According to the Society of Plastic Industry 

The benefits of plastic are unmatched by any other material because its weight, durability and the average cost is not extremely high but it actually cheap. With durability it last a good amount of time and can shape easily with just the right amount of heat while it can give contamination through BPA it can also protect against contamination which is why plastic is being used throughout hospitals across the nation help solving different types of cancers, helping with the process through miscarriages and birth defects.

They are used throughout hospitals now these days because they sterilize the plastic more carefully because it is being used for a more serious protocol so the plastic used in hospitals have less of a chance of getting BPA contamination. Plastic has also made a positive impact on cars throughput the years, overtime cars have become lighter and lighter as far as weight in the earlier times when cars were just invented they were made of nothing but complete metal on the outside now that metal has been replaced with plastic making the car weigh less improving cars by making the car more easy to control with makes the kid easier to drive making and leaving a positive impact on society.

Plastic does so much for us humans and our daily lives but we don’t do enough for plastic because over the last 70 years more than 75 percent of plastic has been thrown away not to mention that plastic is a nonrenewable resource meaning it’s not something that you can make and get back you can recycle but the ingredients for plastic includes oil which is a necessity when it comes to making plastic and we are running through oil faster than we are making it, which makes it a nonrenewable resource and humans are just wasting it as if it’s useless just throwing it away and not only are we throwing it away some of the 79 percent of plastic ends up in oceans, lakes, rivers and other bodies of waters harming and killing sea creatures and other animals that come in contact with the ocean.

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Some of the states and countries have decided to stop using plastic bags and switch to using paper bags instead just because of the failure to recycle and the many of animals loves who have been lost due to plastic pollution when the naimals come into contact with the plastic litter they try eating it and their tiny stomachs cannot digest the plastic resulting in a upset stomach and/or death. While plastic has done a great number of positive deeds for us nationwide the way we use it can make plastic leave a negative affect so we need to be more careful.

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According to the Society of Plastic Industry . (2021, Dec 30). Retrieved from

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