Free essays on flashcards are collections of study materials designed to help students learn various concepts across different fields. These essays are usually brief but contain valuable information that students can use to study for exams, prepare assignments or research projects, and enhance their general understanding of a particular subject. Flashcards are useful in consolidating information in smaller chunks that are easy to memorize and retain, which makes them an effective tool to boost students’ performance. They are available in various formats, and students can access them online or through hardcopy formats. Free essays on flashcards make learning more accessible, enjoyable, and engaging.
UNIT 2: Nature and the Environment (Poetry)
School looms large, and I feel small I pause until the door swings wide I hoist my pack, step inside Adjust my cuffs, smooth my hair And wonder what I'm doing here. Which lines rhyme? lines 2 and 3 Read this excerpt from "Sea Fever" by John Masefield. I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; Which statement best describes…...
English – GCSE – Poetry (Art Wars)
A - about What the poem is about? R - repeated Words Has the poet repeated words? T - tone Angry, happy, sad? W - words What are the effect of the words on the poem? A - alliteration Are there any lettered words repeated? R - rhyme and Rhythm Self explanatory!? S - structure How it is set out?...
Poetry: Poems by Sylvia Plath and Adelaide Crapsey
Read the poems below and answer the question that follows. "God's World" by Edna St. Vincent Millay O world, I cannot hold thee close enough! Thy winds, thy wide grey skies! Thy mists, that roll and rise! Thy woods, this autumn day, that ache and sag And all but cry with colour! That gaunt crag To crush! To lift the lean of that black bluff! World, World, I cannot get thee close enough! Long have I known a glory in…...
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Metaphysical poetry review
Metaphysical poetry is: poetry written in everyday speech but some of it is deeply introspective and even slightly irreverent A metaphysical conceit is: an extended metaphor that makes a surprising connection between two dissimilar things A paradox is: a statement that seems to contradict itself, but it still ends up conveying a truth Which poems did John Donne write? "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning", "Holy Sonnet 10", and "Meditation 17" The extended metaphor/conceit in "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" is: comparing lovers…...
Andrew MarvellFlashcardsJohn DonneJohn MiltonParadise LostPoetry
Contemporary Poetry: Seamus Heaney’s "Digging" Assignment
Which statement best explains the effect of the word clean in this passage? It suggests that the speaker finds the sound of digging to be pleasant and wholesome. What ideas are typically associated with the word nestled? Based on the word's connotations, what does the speaker's use of the word nestled suggest? 3rd choice 1st choice Which words in the passage are linked by assonance? boot, rooted, and cool Which statement best describes the effects of assonance in the passage?…...
The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni ’68-’98
Theme Timeless Themes- The desire for a Revolution for the oppressed (128), justice, power hungry people (135), hypocritical society, loneliness, faith, judgement Theme Fiercely Political - L.B. Johnson (16), Nixon(80), Hoover (22), MLK (51), Rosa Parks, (60) Theme (Nikki's) Personal Life- Black women, lover, mother, teacher, artist. "Nikki-Rosa"(53). Her poems from "My House" of 1972 reflect much of her personal life, loved ones, enemies, living spaces, and experiences; almost autobiographical. Cancers (339). Metaphor Metaphorical Panther- in reference to Black Panthers~…...
FlashcardsLoveMetaphorNikki GiovanniPoetry
AP Lit Poetry Questions: Curiosity
How would you describe the tone of the first stanza? Flippant, unattended to, indifferent with a role of the eyes What is the structural purpose of lines 6 and 7? They're a qualifier What is the value/ purpose of the third stanza? It's an imperative. It has a commanding tone. In line 16, what does the word "die," mean? a mental death; failure or mistake What can we infer about the poet's beliefs, from line 22? Life is not necessarily…...
