Free essays on Military are academic papers available online that explore a variety of topics related to the military. These essays discuss various aspects of military life, including training, deployment, leadership, and the unique challenges faced by soldiers both on and off the battlefield. Others delve into topics such as military tactics, strategy, history, and ethics. Regardless of the specific topic, these essays provide valuable insights and perspectives for students, researchers, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the military and its role in society.
The Steep Ascent of Valor: Unveiling the Battle of Hamburger Hill
The annals of military history are punctuated by battles that, through their ferocity and significance, become enduring symbols of the wars in which they were fought. The Battle of Hamburger Hill, fought during the Vietnam War, is one such engagement that has seared itself into collective memory. In this post, we shall venture into the dense jungles of South Vietnam and relive the grueling days of the Battle of Hamburger Hill, examining its context, course, and consequences.The battle took place…...
AAFES Self Service: Empowering Convenience and Efficiency for Military Personnel
AAFES Self Service: Empowering Convenience and Efficiency for Military Personnel Introduction:The Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) has long been dedicated to supporting military personnel and their families. With the introduction of AAFES self-service options, this commitment to convenience and efficiency has been elevated to new heights. In this post, we explore the transformative impact of AAFES self-service, examining how it empowers military personnel, streamlines operations, and enhances the overall shopping experience. Revolutionizing Convenience:AAFES self-service options have revolutionized the…...
Reflecting on Gulf Wars 2019: A Tapestry of Historical Reenactment and Communal Fellowship
Stepping into Gulf Wars, an annual week-long event held in the first half of March in Lumberton, Mississippi, is akin to journeying back in time. The year 2019 marked a notable edition of this event that is much more than a mere reenactment - it is a vibrant celebration of history, craftsmanship, and camaraderie.Launched by the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Gulf Wars is designed to recreate pre-17th century European cultures. The event in 2019 stood out for its immersive…...
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Mongolian Families in Relation to the Chinese Families
The father of Genghis Kahn was Yisugei, belonging to the Kiyat-Borjigid nomad tribe in Mongolia. Yisugei was an aristocratic leader in his tribe as well as a fierce fighter. Genghis Kahn's given name, Temuchin, comes from his birth story. Yisugei was coming home from a campaign against the Tartars when his first wife Ho'elun was in labor. He had brought captives with him and one was named Temuchin-uge. It was customary to name a child after a captive from a…...
Use of Drones by the United States Military for Surveillance Purposes
The United States military has been known to use drones for surveillance purposes. In more recent years, drones have started to be used in foreign countries to target people that have been branded as terrorist leaders. "Drone" is the widely-used nickname used for an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV. Put simply, a drone is a miniature plane that is controlled from a distance like a child's remote controlled airplane. The UAVS can be rigged with cameras to do practically unnoticeable…...
The Influence of Fidel Castro in Cuba
Almost every nation has been through an event or taken an action that has injured its international image and prestige, an event in which it was universally and domestically embarrassed. For America, this was the Bay of Pigs. Theodore Draper called it, " One of the most rare events in history- a perfect failure". Even president John F. Kennedy described it as "The worst experience of my life". Few other military actions taken by the United States were as disastrously…...
CubaFidel CastroMilitary
A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Role of Fidel Castro in the Sixties
This is probably the closest mankind has ever gotten to extinction. This was a time when tensions were at its highest. For the first time in the history of the world, man could've made the earth look like an apple eaten down to the core. Of course, I am talking about the one and only Cuban Missile Crisis. The U.S. was kicking the Soviet Union's butt in the arms race. The Soviet Union's missiles were only powerful enough to be…...
Fidel CastroMilitaryPolitics
An Introduction to the Canada Participation in NATO and NORAD
Many people believe it would be beneficial to stay with these organizations. They want the safety and security prowded by NATO and NORAD. Without them, some think we would be less prepared and could not stand a large attack from countries we are currently protected from. Despite these facts many Canadians Want to leave these alliances. The cost to us is very large and some causes may need the money more. The world has become more peaceful and the cold…...
A Personal Opinion About the Establishment of the UN and NATO
Today, the people live in a world of relative peacefulness. Yes, there have been two wars in the last few years in the Balkan regions, but these wars only involved two countries at a time. Contrary to the belief of many Americans, the US. was not in Bosnia or Kosovo for the purpose of fighting a war, They were there to keep peace in the region and to stop the inhumane acts being committed by the leaders of a few…...
