Poetry PreTest 7th grade

What is a stanza?
a fixed number of verse lines arranged in a definite metrical pattern, forming a unit of a poem

What is rhyme?
the repetition of the same or similar sounds in words that appear near each other in a poem

What is end rhyme?
similar sounding words that come at the ends of lines of poetry

What is hyperbole?
an extreme exaggeration

What is irony?
the opposite of what is expected

“Sue smells like a rose” is an example of a:

“All the world is a stage” is an example of a:

“The wind whispered her name” is an example of a:

“The troublemaker was doing the dark dance of death” is an example of:

“The eagle whizzed past the buzzing trees” is an example of a(an)

“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” is an example of a(an)

What is imagery?
creating pictures through words by appealing to the senses, usually done with figurative language

“Fog rolled across the valley” is an example of:

What are sound devices?
their purpose is to create a rhythm or to set the tone in a poem

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Poetry PreTest 7th grade. (2017, Dec 19). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-poetry-pretest-7th-grade/

Poetry PreTest 7th grade
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