Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
The US Healthcare System
The continues its slow journey towards providing better outcomes and ensuring equitable opportunities for healthcare to all, whether through bottom up market innovations or top-down government regulations. The unstable political landscape continues to be the main challenge facing the US healthcare system. Another challenge is the multitude of players within the healthcare system having competing interests, such as hospitals, doctors, payers, pharmaceuticals, and governments. This paper touches on the developments in the healthcare system and the current active debates within…...
Affordable Care ActHealth CarePublic Policy
Struggle for Equality
The many ways in which America cruises hope and do not live up to its promise of the American dream. America does not give hope or promise to people trying to live the American dream. Does America give a helping hand, Give hope for the American dream? Does it you may ask? Nope and these are some reasons why Immigration doesn’t come and help the people trying to live a better life. Struggle for equality Racism goes around a lot…...
TV/Film’s Role in Healthcare Discussions
Healthcare settings and providers are often portrayed in television and film, which can contribute to discussions of pertinent concerns in real practice. Since nurses play such an essential role throughout the care experience for patients, nurses must be knowledgeable about and realize these issues, including ethics and legalities, directly affect them and their work. The film Wit can help to guide conversations regarding appropriate patient care for both nurses and other providers. Several notable components in Wit will be discussed,…...
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Discussion On Social Construction And Advocacy Coalition
Various theories exist to explain why public policy is created in the fashion it is. Some of these theories have to do with social and environmental factors. Some stress the importance of institutions and groups’ influence on the policymaking process. Perhaps most importantly, some theories stress the importance of the status quo and that large shifts in policy are not the norm. Punctuated equilibrium theory (PET) does just this. Rather than policy being something ever-evolving, PET suggests the opposite. In…...
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act
Bulman: “Planned Parenthood defeated the repeal of the Affordable Care Act three time (which would block Medicaid patients from seeking care at Planned Parenthood.) How has Planned Parenthood been affected by the current administration?” Johnson: “In the first year alone, Trump and his administration have issued a rule that allows employers to deny birth control coverage to employees, undermined teen pregnancy prevention programs, taken away protections for sexual assault survivors and transgender people, pushed abstinence-only programs, and tried to block…...
Affordable Care ActBirth ControlPlanned Parenthood
Insurance Has Become Common Practice in All States
As people, we are faced with the possibility of loss in our everyday lives. Be it a car accident, illness, Property loss, or even death. As early as the millennia B.C, modern profit insurance was demonstrated in a contract of a loan of trading capital to traveling merchants. The first insurance company formed in the United States was in Charleston, South Carolina during 1732. Later in 1752, Benjamin Franklin helped spread insurance by creating the Philadelphia Contributionship which ensured that…...
Affordable Care ActHealth InsuranceInsuranceLife Insurance
Locke and Machiavelli: Two Polar Opposites of Government
Throughout the years, there have been many forms over government or political ideals that have helped shape nations. While some have failed and fallen, others have prevailed and are still used and sought after to this day. Over the course of history, many political advocates have come forward and written about what they believe to be the perfect ideals to weave into a government or political system. Among these advocates are John Locke, author of Second Treatise of Civil Government,…...
John LockeLawMachiavelli
Key Reasons for Racial Profiling
Every individual in the world is different in some way. Young children are taught to not judge a book by it’s cover. There are three main key reasons to racial profiling, race, religion, and trust. ( Ullman ) Based on stereotypes, people of color are more likely to commit crimes, or carry drugs or weapons. People are looked at differently based on the color of their skin. The effects of racial profiling are losing trust in police officers, and results…...
PoliceRacial ProfilingRacism
Militarization of the United States Police
Author Radley Balko goes in depth when discussing the militarization of the United States police forces in the book titled, Rise of the Warrior Cop. Throughout this book, the central theme could not be any more explicit – there is a growing problem of police officers driven by government officials that are threatening and diminishing traditional liberties and equalities that civilians in our country have. Balko states how our country has turned into a battleground and police officers have turned…...
Community PolicingCrimePolice
Criminal Justice System vs. Community Participatory Criminal Justice System
The recent policing and public safety policies of the local, state and national agencies have gained widespread popularity due to the decisions of the judicial system as well as electoral politics that has been fueled by the anger the public at the law enforcement agencies (Lum & Koper, 2017). The public wants the local police to break the barriers that separate the police from citizens while inculcating a broader set of ideas within agents in the service to the community.…...
