An Introduction to the Abacus
Somewhere around 3000BC the first mechanical counting device created was the abacus. The abacus is still used today and, amazingly to me, with great speed and accuracy. In 1642 another mechanical device was created called the Pascaline (after Blaise Pascal, a famous French mathematician). The Pascaline used gears and wheels ("counting-wheels") to perform the calculations. The interesting thing to note is that the counting-wheel design was used in calculators until the 1960s. The next major breakthrough in computer history revolves…...
ComputersTechnology And SocietyVlsi Technology
The Best Course of Action to Achieve My Goals
To better accomplish my career goal in the field of IC, I would select the Circuits and Systems concentration and courses like Integrated Circuit Design and Analysis, Radio Frequency VLSI Circuit Design , and Digital CMOS VLSI Design. Meanwhile, this program attracts me with its co-op brought by its alumni engagement and full time employment opportunities, which not only provides me with great employment opportunities, but will help me in my academics. I wish to do research about Integrated Circuits…...
Technology And SocietyVlsi Technology
Integration of Opto-Electronics With Vlsi a Review
ABSTRACT Optoelectronic –VLSI technology aims at presuming the integration of photonic devices with VLSI. We hereby examine the discrepancy of VLSI technology with conventional wire-bonded Opto-electronics packaging .The outcomes shows that the integration provides stuff power and faster even when small numbers of photonic devices are driven with commodity complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor logic technologies. Using this technology we can interface optical information and circuits with VLSI in a single package. INTRODUCTION Optoelectronic -VLSI technology provides close integration of photonic devices with…...
Vlsi Technology