Haiku and Senryu Poetry

Haiku master *”Father of Haiku”* – lived in the 17th century
Matsuo Basho

*Century* of the first haiku poetry
13th century

Traditional line syllabication of haiku and senryu is _____.
5, 7, 5

_____ is the ability to *interpret a poem in more than one way* – adds power and meaning.

Placing dissimilar items, descriptions, or ideas *close together or side by side,* especially for comparison or contrast

Poem about *people or emotions* with 3 lines and 5-7-5 syllables

Poem of 3 unrhymed lines (5, 7, 5) usually *focusing on nature*

Traditional *number of lines* in haiku and senryu poems

Kind of poetry that can create a *snapshot* of life
haiku and senryu

An image, pared down language – cut down to *leanest state* is the ____ of a poem.


Haiku and senryu are usually *(titled, untitled)*.

For what purpose is the *lack* of punctuation and capital letters used in haiku and senryu poems?
to create an effect

Haiku and senryu poetry *(does, does not)* rhyme.
does not

Haiku and senryu *(does, does not)* use names.

does not

A *seasonal word* that indicates the time of year being described in haiku and renryu

Haiku better appeals to *(logic, intuition).*

The *new rule* for writing haiku and senryu
17 or less syllables; 1-5 lines

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Haiku and Senryu Poetry. (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-haiku-and-senryu-poetry/

Haiku and Senryu Poetry
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