Il metodo Catalanotti by Andrea Camilleri Review

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Never before has Andrea Camilleri its legendary commissario unmasks such as in this, the twenty-sixth crime series [Overview” Il Commissario Montalbano: all detective stories “in Books Reviews “

Salvo falls a massive burst of age folly victim. Tempted his creator has it already done on several occasions – we remember gorgeous women like Angelica [Read my review of Andrea Camilleri:” Il sorriso di Angelica | The smile of Signorina “in Books Reviews”

The tragicomic adventure comes to Salvos bad luck associated with Livia’s moment of truth.

does mark the occasion and speaks what one might expect by now. Who can be for years with phrases such as “Mi devi scusare Livia, ma qui da me ci sono Fazio e Augello, stiamo discutendo di un caso molto complicato” put off? Which pair is content with a few weekend visits a year, combined with Twelve hundred-kilometer flights? Finally Livia holds her distant “fiancé” once with unvarnished drastic in mind, what they feel and what responsibility he has to confess

Rarely has previously started so poignant and ruthlessly exposed the inner life of his protagonists.

– are comparable in my memory only the scenes around the small refugee child François (in “Il ladro di Merendine | thief of sweet things”) and his tragic death as a young adult (in “Una lama di luce | the trail of light” [< a title = "Read my review of Andrea Camilleri:" Una lama di luce | the trail of light "in Books Reviews"

are equally impressive as the scenes of the private life of the Commissioner in this volume the two criminal cases, he has to solve.

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you will be yawning every fan of action-packed thriller (one dead and one shot, that’s all of bangers) but have depth in various dimensions. W ie usually the voltage curve starts at zero and then rises to readers who are getting into it, considerably to. All sorts of entertaining puzzles invite you to follow the arguments resistant, down to the last pages of all the mysteries are resolved. The last quarter want to swallow at a time.

The ‘smaller’ case is of the type that decades ago two special appreciation of Sicilian commissario justified (see, eg, the early story “”Il compagno di viaggio | the Reisegefährte” in the overview of all detective stories on books Rezensionen”

the theme of the ‘big’ If that is the title (and thereby with the tradition of four-word title breaks), Camilleri’s heart must be, however, directly sprung He was indeed his life time, a theater and television man until the septuagenarian 1994!. “La forma dell’acqua | the shape of water,” his big break as a crime writer experienced. Carmelo Catalanotti, the murder victim, is a distant professional colleague of his. the fifty year old is so wealthy that he does not need to work and can give even five-figure sums lightly. e r is therefore quite clear for his passion, theater. With a small force as ambitious amateurs, he directed “classical” dramas of the 20th century and has next “Svolta pericolosa” ( “Dangerous curve” | “Dangerous Corner”). Set by JB Priestley (1932) on the board

A lot of care applies Camilleri on to explain “il metodo Catalanotti”: the strategy with which the director award their roles. He undergoes every person who appears to him as possibly suitable (and that may also be strangers ‘chance discoveries’) a highly tailored process that it aims to completely dissolve the people of themselves and to confront with the figure of the drama. Catalanotti breaks its candidate, so to speak, to completely merge with their role. (Camilleri leaves a fictional character on the Polish theater theorist Jerzy Grotowski (1933 to 1999) and the experimental Catalan theater group “Fura dels Baus” point.)

Popular makes Catalanotti with his radical approach not. Some candidates he encounters with his extravagant “tests” ahead to the limits of their endurance, some beyond. This is the price to pay them in order to be able to share his high-flying art projects. Scruples, triggering his method with the applicants, does not know the master. (Removes one is reminded of the scandal involving prominent film greats in Hollywood and elsewhere.)

For the rest, Camilleri served from its catalog of good characters and text blocks that love his readers (and TV movie viewers) and expect. The plot progresses slowly and in small steps forward, Salvo showers, devours vast amounts of Enzo and Adelina delicacies, drinks coffee, makes his after-dinner walk, there’s always the police station, interviewed victims, Catarella twisted names and language and falls with the door to the office, Fazio hears attentively and has everything done, and Mimì Augello knows all the women of vigata and surroundings from personal observation.

Now and then give individual fates of the protagonists occasion for a few socially critical phrases ( “< abbr title = "Avrebbero continuato a dire NO a ogni cosa, nella speranza di riuscire così ad ottenere il potere per poi finire come tutti gli altri (about. They would continue to each and all say no, in the hope to power to come, and at the end they would end up like all the others before them. "> Avrebbiro continuato a diri NO ogni cosa a, nella spranza di arrine sciri accussì ad ottiniri il potiri by po ‘finiri come a tutti l’autri. “) without the great problems of our time concretized in the least, let alone discussed would. I think it’s now become undecided and weak, while hordes of nationalists, populists and liars seem to dominate the public debate loudly (even in Vigata?). Salvo Montalbano is appreciated not only in Italy as a moral authority and common sense; it is time to refer a larger scale position, his voice no ifs and buts in favor of representatives of reason and decency rises, such as Sicilian Europeans. For this, just a few sentences. You would find a lot of attention.

After some rather average Montalbano novels this is finally re-thriller fare of truly Camillerischer class. The author, who in early September his dreiundneunzigstes age is complete, is now blind and has the novel (as “La rete di protezione” [Read my review of Andrea Camilleri:” La rete di protezione ” Books Reviews “

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Il metodo Catalanotti by Andrea Camilleri Review
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