Fahrenheit 451 Important terms

temperature at which books burn
What is the significance of the title Fahrenheit 451?

her uncle
Which of Clarisse’s relatives influenced her the most?

book of job
Which book of the Bible does Faber read to Montag over the radio?

What are the earplug radios in the novel called?

What does Montag call the stomach pump and blood-replacement machine used on Mildred?

Denham’s Dentifrice
What is the name of the toothpaste advertised on the subway?

In whose home does Montag plant books?

Dover Beach
Which poem does Montag read to Mildred and her friends?

In what city did Montag meet Mildred?

fireman that finds and burns books
What is Guy Montag’s profession?

is he happy
What question does Clarisse ask Montag at the end of their first conversation?

Does Mildred remember her overdose on pills?

what do raindrops taste like?

to burn books (english-influenced ones in the colonies)
According to the rule book, what was the original purpose of the Firemen of America?

a book
What does Montag take from the old lady’s burning house?

under his pillow
where does montag first hide the book he took from the old woman’s burning house?

run over by a car
according to mildred, what happened to clarisse?

tv (parlor walls)
what is mildred referring to when she talks about her “family”?

Whose house are the firemen called to?

who called the alarm to Montag’s house?

burns him with flamethrower
what does Montag do to Beatty?

a bunch of children
who is driving the car that almost hits Montag?

house of a fireman
where does montag hide his remaining books (after he kills beatty)?

st. louis
where do montag and faber agree to meet in the near future?

Who was the informant on Montag’s home?

beatty teased and annoyed Montag, and knew that Montag was wearing a radio – he wanted to find out who was on the other end (faber)
why did Montag kill Captain Beatty?

mechanical hound was in the neighborhood and would kill him
Why didn’t Montag run away before he killed Captain Beatty?

When Montag left Faber’s house, which direction did he go?

to throw the mechanical hound off his scent
Why did Montag take whiskey, a suitcase, and some of Faber’s dirty clothes with him?

freedom, safety
What did the railroad tracks mean to Montag?

it was warm and not burning and destroying things
What was the difference about the fire Montag saw after leaving the river?

needed to have a ending to the day’s events, didn’t care if it was the wrong person because if they didn’t catch montag it would look bad
During the manhunt for Montag by the hound, why did the camera identify an innocent man as Montag?

they were all intellectuals; all had memorized a piece of literature
What was different about the hobos Montag met? Why did each man identify himself as a famous author or piece of literature?

book of Ecclesiastes
What had Montag been able to memorize?

city and population destroyed
what happened to the city during the war?

learn from previous mistakes and remember
What did Montag and the intellectuals believe their mission to be once the war ended?

retired english professor montag met in the park
Who was Faber?

He needed a duplicate copy of the stolen book before he returned the original to Captain Beatty
Why did Montag go to see Faber?

quality and texture of information, leisure time to think, and the right to carry
out actions based on the other two items
What three elements did Faber feel were missing from life?

They were going to plant books in firemen’s homes and turn in alarms on the firemen to cast suspicion on all firemen.

What plan did Montag and Faber devise?

destroy the book, page by page until Faber would cooperate.
What was Montag willing to do to convince Faber to help carry out the plan?

radio transmitter
What had Faber designed that allowed him to be in constant contact with Montag?

to convince ladies it was a joke
Why did Montag burn the book of poetry in the wall incinerator in his home?

Where did Montag hide his books after the ladies left?

Montag’s home
What was the destination of the alarm on the night Montag returned to work at the firehouse?

Montag’s boss
who was captain beatty?

people informed the firemen
How did the firemen know which houses had books?

fires were prettier, more of a show
Why were the alarms to burn always at night?

hit by a car
What happened to Clarisse?

book he took from the old lady’s attic
What was Montag afraid Captain Beatty would discover when he came to visit?

kept people from being happy and satisfied
Why did Captain Beatty believe books should be destroyed?

books he had stolen and hidden
What did Montag show Mildred after the captain had left the house?

an unusual young girl who liked to think and talk,
Who is Clarisse McClellan?

what smelled like perfume to montag?

overdose on pills was very common so they made technician-operated machines
Why did Emergency Hospital send technicians instead of doctors to treat Mildred?

a kind of surround-television with which the audience can interact

mechanical hound
It is a robot type of dog, equipped with a steel needle, has eight legs, and programmed to hunt and kill.

her uncle
who gave clarisse most of her information about the way life used to be?

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Fahrenheit 451 Important terms. (2017, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-fahrenheit-451-important-terms/

Fahrenheit 451 Important terms
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