Community PolicingLawPolice
Civil Liberties and Rights of the United States
The United States Constitution has assured the people their own civil liberties and rights. Some of these liberties have given us the rights to believe, to speak, and to freely act. Throughout the history of our state, these liberties have been established, battled for, and even abused. There have been many events in our history where the freedoms created by our founding fathers have been misused. One of the examples where someone’s civil liberties were tested is the court case…...
Civil LibertiesCrimeCriminal Law
Women’s Rights Activist Mary Wollstonecraft
Governance and equal rights for all people despite their gender is a controversial topic that is also open-ended, therefore various individuals form their own opinions and beliefs which can either contradict or support one another. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Genevan philosopher and author of The Origin of Civil Society, elaborated on the idea that free will is a characteristic property of human beings, and implies the right of self-determination. Mary Wollstonecraft, author of Of the Pernicious Effects Which Arise from the…...
LawMary WollstonecraftWomen'S Rights
The National Prohibition Act of 1920
The Constitution of the United States gave the light of Amendment 18 on December 18, 1917, which came into action as the National Prohibition Act of 1920. The prohibition was designed to not allow the manufacture, sale and possession of alcohol, in which big number, included beer and wine. This amendment was repealed with the approval of amendment 21 to the constitution, allowing the possession of alcohol in the United States. In other words, amendment 21 included the restored rights…...
Rapid Growth of Transnational Organized Crime
Baker and Piquero (2010) state that Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) is continuing to grow and transform at a faster rate than the US can try to control. TOC is defined as those self-perpetuation associations of people who work internationally for the main goal of gaining power, money etc. through illegal ways of corruption. According to a report published by the United States Department of Justice’s Strategy to Combat International Organized Crime, international organized criminals have planned an organization like those…...
Human Trafficking in the USA
A major concern in the United States is human trafficking. There are millions of victims each year who suffer from this horrendous action. Traffickers victimize certain people due to their background. They know who the easiest ones to capture are, so they chase after them and succeed. Many of the victims go through mental, physical, and social issues while they are in the system or even when they are saved. Today in America human trafficking is a major issue that…...
Human TraffickingMental DisorderRape
The Blue Code of Silence Is Something One Should Not Take Likely
What is the blue code of silence? The blue code of silence is part of police subculture in which officers keep secrets or do not speak of illegal, unethical and immoral acts that were committed. According to Ivockic, Haberfeld, & Peacock, the code of silence, the blue curtain, or the blue wall of silence is a part of the police subculture. The code refers to the informal norms in the police subculture that prohibit reporting misconduct of other police officers…...
LawPolicePolice Officer
Sexual Harassment and Dress codes
Sexual harassment happens behind the closed doors of college campuses, it is hidden in the walls and pillows of a girl’s dorm room, it’s in the music played at college parties and it can even be hidden in a professor’s “stay after class”.The legal definition of sexual harassment is “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, direct or indirect threats or bribes for sexual activity, sexual innuendos and comments, sexually suggestive jokes, unwelcome touching or brushing against a person, pervasive…...
Dress CodeRapeSexual Harassment
Dog Service in Law Enforcement
Dogs have and continue to play a significant role in our society and through the assistance they give keep the held belief that dogs are man’s best friend. For thousands of years humans and dogs have worked side by side, starting from the earliest human to wolves. This symbiotic relationship between man and beast has helped each species grow; from hunting, to herding and protecting livestock, to service dogs, and the everyday pet dog. With the training of today dogs…...
DogPolicePolice Officer
Amity Institute of Forensic Science
INTRODUCTION OF AERIAL SURVEILLANCE: Surveillance is a keen or deep observation of something or someone who are suspicious. A criminal who is suspected by the police will be under the surveillance. In this particular term aerial surveillance aerial refers to something that is operating in the air. It is of two types they are photos or images and videos; these are taken by operating a particular camera containing vehicle into the air. Examples: - Helicopter, spy plane, drones and military…...
CameraForensic ScienceSurveillance
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Crime and Punishment is written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a Russian writer in the year 1866. The book is a psychological analysis of the life of a former law student, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, who lives in poverty and is tormented by the guilt of not being a sufficient support for his mother and sister. Raskolnikov believes that certain people can be exempted from conventional moral expectations for them to achieve noble causes (his article ‘On Crime’). In the novel he eventually…...
