Essays on Nature

Free essays on nature refer to written pieces of work that discuss different aspects of the natural world. These can range from essays about the ecological balance of nature to personal narratives about the beauty of nature. These essays are typically available online for individuals to read and use for educational purposes. The essays can be informative, thought-provoking, and inspiring, and can provide a greater appreciation for the environment around us.
Ashton Island: A Story of Four Wooden Buildings.
Words • 858
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Ashton Island": short story about the island. The team has four wooden buildings; this obviously means that a fire as means of warmth is out of the question. Also, seeing as there are no natural resources such as coal, oil or gas, our solutions are somewhat limited. However, one solution to the team’s problem could be geothermal energy.The rocks under the Earth’s surface are hot. The solution I have would be to use this warmth.…...
The Treasure In The Forest Pdf
Words • 946
Pages • 4
The story takes place during Victorian times at the peak of the BRITISH EMPIRE. The idea of the White British men seeking out new land to colonise, obtain resources and potentially slaves. However this wasn’t the goal of this band of explorers, it was to seek out lost Spanish treasure for self gain. The two men were named Evans and Hooker. The location wasn’t known as it was “virgin” land but it was somewhere off China in Pacific Asia. It…...
Twin Lakes Mining Company
Words • 602
Pages • 3
The strategy to use can either be distributive or integrative depending on the tuitions and the outcomes that the party want out from the negotiation. In this scenario, it is a negotiation on the conflict between Twin Lake Mining Company and Tamarack City Council regarding an environmental cleanup on the water and air pollution which arise from the plant operation. This is an interrupt conflict and the level of complexity is high due to the involvement of large number of…...
Air PollutionNatural EnvironmentNegotiationPollutionWater
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Winter Dreams F Scott Fitzgerald
Words • 362
Pages • 2
The story “Winter Dreams,” which was written by F Scott Fitzgerald, basically focuses on a young boy, Dexter Green, and his dreams of becoming one of the elite members of society. Although his aspirations are very great, Dexter basically lived a simple life and was contented working as a caddie for rich people at a golf club. However, all this changed when he met Judy Jones, whom he found extremely beautiful. Basically, Dexter saw in Judy the embodiment of his…...
Seven Layer Density Column
Words • 717
Pages • 3
The Seven Layer Density Column By Nicia Buttner Grade 8 Table of Contents: Statement of purpose……………………………………. 2 Hypothesis…………………………………………………….. 3 Research……………………………………………………….. 4 Materials………………………………………………………. 5 Procedure……………………………………………………… 6 Observation and results…………………………………. 7 Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 8 Bibliography…………………………………………………… 9 Acknowledgements………………………………………… 10 Page 2 The purpose of this experiment is to compare the different densities of different liquids. Density is a comparison between an object’s mass and volume. Density = Mass divided by Volume. If the weight (or mass) of something increases but the volume stays the…...
Oil Spill
Refraction Of Light Lab
Words • 591
Pages • 3
The results we obtained show that on average, we calculated a sin i over sin R to be 1.34 units. Also we can say that as the angle of incidence increased, the angle of refraction tended to increase proportionally. As the sin of i increased, the sin of R also increased. Below you can see the exact relationship between the sin of the incidence angle (i) versus the sin of the refracted angle (R). To find the slope of the…...
Bread Mold Experiment Hypothesis
Words • 404
Pages • 2
The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: 1. Bread 2. Plastic cup 3. Water 4. Rubber band 5. Plastic wrap 6. Light 7. Scale 8. Seizers Procedures: Day 1 1. Cut two pieces of bread 1 belly 2. Place the beard in two separate cups 3. Put 1 1 drops of water on one of the…...
Osmosis on De-shelled Egg
Words • 403
Pages • 2
The purpose of this experiment is to show the effects of osmosis on the De-shelled egg. I hypothesize that the egg will increase in size in the vinegar and shrink in the syrup, staying relatively the same size in the water. Methods: Fresh boiled and shelled eggs is used in this experiment. The eggs were soaked in vinegar for up to 48 hours and no less than 24. At the end of this period the eggs are dried off and…...
Step Into Liquid
Words • 606
Pages • 3
The purpose of the documentary film, Step into Liquid, directed by Dana Brown, is to persuade viewers to surf, to step into liquid, as the evocative title suggests. To achieve this, the documentary employs a range of strategies and documentary film conventions to shape the viewers response. Audio, camera angles and framing and many other documentary film techniques, the viewer is encouraged to surfkj. By breaking through the image of the stereotypical surfer and emphasising that surfing is just for…...
Issue of Overpopulation
Words • 683
Pages • 3
The problem is not the number of people in this world, but the way people choose to live. The dilemmas created by overpopulation affect people of all races and social status. This is why we as the “human race” must work together to preserve our planet and necessary resources before it is too late. The living standards embraced by today’s population causes people to consume more resources, which in turn produces more waste and raises life expectancy. New industrial developments…...
