacket" (136) Symbolism "Like a master chess player, every move Roland makes has purpose..." (148) Simile "I'm a fish out of water" (181) Idiom "Cy is the salmon...and that police car is the bear" Metaphor "The last bit of daylight is gone from the sky now; the only color left is dark blue fading to black." (194) Imagery "Stupid of the admiral to send those other kids away without having anyone to replace them." (227) Dramatic Irony "On…...
Themes in Literature-Study Questions~Test 2
Author of "The Knights of the Silver Shield" Raymond Macdonald Alden What was the knight form "Knights of the silver shield" named? Sir Roland What appeared on Sir Roland's shield? A golden star Author of "Courage Has a Crimson Coat" Nancy Byrd Turner Author of "The Fight with the Windmills" Miguel de Cervantes What was the main character in "The fight with the windmills" named? Don Quixote What was Don Quixote's squire named? Sancho Panza What did Don Quizote think…...
Don QuixoteFlashcards
literary terms – with definitions (metaphor, simile, etc.)
plot What happens in a story. onomatopoeia words that describe what they sound like. conflict (external and internal) An external conflict is against opposing forces or characters, and internal happens in the mind. foreshadowing The use of clues to suggest events that will happen later in the story. simile Comparing one unlike thing to another to describe it. suspense The anxiety that we feel about what will happen next in a story. personification Giving something human-like features. irony Contrast between…...
House on Mango Street – Literary Devices Quotes
DRAMATIC IRONY Example: When Aunt Lupe tells Esperanza that writing will keep her "free," Esperanza is unaware of what she means, but the readers know that Lupe's words are true. SITUATIONAL IRONY Example: When Meme Ortiz "wins" the jumping contest but breaks both arms (22). VERBAL IRONY Example: Esperanza's mother calls herself a "smart cookie" (91). PERSONIFICATION Examples: Esperanza's house has "windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath" (4). The four skinny trees "are the only ones…...
Literary Term Quiz – Drama
Act a major division in the action of the play, comprising of one or more scenes Antagonist the most prominent of the characters who oppose the protagonist or hero(ine) in a dramatic or narrative work. Aside a short speech or remark spoken by a character in a drama, directed either to the audience or to another character, which by convention is supposed to be inaudible to the other characters on stage Catastrophe the final resolution or denouement of the plot…...
BJU Fundamentals of Literature: Unit 6 Vocabulary
understatement representation of something as less important than it truly is overstatement exaggeration of details surrounding the events of a story hyperbole type of obvious overstatement used by writers to make a point drama literature written to be acted play drama analogy detailed comparison of one thing to another dissimilar thing satire corrective ridicule of some object of scorn usually outside of the literature itself allusion reference within a work to something else, usually another artistic work tragedy literature whose…...
Comedy Literary Devices
Comedy is a literary work, especially a play, which is light, often humorous or satirical, and ends happily Characterization is the device used by an author to develop a character through (1) what that character says and does, ( 2 ) what other people in the story say about him/her and how they react to him/her, and (3) what the author reveals directly or through a narrator. Stereotype character A flat character who possesses expected traits of a group rather…...
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