Free essays on Pollution are academic documents that examine the various types of pollution and their impact on the environment and human health. These essays cover topics such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. They discuss the causes of pollution, its effects on the environment and human health, and various strategies that can be used to prevent or mitigate pollution. These essays may be used by students, researchers, and policymakers to gain a better understanding of the complex issues surrounding pollution and its impact on the planet.
Policy of Greening Our Construction
Green building is becoming increasingly popular amongst many developed countries due to the visibly negative impacts that conventional building has on the environment. Although there are many advantages for the government, the future of the environment, and the economy, there are also some unfavorable or questionable features that come along with the transformation of policies regarding a green building supply. Many existing approaches--such as incentives, technological advances, and the implementation of rating tools for building evaluation--have been used as a…...
Green BuildingRecyclingSustainability
Advance Wastewater Treatment at Tertiary
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The project opportunity I have this year is a great chance for learning and technical development. Motivation and co-operation are the two main pillars for the success of any project. A technical write paper should be incomplete if I do not convey our heartfelt gratitude to those people from whom I have got considerable support and encouragement during this technical write paper preparation. Many people have helped, provided direction, technical information and it’s my pleasure to say vote of…...
MaterialsPollutionWastewater Treatment
Hydrodynamic Cavitation for Wastewater Treatment
Introduction Water pollution has become a global problem due to large amounts of industrial and domestic sewage discharged in the water bodies. This liquid waste coming from various industries like textile, pharmacy, pesticide and petrochemical processing contains large amounts of organic and inorganic compounds like phenols, chlorides, aromatics etc. Also, textile industries use dyes which act as coloured pollutants. These compounds are sometimes non-biodegradable and sometimes toxic to microorganisms. This is the main reason why conventional biochemical processes aren’t able…...
NatureWastewater TreatmentWater Pollution
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Environmental Triple Threat: Acid Rain, Warming, & Ozone Loss
People often look at the world with a jaded eye, seeing and addressing problems, without any knowledge to back them up. To apply this idea to the world we live in, one can look at three basic environmental problems the world faces today; acid rain, ozone depletion, and global warming. Each of the three has can be traced to irresponsible use of synthetic and organic chemicals, each of the three can also be looked at in terms of their chemistry.…...
Regulatory Shift’s Negative Effects on EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency has seen a radical but discreet shift in regulatory power during 2017. Recently, Nancy B. Beck joined the agency as the Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. She previously worked as an executive on the American Chemistry Council, the largest advocacy association for the chemical industry. Under Beck's guidance, the EPA's office of water has been asked to limit the tracking of hazardous chemicals. If successful, the risk of toxic materials entering…...
The Volkswagen Emission Scandal
Abstract: Our environment has been the first victim of humans' actions since the industrial revolution in UK in 1800's. The realization from scientists to the environmental violations by humans motivated the calls for actions and eventually managed to enforce environmental regulations on nations to save environment. Cars emit greenhouse pollutants and carbon monoxide, nitric oxides, and other particulates from fuel combustions that are unhealthy to the environment and therefore rules have been enforced to reduce them as well. In September…...
Air PollutionEnginesVolkswagen
Influence Of Natural Disasters On Marine Life
The ocean vast and wide waters give home to thousands of marine animals which rely on the constant condition of the sea salted ocean. They take home and live their everyday lives, and abide by Drawns law of natural selection. Only those organisms who can adapt and survive the harsh conditions of water are able to mate and past their adaptations to the next generation. Marine life have to tackle and adapt against pollution, natural disasters, urbanization, predators, and climate…...
Marine PollutionNatural Disasters
Light Pollution in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is known as ‘the Pear of the East’. With the name of it, there is a significant problem with the light pollution behind. According to a research publication from the Legislative Council (2018-2019), Hong Kong has been one of the worst places with a high degree of light pollution in 2012 . Light pollution means that excess artificial light is presented at night. There are a lot of negative effects about light pollution reported. Schulte-Römer, Meier, Dannemann and…...
Hong KongLight Pollution
Industry and Ocean Pollution
“The industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution, which accounts for more than half of all water pollution and for the most deadly pollutants. Some manufacturing facilities use huge quantities of freshwater to carry away wastes of many kinds.” The water that is polluted gets thrown into oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. Some polluting materials are phosphates and mercury, nitrates, lead, sulfur, and acids. In addition, many manufacturing plants pour out poisons and other noxious by-products. The construction industry…...