Natural EnvironmentOverpopulationPollutionWater
Good Night And Good Luck Analysis
Words • 962
Pages • 4
The play, “The Crucible”, was set in Salem, Massachusetts, in the 16th century. This is a period made famous for the witch trials that took place in the town. The film “Goodnight and Good-luck”, was set in America during the 1950’s shortly after television had made its debut. The two pieces both explore issues surrounding injustice, an individual’s credibility and people’s reputations and reactions to information put forward. In Arthur Miller’s play, “The Crucible”, there are many ways in which…...
JusticeNatureNightThe CrucibleWitchcraft
Arabian Nights Analysis
Words • 663
Pages • 3
The plot of Arabian nights conveys the theme/ideal that story telling is a vital part of society. Shahrazad’s captivating stories to King Shahrayar becomes the sole purpose/focus of her life; each tale literally saves her life every night. Each night she concludes the tale from the previous night and begins another fantastical and magical tale, though as the tale reaches its climax Shahrazad is stricken by sleep and suspends storytelling , leaving the tale at a cliffhanger, while King Shahrayar…...
Pigeon River Pollution
Words • 835
Pages • 4
The Pigeon River flows through North Carolina and right here into East Tennessee. The Pigeon River got its name from an extinct bird, which migrated through the valley of North Carolina. Although, the Pigeon River looks nice, there is something extremely harmful going on inside the river. The long-polluted Pigeon River in Coke County has not been “feasible” or “assumable” for over 1 00 years due to pollution. The river’s water has turned dark brown, and has a terrible odor.…...
Nightmare Essay
Words • 500
Pages • 2
The past few years talents shows has invaded your television screen. You been filled up whit; broken dreams, cracked ambitions, family tragedies, tone-deaf girl and sometimes even real talent. You may love- or hate it, but one thing is for sure, you can’t certainly ignore it. It’s appearing everywhere; in the radio, newspaper and magazines. Even when you are shopping in the supermarket, you can’t avoid them. But what was it that made Talent shows so incredible large? You, or…...
Open Field System
Words • 899
Pages • 4
The open field system is an ancient method of farming, which has been succeeded by newer, more advanced techniques. This system covered half the arable land in Britain at one time, mainly in the Midlands, East Anglia, Central and Southern England. Some areas had either never used this method or had been converted to the enclosure method previously. These areas included North Wales, Cornwall and the Lake District.The open field system consists usually of three large fields. The fields are…...
AgricultureCultureFood IndustryNatural Resources
Empirical Formula Lab Report
Words • 753
Pages • 4
The molecular formula represents the number of all elements in a compound. The empirical is the simplest whole number ratio of the elements in that compound. Combustion reactions always involve oxygen and are almost always exothermic. Exothermic reactions give off energy in heat form. The purpose of this experiment is to find the empirical formula of a compound using whole numbers. To investigate this experiment, the masses of the metal and gas were measured to obtain the empirical formula of…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryFireMaterialsWater
Vegetable Market Waste
Words • 875
Pages • 4
The importance and the related benefits of properly managing organic waste are still underestimated in many Philippine municipalities. That is why the Philippines is still looming with garbage management predisposition the passage of Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. These problems brought to light during rainy seasons when their effects are seen in the form of increased flash floods and the proliferation of diseases throughout affected areas. Len general, such harmful effects to the environment and…...
Directed Writing Igcse
Words • 473
Pages • 2
The expansion of the air travel industry is beginning to raise many thoughts and disclaims, as the myth following the airplanes greenhouse gas emission is convincing more and more people, as the tension concerning the global warming is rising at an alarming stage. But still, others think differently, bringing somehow incertitude on the subject. We will try, in this article, to reveal the truth about the air industry, and to discard any false thesis. Many theories humiliate airlines industries, some…...
Lab Report of Yeast Respiration Experiment
Words • 878
Pages • 4
The experiments tested yeast respiration in both, warm water at 42 degrees Celsius and at room temperature. The outcome of the experiment indicates the warm water is optimal for yeast respiration in comparison to cold water. Introduction Respiration is the process that converts sugar known as glucose to energy, in this case TAP (Adenosine Troposphere). This process is found in all living organisms. Respiration can occur in two ways, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to produce energy. Anaerobic…...
Anaerobic RespirationCarbon DioxideCellular RespirationChemistryOxygenWater
Pip’s Benefactor
Words • 969
Pages • 4
The convict has to treat Pip badly and frighten him because the convict is ‘on the run’ and if he is caught he will be sentenced to death, therefore the convict has to be careful with Pip. If Pip is scared he will do as the convict tells him. It is important for Dickens to start the novel with such a climatic and tension filled start, so that he grabs the readers’ attention. Pip supplies the convict with food in reward…...
