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English IV Romantic and Victorian Poetry
Words • 610
Pages • 3
Which of the following ideals is emphasized by Romanticism? focus on that which is woeful or melancholy According to the Romantic theory, a poet creates a poem _____. after meditating on the subject Romantic poetry does not regard nature as a subject to be enjoyed simply for its physical beauty. true England was fortunate in that it never experienced social and economic problems similar to those that caused the French Revolution. false The Industrial Revolution resulted in advantages for some…...
CultureFlashcardsLord ByronMetaphorPoetry
Themes in the Poetry of Keats, The Enlightmnt and Romanticism…
Words • 1240
Pages • 5
Paper Type:Personal essays
The Ode A lyric poem expresses the thoughts or emotions of a single speaker. An ode is a kind of lyric poem tht: - explores a serious topic - is written in a formal style - is often addressed to someone or something Diction means "word choice" By analyzing diction, readers can better understand a poem's: - meaning - tone, or attitude 2wards its subject John Keats (1795 - 1821) - studied medicine but decided to bcome a poet -…...
Choosing Language
Words • 2715
Pages • 11
Paper Type:Informative essays
What type of language should be used in a critical analysis essay? formal Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. In this excerpt, certain words are capitalized to highlight the supremacy of certain…...
Critical ThinkingCultureEnglish LanguageFlashcardsLanguage
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Chapter 1 Test Review Questions and Answers
Words • 352
Pages • 2
True All sonnets follow the same rhythm pattern. T?F T The subjects of morality plays are usually abstractions. T Elizabethan costumes were elaborate. F Tragedy is intended to be depressing. F The only difference between an Elizabethan theater and today's theater is that the stage of the former jutted into the audience. F Shakespeare's English is classified as Middle English because it so closely resembles the English of the medieval period. Anne Hathaway Shakespeare's wife William Caxton introduced the printing…...
English LanguageFlashcardsHamletSonnetWilliam Shakespeare
The Renaissance and Education
Words • 963
Pages • 4
Education and literacy became more widespread during the renaissance in part due to the invention of the printing press True The term Renaissance man is used in case someone who is well educated in many areas True The music of the Renaissance changed very little from the late Middle Ages False The renaissance attitude of humanism require people to get all worldly goods and think solely about their life after death False Early Renaissance musical development was centered in Italy…...
Classical MusicCultureFlashcardsMusicRenaissanceSong
Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant all Q&A of Q2
Words • 1673
Pages • 7
Paper Type:Analytical essays
{Thanatopsis} in the beginning of the poem, Nature speaks to the person who thinks about nature {Thanatopsis}According to the poem, what should people do when they feel afraid of death Go into nature and listen to what nature teaches {Thanatopsis}in this poem, Nature urges the poet to find comfort in the knowledge that death joins us with all other people {Thanatopsis}what does the poet mean in the following quotation? "The oak / shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy…...
CultureFlashcardsRomanticismThanatopsisThe Raven
Features and Themes of Victorian Poetry
Words • 239
Pages • 1
Tennyson Early work is nostalgic and melancholic-- he had a fascination with the past that is linked to a sense of ailenation Tennyson Many poems are elegiac-- lamentations for the transience of life Tennyson Later verse tends to espouse typical Victorian optimism and imperialist pride Tennyson Fond of traditional dictions of poetry using archaisms, periphrasis, epithets, and allusions Tennyson Looks wistfully bask at the past Tennyson Accepts Romantic notion that poetry is inspirational, but shares the Victorian preference that poetry…...
Literature in Childhood Education Answers to quizzes 1-12
Words • 3121
Pages • 13
Which of the following is not a major value of sharing literature with children? Curriculum modification Studies show that . Children go through the same stages of language development although the rate of development varies. Using words, stories in rhyme, and acting out sounds and movement are important aspects of Language development. Walter Loban's research suggests that discussion should be a vital part of elementary literature programs because it helps children Organize ideas and illustrate complex generalizations. How can wordless…...