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah
In A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah‘s story of being a boy soldier in Sierra Leone are told, He goes from a scared child, to a feared soldier, wielding weapons made to kill, to a spokesperson to another civilian in just another war. He loses his family and friends, makes more and loses them too. Ishmael paints a gruesome image of a war without a cause, save for revenge. Ishmael’s story begins when be, his brother Junior, and their friends…...
A Long Way GoneMilitaryWar
An Analysis of the Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Michael Shaara was an American writer of historical fiction, science fiction, and sports fiction. He has written five novels and four short stories. Of them all, The Killer Angels being one of his more well known and earning him a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. It is also a national best seller among other things. He received his viewpoints and information behind the Killer Angels from his family. Shaara was born in Jersey City, New Jersey to Michael Joseph Sr., an…...
ConflictMilitaryThe Killer Angels
A Summary and Interpretation of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
World War II was a horrific war that cost several hundred, if not thousands, of people their lives. Through a multitude of bombings and attacks, many people were forever scared for the rest of their days. There are many books and novels that talk about World War II, and one of those fictional accounts based on the truth and facts of the war is SlaughterhouseFive by Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim is a character who, among time traveling and being on…...
MilitaryPoliticsSlaughterhouse FiveWar
De-Glorification of War in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five
War is defined as a conflict carried on by Mof arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation. In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, the entire book is focused on a sole concept that war is wrong and how this book is, at its core, an anti-war books Using imagery and explicit detail, Vonnegut gives many reasons why people should be disgusted and appalled by wart Two of the most influential anti-war pieces that he talks about…...
MilitarySlaughterhouse FiveThoughtWar
Takata & Honda’s Ethical Framework in Safety Crisis
Managing a business involves making many difficult decisions. Because of the numerous considerations involved in each crucial decision, an ethical framework helps to keep leaders in line with acceptable behavior. This is especially important in situations that involve public safety. Over the past 10 years, Takata, an airbag manufacturer, and Honda Motor Company have been involved in a safety crisis. A certain airbag component can explode when exposed to certain environmental factors. This defect has caused many injuries and several…...
Hatshepsut: A Great Egyptian Ruler and Role Model for Women
Hatshepsut was one of the best female rulers in the ancient Egypt times. Some of her best moments were, she conquered other countries, made Egypt rich with goods, in other words, more prosperous, and she gained the respect of her people. First of all, Hatshepsut led her soldiers into battle and war. She protected them through everything she did, she did everything for her people. She was very brave and courageous. She also made her soldiers more powerful. Hatshepsut made…...
Destruction of American Indians in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Dee Brown s Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee is a documented account of the destruction of the American Indian in the late 18005 ending at the Battle of Wounded Knee The author asks us to confront our past, which may make us uncomfortable But there are two sides to every story, and Brown shows us the side that we rarely see. By forcing us to think about these issues, Dee Brown accomplished the goal he set out to achieve…...
Bury My Heart At Wounded KneeCultureMilitary
Chapter Eleven of the Book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Chapter Eleven is about the war to save Buffalo. The chapter begins with a quote by Satanta the Chief of the Kiowas, He said, “I have heard that you intended to settle us on a reservation near the mountains. I don‘t want to settle I love to roam over the prairies. There I feel free and happy, but when we settle down we grow pale and die. A long time ago this land belonged to our fathers; but when I…...
Bury My Heart At Wounded KneeMilitaryTexas
Movie “Braveheart” Which Started Off in Scotland
The movie "Braveheart" starts off In Scotland, in 1280 AD. We see a little William Wallace following his father. Malcolm Wallace to a meeting between noblemen. When they arrive at the place of the meeting, they find everyone had been hung by King Edward “The Longshanks". Days later Malcom his eldest son John and other Scottish farmers set off to fight. The next day William‘s father and brother are brought home dead. They are laid to rest and soon after…...
Company Management Is Aware of Various Forms of Potential Attacks
Target Company is one of the leading merchandisers in the United States accounting for a substantial market segment in the retail industry. Over the past years, there has been a lot of competition in the retail industry thus making it necessary for businesses to come up with new ways of improving business performance. In 2013, Target Company experienced a breach in its computer systems thus affecting its data. The data breach led to huge losses of more than $148 million…...
Business ManagementInformation AgeSecurityTechnology
The Different Challenges of Evacuation Planning
Franco (2007) argued that the occurrence of disasters calls for emergency teams to respond immediately. Disasters occurring destroys critical infrastructures including communication systems, transport systems, and predispose the public to health-related risks. Consequently, the public health and preparedness team would experience challenges that would hamper the delivery of health services to the affected people. In the United States, the department of homeland security and other stakeholders have been faced with several challenges of logistics and transportation during disasters. Given that…...
