Free essays on Mechanical Engineering are educational materials that are written and offered at no cost to students and other interested individuals in the field of Mechanical Engineering. These essays provide detailed insights into various topics related to Mechanical Engineering, including principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and more. They offer ideas, solutions, and advice for students who are struggling with assignments, projects, or exams related to the field of Mechanical Engineering. These essays are written by experienced writers, academics, and professionals in the field, providing readers with reliable and accurate information on the latest trends and innovations in the industry. The essays provide a valuable resource for students studying Mechanical Engineering, as well as those who want to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the field.
A Reflection on an Online Interview with a Mechanical Engineer
Even though it is tough to do an interview over the Internet, I completed it though MSN Chat. Josh went to Berkeley University and graduated without even thinking about a P.E. Licenses. He felt that he would not need it; he didn't want to bother getting it. He planned to work in a firm where his designs would be checked and passed by a supervisor. He got his bachelor degrees in mechanical engineering. He then went looking for a job…...
EngineeringExperienceMechanical Engineering
Robotics Engineers: What They Do and the Outlook for the Future
Robotics Engineering is a growing career that has many aspects of work, pay, schooling, and jobs. Robotics Engineers design robots, maintain robots, develop new applications for robots, and conduct research to expand the potential of robots. Using computers and software engineering, robotics engineers make robot systems. They make all kinds of robots from cooking robots to surgery robots. This is an important industry for future technological advancements. Robotics engineers make up lots of different positions from electrical engineering to mechanical…...
EngineeringMechanical EngineeringTechnology
Engineering from a Student’s Perspective
In a world of systems becoming faster and more intricate, engineering is one of the most crucial professions to the global modernization of technology. Engineers create, implement, and improve the designs of products and systems in countless industries worldwide. Because the discipline of engineering relies on knowledge and experience in the applications of mathematics and science, engineering knows no language or boundaries. The numerous branches of engineering are evidenced in the functionality of products of all kinds, from the moving…...
Mechanical EngineeringScienceTechnology
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The Different Reasons for Choosing a Mechanical Engineering Course
I chose Mechanical Engineering because I enjoy solving problems, working with my hands, and I am good at mathematics. First, I chose Mechanical Engineering because I enjoy solving problems. This relates to my degree because an engineer's job is to solve a problem, from a customer, for known and unknown factors. In addition, I am required to think outside of the normal range of ideas and come up with unique solutions. Customers look for initiative solutions that will best answer…...
MathematicsMechanical EngineeringScience
A Research on the Mechanical Engineering Career
I plan on getting into mechanical engineering in the future. I want to be a mechanical engineer when I get older because the pay is pretty good in both Utah and other parts in America. Mechanical engineering is a good job because it only requires a bachelor's degree. Mechanical engineering is a good job because mechanical engineering is a highly rated job. There are also a lot of available jobs for mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers make a lot of money.…...
EngineeringMechanical EngineeringTechnology
Beyond Football And Engineering
Initially, interest in this candidate surfaced from my personal love of soccer and every part of it. As an active player at YSU, familiarity arose with Abdulaziz. Not only does he run and manage the soccer team at this University, he also has dual degrees; one in mechanical engineering, and the other in electrical engineering Both prestigious and difficult degrees to obtain, came naturally to him. Although, he certainly undergone several of his own obstacles on his life course, his…...
EducationHealthMechanical EngineeringReligion
I Was A Mechanical BIM Designer
One experience I have working in teams is at my former employer known as X-nth, The team structure was divided into two separate departments, the Mechanical and the Electrical departments, The Mechanical side was made up of the mechanical engineering manager, the mechanical engineer, the mechanical BIM drafter, (BIM stands for Building Information Modeling) the plumbing engineer, the plumbing BIM drafter, The Electrical side was made up of the Electrical engineering manager, the electrical (power distribution) engineer, the lighting designer,…...
CommunicationDesignMechanical EngineeringTechnology
A Profile of My Friend and Roommate
On a groggy drunken weekday, the clicking of keyboard buttons and pencil tapping flow from my roommate‘s fingers, The small, abrasive noises from him doing homework woke me from my post-noon slumbering. I examined, with eyes half open, the room for any damages and mess. I am shocked back to life when Anthony calls my name. “Justin!” he says lightly, but abrasive like that pencil tapping. “If you are looking for your bottle opener, it’s in the trash. You told…...
CultureDrawingMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Mechanical Engineering Preview Course
Each individual sentient being has at least one unique characteristic that makes them who they are. It is not the physical traits that separate them but rather their own actions, feelings, ideas, and experience. As for me, what makes me who I am is my knowledge of technology, my relationship with my family, and my drive to accomplish more. As a child visiting my grandparents, l was fascinated by the computer. Every time I would visit them, I would always…...
EducationLearningMechanical EngineeringPsychology
Engineering Closest To My Goal
As a kid, I often wondered about what my future career would be; I did not want to work for someone else or be stuck in a field that I hated, but rather I wanted to create something of my own, The idea of being a self-made man was something my father taught me, which influenced me from the time I was a small child. I tried pitching ideas for various products to my dad, none of which were practical,…...
Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsPsychologyScience
Risa Project Analysis: Success and Future.
The following sample essay on "Risa Project": analyzing of Risa project, It's success and future perspectives. This particular project is mainly going to address the design of a frame made of steel sections using both RISA and analytic methods. The frame as shown in the figure below is composed of steel beam sections and columns which are pinned to the foundation. Normally, when supports are pinned, this is normally very economical for foundations since there is no moment transfer from…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionForceMechanical EngineeringStructural Engineering
How Are Rubber Bands Measured
The sample essay on How Are Rubber Bands Measured deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.I am going to investigate the extension of a rubber band, which I will submit to increasing Newton’s of force being applied in the form of 1N weights.PlanI will set the experiment up as follows:The rubber band will be attached to a retort stand, I will measure the…...
ChemistryForceMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Finding Young’s Modulus
This sample essay on Finding Young's Modulus provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Introduction Constanton is a copper-nickel alloy mainly used in the for its electrical resistance properties. It has a high resistance which is constant over a wide range of temperatures. I am going to find out the Young’s modulus of this wire and observe its behaviour. Apparatus Constanton Wire…...
ChemistryExperimentForceMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Sinkage depth of the tire on the sand
This essay sample on Sinkage Depth provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. The graph above shows the data that establishes the relationship between rolling resistance of the bicycle and the sinkage depth of the tire on the sand bed. The relationship is found to be linear and is the only linear relationship in the whole experiment . As the…...
ExperimentMechanical EngineeringPhysicsPressureWater
Recent Research in Physics
This sample paper on Physics Essay offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below.What is science? Science is a body of knowledge that is ever changing. It is made up of not only facts but also theories that are made up of well-tested hypotheses. 2. Dullness’s among the scientific fact, hypothesis, law and theory As stated above, a theory Is made up of…...
ForceFrictionHypothesisMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Tensile Testing Laboratories
This sample essay on Tensile Testing Laboratories reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Introduction The construction materials course is an essential part of civil engineering as the strength of all structures and constructions depends on the material used. The tension test is one of the laboratories which help students develop their knowledge in this course by practice. During the laboratory a Tinnitus Olsen Tension Test equipment was used, and…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Heat Capacity Ratio Of Gases
The folllowing sample essay on Heat Capacity Ratio Of Gases discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Heat Capacity Ratios for Gases Research Report Abstract The values for heat capacity ratio and the molar heat capacity for this experiment at a constant temperature were obtained using the kundt tube. The values for CO2, N2 and AR recorded here display the figures obtained from the…...
ChemistryHeatMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSound
Moment Of Inertia Of Compound Pendulum
The sample paper on Moment Of Inertia Of Compound Pendulum familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Two compound pendulums with different weight distributions were used to experimentally determine if the laws of simple harmonic motion would apply to them as well. The moments of inertia were determined experimentally, based on the periods of the pendulums, and compared to theoretical calculations. The average percent error for the pendulum with the shorter…...
AstronomyForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Aerofoil Lab Report
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Aerofoil Lab Report. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Theory When air is blown over an aerofoil, it separates into two distinct sets of tramlines above and below it separated by a dividing streamline. The shape of the aerofoil results in a particular air circulation pattern around it. This air circulation pattern results in the air above the aerofoil to…...
