Essays on Feminism

Free essays on feminism are academic papers that explore various aspects of gender equality and women's rights. These essays examine the history of feminist movements, the challenges faced by women in patriarchal societies, and strategies for achieving gender equality in different spheres of life. Topics covered in these essays may include reproductive justice, violence against women, intersectionality, and the politics of representation. Free essays on feminism can be valuable resources for students, researchers, and activists seeking to deepen their understanding of feminist thought and its practical applications.
1950s Family Research Overview
Words • 1489
Pages • 6
This sample paper on 1950s Family offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.A revolution has taken place in family life since the ‘Golden Age’ of the 1950s. The traditional, nuclear family consisting of a husband, wife and dependent children has transformed itself into the modern family of the 21st century, which takes on a wide variety of contemporary forms. These changes in family…...
Gloria Steinem Biography
Words • 1480
Pages • 6
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Gloria Steinem Biography. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Gloria Steinem is one of the most well known and respected leader of the feminist movement in America. Her writings and speeches have impacted the way women’s issues are perceived and understood in the last half a century or so. Alongside Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and Shirley Chisholm, Steinem has carved…...
Driving Into The Wreck
Words • 794
Pages • 4
The poem Driving Into The Wreck by Adrienne Rich is full of symbolisms. The very notion of performing deep sea diving in order to explore the colossal wreck of an ancient ship is symbolic of how the author is treating the subject of past. At her hand is the book of myths, which is full of misinformation. The diver’s task is then one of dispelling these myths by diving into the deep sea to find the truth. In other words,…...
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Essay On The Clock
Words • 694
Pages • 3
The idea that there are descriptive and prescriptive age norms regarding adults during their developmental change comprises the view of the social clock. The social clock hinges on its explanation of society’s outlook where time to get married and have children at the same time meeting more of life’s share of stresses. For example, the traditional or what has been considered as the perception of women who have not yet entered into matrimony as individuals who are negatively appraised during…...
Concept Of Empowerment
Words • 606
Pages • 3
The concept of empowerment is defined in many disciplines and specialties. In this paper, the author will use the strategies of Walker and Avant (2005) to analyze the concept of empowerment from a healthcare perspective. Defining attributes, antecedents, consequences and empirical referents of empowerment are identified, and a model case is presented. The information for this paper was gathered from dictionary definitions and professional journals. The analysis reinforces that empowerment is a useful process, in which by mutual participation between…...
BehaviorEmpowermentFeminismHealth CareHuman Nature
Thelma And Louise Essay
Words • 925
Pages • 4
t is widely debated as to whether Thelma and Louise is a feminist film or not. Either way the film is unconventional, a road movie that’s main characters are female. But as the narrative is not closed to interpretation, the ideological tensions are not worked out conclusively so there is room for argument. I will refer to two articles which hold opposing viewpoints. 1 Dargis claims that Thelma and Louise challenges the ideology of a genre by ‘rewrit[ing] the road…...
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Feminism
Words • 819
Pages • 4
Sir Gawain and Feminism Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a lively Arthurian romance about a young knight of the round table who takes on the challenge of a mysterious green knight who wanders into Arthur’s hall. The Green Knight asks Sir Gawain to strike him with his own axe, and in one year’s time he will return the blow. Time passes and Sir Gawain does everything in his power to procrastinate his impending meeting with the Green Knight.…...
ChivalryFeminismLiteraturePoemsSir Gawain And The Green KnightSocial Issues
Great Gatsby Men
Words • 306
Pages • 2
In literature, anti-feminism and patriarchal ideologies can manifest in very different forms. Some texts can be subtle while others are blatantly chauvinistic. A text can, however, can contain sexist ideologies but portray them in negative ways to promote feminism. If a text fails to address and condemn any forms of sexism it contains, the text promotes ideologies that damage society. Whether a text negatively or positively portrays the patriarchy vs feminism drastically alters the way we can interpret, value and…...