Baroque Music and Virtuosity
Words • 478
Pages • 2
As musical instruments developed technically, the level of virtuosity rose in the Baroque. True The term "Baroque" means misshapen, extravagant, or even distorted true The two instruments that provided Baroque accompaniment as a pair are referred to as: Basso Continuo The approximate dates of the Baroque period are: 1600 - 1750 The group of early Baroque writers, artists, and musicians whose aim was to resurrect the musical drama of ancient Greece was known as: the Florentine Camerata What is figured…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOpera
Music History Paper 111 Chapter 17 Questions & Answers
Words • 1052
Pages • 5
Who composed "Erlkönig"? Franz Schubert "Erlkönig" is a: miniature, a song. The form of "Erlkönig" is ________ form through-composed Because of the piano accompaniment, it can be said that the mood of "Erlkönig" is: agitated. What does the piano introduction to "Erlkönig" bring to mind? the pounding of a horse's hooves How many different "characters" do you hear in "Erlkönig"? three, plus the narrator The performing forces in "Erlkönig" consist of: one soloist and piano. Who composed "Im wunderschönen Monat…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicPianoPoetrySong
Jazz-inspired movie with archival footage
Words • 6593
Pages • 27
Paper Type:Definition essays
The movie is an invented story about the jazz scene, but it is interspersed with archival footage and photographs of famous poets and singers of the time. In this context, what is the meaning of "archival"? authentic Yet the Philadelphia clubwoman is ashamed to say that her race created it and she does not like me to write about it. The old subconscious "white is best" runs through her mind. Years of study under white teachers, a lifetime of white…...
FlashcardsTheir Eyes Were Watching God
English 3 Unit 10 Vocabulary
Words • 3083
Pages • 13
the words surrounding unfamiliar words that help determine the meaning for the reader context the smallest unit of meaning in a word (prefix, root, suffix) morpheme Which of the following are major lexicographical works mentioned in this section? a. Oxford English Dictionary b. American Dictionary c. Dictionary of Spoken English d. Dictionary of the English Language a b d a word whose meaning is opposite the meaning of another word, e.g., tall/short antonym the history of a word's development and…...
CultureEnglish LanguageFlashcardsLanguageLinguistics
Music Appreciation Final Pt. 1
Words • 6173
Pages • 25
A musical sound is represented by a symbol called a(n): note Measures mark off groupings of beats, each with a fixed number that coincides with the meter. True A repeated rhythmic pattern in which an accented beat is followed by two unaccented beats is in: triple meter The metrical pattern in which a strong beat alternates with a weak one is called: duple meter The resting place at the end of a phrase is called: a cadence Syncopation is typical…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsHarmonyLudwig Van BeethovenMusicOpera
Medieval Epic Poetry
Words • 310
Pages • 2
Who poems were combined to create Gilgamesh? Five Sumerian poems Who wrote The Iliad? Homer Who wrote The Odyssey? Homer The Mahabharata is an epic narrative of what war? Kurukshetra War What is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana? The Mahabharata Who wrote Metamorphoses? Ovid What is the French epic poem based on the Battle of Roncevaux? The Song of Roland Who wrote The Divine Comedy? Dante Alighieri This epic poem…...
Literary Devices
Words • 620
Pages • 3
Alliteration the repetition of consonant sounds (generally initial consonants) in words close together Assonance the repetition of vowel sounds without the repetition of consonants Onomatopoeia the use of words that make a sound like the action represented by the word Figurative language language that cannot be taken literally or seriously because it is written to create a special effect or feeling hyperbole a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement used for emphasis that can also be a part of a person's everyday…...
Grade 11 Poetic Devices and Figurative Language Terms
Words • 1300
Pages • 6
Alliteration the repetition of one or more initial sounds, usually consonants and vowels at the beginning of each word in a series Assonance repetition of two or more vowel sounds within a line Consonance repetition of two or more consonant sounds within a line Onomatopoeia the us of a word whose sound suggests its meaning; imitative harmony. Certain words, such as hiss, bang, meow, imitate the sounds they represent Euphony the use of compatible, harmonious sounds to produce a pleasing…...
