Essays on Theology

Free essays on theology are online resources that offer students and scholars access to insightful, informative, and thought-provoking content on religious studies, belief systems, and faith. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including theology, biblical studies, ethics, philosophy of religion, church history, and more. They are typically written by theology experts and scholars, and are designed to provide students with helpful background information, critical analysis, and research insights into theological themes and concepts. These free essays on theology are essential resources for anyone studying or researching religion and related topics.
Role of Baptism in Life of Belivers Essay
Words • 3145
Pages • 13
All Christians take part in the sacraments, if this is Baptism or the Eucharist. A sacrament is a special visible sign that puts us into contact with God. When people believe in God, they reach out threw words, gestures and through certain forms of celebration. In our daily lives words are the first form of communication; gestures add to these words, almost illustrating what we try to say. Using our words and gestures, we can show God our love and…...
Mathematical Prayer
Words • 268
Pages • 2
Lord, enlighten me with life’s absolute value and your spirit’s infinite grace. May you eliminate my negative traits and help me think in a positive way. Teach me how to do my works in equal proportion and help me see the world in different angles. Add the beauty of life within me and subtract all of my sins by your mercy you have shed on me. Multiply the seed of your righteousness in and through me, so that I may…...
“Judas Iscariot”
Words • 394
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Judas Iscariot" is an analysis of a literary work by Leonid Andreev. The essay reveals the plot of the story and reveals the images of the main characters of the story. It has long wanted to read. And so I decided. But no, my writer, after all. I do not want to see the world in leonidandreevski. Do not believe in good and Andreev wholehearted love ... Jesus left him detached, hypocritical apostles and Judas…...
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The Day of Yahweh: A Misunderstood Concept
Words • 1108
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on "Day of Yahweh" talks about The Day of Yahweh is the day that most people associate with a period of time or a certain day that will occur when God’s will and purpose for His world and for mankind will be fulfilled. Some people believe that the day of the Lord will be a longer period of time than a single day- a period of time when Christ will reign throughout the world before He…...
My Thoughts About Christian Initiation
Words • 1506
Pages • 7
Throughout this coursework, I intend to cover in fully detail on what initiation is as well as how people join the church. I will also be stating the differences in baptism for both adults and children. The second part of the coursework will explain the affects and differences that Baptism can have upon a person throughout their life, as well as the changes that occur too. This will be done via the aid of examples. The last part of the…...
BaptismChristianityRites Of PassageTheology
Theology Research Paper
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Theology is a science about God. The literal meaning of the term is theoretical thoughts and perceptions of surrounding us world’s nature and our relationship with the (possible) over mundane reality. To write a good research paper on the topic, you have to understand that Biblical Theology is a scientific work summarizing the Bible’s theology. The subject is located on the boundary between the exegetical study and systematic theology. Biblical Theology petitions are structured often chronologically unlike the systematic theology…...
Five Views on Sanctification
Words • 1017
Pages • 5
All Christians in a process of their spiritual development realize the need of living a holy or sanctified life. However, there is no one uniform view on how sanctification can be achieved. “Five Views on Sanctification” comprises a gathering of studies of five major Protestant views on sanctification. Each author presents his own understanding of sanctification, and responds to the opinions of others. Melvin Dieter summarizes the Wesleyan View, Anthony Hoekema explains the Reformed view, Stanley Horton presents the Pentecostal…...
Bible Studies Questions & Answers CWV Topic 3 SG
Words • 479
Pages • 2
Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2. -Our problem is internal (sinful nature) -Our sinful nature separates us from God -God can save everyone and hears everyone Judges 21:25 says "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people? The people had a weak moral compass and allowed themselves to succumb to temptations What is the prophecy in…...
Adam And EveChristianityFlashcardsGodOriginal SinTheology
Chapter 8 Judaism True/False
Words • 108
Pages • 1
Ultra-Orthodox Israeli leaders accept converts to Reform Judaism. False Judaism may have been influenced by outside views in the diaspora. True Moses destroyed the first set of tablets he received from God. True Apocalyptic literature focuses on God's victory over evil. True The head of Orthodox Judaism is known as the tzaddik. False The chief goal of reconstructionist Judaism is to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. False King Soloman advocated and practiced strict asceticism. True The Jewish sabbath begins Saturday…...
Bible Studies CWV-101 Quiz 3 Questions & Answers
Words • 603
Pages • 3
1. Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2. When you are separated from God he cannot hear. God can and desires to save, but sin causes separation 2. The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people? It indicates how humanity…...
Adam And EveChristianityFlashcardsGodOriginal SinTheology
Puritans and Literary Devices
Words • 609
Pages • 3
Puritan Plain Style short words, direct statements, and references to ordinary, everyday objects; clearly expressed only useful or religious ideas; used by Anne Bradstreet and Benjamin Franklin anastrophe Make me, O Lord, Thy spinning wheel complete.- Huswifery slant rhyme Then dye the same in heavenly colors choice. All pinked with varnished flowers of paradise. - Huswifery catalogue Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will Affections, judgment, conscience, memory - Huswifery John Smith first man to promote permanent settlement of America; English…...
Anne BradstreetChristianityFlashcardsPoetryTheology
The Messiah and Son of God in John’s Book
Words • 1908
Pages • 8
One of the major themes of the Book of John is to prove that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. What makes these miracles so special is the difficulty faced to create them and what each is trying to teach. There are seven main miracles, seven being a significant number throughout the bible, that are used to help better understand Jesus and his true identity. We can also find a last miracle in His resurrection, which in…...
ChristianityGospel Of JohnMiracleTheology
Global Discipleship Is Making Disciples for the Nations
Words • 1893
Pages • 8
In the following sample essay about how global discipleship is making disciples for the sake of the nations. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Global discipleship - making disciples for the sake of the nations A study of the Gospel according to Matthew Introduction - Matthew’s handbook for the church Why did Matthew write his gospel? John clearly had an evangelistic aim , but Matthew wrote his gospel for the church, for those who already…...
ChristianityGospel Of MarkJudaismTheology
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