Baseline Survey Methodology
Words • 673
Pages • 3
The current Base Line Study of the target population located in Tuticorin district provides the planners a fair idea of the present situation of the Health status, Educational status, Nutritional status, Water and Sanitation conditions, Life skills and immediate supplies from Child Development Programme. The study helps the implementing partner of the Organization to make self assessment of their progress made in the last one year and to measure the immediate impact created in the short time which in turn…...
Child DevelopmentHuman NatureInterviewSustainability
What Is The Main Idea Of The Damnation Of A Canyon Brainly
Words • 917
Pages • 4
The Colorado river, The Nile river, the Jang c� tiang river. They have one incommon. Every of them is polluted and somehow destroyed by humans. The modern establishments of people have brought us a new possibilities how to treat with nature. As far as I am concerned, nowadays, it is a question of business. No matters whether it harms the environment or not. But who cares? Mr. Edward Abbey was looking for some objections in the environmental perspective in his…...
BiologyBrainNatural EnvironmentPollutionRiver
Temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast
Words • 380
Pages • 2
The chemical reactions within yeast are facilitated by enzymes; most enzymes optimal temperature range is warm. The warmer the water, the more the enzymes are in their optimal temperature angle and the more efficiently they catalyst chemical reaction; this makes the fermentation proceed more quickly. In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested. If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different…...
BalloonChemical ReactionEnzymeExperimentWater
Global Warming Cause And Effect
Words • 291
Pages • 2
The causes can be split up into two groups’ natural causes and man-made causes. Natural causes occur without the effect of humans. There are two natural causes one of them is the earth goes through a cycle of climate change that lasts about 40. 0 years. The other cause is release of methane gas from some part of the earth. Man-made causes are the biggest affection of global warming. According to National Geographic, there are several greenhouse gases responsible for…...
Biophysical Components Of The Environment
Words • 904
Pages • 4
The biophysical environment consists of living things such as plants & animals and non-living things such as rocks, soils and water. It is the symbiosis between the physical environment and the biological life forms within the environment. The biophysical environment is made up of four overlapping spheres: Atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere biosphere. As shown in figure (1). These four spheres are dependent upon each other. Each sphere plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth. Figure 1) For many years…...
AtmosphereEarthEcosystemNatural EnvironmentWater
Female vs. Male Characters in The Rainbow
Words • 711
Pages • 3
The Brangwen women in The Rainbow, are depicted in direct contrast to their male counterparts. Lawrence describes the women as “different” (42), directly following his detailed description of the Brangwen men. Although admittance is made that the women did share similar circumstances, heritage and experience to the men, for “on them too was the drowse of blood-intimacy, calves sucking and hens running together in droves… , it is emphasised that the women looked outwards, removing themselves figuratively from the “blind…...
Taufiq Rafat Poems Analysis
Words • 453
Pages • 2
The author in “Sacrifice” tries to put the reader in the perspective of the goat to make it feel more intense which takes place in the first and third stanza. In the fourth stanza, the children, blank templates, are looking on over this “tableau”, being programmed as though this is a normal occurrence. The “Night of the Scorpion” had a lot of comparisons such as the peasants are compared to fly’s swarming and the shadows like giant scorpions. The last stanza, in…...
Salt Water Plant Lanthanum Tokens
Words • 839
Pages • 4
In the following sample essay about the Lanthanum tokens salt water plant. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The area is home to the saltwater plant ‘Lanthanum tokens’. The plant is found in only four known areas, the Sydney Bicentennial Park wetland being one of these areas. The size of the wetland ecosystem has decreased significantly due to human advancement and land use. The once abundant shoreline has been dramatically altered disrupting the ecosystem. This…...
EcologyEcosystemNatural EnvironmentSustainabilityWater
Essay On Ailing Planet
Words • 321
Pages • 2
Some people might think that using plastic bottles doesn’t even affect our impute on pollution but it actually is one of the major causes of pollution in the ocean. Pollution is pressing issue that only we can solve through time and effort. So why does it really matter if we fix it? To save our planet and example of this displayed in a movie that came out recently by Paxar Studio, Wall-E. It is a story of a small robot,…...
Earth Is Being Harmed By Human Activity Essay
Words • 918
Pages • 4
Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by Topic: human activity others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Nowadays the Earth faces a number of serious problems, such as the environment pollution, the increasing population, the fatal effects of nuclear weapons, etc. The problems arising from nitrous development in terms of science and technology but also the increase in human demands based on population and economy. According…...