Report of Saudi Arabia
Ghawar is an oil field located in Al-Ahsa Governorate, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. It covers an area of 280 by 30 km (174 by 19 mi), it is by far the largest conventional oil field in the world, and accounts for roughly a third of the cumulative oil production of Saudi Arabia as of 2018. Ghawar is entirely owned and operated by the National Oil Company in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco. In April 2019, the company first published its profit…...
Saudi ArabiaWaste
Coronary Illness and Stroke Prevention
Presentation Heart ailments for the most part alludes to the conditions that influence heart. Term 'Coronary illness' is frequently abused in lieu with 'cardiovascular sickness'. Blockage of veins and veins that prompt the heart are the purposes behind heart maladies. Because of the advancement of plaque which is a waxy substance comprised of cholesterol, greasy particles, and minerals this blockage occurs. There are numerous dangers of Heart maladies. The dangers increment in seniority, yet the hazard could be more noteworthy…...
Crime PreventionHeart DiseasePollution Prevention
Algorithms Used in Eco-Driving Studies
One of the most important factors to implement eco-driving is in the development of efficient and sustainable model algorithms to evaluate the components of eco driving. Hence many studies have been conducted in this regard. Rakha and Kamalanathsharmain (2011) conducted a study which focused on eco-driving at signalized intersections using V2I communication. The authors developed a framework to enhance vehicle fuel consumption efficiency while approaching a signalized intersection through the provision of signal phase and timing information that may be…...
Air PollutionDistracted DrivingDrivingTraffic
Cross-Enterprise Leadership: A Case Study of the Ocean Cleanup Project
Leadership remains one of the core reasons why some businesses are thriving in the information age while others are dwindling. The effectiveness and respect of any leader is highly reliant on the regard of psychological qualities, strong ethical values and virtues (Mihelic, Lipicnik & Tekavcic, 2010). The triumph of the Ocean cleanup project is highly attributable to the enhancement of cross-enterprise leadership, a holistic means to goal realization. Further, the approach goes against the static and hierarchical system of governance…...
Leadership And ManagementOcean Pollution
Environmental Ethics
On the contrary, humans still face exorbitant pressure from the need to continuously produce goods that fuel the quality and the way of life we have accustomed ourselves to. Threats to environmental ethics can be personified in many forms; such as mass-producing corporations, farmers’ impending need to grow more crops and the growing popularity and usage of the fast-fashion industry. However, is it truly treachery for us to utilize and compartmentalize the resources that Earth has bountifully provided us with…...
Say No to Plastic Bags
Plastic bags are surely the best option for consumer while doing their grocery shopping. Popularity of plastic bags is because it has good features such as light weight, resistant to degradation, durable and low cost (Joseph et al., 2016). Their large scale of production already started back in 1950s (Geyer et al., 2017). It has been more than 60 years, and plastic bags definitely have left a big impact on human life. From big shopping stores to retailer, all use…...
Plastic Pollution
According to the Society of Plastic Industry
The benefits of plastic are unmatched by any other material because its weight, durability and the average cost is not extremely high but it actually cheap. With durability it last a good amount of time and can shape easily with just the right amount of heat while it can give contamination through BPA it can also protect against contamination which is why plastic is being used throughout hospitals across the nation help solving different types of cancers, helping with the…...
Plastic Pollution
The major problems of ocean pollution
Did you know that without the ocean, you would not be able to survive in this world? The ocean provides us with the water we drink and the air we breathe. Ocean Pollution is becoming a major problem, some people just don’t care about the ocean. Most people think that throwing trash in our local waters would not have an affect on them. What they don’t know is that the ocean not only that it affects marine life, but also…...
The death of aquatic environments from pollution
Introduction Ocean pollution is a defining crisis of the twenty-first century. Considering even only the last decade, disasters such as the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill—one that leaked more than 200 million gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, have already caused irreparable damage to our biosphere. Additionally, the millions of tons of trash, oil, fertilizer, sewage, and toxic chemicals that enter the ocean every year only exacerbate this burgeoning problem. Though humanity has prided itself on its mastery…...
Marine PollutionOcean PollutionPlastic Pollution
Tropical Forest Ecosystems Issues
All the tropical forest ecosystems combined host at least two-thirds of the total terrestrial biodiversity. However, the last century marked an astonishingly rapid decline regarding the extent of tropical forest (Gardner & Et all. , 2009). It has been estimated that 350 million hectares so far have been deforested and additionally, around 500 million hectares of tropical forest have been degraded. The consequences of this are the loss of ecological services, which include the loss of biodiversity and watershed protection, the loss…...