Poetic Realism: French Film Style of the 1930s
Poetic Realism Cinematic style that emerged in the 1930s in France. Involves stories about working class lives told in moody, melancholy tones and emphasizing beauty of ordinary people and places. Not a unified movement; often centered in characters living on the margins of society (unemployed, working class, criminals). After a life of disappointment, they find a last chance at intense, ideal love. After a brief period, they are disappointed again, and the films end with disillusionment or deaths of the…...
17th & 18th Century Poetry – Background Notes
1603 death of Queen Elizabeth I 1660 - 1702 Restoration Period Charles I and James I protestant, antagonize, create religious controversy, clash with parliament, both believed in the divine right of kings, Which was worse, James I or Charles I ? Charles James I 1603 - 1625 Charles I 1625- 1642 the roundheads against the king cavaliers supporters of the king oliver cromwell leader of the commonwealth; puritan; encouraged freedom of religion. first time women were on stage 1600 -…...
Alexander PopeCultureFlashcardsJohn DonneJohn Milton
Postmodern Poetry Packet
Billy Collins author of "Introduction to Poetry" Billy Collins author of "Marginalia" Langston Hughes author of "Theme for English B" Amiri Baraka author of "A Poem for Half-White College Students" Amiri Baraka author of "Biography" Gwendolyn Brooks author of "We Real Cool" Langston Hughes author of "Dream Boogie" Langston Hughes author of "Harlem" Gwendolyn Brooks author of "The Mother" Sylvia Plath author of "Daddy" Elizabeth Bishop author of "In the Waiting Room" Langston Hughes author of "Note on Commercial Theatre"…...
Haiku and Senryu Poetry
Haiku master *"Father of Haiku"* - lived in the 17th century Matsuo Basho *Century* of the first haiku poetry 13th century Traditional line syllabication of haiku and senryu is _____. 5, 7, 5 _____ is the ability to *interpret a poem in more than one way* - adds power and meaning. ambiguity Placing dissimilar items, descriptions, or ideas *close together or side by side,* especially for comparison or contrast juxtaposition Poem about *people or emotions* with 3 lines and 5-7-5…...
Chivalry in the Middle Ages: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
christian church a powerful institution that influenced people's lives feudalism a type of government in which nobles controlled land warfare the violent result of nobles trying to gain land What are the features of a medieval romance? Check all that apply. -a hero's adventure -poetry or prose -fantastical elements -a focus on chivalry code of chivalry -morality -faithfulness -loyalty not the code of chivalry -cowardice -arrogance -studiousness Sir Gawain one of king arthur's knights Camelot King Arthur's castle the Green…...
ChivalryFlashcardsKing ArthurSir Gawain And The Green Knight
Romantic Poetry Multiple Choice
the speaker's questions in lines 1-2 and 9-10 suggest that the subject of "the lamb" is the creator of the lamb reread lines 5-8 of the chimney sweeper from songs of innocence. the author symbolizes the loss of innocence in these lines with the shaving of tom's head why are the boys in Tom's dream in the chimney sweeper from songs of innocence able to play on the green plain an Angel unlocks their coffins that trap them the boy…...
FlashcardsI Wandered Lonely As A CloudOdeOzymandiasPoetry
The Classic of Poetry
artemisia artemisia any of various aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia in the composite family, having green or grayish foliage Chou or Chow or Zhou (jo) a Chinese dynasty (traditionally dated 1122-221 B.C.) characterized by great intellectual achievements, including the rise of Confucianism and Taoism consort wife counterpart (1) duplicate, facsimile (2) complement (3) a person or thing having the same function as another; (4) equivalent enumeration the telling of sequences of events in straightforward narrative fashion feng wind, airs,…...
Big poetry unit quizlet!
Who wrote "Mother to Son"? Langston Hughes What is "Mother to Son" about? In the poem the mother gives her son advice about not giving up when things get hard in life. She compares her life to a crystal staircase. What literary devices were used in "Mother to Son"? Extended metaphor, diction, and dialect Simile A comparison of two things using "like" or "as" Metaphor A direct comparison of two unlike things Extended metaphor A metaphor that goes several lines…...