Glossary of Poetic Terms: Paeon to Pyrrhic Meter.
Words • 1511
Pages • 7
Paeon A metrical foot (of Greek origin) containing one long syllable and three short syllables. The position of the long syllable can be varied hence the so-called first, second, third or fourth paeon. Palindrome Word, phrase or line of verse which reads the same forwards or backwards e.g. 'Able was I ere I saw Elba.' Palinode Poem which retracts a statement made in a previous poem. Panegyric Poem which praises or eulogizes something or someone. Pantoum Verse form of Malayan…...
final exam JCVA-GSE-English Language Arts 10 2017
Words • 8129
Pages • 33
Read the poem below and answer the question that follows. "Love Compared" by Nizar Qabbani Which statement describes this poem best? The poem uses imagery to show the speaker's love. What is iambic pentameter? lines of poetry with a pattern of 10 unaccented and accented syllables What is "parody"? a work intended to imitate and make fun of another; often used in satire Why is hyperbole useful in poetry? It allows the poet to emphasize something. Deliberately leaving details out…...
BibliographyCloningCoral ReefFallacyFlashcardsIntegrity
Early American Literature Test – Atkins 2017
Words • 2400
Pages • 10
What does the speaker claim at the beginning of "To My Dear and Loving Husband"? Her relationship is the best that there ever was. Which description from "Upon the Burning of Our House" shows the speaker's belief that faith in God is more important than earthly possessions? "moldering dust" The speaker of "Upon the Burning of Our House" reveals her belief that God is protective when she says that God will provide everything she needs Bradstreet uses hyperbole in the…...
Anne BradstreetCultureFlashcardsFolklorePocahontas
Earliest Voices: Anne Bradstreet, Phillis Wheatley
Words • 97
Pages • 1
Which of the following statements about Anne Bradstreet is NOT ture? Anne Bradstreet was never married. Which of the following phrases best defines rhythm? a poems cadence, pace, or ongoing momentum What is the rhyme scheme of the following Anne Bradstreet poem? aabbccddeeffgg How many couplets are in this poem? seven Which of the following best describes the main theme in this poem? the writer greatly respects her father and the way he has raised her Use context clues to…...
Words • 2852
Pages • 12
Adjective This is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adverb This is a word that modifies a verb, an adverb or an adjective. Affix This is a syllable or word element that can only occur in front of a root or stem, or at the end of a root or stem. Ambiguity This is the state of having more than one possible meaning which often leads to misunderstanding because the meaning is not clear. Analogy This is…...
External Structure of Poetry
Words • 228
Pages • 1
Rhyme the sameness of sound between words or syllables Feminine Rhyme sameness of sound of unaccented syllables Masculine Rhyme sameness of sound of accented syllables End Rhyme sameness of sound at the end of the poem's line Rhyming Couplet sameness of the last words of the last two lines of a poem Rhyme Scheme to mark a poem's rhyme pattern using a lettering system Aliteration the preposition of sound consonants at the beginning of a word Onomatopoeia use of words…...
Chapter 4 & 5- Music Appreciation
Words • 225
Pages • 1
Syllabic if each word is set to a seprate note, a musical line is Mellismatic is one syllable spread over several notes in a melody line Vernacular the texts for secular music is the middle ages were written in the style Gregorian Chant was developed in the middle ages, is was always sing in latin and is monophonic Hildegard of Bingen was an abbess, a composer and an author Guillaume de Machaut was a french composer who wrote the first…...
"Mutability" and "A Defence of Poetry" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (E2020)
Words • 1272
Pages • 6
In "A Defence of Poetry," Shelley suggests that emotions experienced in life are constantly changing. Which lines from "Mutability" can also be seen as a reflection of this idea? A. Streaking the darkness radiantly!—yet soon Night closes round, and they are lost for ever B. We rest.—A dream has power to poison sleep; We rise.—One wandering thought pollutes the day C. We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep; Embrace fond woe, or cast our cares away D. Man's yesterday…...