Pollution Management
Abstract As technology progresses, and the ability to monitor various forms of pollution within the atmosphere is possible, how can ensure the longevity of Earth? NASA has sacrificed numerous missions towards ensuring that we are capable of monitoring different forms of atmospheric composition, and other trends. Yet, we systematically ignore them, and continue burning fossil fuels inefficiently, and waste products generating carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide. These actions have implied consequences, which we will have to face eventually, whether that…...
High Air Temperatures Due to the Summer Season and Organic Pollution
In this study benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of Balaban Stream was detected and appropriate biometric approaches were applied on this organisms. A total 62 taxa were revealed during the research, and most dominant group between the benthic macroinvetebrates was found to Insecta. Researchers like Arman et al., (2019); Musonge et al., (2018); Zeybek et al., (2014); Galdean et al., (2008); Azrina et al., (2006) were found the similar results in different freshwater ecosystem. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation were…...
Body Paragraphs Pollution
The following sample essay on "Body Paragraphs Pollution": tells about the freedoms that we are given and the dangers that come with it requires for some limitations to be implemented. At the end of the day, not one person, or law, can make a person not do something. Laws restrain people from doing ignorant and selfish things, which helps protect, defend, and prevent public and environmental dangers. We, as a people, have a natural instinct to not endanger others; for…...
Sustainability Is the Capacity to Endure
The following example essay on "Sustainability Is the Capacity to Endure" looks at the problem of global warming and climatic changes now a days. Pollution is a threat to our world as it would greatly affect our global development. Many cases of hazardous pollution have been resolved, like lead has been banned from car fuels. Toxic wastes are treated with greater care, industrial safety has significantly increased, electric power plants have become cleaner, and energy and materials are used more…...
The Usual Type of Dispensers
The bottled water dispensers are the customary sort of dispensers that you can have in your home or office space and it can fill in as the focal spot in the workplace where people can grow and appreciate a benevolent discussion. These bottled water dispensers can likewise now and again be found in homes where people lean toward not to have separated water, yet need a decent supply of characteristic spring water. The dispensers of these sorts can have a…...
PollutionWaterWater Pollution
The abuse of the environment
The definition of ‘Environment’ by the Cambridge English dictionary: ‘The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.’ Essay on Environment The environment plays a pivotal role in the existence, growth and development of all living things on earth and importantly to humankind’s daily lives. The condition of the environment is very important for the quality of life that we lead. The environment is extremely important for the growth of all life on the earth…...
Importance Of Planting Trees
Planting billions of trees across the planet is one of the best and cheapest ways of taking 25 percent of CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the crisis of global warming. The need for urgent action is clear, as rapid climate change is progressing apace. Tree planting would have almost immediate results, since trees remove more CO2 when they are young.Essay on Importance of Planting TreesForests are essential for life on earth. Three hundred million people worldwide live in…...
The Speeding Up Global Warming
Global warming is speeding up. All around the world records for highest temperatures are being broken each year. In Venice, Italy the last year temperature records have been shattered. In November 2019, Australia temperatures hit a staggering 42 degrees beating the record twice since records began. Humankind’s activities are risking failure to meet the Paris Accord. Use of CFC’s and other global warming substances continues at alarming rates. The average temperature for Florida in May 2019 was 78.8 Fahrenheit (26…...
Advantages Disadvantages Deforestation Essay Points
This topic will help you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation. Forests are often referred to as the lungs of planet earth. They are the primary source of numerous resources that are important for our survival. They not only provide the major amount of oxygen, they also provide habitat to the majority of the wild life. Although forests are an important asset for our planet, deforestation is causing a sharp decline in it its quality as well as…...
DeforestationNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesPollutionWater
Global Warming Is a Threat to the Planet
Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion, learn to be human first. Water and air, the essential fluids and gases on which all life depends, We have become global garbage cans Said Shannon L. Alder. Humans are the smartest species in the world. We have invented technology in the last few 100 years. This technology helped us a lot, but it is going to be a big problem . I am here to tell…...
Climate ChangeEarthNatural EnvironmentPlasticPollution
Negative Impact of Improper Waste Management
The following sample essay on "Negative Impact of Improper Waste Management" is what the challenges faced by authorities dealing with waste. This issue has become especially relevant with the widespread development of infrastructure. With the development of infrastructural, improved the living standard of people and all other human activities including mining, building office complexes and hydropower development has bought a strong negative impact on our mother earth by disposing the unwanted materials or the part of machine that isnt functioning…...