Chapter2:Rhythm, Rhyme and Meter of Poetry
Rhyme Words that share a sound with each other End Rhyme Rhyme that comes at the end of line Internal Rhyme A rhyme within the line Near Rhyme Words that sound similar Rhythm The beat that helps create the poems pace, sound that a poem make Meter The repeated pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Stanza a group of lines that are linked together, often by a thought, similar to a paragraph Rhyme scheme The pattern of end rhyme Quatrain…...
FlashcardsLiterary CriticismPoetryRhyme
Poetic Devices in How Do I love Thee
alliteration Repetition of initial consonant sounds anaphora A rhetorical figure of repetition in which the same word or phrase is repeated in (and usually at the beginning of) successive lines, clauses, or sentences. assonance Repetition of a vowel sound within two or more words in close proximity consonance Repetition of a consonant sound within two or more words in close proximity. rhyme scheme Pattern of end rhyme designated by assigning a different letter of the alphabet to each rhyme iambic…...
The sculptor could see the cruelty/meanness in Ozymandias' face and chiselled it into the statue. (SHOWS HIS ARROGANCE) "Whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command," Ozymandias is so arrogant and cocky, he thinks he is above everyone, including God. "Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Shelley uses imagery to get the point that nothing of Ozymandias' is left. And even if it is, it's in thousands of pieces. "colossal wreck" Shelley uses the letter "b"…...
FlashcardsLiterary CriticismOzymandiasPoemsPoetry
Edward Taylor’s "Huswifery"
Who was Edward Taylor? A Puritan, who fled to the American colonies because of religious persecution (1642-1729). What poem did he write? Huswifery. What does huswifery mean? Care and management of a household. What is this poem about? The poem is about trying to be closer with God, and being used by God. How does Taylor show what the poem is about? Taylor uses extravagant comparisons, intellectual wit, and subtle arguments. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? A…...
reliability Generating the single correct answer to an intelligence test question illustrates a heuristic As he attempted to spell the word receive, Tim reminded himself i before e except after c. Tim's self-reminder best illustrates the use of an algorithm Jamilla systematically tried each successive key on her dad's key ring until she found the one that unlocked his office door. This best illustrates problem solving by means of an algorithm A chess-playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible…...
BiasCreativityFlashcardsProblem SolvingScientific Method
The Highwayman Literary Devices
metaphor The wind was a torrent of darkness.... simile Dumb as a dog he listened.... alliteration His face burned like a brand as the black cascade of perfume...... onomatopoeia Tlot-tlot! Tlot-tlot! Had they heard it? personification There was Death at every window..... repetition Then look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight, I'll come to thee by moonlight.... situational irony The characters in the poem do not know Tim the ostler is listening to their plans. The reader…...
Eng 4B Final Review
Which event did not occur between 1750 and 1800? publication of Jane Austin novels In order to be socially acceptable, a family needed gentility Between 1760 and 1815, England's population increased due to lowered mortality rates What was an important improvement in transportation during this time period? first public railways in england How does Romanticism differ from the Enlightenment? romantics value emotion and imagination Early Romantic writers valued sensibility and imagination which is not a way that Blake's ideas oppose…...
FlashcardsMary WollstonecraftPoetryPride And PrejudiceRomanticism
Sound Devices in Poetry (The Raven)
Alliteration The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or connected words. Consonance The recurrence of similar sounds, especially consonants. Assonance The repetition of the sound of a vowel in non rhyming stressed syllables. Onomatopoeia The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named. Internal Rhyme The rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the…...
John Donne Critical Quotes
Achsah Guibbory on inevitability of contradiction - "For Donne, "For Donne, the process of examining emotional expereince inevitably produces poetry of contradicitons" Achsah Guibbory on influences on love poetry - "he turns "he turns to the Roman Ovid, rather than imitating the Petrarchan love poetry" Achsah Guibbory on Narrative Voice - "Unlike his "Unlike his contemporary Ben Jonson...Donne adopts different roles and postures" Barbara Lewalski on Holy Sonnets - "Finding the "Finding the whole of salvation traced in one's own…...