CrimeCrime And PunishmentPunishment
Crime and Punishment Is One of the Hottest Topics in America
Crime and punishment is a hotly debated topic in the United States. Whether or not a person should be punished for certain crimes and how much the punishment should be, varies from cases it case and state to state. The mandatory minimum prison sentence is sometimes applied for certain crimes and mandatory minimum prison sentence is the smallest amount of time your are required to serve in jail for specific crimes. For many years, the criminal justice system has been…...
CrimeCrime And PunishmentPunishment
What Do People Mean When They Say the Punishment Should Fit the Crime?
“The man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment.”– Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment What do people mean when they say the punishment should fit the crime? Is it possible for this principle to really make sense? The former philosophical question can be, to some degree, easily delineated by the following: proportionality. The latter philosophical question, however, will require a more extensive explanation due to its complexity. Through an analysis of philosophical literature, I aim…...
CrimeCrime And PunishmentPunishment
American Government and Politics Cp
On 24th April 1996, President Bill Clinton signed “Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996”, to make easier for the authority to identify and prosecute national and foreign terrorists. The law, anyway, did not have enough success for President Clinton. He asked to Congress to give more power the secret agencies and to police officers so they could check more personal records in terrorism case. The Congress refused, because they thought that doing that they were violating the basic…...
Human RightsPatriot ActPolitics
USA Patriot Act
With the rise of the digital age, people all over the world are able to use electric devices in their everyday lives. Whether it is calling, texting, emailing, or using social media, most people cannot live without their electronic devices and connection to the internet. As a result of all of this traffic, massive amounts of data is passed through the internet. One’s internet activity can tell a lot about who they are. Someone’s personality, likes, dislikes, character, and behavior…...
Patriot ActSurveillance
The Exoneration of Eduardo Velasquez
Throughout the years, many innocent individuals have been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, just like Eduardo Velasquez. Velasquez is of Hispanic ethnicity and was 21 at the time of the victim’s assault, which occurred on December 9, 1987 at around 7:30pm in Massachusetts (Innocence Project, 2017). He was charged under the name Angel Hernandez November 23, 1988. He served thirteen years in prison and was exonerated on August 15, 2001. Velasquez was convicted of sexual assault and assault on two counts.…...
CrimeJusticeWrongful Convictions
Wrongful Convictions Are Present in All Types of Crimes
On, October 2, 1971, a young nurse dubbed as A.H was attacked in the Baton Rouge Hospital parking lot and forced to drive to a secluded area. She was then raped at gunpoint and detailed her attacker to police as five feet eight and above with a gap between his teeth. One year later, another young woman was attacked in the parking lot of a hospital a few miles from Baton Rouge Hospital. She was also raped at gunpoint and…...
CrimeCriminal LawWrongful Convictions
Police: The Use of Discretion
There are two very different viewpoints on the use of police discretion. One viewpoint is that most officers enforce their discretion properly and that proper use of their discretion can be beneficial to citizens. Another viewpoint is that most police officers will abuse their power, and their discretion must be limited. Both viewpoints seem to agree that there are both positives and negatives to police discretion. The textbook talks about how police officers, “have a great deal of discretionary power”.…...
History and Systems of Human Services
The focus of this paper is on foster care systems within the United States. Thousands of children enter the foster care system for varying reasons yearly. Some of these children are reunited with their families, some are adopted out of the system, while others “age-out” of the system. Some of these children are brought into the system because of neglect, while others had been abused in unbelievable ways. Some parents do not have the means to care and provide for…...
Foster CareLaw
Inclusion, Equality and Diversity in the Workforce
In the publication of Discourses of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Trenchant Formulations or Transient Fashions? British Journal of Management, Vol. 25, 23–39 (2014) we note that there are 4 main parts to it. Firstly, the reviewing of management literature on diversity, equality, and inclusion in identifying the recurring themes and patterns. Secondly, analyze the Meta-level data in the published work of citation patterns and discursive trends. Thirdly, using Citation software to explore the 3 anti-discrimination discourses. And finally, discussing the…...
Is Equal Opportunity Achievable for Everyone?
Equality opportunity is defined as the idea that people ought to be able to have equal terms, or on a “level playing field.” Equality of Opportunity consists of three types of policies that are significant to opportunity. The policies consist of education policies, health policies, and housing policies. Education policies are the principles and government policymaking in the educational division as well as the collection of laws and rules that govern the operations of the education systems. Education occurs in…...