Emergency ManagementPublic HealthSafety
A Study on the Different Scope of an Emergency Situation
Emergency situations need to be handled carefully in order to avoid increasing the risks that are involved. It is important to have and understanding on underlying risk factors, which have contributed to the existing emergency in order to develop an effective counter plan under which better decisions, can be made. It is very difficult to anticipate for a given emergency since in most cases they do not follow the highlighted risk management plan that has been developed within a given…...
BusinessEmergency ManagementSecurity
The Interesting Culture of China in Hero, a Movie by Zhang Yimou
The 2002 movie Hero was about an unnamed man, a man named Broken Sword, and his lover, snow, who fought the King of Qin’s three fighters and an unnamed being honored for his bravery, Broken Sword was killed by his lover, Snow. There were multiple parts of this man’s story that he had narrated to the king about what really happened with the fight. The movie Hero has helped me understand Chinese culture in many ways, such as their fighting…...
The System is Designed to Access System Components
There are 9 most widely known sets of computer security principles and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) supplies the most important aspects of these security principles. Fail Securely is one of those security principles which will be focused in this assignment. Fail Securely is a system designed which allows access to system components when each step of the process is successfully completed. For instance, an electromechanical locking system can be considered as a good example for Fail Securely.…...
Computer SecuritySafetySecurityTechnology
Consequences of Computer Security Incidents, Company Networks
In any organization, the incident response cycle is implemented only if there are any unpredictable events occur that lead to data loss and security breaches. In any indecent response, end-users play an important role as a valuable resource of data. End users serve as evidence and can give a lot of important information. End users are supposed to deliver maximum information regarding the events to reserve connected facts and to make themselves accessible to give support as the incident response…...
BusinessComputer SecuritySecurityTechnology
The Crimean War in the 19th Century
Although the Crimean War was a great victory for the allied British, French and Turkish forces, the war was characterized by a catalogue of misunderstandings, and misapprehensions by these forces. The mental mistakes made by the Allied forces accounted for many unnecessary deaths of their soldiers and allowed the Russians to battle back in a war that they seemingly lost from the outset. Aimpoint Invasion force of over 60,000 strong, comprising British, French, and Turkish elements landed on Calmita Bay,…...
Charge of the Light BrigadeMilitaryWar
Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade
Iron mouths lined the ridge of the Causeway Heights. Lieutenant General Cardigan's eyes wandered across the strath surveying the Light Brigade's indefinite fate with no end to the Crimean War in sight, morale was low. In the base camp. despondent uniform-clad men trudged through the thick mud, dragged down by the weight of their sorrows. He swivelled in his combat boots and surveyed the grounds silence rang throughout his ears. In the camp, men laid supine on their rickety bunks,…...
Charge of the Light BrigadeMilitaryNatureWar
Explicating Lord Alfred Tennyson’s Poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade”
Lord Alfred Tennyson’s poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade”, is a narrative of the of the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War in 1854. Tennyson frames The Charge Of The Light Brigade as noble and courageous, but subtly criticizes the consequences of following the lead of authority when in doubt. The first, second, and final stanza demonstrate these ideas best. The first stanza opens with the phrase “half a league“ repeated three times, conveying two possible meanings tennyson…...
Charge of the Light BrigadeLiteratureMilitaryPoetry
History of the Battle of Thermopylae
Modern comforts have removed the calluses from strong working hands. The same hands that built empires are occupied by devices designed to do the same process without the work. Humans used to be builders. People love their high-speed internet but forget the struggles which led up to that achievement. Humans used to fight wars face to face, brothers standing together, spines straight like spears. 300 Spartans defended the gates of Thermopylae from hordes of invading Persians. The Persians with an…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeLiteratureMilitaryMotivation
Greek Victory At The Battle Of Thermopylae
Early life King Xerxes was born in the Achmachid Empire in CA 518 B.C.E. as Khshayarsha, Xerxes, being the more commonly known Greek interpretation. His mother was Attosa, his father was Darius the Great. He had many siblings, mostly half siblings owing to the king’s enormous harem. Today, there are no records of Xerxes going to school. However, a greek philosopher tells of how the Persian royals were normally educated. They were taught by court eunuchs in riding and archery.…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeEuropeMilitary
An Analysis of the Dangers for Children in Car Accidents
Did you know that the mass of the head of a small child is about 25% of the body mass whereas the mass of the adult head is only 6%! In a head on automobile crash the force on a child's neck and spine is so great that in an infant it can have deadly consequences. This is why it is the law to keep infants rear facing until they are 1 year old AND weight at least 20 lbs.…...