AerospaceForceMechanical EngineeringPhysicsPressure
Cartesian Diver Experiment Lab Report
This sample paper on Cartesian Diver offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below. First a 2-liter bottle is filled with water to almost all the way to the top, then prepare the diver which is a test tube, fill the test tube about 50-60% with water, lace the diver inside the bottle the diver should float near the water surface then secure…...
Civil EngineeringDensityForceMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Examining Issues with Sprinter 100m
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Sprinter 100m. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Motion of a sprinter during a 100m run Distance moved (m) Time at this point (sec) Time interval for previous 10m (sec) The runner starts off slowly and her speed builds up. This is the curve at the bottom of the graph between 0 and 3 seconds it shows that she is…...
FlightForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpeed
Duct Cross Sectional Area
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Duct Cross Sectional Area. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the relation between pressure and fluid velocity in a duct of varying cross-sectional area. This experiment is carried out on the basis of conservation of mass and energy. Both the Bernoulli’s equation and the Continuity equation are essential analytical tools used for…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhysicsPressure
Research Paper On Kinetic Energy
This sample of an academic paper on Kinetic Energy Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.To investigate how a height of a ramp affects the speed of a trolley which goes down it? Hypothesis: Potential energy – Is energy in waiting, waiting to be converted to kinetic energy or the maximum energy reclaimable from a system e. g. the trolley at the top of the ramp has the…...
EnergyForceFrictionGravityMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Copper Young’s Modulus
This sample essay on Copper Young's Modulus offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.In this experiment, The Young’s modulus of copper will be mesured . Apparatus – copper wire 4m – G-clamp – polley on clamp -2*Wooden block – 2*rule (half meter and meter rule) – slotted mass with hanger 15 0. 1 kg – adhesive label -micrometer screw gauge -safety goggles -polystyrene board (Warning…...
ChemistryExperimentForceMaterialsMechanical EngineeringPhysics
How To Work Out Stopping Distance Theory Test
The essay sample on How To Work Out Stopping Distance Theory Test dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Introduction In my investigation I intend to gather enough evidence and explanation to see if and how the mass of a ball will affect its stopping distance. I will carry out a series of tests starting with changing the mass of the ball then changing…...
FrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysicsWork
Friction Experiment
The following sample essay on Friction Experiment discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Limiting static friction Friction always opposes motion. It increases with the applied force. However, it cannot increase indefinitely. When a body is in contact with a rough surface, friction arises at the contact surface if the body is subjected to an applied force. When the applied force exceeds the limiting…...
ForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Medical Gases Color Codes
The growing need for medical gas delivery systems is inevitable but the welfare of the patients and the medical personnel is important thus the need for strict compliance with safety standards, codes, and procedures is a must. Medical gas systems of the present time are sophisticated that the plumbing systems directly runs towards the area where the gas is administered to the patient or used in the procedure for the care of the patient(Lyczko). Anesthesia gas supplies are either…...
ChemistryMaterialsMechanical EngineeringMilitaryOxygenSafety
Amplitude And Period Relationship
This sample essay on Amplitude And Period Relationship offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Oscillation is a motion, which repeats itself. A simple harmonic motion is when object moves back and fourth within a stable equilibrium position. In a perfect situation, where friction plays no part the ball will continue oscillating continuously. However in real life this is not possible, instead objects face damping due…...
ForceFrictionLoveMechanical EngineeringPhysicsRelationship
Distillation Experiment Conclusion
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Distillation Experiment Conclusion. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Additionally the boiling point temperature was upturned at the point when the solution in the boiling flask first began to boil. This temperature was gathered in hopes to compare with the known and documented boiling points of methanol and water in chemistry encyclopedias. However, this temperature was found useless as the…...
ChemistryEvaporationMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamicsWater
The Principle Of Moments
This essay sample on The Principle Of Moments provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.A Push or Pull which can vary in magnitude or direction on an object is called Force. The direction of force is the direction of push or pull. If the push and pull are on opposite directions, they act simultaneously, in other words the one with…...
ForceGravityMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Friction Lab Report
This sample of an academic paper on Friction Lab Report reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.The use of oil in a cart engine, the use of right lubrication in skating as well as in basketball, the screeching sound of a sudden stopping car are all occurrences which is exploited by friction in the reality. Meanwhile, frictional force is component acting on them. It acts parallel to the interface…...
ForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Gas Diffusion: An Overview
The sample paper on Gas Diffusion familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.A lump of sugar added to a cup f black coffee eventually dissolves and then diffuses uniformly throughout the coffee. Perfume presents a pleasant fragrance which is imparted throughout the surrounding atmosphere. These are examples of mass transfer. Mass transfer plays a very important role in many industrial processes: the removal of pollutants from plant discharge streams by…...
ChemistryEvaporationMechanical EngineeringPhysicsThermodynamics
Design accomplishment for unforeseen discrepancies
Design accomplishment for unforeseen discrepancies for betterstructural strength and fatigue life of helicopter structuresKalinga Gulbarga, Senior Manager(D), A.T.Rao , DGM(D) Stress Group, RWRDC,HALAbstract/Summary :Airborne structural parts are designed for critical operating flight and landing load conditionsfollowing the certification guide lines for enough strength and rigidity. But in the development testenvironments they will be subjected to loads differently than expected in the operating life unexpectedlyleads to premature fatigue failures. Instances like fastener loosening due to loss of positive lock inprimary attachments…...
The Transmittal Vs Transmission
The following sample essay on The Transmittal Vs Transmission. Why are autos with manual transmittals so popular? Besides. what are some of the differences and some of the advantages to driving a auto with a manual transmittal? They are more hard to drive than a auto with an automatic in it. They besides require certain motor accomplishments that you don’t necessitate with an automatic. One could besides take an automatic that is easier to drive and would do your thrust…...
Mechanical Engineering
Beam Deflection Lab Report
When loads are applied to a beam their originally straight axes become curved. Displacements from the initial axes are called bending or flexural deflections. The amount of flexural deflection in a beam is related to the beams area moment of inertia (l), the single applied concentrated load (P), length of the beam (L), the modulus of elasticity (E), and the position of the applied load on the beam. The amount of deflection due to a single concentrated load P, is…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionExperimentMechanical EngineeringPhysics
The Percentage Energy Loss
The following sample essay on The Percentage Energy Loss. This can be calculated by using the Energy Conversion equation or Percentage Energy Lost equation. Both these equations gave me about 50% energy loss in the bounce height to the drop height. This could be the reason of elastic potential energy but we will have to see in out second set of results and find out the reason for it being 50% and not any other result. Plan During this experiment…...
EnergyGravityMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Experiment on Adjusting Torque Lab Report
The purpose of this experiment was to help understand torque by not only measuring it but also by manipulating and adjusting the weights experimentally. Procedure In order to perform all the procedures a few instruments were required a meter stick, a triple beam balance, suspension clamps and their stirrups, a knife edge, as well as weights of 50 and 100 grams and a spring scale. The meter stick was weighed (without the clamp), and its center of gravity was found…...
ForceMechanical EngineeringPhysicsSpace
Running and Standing Waves on a String
The following sample essay talks about traveling and standing waves on a string. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The objective of this experiment is to study the resonance modes of a stretched string by measuring directly in order to test the theoretical formula which relates the tension in the string to its length, mass, resonance frequency, and mode of vibration. Definition of Standing Waves: An oscillation pattern that has an outline which is resulting from…...
ForceMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Relationship Between Tire Rolling Resistance and Subsidence Depth
The following sample essay talks about study of the relationship between the rolling resistance of a tire and the depth of its subsidence. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The exploration is a laboratory experiment intended to explore relationship between rolling resistance of a tire and its sinkage depth . The research question that was established from the introduction is How does the sinkage depth of a tire affects the rolling resistance the tire…...
ForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysicsPressure
Airbus A380 – The World’s Largest Commercial Aircraft
The following sample essay on Airbus A380 is the largest commercial airplane in the entire world. It weighs up to 1,200,000Lbs full of passengers and cargo. When this massive plane is empty, it weighs up to 610,000lbs. So how does the Airbus A380 fly? To make this big boy, it took a lot of intelligent engineers to interpret the four forces of flight. The first force to make the Airbus A380 fly is lift. The wings on the Airbus A380…...
AerospaceAirplaneAviationFlightForceMechanical Engineering
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on Mechanical Engineering