Ficaria Seaways
Words • 335
Pages • 2
Seaways An exhaust gas scrubber has been installed on-board the DFDS vessel Ficaria Seaways to reduce emission of SOx. The main environmental concern with emissions of SOx , which leads to formation of acid raid and production of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere, some of these particles are born by the wind to land and can penetrate human lungs. These ultrafine particles are created when SO2 comes in contact with the oxygen in the air and oxidizes into SO3. To…...
Acquainted With The Night Essay
Words • 671
Pages • 3
Robert Frost’s verse form “Acquainted with the Night” is told from the point of position of an unknown individual. This individual tells a narrative about how he/she has taken legion late dark walks. specifically in the rain. Using tone. enunciation. the rubric. construction imagination. and linguistic communication. Frost writes a verse form about a person’s late dark experiences to associate to similar experiences that a reader may hold encountered. With Frost’s word pick and the rubric he chooses to state…...
Goldfish Lab Report
Words • 913
Pages • 4
Respiration can be experienced through several structures such as the lungs, tracheae, gills, and integument in order to obtain oxygen. All organisms that experience respiration are either endothermic or isotherms. Isotherms are animals that depend on their environment for body temperature. These animals respond to changes in their environment in order to maintain homeostasis, the stable, internal conditions of the organism. Animals that are warm-blooded and can regulate their body temperatures internally regardless of their environment are endothermic. For isotherms,…...
ExperimentFishHypothesisRespiratory SystemWater
Candle Experiment Lab Report
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Record as many observations as you can. . After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it’s burning for at least 5 minutes. Record. 4. Blow the candle out. Observe the candle until no more changes are taking place. Observation before burning: + white *solid + the wick is black (got burned) +smell fresh Observation during burning: *fire *yellow on the very top of the wick, blue at the bottom + melting -; clear liquid *hot Observation after burning:…...
Biodiversity Essay
Words • 373
Pages • 2
Protecting Biodiversity Through Science and Technology “Heal the world; make It a better place for you and for me and the inure human race. ” Man can do or undo the environment. Crimes, wars, poverty, pollution ? name it, the world has it. It is a sad truth universally accepted that humans are the primary cause of these problems. It cannot be denied that human activities further uphold problems detrimental to the environment and to the whole community as well.…...
BiodiversityBiologyNatural EnvironmentPollution
Alcohol Experiment Lab Report
Words • 432
Pages • 2
Proof of the Alcohol Solution: (Percent of Alcohol Based on Volume) (2) = Proof of the Alcohol Solution = (17. 6 96) (2) = 35. 2 Conclusion The experiment was very successful. The experiment went exactly as planned in all three parts. In part I and II of the lab, density of ethanol and water was calculated. The density of water was . 907 g/ml and the density of ethanol was . 724 g/ml. Since the density of ethanol is…...
Atmosphere Essay
Words • 346
Pages • 2
Presently, major climate changes are occurring in a global measure thus affecting many ecological and environmental conditions in the planet. All of the evidently noticeably climate shifts phenomenon in the planet can be scientifically traced as effects of the rising global temperature brought by major changes in the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone depletion caused by ascending pollution rate brought by industrial revolution of the humanity is determined to be the most influential factor for this phenomenon. Climate change resulting from a…...
AtmosphereClimateEarthNatural EnvironmentWater
Global Warming Essay
Words • 715
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on a Great Global Warming Swindle.  As far as could remember, since elementary it has always been discussed in my science class that greenhouse gases cause global warming and that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It has been like that for like… Forever? My mother told me once that one time when she went to Baggie, snow fell. I really don’t know if she was telling the truth but being a child, I believed her.…...
Pollution In City Essay
Words • 224
Pages • 1
Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water, soil or food that can adversely affect the health, survival or activities of human or other living organisms. The effects of water pollution are far-reaching and affect not only the environment, but human beings and animals as well. The pollution in Dacha has reached alarming levels, threatening public health, ecosystems and economic growth. 2. 0 OBJECTIVE: The objective of the report is to create awareness…...
Natural EnvironmentPollutionWaterWater Pollution
Research Paper On Pond Paper
Words • 398
Pages • 2
The following example of an essay about Research work on pond paper. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Pond Water TITLE: By: Jacob O’Connor November 21, 2011 Jennifer Mertz BIO 101 SEC 3A Mid Michigan Community College HYPOTHESIS: If the pond water is not treated and is good quality water then there will be new organisms and plant life in the pond water ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to observe and understand what…...
DataObservationPlasticQualitative ResearchQuantitative ResearchResearch
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FAQ about Nature

What Is The Main Idea Of The Damnation Of A Canyon Brainly
...In conclusion, mr. Edward Abbey did a very good, when he started a discussion on this serious problem, perhaps this step will motivate others to make some important moves towards nature. The tendency of thinking of humans would be change, if they rea...
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