Taking The Right Path
My journey like many others began in high school. Throughout my fours years, we were always told that college was the key to success. My senior year was ending and my guidance counselor sat me down once to discuss my college plans. At the time, I knew I wanted to attend college but never knew how I would pay for it. After a brief discussion on possible college, I was given several applications and quickly pushed out for the next…...
There is Always Something to Learn
Juliana Vaccaro de Souza 14 February 2019 Non-Stop Advocate On paper, Amy Dudas is the Director of Re-engagement and Workforce Initiatives for the DC Alliance of Youth Advocates (DCAYA), a coalition of organizations directed toward youth in the District. In reality, the 31-year-old from Jersey Shore is an event planner, a grant writer, a witness on City Council, an advocate for youth workforce development, and an avid DC community member—all while still pursuing a Master of Arts in Public Administration…...
The Process of Making Certain Decisions of the Patient
This paper is about reducing Infection among Dialysis patients with the Support of an Inter-professional Team by utilizing the element of iCare of Compassion, Advocacy, Resilience, and Evidence-Based Practice. In a typical dialysis setting, the center is operated with the help of an inter-professional team such as a facility administrator, medical director, nephrologists, nurse Manager, nurses, PCT, social workers, dietitian, Biomed, administrative assistants, and housekeeping staff. It is safe to say that; a dialysis center cannot operate effectively without an…...
Equifax Cyber Security Breach
Equifax is a credit-reporting company that track and rates the financial history of consumers. It gives the data regarding credit loans, payments, rental history, employer history and different addresses to the companies as requested to determine the financial statuses of the consumers. This company, founded in 1899 and is located in Atlanta, Georgia and is one among the other credit-reporting giants such as Experian and TransUnion. Equifax operates in 14 countries and have around 3.6 billion revenue. By end of…...
Computer SecurityCyber SecuritySecurity
The USA Patriot Act: Preserving Life
The primary causes that lead the United States government to spy on their citizens were the election of president of George W. Bush, the appointment of conservative judges, and the terrorist attacks on 9/11. 17 years ago the entire world saw how two planes crashed into the world trade center, this instilled a large amount of fear and anger toward specific groups of people, specifically to people from the middle east and people of Islamic beliefs. However, all Islamic terrorism…...
Patriot Act
Let’s Make a Deal: Patriot Act
It was September 11, 2001 and two commercial jets had just slammed into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in New York City. A third had hit the Pentagon. A fourth had crashed into a field in Shanksville, PA. All commercial Air travel was grounded and America had for all technical purposes closed the borders and the country’s military was placed on high alert. Robert Kennedy wrote in his book entitled, “The Road to War”, that “on September 14, 2001,…...
Patriot Act
Surveillance Under the Patriot Act
On September eleventh, 2001 a terrorist group named al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airline jets. Three of the four jets hit crucial locations, two hitting the World Trade Center in New York and one hitting the pentagon in Virginia, while the fourth was retaken by the passengers and crash landed in a Pennsylvania field. This attack was the deadliest terrorist attack in history, which resulted in the Bush administration submitting a draft of the Uniting and Strengthening America (USA) Patriot (Providing…...
Patriot Act
Civil Liberties vs. National Security
Civil liberties v. national security is one of the most hotly contested issues in our country today. Ever since the attacks on the twin towers on 9/11, the federal government passed many laws to monitor and spy on U.S citizens and root out suspected traitors in the name of national security. Forty-five days after 9/11, after little debate on the Senate floor and universal approval, the Patriot Act was passed. The Patriot Act was a series of broad and loose…...
Patriot Act
How Has Our Society Developed Into Predicted Visions of a Dystopia
The scariest thing about reading dystopias is how well some of them have predicted the future. Some aspects of the books seem like a stretch until you read the books themselves. The way some authors have predicted how technology will ruin society is very similar to how today is. When you are in society and don’t know anything else it seems normal. The scary part comes in once you have read some dystopias and realize the similarities between the book…...
Gun Control Is Hotly Debated by Americans
With the increasing amount of shootings that are occurring each year in the U.S, gun control has become a heated debate among society nowadays. Every week tuning in on news channels a new mass shooting has occurred. Innocent people are being targeted, especially children as school shootings have escalated to the point of debating if teachers should be armed. More Americans are on the side of gun control. However, there are Americans that want to keep their right, which is…...
Gun ViolenceLawViolence
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