CultureFlashcardsJohn DonnePoetry
American Romanticism: Whitman, Dickinson, and Emerson
Which sentence states an opinion held by American Romantic writers? Cities are the center of corruption and ugliness American Romantic writers rejected rationalism because they believed that.. scientific reasoning discouraged intuition and spontaneity Through Gothic novels, Romantic writers explored mysteries linked to the subconscious The journey in American Romantic literature can be characterized as leaving civilization and entering the world of nature American Romantic writers believed that poetry was.. the greatest witness to the power of imagination As literary models,…...
CultureFlashcardsPoetryWalt Whitman
AP Psy Chapter 10 part 2
Cognitive psychologists are most directly concerned with the study of: thinking Professor Thompson's research activities involve the use of computers to simulate human decision-making strategies. Which specialty area does this research best represent? cognitive psychology A mental grouping of similar objects, events, or people is a(n): concept When we use the term Hispanic to refer to a category of people, we are using this word as a(n): concept To promote cognitive efficiency, concepts are typically organized into: hierarchies A best…...
CommunicationFlashcardsLanguageLanguage AcquisitionProblem Solving
Chapter 7 – Shinto
Shinto often makes use of purification rituals. The term Shinto comes from two Chinese words that mean the way of the gods. The country that before modern times had the most influence on Japan was China. The primary focus of Shinto worship is directed toward the gods of nature. Among Shinto values and practices, which task is quite important? purification Shinto puts great emphasis on careful ritual. Kamikaze is a term used for referring to suicide pilots. State Shinto refers…...
The Enclosure Acts and the Deserted Village.
In The Deserted Village, the villagers are driven from their homes because the Enclosure Acts have enabled a wealthy landowner to buy the public property. True or False True In The Deserted Village, the poet says that the villagers will either go to America or to crowded, corrupted charity homes. True or False False In Gulliver's Travels, the king of Brobdingnag observes that most men are morally qualified for their careers. True or False False Goldsmith wrote a novel entitled…...
HUM 2234 – Chapter 29 – The Romanic Style in Art and Music
Mid-nineteenth-century architecture in the West began to pay homage to the ________ style, which was clearly revived in the Houses of Parliament along the Thames River in London. Gothic Which of the following hailed imagination as paramount in the life of the artist and focused on sensuous and violent subjects? He said, "I have no love for reasonable painting." Delacroix Most romantic ballets derived their plot lines from Gros Which of the following found inspiration in uncommon subjects such as…...
Exam 1 True/False
A phrase is a component unit of a melody. True In some cultures, womens voices are preferred for certain styles of music. true The text for the final portion of the Ordinary, the Agnus Dei, is divided into 3 parts. True The art of combining 2 or more simultaneuous melodic lines is called counterpoint. True Josquin di dnot use preexisting melodies in his sacred works. False The degree of loudness and softness in music is called dynamics True Medieval artists…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsHarmonyMusicSound
English 11 Bright Romanticism
Read the lines from "Auspex." Woe's me, I shall be lonely When I can feel no longer The impatience of their wings! Which best describes the effect of the expression "Woe's me"? It heightens the sense of loss in the poem. What does each stanza in "Auspex" show? the different stages of a natural process Read the quotation from "A Psalm of Life." Let the dead past bury its dead! What is the effect of the repetition of the word…...