CommunicationCritical TheoryFeminismSexismThe Great Gatsby
Feminist Perspective Essay
Words • 808
Pages • 4
Elliot saying of her ‘although highly strung in temperament, [Isabella] was a woman of great character and determination, she knew her own mind’. I would therefore hypothesis that the feminist perspective of Isabella would be favorable and as a great woman of history. Lies portrays Isabella as a woman who knows exactly what she is doing and all her actions are purposeful and done to benefit her Interests. She saw Isabella as very aware of her Limitations as a female…...
Marxist Views On The Family
Words • 929
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Critically evaluate the Marxist perspective of the family According to Marx’s perspective, family is seen as an obstruction to achieving the communist goals, as it is crucial to passing the established order such as cultural ideals on to the next generation. However, Marx was focused on social class rather than the role of family, it was his friend Engels traced the evolution of the family in “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” (1884 , Zurich) In…...
Empowerment In Social Work
Words • 1047
Pages • 5
Authorization can be defined in general as the capacity of persons, groups and/or communities gain control of their fortunes and achieve their ain ends, thereby being able to work towards assisting themselves and others to maximize the quality of their lives. In wellness and societal attention empowerment means patients, carers and service users exerting pick and taking control of their lives. It is non that one is empowered agencies he or she become all powerful like God. Even if we…...
EmpowermentFeminismLifeSocial IssuesSocial WorkWork
Women Empowerment Proposal
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Women empowerment is the process of treating women like the equal companions with the same rights and duties as men have. Since the dawn of the human civilization women have always been treated like the lower gender and their main duty was to take care of children and household chores. Today the situation is completely different. Women work, build careers, rest the same way as men do. Nevertheless, women still suffer from numerous stereotypes and prejudices, which often affect their…...
CommunicationEmpowermentFeminismHuman NaturePlagiarismResearch
The Latest From The Feminist Front
Words • 715
Pages • 3
“The Latest from the Feminist “Front” by Rush Limbaugh statement is that how male’s chase females. The title “Feminist Front is the first grounds that the author usage to qualify feminist make a frontage. The author claims his positions on the feminist motion is unsmooth. insensitive. cruel. and provocative. The author is unsmooth on feminist with is why there is common land. The extract has several logical false beliefs which is some type of counter statement that weakens an statement…...
“Why Women Still Can’t Have It All?”
Words • 854
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Why Women Still Can't Have It All?" is an analysis of Anne-Marie Slaughter's article. She has based her argument on her personal experiences as a director of policy planning at the state department. Anne-Marie Slaughter authored the article Why Women Still Cant Have it All in 2012. She had experienced her moments at the top of her career, and she had felt firsthand what it was like to want it all and still feel like…...
FeminismHuman NatureReason
CHAPTER 3IWomen and Romance in Marriage a la Mode and Her First Best
Words • 3128
Pages • 13
The following sample essay on CHAPTER 3IWomen and Romance in Marriage a la Mode and Her First Best tells about stereotypically decent wife. The story Marriage a la Mode, composed in 1921, tells the story of a young wife who appears to abandon her husband in order to embrace an essentially frivolous life surrounded by poets and artists, none of whom appear to possess any especially meaningful or authentic talent. In this way, the story could be read as a…...
FamilyFeminismHappinessHuman NatureMarriage
Essay Example on Antigone Feminism
Words • 348
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Antigone Feminism": showing feminism trough female characters in films. In Stephen King’s classic horror movie, Carrie (1976) the main character, which is a young teen named Carrie White, portrays monstrous features that make everyone around her petrified. These “monstrous features” that come about are a result of Carrie not only being a high school outcast, but because she is becoming a woman as she goes through puberty, and receives her first menstrual cycle. Carrie’s mother,…...
Cultural Conflict in Chappals and Gym Shorts
Words • 549
Pages • 3
In her essay titled “Chappals and Gym Shorts”, author Almas Sayeed points to the sources of cultural conflict affronting people like her, when caught between an impulse for progress and the restrictions of tradition. Almas alludes to the fact that she herself is not certain about her sexual identity and orientation. For example, not only was she in a long term relationship with a White man, but she also has a huge crush on a particular girl from her college.…...
