The Different Reasons for Choosing a Mechanical Engineering Course

I chose Mechanical Engineering because I enjoy solving problems, working with my hands, and I am good at mathematics.

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First, I chose Mechanical Engineering because I enjoy solving problems. This relates to my degree because an engineer’s job is to solve a problem, from a customer, for known and unknown factors. In addition, I am required to think outside of the normal range of ideas and come up with unique solutions. Customers look for initiative solutions that will best answer their problem.

Typically, similar products already exist on the market and the goal is to improve their ideas.

Second, I chose Mechanical Engineering because I like to work with my hands. When I solve a problem using hands on techniques, I am able to learn quicker and more efficiently. After narrowing possible solutions, testing the feasibility of each is required. Testing the possible solutions involves hands on experiments. The experiments will legitimize the possible solutions and make the customer feel confident in what they are investing in.

Often, the new product ideas are tested against any competition.

Last, I chose Mechanical Engineering because I am good at mathematics. To understand the experiments done on possible solutions they have to have quantified answers. Some examples of experiments are force, weight, and propulsion that need quantified answers. These answers provide a coherent reasoning to present to the customer. Typically comparing the numbers to others and this will make your customer feel confident in the product. In conclusion, I chose to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering because I enjoy solving problems, working with my hands, and I am good at mathematics. The combination of my skills will make me an amiable and successful Mechanical Engineer.

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The Different Reasons for Choosing a Mechanical Engineering Course. (2023, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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