FlashcardsGodHenry David ThoreauMindPoetryWalden
English Unit 3 Quiz 3 Questions and Answers
Select all that apply. Which of the following were Victorian essayists? a. Charlotte Bronte b. William Makepeace Thackery c. George Eliot d. Thomas Carlyle e. Thomas Babington Macaulay f. Mathew Arnold d e f Name the Victorian novelist who wrote Oliver Twist. a. William Makepeace Thackery b. Charles Dickens c. George Eliot d. Emily Bronte e. Matthew Arnold f. Charlotte Bronte b Name the Victorian novelist who wrote Vanity Fair. a. Charles Dickens b. George Eliot c. Emily Bronte d.…...
FlashcardsMatthew ArnoldPoetryRobert BrowningRomanticism
Since penalties are imposed for breaking the law, the law must be easily understood. True No historical writings occur in the New Testament books. False Ceremonial law governed all parts of Hebrew life True The four Gospels are largely biographical. True Parables only occur in the Old Testament. False Stories in the Bible are fiction just like short stories False Hebrew poetry never rhymes. True You do not need any special direction to study prophecy. False Hebrew poetry has parallelism.…...
Exploring Cultural Identity through Language
Read the excerpt from "Speaking Arabic." At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, "I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one." And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head. In this excerpt, the author reveals the narrator's view on heritage by presenting dialogue that includes a contrasting perspective. Read…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageFlashcardsLanguage
pop quiz #2 music 1010
The earliest polyphonic works were called organum development of polyphony was centered in? France The medieval genre that employed polytextual settings was the motet The songs of the troubadours and trouvères were generally monophonic with instrumental accompaniment She was an Abbess, composer and author Hildegard of Bingen He was the earliest known composer at Notre Dame, and was involved in the development of polyphony. Leonin The french composer who wrote the first complete polyphonic setting of the Ordinary of the…...
Classical MusicFlashcardsMusic
Puritan Plain Style Definitions
Puritan Plain Style Puritans favored simple, short words rather than long, fancy ones. They got to the point immediately, no exaggerated descriptions. Syntax The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. Inversion Reversal of the normal order of words, typically for rhetorical effect but also found in the regular formation of questions in English. Paraphrase Express the meaning of a writer or speaker or something written or spoken using your own words. Quench Satisfy a…...
Analyzing Ekphrastic Poetry
The myth of Icarus -King Minos told Daedalus, an inventor, to create a complex maze. -King Minos imprisoned a monster in this maze. -A man named Theseus slew the monster. -Daedalus helpd Theseus elope with King Mino's daughter. -As punishment, King Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his son, Icarus. -Daedalus crafted wings from wax so that he and his son could escape. -Incarus flew too close to the sun; his wings melted, and he fell to his death. Pieter Brueghel the…...
FlashcardsVisual Arts
Fahrenheit 451 Important terms
temperature at which books burn What is the significance of the title Fahrenheit 451? her uncle Which of Clarisse's relatives influenced her the most? book of job Which book of the Bible does Faber read to Montag over the radio? seashells What are the earplug radios in the novel called? snake What does Montag call the stomach pump and blood-replacement machine used on Mildred? Denham's Dentifrice What is the name of the toothpaste advertised on the subway? Black's In whose…...
Fahrenheit 451Flashcards
English Language Arts 11th grade
What is the central idea of paragraph six of Of Plymouth Plantation? The land was cold, desolate, and dangerous, and the Pilgrims could not rely on the ship or their friends in Europe for survival. According to Of Plymouth Plantation, which statement best describes the relationship between colonists and American Indians? It was difficult, tense, and violent as soon as the settlers arrived. Read this quotation from the introduction of the book The Pilgrims of New England by Mrs. J.…...
Female Colonial Poetry – From Native Traditions to the American Revolution
"Great God, direct, and guard him from on high, And from his head let ev'ry evil fly!" How does the couplet form support the meaning of the lines? A. by completing the speaker's thought B. by emphasizing the relationship between the speaker and the king C. by describing the king's actions D. by expressing the speaker's sarcasm A. by completing the speaker's thought What do both "To My Dear Loving Husband" and "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty" communicate to…...
Anne BradstreetFlashcardsLovePoetryRhyme
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