Music Appreciation Pt. 6
Words • 2647
Pages • 11
Impartial in approach; reality rather than illusion classicism Aristocratic patronage of the arts classicism Emphasis on balance and clarity of structures classicism Emotional subjectivity; fantasy romanticism Interest in the strange and the unknown romanticism Wide range of emotional expression romanticism Nationalism romanticism Traditionalism; adherence to established methods classicism Enthusiasm for the culture of the Middle Ages romanticism Exoticism romanticism Belief in the supernatural; personification romanticism Art and culture of ancient Greece as a basic influence classicism Brilliant colors and dynamic…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRomanticismSong
section 5 Example
Words • 3438
Pages • 14
Orchestration The technique of setting music for instruments in various combinations. Page 192 Through-composed Song structure that is composed from beginning to end without repetitions of large sections. Page 196 Modified strophic form Song structure that combines elements of strophic and through-composed forms; a variation of strophic form in which a section might have a new key, rhythm, or varied melodic pattern. Page 196 Lied German for "song"; most commonly associated with the solo art song of the nineteenth century,…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicOperaRichard WagnerSong
Unit Test Review Eng 2
Words • 1446
Pages • 6
If the author of "The Gift of the Magi" had made the reader aware of the gift that Jim had purchased in the beginning of the story, this would be an example of dramatic irony. How many iambs per line does a Shakespearean sonnet contain? five iambs Which is an example of a couplet from Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18"? So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Read the…...
FlashcardsRomeo And Juliet
ch. 27 intro. to music
Words • 641
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Persuasive essays
Schumann wrote his song cycle A Poet's Love during his "year of song," in which he wrote hundreds of Lieder and also married Clara Schumann. True The form of Schubert's Lied Elfking is through-composed. True The song form that combines features of strophic and through-composed forms is called modified strophic. True ____________ is NOT an important composer of nineteenth-century Lieder. Heinrich Heine The favorite subjects for the Romantic poets were: love, longing, and nature. Schubert composed over six hundred Lieder.…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSong
Poetry PreTest 7th grade
Words • 197
Pages • 1
What is a stanza? a fixed number of verse lines arranged in a definite metrical pattern, forming a unit of a poem What is rhyme? the repetition of the same or similar sounds in words that appear near each other in a poem What is end rhyme? similar sounding words that come at the ends of lines of poetry What is hyperbole? an extreme exaggeration What is irony? the opposite of what is expected "Sue smells like a rose" is…...
Words • 84
Pages • 1
cordial warm and hearty; sincere; deeply felt hysterical emotionally wild emphatic expressed, felt, or done with emphasis turbulent violently disturbed or agitated choleric easily provoked to anger lucid easily understood sardonic showing scornful mockery or cynical derision convalescent gradually recovering health following sickness or injury malevolent wishing evil or harm toward others corporeal of the nature of the body as opposed to the spirit hop hopped submit submitted dispel dispelled kidnap kidnapped counsel counseled gag gagging differ differing compel compelling…...
Free Papers
Antithesis: Definition and Example.
Words • 335
Pages • 2
Definition of Antithesis a poetic device, rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangement of words, clauses,or sentences meaning and example opposition; contrast "action, not words" Famous Modern Example- Neil Armstrong on the moon "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Alexander Pope's An Essay on Man -Poems and Poetry Example "Unlike short-sighted, egocentric humans, God "see's with equal eye" the fall of a hero and a sparrow, the destruction of an atom or a solar…...
Free Papers
Music Appreciation Pt. 7
Words • 2761
Pages • 12
Composers in the twentieth century drew inspiration from all except: American marching band music The combination of two traditional chords sounding together is known as a polychord Among the unusual playing teechniques that were widely used during the twentieth century is the _____, a rapid slide up or down a scale. glissando Which of the following composers was not stimulated by the folkore oh his native land? Anton Webern A chord made of tones only a half step or a…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsIgor StravinskyMusicPianoSound
Q&A: Mending Wall (Robert Frost)
Words • 264
Pages • 2
Give the main idea of mending wall in one sentence. The main idea of Mending Walls is to tell us that walls cannot always be a good thing. They can protect you from trespasses, but at the same time, they make sure you avoid speaking to your neighbor. What is the literary form of the poem "Mending Walls" by Robert Frost? The literary form is blank verse. What kind of wall is being mended in Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall"?…...
