Industry and Ocean Pollution

Topics: Pollution

“The industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution, which accounts for more than half of all water pollution and for the most deadly pollutants. Some manufacturing facilities use huge quantities of freshwater to carry away wastes of many kinds.” The water that is polluted gets thrown into oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. Some polluting materials are phosphates and mercury, nitrates, lead, sulfur, and acids.

In addition, many manufacturing plants pour out poisons and other noxious by-products. The construction industry gets rid of unbelievable amounts of gypsum, cement, metals, and poisonous solvents.

Another group of contaminants are lubricants, plastic wrappers, and adhesives. There is even something called thermal water pollution and it happens because factories discharge water at very intense speed and it also gets heated up by the factories. The increases change the level of oxygen in a body of water, actually disrupting the water’s ecological balance, killing off some plant and animal species while encouraging the overgrowth of others.

Sewage carries industrial contaminants and growing amounts of paper and plastic. To add to that, many U.S. communities get rid of untreated or barely treated sewage into waterways. Although in-depth sewage treatment would destroy most disease-causing bacteria, the terrible problem of the spread of illnesses and viruses remain. Additionally, most sewage treatment does not remove unhealthy compounds. Excreted drugs and household chemicals also are not removed by present treatment facilities and this means it could go into the recycled water we drink.

Towns, cities, and countries are also major sources of water pollution.

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In many public water systems, pollution goes over the recommended or safe amount. One reason is that a lot of groundwater has been contaminated by the waste getting put underground for disposal. When contamination reaches underground water places, it is very difficult to solve and it spreads over wide areas.

Rain drainage is another major polluting variable because it carries such pollutants such as sediments from the highway and building construction, highway debris and acids and radioactive wastes from mining into freshwater systems as well as into the ocean. Also moved by rain, runoff, and by irrigation, are animal wastes from farms, feedlots, a widespread source of pollutants hurting rivers, and streams, and even some coastal waters. hormones and other chemicals used to raise livestock are also the components of such animal wastes. Pesticide and fertilizer from farms also contribute to water pollution by rain drainage.

Large and small craft extremely pollutes both inland and coastal waters because they are dumping their untreated sewage. Oil spilled accidentally damages beaches and smothers fish, birds, and plant life. In 1989, one of the world’s worst instances of water pollution was that the “Exxon Valdez” spilled 11 million gallons or 41 million liters of oil in Prince William Sound, Alaska. This caused great environmental destruction. In 1997, the 22 oil spills that were reported worldwide totaled up to 15 million gallons or 57 million liters of oil. In addition terrible damage to wildlife, oil takes up fat-soluble poisons, for example, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) which allows them to be concentrated on living things that take in the oil-contaminated water; this means poisons enter the food chains leading to sea mammals and people.

DDT (which has been banned in the United States since 1972) and PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyl) are manufactured in many parts of the world and are now widely spread in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. In addition to that, tar oil remains are come across throughout the Atlantic, as well as Styrofoam and other plastic garbage. Plastic pieces dirty up sections of the Pacific as far north as islands close to Alaska. Garbage, solid industrial wastes, and un proper sewage treatment are all commonly dumped into oceans, where there are other marine pollutants found worldwide, especially around the coastal areas.

Because of our impact on the oceans, there is more plastic in the oceans than actual fish; according to “by 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all of the ocean’s fish.”

So much debris in the ocean Garbage patches and The biggest one has an estimated 1.8 trillion pieces of garbage which are double the size of Texas! There is a possibility that plastic may be broken down into tiny little pieces called Microfibers and those Microfibers play into the food chain directly affects us and the marine life. A sad factor is that 70% of all plastic and garbage sinks down to the bottom of the ocean, meaning we will probably never be able to clean up our mess completely.

Since things such as thermal pollution, and noise pollution are a thing problem is much worse than most people think. All the noise that we make from ships and military vehicles is so devastating to the marine life that it is even doing damage on a cellular level; which includes the typical jellyfish and sea anemone. Thermal Pollution is the degradation of water. It gets rid of a lot of oxygen and it changes the oceans, nearby lakes, rivers, and streams. Thermal pollution occurs when factories and industries discharge hot or cold water. This may shock marine life.

Algae bloom may affect the quality of water Algae blooms typically happen when there is a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus. When there’s a high concentration these of chemicals these algae and plant life typically grows faster. These algae blooms can release toxins and harmful chemicals that may hurt the marine animals and us. There are a lot of terrible effects that all this pollution does to us.

Harmful Effects

All water pollutants are dangerous to humans as well as smaller even less advanced species; sodium can take part in cardiovascular disease. Mercury and lead can cause nervous disorders and death. Some contaminants are possible cancer carries. DDT is toxic to humans and can alter certain chromosomes. PCBs can also cause severe liver and nerve damage. Skin eruptions, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and child defects

More Harmful Effects

Dysentery, salmonellas, hepatitis, and Cryptosporidium are some of the disorders transmitted by sewage in drinking and bathing water. In the U.S., beaches along coasts, riverbanks, and lakeshores have been ruined for people who just want to take a bath, by industrial wastes, city, town, and country sewage, and tons of medical waste. Water pollution is an even bigger problem in Third World countries, where millions of people obtain drinking water and sanitization from unprotected and probably unclean streams and ponds that are filled with human waste. This type of contamination has been estimated to cause more than 3 million deaths each year from dysentery in Third World countries, most of them are children.

One society that helps clean the world is, 4ocean; it is an ocean and beach cleaning non-profit organization. Every product they make and you buy, 4ocean will pick up 1 pound of trash. Every product they make is just recycled and refined garbage. They will help by cleaning up trash one by one. But the real question is WILL YOU?

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Industry and Ocean Pollution. (2022, Mar 06). Retrieved from

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