CultureFeminismHuman NatureMarriageTradition
Feminine Gospels Essay
Words • 589
Pages • 3
Essay Example on The Virgins Memo Analysis How far do you hold with the position that ‘Feminine Gospels is nil but “Feminist Propaganda? ? ? ” ’ In reply refer to 2 verse forms in item. Talk about Title. The Virgins Memo. The adult female who shoppedEssay Example on The Virgins Memo Analysis Feminism has been around since the 1910 with purpose and intent. Since so the motion gained impulse and created a 2nd and 3rd motion which have gained…...
Critique Paper About Gender Equality
Words • 519
Pages • 3
Gender and Development Reaction Paper Throughout centuries, gender inequality has always been one of the main issues in our society. Just recently, King Abdullah, revolutionized Saudi Arabia by giving women the right to vote and hold position for the first time. In Italy, Ma-Vib, an Engineering firm, was placed on the hot seat when it chose to fire only female employees during a series of lay-offs. Through the Gender-conflict approach, we view gender inequality as a form of social stratification…...
EqualityFeminismGenderGender EqualityIdentityLaw
Words • 647
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "UAS DRAMA ANALYSIS": feminist issue in ayad akhtars play entitled disgraced. People become very attached to any feminist issues on movie lately. Like when Wonder Woman movie released in 2017, internet and social media were becoming very busy in discussing about feminist issues that were realized by many people. You will find many articles about feminist when you search Wonder Woman 2017 in the internet. The feminist issue that those people talked about is about…...
CultureDramaFeminismLiterary Genre
The way the daughters of Yejide Kilanko Review
Words • 1132
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on The way the daughters of Yejide Kilanko Review Morayo is five years old, was born when her sister Eniayo. Why it just looks different from themselves - all white with pink eyes? What whispering neighboring women about their mother? Mummy returns, the baby is a afin and his unusual appearance lies only a recessive gene Morayo not entirely reassured. Despite difficult circumstances that brings Eniayos albinism in the communities and in the neighborhood with them,…...
FeminismHuman NatureRape
French Revolution
Words • 1672
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "French Revolution" is a discussion on whether you agree with the idea that the French revolution ushered in an era of a new political cultural explain. Keith baker defines the term revolution as ‘a transformation of discursive practice of the community, a moment in which social relations are reconstituted and the discourse defining the political relations between individuals and group of radically recast. ’(3) According to Albert soboul, the French revolution is situated in the…...
FeminismFranceFrench RevolutionLiberalismMarxismMedieval Europe
Feminism in Game of Thrones
Words • 360
Pages • 2
We are now starting to see a stronger role of women on television as we grow as a society. We have seen the role of women change in media over time; female characters are just as significant and strong as male character. First women were housewives who schemers and caused drama and rivalry but now we see more of a positive active role. Game of Thrones is a show that shows women in many different perspectives through different female characters.…...
The World’s Wife by Carol Ann Duffy Analysis
Words • 2069
Pages • 9
By subverting male dominance in “The World’s Wife”, Duffy challenges gender conventions and ultimately transcends them, however women are still trapped by predetermined societal constructs. In this presentation, attack will be defined as the assertion of power over someone and in the world’s wife, it shall be defined as the subversion of male dominance by the female. Transgression will be defined as going beyond what society deems as conventional/normal. Therefore I will be focusing on the ways in which Duffy establishes female…...
Anita S Dance Feminist Criticism
Words • 2416
Pages • 10
She graduated from Master in 1955 and without hesitation, enrolled in a Master's program for Canadian Literature at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Marina was a powerful activist for women's rights over the years, writing books, short stories, and sharing her experiences with all who would engage. Her evident determination to succeed was first noted at the young age of ten, when her mother told her that the profession of writing was "very hard" and Marina Engel responded to her…...