Car AccidentSafetyTransport
Safety in Any DIY Project
Tracking knob- Adjustable knobs control the tilt of both of these wheels and adjustments. Dust port- it collects dust. Table tilt lever- it tilts the table. The blade cuts wood. The on and off switch turns it on or off. The table holds the wood. A band saw consists of a band of steel with a serrated edge that rotates around two large wheels. It is a must-have tool for any skilled woodworker. Band saws can cut curves and shapes…...
Exercising Safety Leadership and Promoting a Safety Culture
Company X is an organization that have been experiencing insufficient product lines. Multiple workers are continuously being severely injured. The company records revealed their injuries are so serious they atleast miss one day of work. The cost of lost time injuries impacts the company directly and indirectly. In order for the company to gain maximum production, achieving zero injuries should be the company’s only goal. Accidents is defined as a undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually result…...
The Safety for Halloween
Air freezing, trees shaking, leaves flowing, Halloween decoration everywhere, kids locked inside, heads are down, and tease fall. Shhh you could hear the silence a mile away. You're walking down the entry streets on a cold and breezy Halloween night. When you see people taking down their Halloween decorations and at almost every window there was a child watching out through the window with disappointment. Eyes are watery, faces so red it could pop right out. As you watch you…...
Safety Hazards in the Workplace and How to Avoid Them
Hello new comers, my name is [redacted] and I am an Occupational Health and Safety Officer from TKW Industries. Today we will be discussing how not to die in the workplace and how to prevent these issues from arising. Recently there has been more incidents happening in cafes, restaurants and hotels, although these all seem like safe places, you can get life threatening injuries for example, falling down stairs. Now you must be asking yourself, how does someone do that,…...
For a Soldier Returning Home, War is Never Truly Over
Throughout human history we have sent men and women off to be soldiers in wars. Whether it was a war started because a colony wanted freedom, like the United States during the revolutionary War or a war that's reason for involvement was not quite as clear like the Vietnam war. History fails to mention, the war rages on, even though the the counties say the war is over, even though the soldiers have survived and have returned to their homes…...
HomeMental DisorderVeterans
A Portrayal of George Washington in the Film The Crossing
George Washington the farmer, the commander, the first President of our nation. This noble and brilliant man led American troops (and people) towards the ultimate victory of independence The Crossing expands the narrow focus of Washington; the film adds more layers to the mystery that is George Washington. George still has this atmosphere of intelligence and a level head. When a cannon gets stuck in the mud, he tells the men to abandon it Washington realized that men and their…...
ConflictGeorge WashingtonHeroMilitary
Remarque’s Definition of War
War is a lie told by the government. During war, many young men all across the world are persuaded to join the military as a proud citizen and defend their home. The government portrays war as a place of glory where if you join you will be a hero in the eyes of your country. The ugly truth about war is that it permanently damages the men and they are either killed in battle or left abandoned by their country…...
How Weapons And Army Capability Developed Through The United States’ History
The United States history has come a long way since 1636. Throughout the development of the republic into a country, many lessons were learned. Although some were learned the hard way and took decades to figure out. From the American revolution to World War one, weapons slowly developed allowing for superior fire power. As the weapons became more efficient, the opposing side became more tactful thanks to the military academy that taught officers to lead in combat.The First Military we…...
American Revolutionary WarArmyWeapon
Physical Security vs. Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity This discussion will explain verifying IT parts will be natural to misfortune aversion officials. 'Like the layers of an onion, various layers of assurance are worked around the settled parts of a data framework,' the examination finishes up. For instance:The structure where hardware and records are found,The room where hardware or potentially records are found,The PC equipment,The PCs' working framework, andRecords and information including paper data. The security model proposed in the examination contrasts from a customary design outline…...
Cyber SecuritySecurity
No Replacement for Avro Arrow?
In 1946 the Royal Canadian Air Force decided to replace part of their squadron with a longranged, twin-engined all weather supersonic interceptors, that was an all Canadian plane. The arrow was clearly the most advanced plane of its time. Clearly the Canadian Governments decision to scrap the Avro CF-105 Arrow was a big loss to Canada and Canadians. The Avro Arrow was state of the art and one of the most advanced Interceptor Jet fighter of its time. The first…...
Air ForceArmyMilitary
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