Economic DevelopmentHealthManufacturingMaterialsPlasticPollution
Traditional marker in Vietnam
The following sample essay on " Traditional marker in Vietnam" .In Vietnam having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker. In Vietnam, having beautiful thick hair is a traditional marker of beauty. Nguyen Thi Thuy has hair that reaches to her hips, she takes care of it every day and it is one of her greatest possessions (Lebsack, 2018). Unfortunately, hair traders travel to rural areas and target women like her who suffer financially and are desperate for money, they…...
Catholic ChurchHinduismHuman TraffickingSacrificeSlaveryWaste
Deforestation in the Philippines
The following sample essay on Deforestation in the Philippines In this chapter, the researchers gather several studies and literature connected with the study listed as follows; (1) Basic Definition (2) History and Causes. (3) Biodiversity (4) Deforestation in the Philippines (5) and lastly, the effects of deforestation. Continuing devastation of backwoods or deforestation is to make the land accessible for different activities. An expected 18 million sections of land (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is the size of the…...
ClimateDeforestationForestMalariaNatural EnvironmentPollution
Consumer Responsibility in Reducing Plastic Usage
The following sample essay on "Plastic". We, as consumers, are the only ones who can make a difference in this by being directly and sincerely committed to saving our planet. Our actions must be managed and we must all be on board to achieve the desired results. Carolan 2017 states the popular question.What does sociology have to do with the environment? (p. 4) Most people don`t realize that environmental problems are just as serve as social problems, but they most…...
LitteringMaterialsNatural EnvironmentPlasticPlastic PollutionPollution
Since the effects of global warming and climate change are
Since the effects of global warming and climate change are becoming serious today, most countries are trying to develop their own green road rating system to put sustainable practices into practice on their roads. This study presents a comprehensive review to identify and determine the material and pavement technology elements most suitable for the development of green road rating systems. The relevant literature hasbeen examined to help identify the material and pavement technology elements. These elements are tabulated and classified…...
EngineeringMaterialsNatural EnvironmentPlasticPollutionRecycling
The following sample essay on EFFECT OF WASTES tells about peoples health problem in daily life. Wastes are undesirable or unproductive elements which abandoned after primary using. Producing waste materials through a lot of human activities and they definitely will be discarded by their owner as they have no longer functions for any operating systems. Nowadays, a large amount of excess waste had become a critical issue in any newspaper, magazine or social media. A heap of the garbage can…...
George Orwells Animal Farm
The following sample essay on "George Orwells Animal Farm": discuss themes of control and power in Animal Farm by George Orwell. A city with dysfunctional attributes is bound to be conquered. In George Orwells Animal Farm it shows that without control of power itll most definitely fail. There are four main down factors that led to the end of the republic. Many ideals came to mind that has been put into action, but they never finished it. They also had…...
Animal FarmJoseph StalinLitteringNapoleonPollution
Why My Eco-House is Environmentally Friendly
My Eco-house has a lower impact on the natural environment and thus helps to protect all of Gods creations, animals, plants and us. My design materials are from sustainable sources and I have included various features that help to save electricity, water and leftover food. All this goes towards reducing its carbon footprint and lowering its energy needs. Exterior A very obvious difference to my house is the extra-insulated roof, which is flat with a slight slope, so rainwater can…...
ConstructionMaterialsRecyclingSolar EnergyWater
The Reasons Behind I Want To Advocacy The Trees
Do you know what it feels like if you lost your loved ones especially your family? It feels like you can't breathe, and you can't live your life without them. Our family is important to us similarly to how trees are important to us too. Because trees release oxygen so we can live our life like the love and care of our family that gives us the energy to overcome many obstacles we face in our daily lives. The reason…...
Air PollutionEcosystemEnvironmental ScienceLoveNatural EnvironmentWater
Marketing Mix Evaluation of Royal Dutch Shell: 9 P’s
Introduction Royal Dutch Shell plc is likewise alluded to as Shell. Shell is a universal vitality organization with the ability in the investigation, generation, refining and promotion of oil and gaseous petrol, and the assembling and promoting of synthetic concoctions. The Chief Executive Officer is Ben van Beurden. Imperial Dutch Shell is an open constrained organization of British-Dutch root. This worldwide organization is known as one of the six supermajors and was established in the year 1907 by consolidating Shell…...
Oil Spill
A Childhood Experience: My First Fishing Trip
The following sample essay on "A Childhood Experience: My First Fishing Trip"": describing a memory from childhood and first conflict situation. Carefully applying sunscreen over every bare inch of my sixty-two-pound body, I prepped myself for the strenuous mission that was before me. I was ready to complete the first impediment of fishing, catching my very first fish. I was eight and confident that my lean, frail body could overcome any obstruction. Alluring me intensely was my yearning to catch…...
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on Pollution