DanceFeminismHobbyHuman NatureOppressionWomen'S Rights
Literary Theories: A Sampling of Critical Lenses
Words • 1224
Pages • 5
Paper Type:Critical essays
Archetypal Criticism Narrative design, character type, or image that is common in all types of literature, dreams, and social behavior. Archetypal similarities reflect universal, primitive, and elemental patterns which evokes a profound response from the reader. -Death/rebirth -Journey underground -Heavenly ascent -Search for the father -Paradise-Hades image -Promethean rebel-hero -Scapegoat -Earth goddess -Fatal woman Feminist Criticism Feminist critics see cultural and economic disabilities in a "patriarchal" society that has hindered women from realizing their creative possibility and cultural identity. They…...
A Doll House Essay On Feminism Analysis
Words • 10422
Pages • 42
A TEACHER’S GuidE TO THE SiGNET CLASSiCS EdiTiON OF HENRIK IBSEN’S A DOLL’s HOUsE by LAURA REIS MAYER S e r i e S e d i t o r S : Jeanne M. McGlinn and JaMes e. McGlinn both at UniverSity of north Carolina at aSheville  A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House TABLE? OF? CONTENTS An Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3 List of Characters ................................................................................................... Synopsis of the Play ............................................................................................... 4 Prereading…...
A Doll'S HouseFeminismHenrik Ibsen
What impact did the protestant reformation have on women?
Words • 868
Pages • 4
    They had to be acceptant of all the teachings received by husbands and priests, for they could not read the books which would have allowed them to form their own opinion. Women therefore remained in the most essential way secondary citizens and were deprived of any genuine influence. The "real battle was for the minds of men and that of women would then follow". 14 Though the women as a whole were not involved in shaping the changes…...
ChristianityCultureFeminismProtestReformationSocial Movements
Literary Theory Essay 2: Feminism
Words • 2741
Pages • 11
"Few myths have been more advantageous to the ruling caste than the myth of woman. " (Simone de Beauvoir). Explore some of the ways in which Simone de Beauvoir's notion of "the myth of woman" has been taken up by feminist literary critics and offer a feminist deconstruction of that myth as it operates in one or more literary texts of your choice. In De Beauvoir's book The Second Sex, the author refers to the notion of "the myth of…...
FeminismMarriageSimone De Beauvoir
Judy Bradys I Want a Wife Essay
Words • 1434
Pages • 6
In Judy Brady’s she talks about the undertakings of a coveted married woman. There are certain things and responsibilities required for a homemaker to make. Brady describes all the helpful things done for a hubby and kids without even recognizing all the duty and what she is making. No 1 of all time acknowledges that things done by a married woman can be done by person who was non a married woman. but alternatively a adult male. Judy realizes she…...
Idea of Poetry Carol Ann Duffy – Feminist Propaganda?
Words • 987
Pages • 4
Propaganda is a message purposefully written to influence opinions, causing the viewer to agree with the message writer's point of view. These are often written in a misleading manner with equivocations. However in 'The World's Wife' many of the poems see women in a negative point of view and many of the women described in the poems are described as happy at the thought of children and child-birth. There is a lack of continuity in the themes of the poems,…...
CommunicationFaustFeminismHomosexualityHuman NaturePoetry
Western Front and Testament of Youth
Words • 1918
Pages • 8
World War One is well-known for the horrific amount of men who died in it, many of whom did not fully believe in or understand the causes they fought for. War literature presents the modern reader with peoples' experiences from the period. Their views are integral in shaping our own opinions on war. Although war literature often differs in its composition, many themes are concurrent throughout the genre. All Quiet on the Western Front by Remarque and Testament of Youth…...
All Quiet On The Western FrontFeminismIronyPacifismWar
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What impact did the protestant reformation have on women?
...12 Wiesner, Working Women in Renaissance Germany, page 45 13 Matheson, Scottish Journal of Theology 49, page 54 14 Hufton, The Prospect Before Her - Volume I: 1500-1800, page 365 15 R. W. Scribner, 'The Impact of the Reformation on Daily Life', in: L...
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