FlashcardsRobert Frost
German Romanticism Q&A
Words • 629
Pages • 3
German term for the art song: lied A song whose text is a short lyric poem in German with piano accompaniment is lied ________ was NOT an important composer of nineteenth-century Lieder. a. Heinrich Heine b. Robert Schumann c. Fanny Mendelssohn d. Franz Schubert Heinrich Heine The favorite Romantic poets of the composers of Lieder were: Goethe and Heine Which of the following was NOT a typical theme of Romantic poetry? A. the beauty of nature B. love and longing…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusicRomanticismSong
American Literature Online Questions & Answers
Words • 2448
Pages • 10
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
What are examples of figurative language Anne Bradstreet chooses in order to communicate her themes? "mines of gold"; "two were one"; "heavens reward" Which examples of figurative language does Phillis Wheatley choose in order to communicate her themes? "num'rous nations sway"; "ev'ry evil fly" Write a paragraph in which you compare and contrast how the poets use topic, rhyme scheme, and figurative language to convey their themes. Both use couplets for their rhyme scheme and structure. Both use figurative language…...
An Occurrence At Owl Creek BridgeFlashcardsLovePoetryRomanticism
Percy Bysshe Shelley "A Defence of Poetry" 1821
Words • 140
Pages • 1
imagination the perception of value of the quantities of life: "reason is to the imagination as the instrument to the agent, as the body to the spirit, as the shadow to the substance" Aeolian harp man is the instrument over which imagination runs its fingers Poets as legislators neoplatonic - poets, because they see the order and complexity of the world, are the ones who fashion society, he sees the future in the present - they are prophets in that…...
Literary Terminology A-Z (Poetry Words)
Words • 2367
Pages • 10
Metaphor A comparison or analogy stated in such a way as to imply that one object is another one, figuratively speaking. Metaphysical Poetry Highly intellectual poetry often focusing on a dramatic event, such as damnation, salvation, death, or love. Meter A recognizable though varying pattern of stressed syllables alternating with syllables of less stress. Metonymy Using a vaguely suggestive, physical object to embody a more general idea. Mock epic A long, heroicomical poem that merely imitates features of the classical…...
Haiku and Romantic Poetry Quiz
Words • 178
Pages • 1
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Read the haiku. Each tree in the yard Announces its vigor With buds on each branch. What is the kigo in this haiku? buds Read the haiku by Bashō. A crow has settled on a bare branch— autumn evening. What is the kigo in this haiku? autumn Which line of poetry best imparts a sorrowful mood? branches droop as gray skies loom The poem's mood is best described as its . feeling Read the haiku. Beneath the cold dirt Bulbs…...
2. romantic and victorian poetry
Words • 188
Pages • 1
Paper Type:Satire essays
One type of revolution that is not directly linked to the Romantic movement in England is a religious revolution Lyrical Ballads was first published in 1798 The author of the Preface to Lyrical Ballads is William Wordsworth Romantic poetry is sometimes criticized because it is too subjective Wordsworth's theory is that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings According to the Romantic theory, a poet creates a poem after meditating on the subject A goal of Romantic poetry was…...
CultureFlashcardsPoetryRomanticismWilliam Wordsworth
Haiku and Romantic poetry
Words • 218
Pages • 1
Read the haiku by basho. Awake at night, The lamp low, The oil freezing The carefully selected words in this haiku create a? A. Distressed mood B. Cautious mood C. Contemplative mood D. Regretful mood NOT B NOT B What line of poetry best imparts a reflective mood? As the heavy snow falls, the geese recollect sun-soaked shores. Read the haiku by Bashō. The crane's legs have gotten shorter in the spring rain. What motif is presented in the poem?…...
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