Free essays on love are written by experts and enthusiasts, who explore the different dimensions of human emotions and relationships. These essays vividly describe the emotions, complexities, and dynamics of love experienced by individuals from different cultures, races, and social backgrounds. These essays discuss various aspects and types of love, including romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and self-love. The essays often highlight the significance of love in human life and how it shapes our personalities and social perspectives. Additionally, these essays discuss the challenges and difficulties that arise in love relationships and offer effective solutions to manage them. These essays are available for free on online platforms or academic journals, allowing the readers to explore and gain insight into the fascinating world of love.
Unquestionable Love
The following example essay on "Unquestionable Love" explores the work of four poets who explore the immense poignancy of the Parent/Child relationship are, Seamus Heaney: 'Digging', and 'Follower', Gillian Clarke: 'Catrin', and William Yeats: ' Song of the Old Mother'. The hardest part of raising a child is like teaching them to ride a bicycle. A shaky child on a bicycle for the first time needs both support and freedom. The realisation that this support is no longer wanted by…...
Polish Culture Relationships
The Family cultures tend to be hierarchical and power-oriented. Furthermore, they are high context and the relationship Is diffuse. The Eiffel Tower cultures are rule-oriented, the rules and procedures are clear and very strict. What Is more. Order and predictability are very important. The Guided Missile cultures tend to be task-oriented and low centralized. Achievement and effectiveness are weighed above the demands of authority, procedures, or people (ibid). This culture is individualistic, people often change teams and tasks ND is…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLifeLoveNonverbal CommunicationRelationship
Beauty When The Other Dancer Is The Self
The essay,” Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” by Alice Walker is about self-realization, and that world is about the choices we make, as well as what we make it to be. The essay takes us from the external world where looks are everything, to the internal world, where looks are only a part of her real self. At the age of two and a half, Alice Walker shows that she is very confident in her beauty, when…...
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding Sociology Analysis
The amazing popularity of the movie that many had, prior to its release, dismissed, came as a surprise. Its success, I believe, is a result of the cultural diversities in this country, and the resonant chord it struck with all races and their respective idiosyncrasies, if you will. What was the movie about? It revolved around a Greek single woman (Toula) in her thirties who fell in love with a middle-class, suburban WHITE male who is definitely NOT Greek, and…...
CultureGenderHuman NatureLoveWedding
Nurse Patient Relationship Essay
Running head: Nurse-Patient Relationship 1 Nurse-Patient Relationship as a caring relationship Abra Nayo Central Connecticut State University Nursing 110-01: Introduction to Nursing Theories Dr. Linda Wagner November 28, 2011 Nurse-patient relationship as a caring relationship 2 The nurse-patient relationship is central to patient satisfaction and sets a tone of the care experience. Nurses are the health care professionals that spends the most time with the patients. By analyzing and understanding the factors that have the greatest impact on overall patient…...
Health CareLoveNursingPatientRelationship
Love Is The Slowest Form Of Suicide
Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare shows us that love is a most powerful, complex and dangerous emotion. Discuss. Romeo and Juliet are the tragic lovers of Shakespeare’s greatest love story Romeo and Juliet. The well-known couple strongly believed in and acted upon the impulse of love, even though it causes their deaths, it confirms that love is a very powerful emotion. Shakespeare carefully writes the story based around both the blinding emotions of love and…...
HealthLifeLoveMental HealthRomeo And JulietSuicide
Changing Perceptions in Unstable Times
Question: Demonstrate how the changing peceptions of the characters towards each other is a reflection of the instability surrounding them.Answer: Actions, behaviour, gesture, sickness: these are all indications of an unconscious and involuntary mode of existence common to all which, if nothing else, shows that one is alive. The novel, Ice-Candy Man is an emotional book about “dispassion” and “fairness” by a Parsi perspective. The novelist, Bapsi Sidhwa adopts a psychoanalytic approach towards her writing inorder to reveal the revulsion…...
CultureHuman NatureLove
Porphyria’s Lover Essay
Porphyria’s lover is one of the most dramatic monologues written by a Victorian poet. Many tried to grasp new concepts of sensuality and brutality but it was Browning who captured these themes perfectly. As the Victorian society developed it’s understanding on sexuality and morality, people realized how many problems they have to face due to the idea of bad and wrong. Consciousness was a new idea so many poets didn’t look at the normal side of the society but tried…...
Face-to-Face Compare to Online Relationship
Perhaps, to think that online relationships are in some points more superficial, deceitful or perilous than face-to-face relationship is such a dangerously-shallow deception. In fact, online relationships aren’t much different from real life relationships. Despite the fact that people have grown panic towards online relationships lately, face-to-face relationships themselves don’t serve any fewer disadvantages. Somehow it has been believe to be true that online relationships and face-to-face relationships are totally unalike, nonetheless the two elationships share three similarities covering intimacy,…...
CommunicationCrimeDeceptionHuman NatureLoveOnline Dating
Romantic Relationship Essay
One of the theories that help explain why some people choose one person over the other or some relationships just don’t work is the ‘Filter Model’ (FM) which was proposed by Kerchoff and Davis in 1962. The FM argues that relationships develop through 3 filters, so, therefore, different factors are important at different times. There are many potential partners but slowly we narrow them down to potential partners that we could realistically form a romantic relationship with, through the process…...
BiasCommunicationHuman NatureLoveRelationshipSocial Psychology
One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure Essay
One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure Beauty has always been a key to unlock many doors, it plays an important role on human relationships. However, the definition of beauty varies from person to person. In this essay, the definition of beauty, the relativity of the understanding of beauty, and the question of wheter beauty is only skin deep or not will be argued. Beauty, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, means “The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or…...
BeautyCultureHuman Nature
A Lickpenny Lover
O. Henry’s language is very rich and full of great quotations, allusions, and metaphors. I’ll try to analyze some from his story “A lickpenny lover” in my essay. All the metaphors will be presented in order of appearance in the story. First of all, it seems interesting to me how the author describes Masie telling us that she had “a brain that was as secretive and wary as that of a Maltese cat”. Probably it sends us to Rudyard Kipling’s…...
LoveThe Merchant Of Venice
A Doll’s House Relationships
Nora, the beloved and admired wife of Torvald, was married for several years. The relationship between Nora and Torvald had always been passionate, especially at the very beginning. Mrs Linde, an old friend of Nora came by her house for a visit. While Nora and Mrs Linde reacquainted, Nora revealed her inner self to her. She spilled out all her secrets, something which can ruin her relationship with Torvald. Nora admitted to Mrs Linde that she once secretly borrowed money…...
My essay is about a play called A View From The Bridge
The play is set in the 1940s in Brooklyn New York. The play is about a man called Eddie Carbone, who is a hard working long shore man. He lives with his wife Beatrice and her niece Catherine. They have raised Catherine, as they have no children of their own. As the play progresses two new characters are introduces. Their names are Rodolpho and Marco, they play two brothers who are illegal immigrants, and they are also Beatrice’s cousins. They…...
A View From The BridgeLove
One Perfect Rose
Most women believe that men do not have the ability to love or show their love in any fashion. For decades, women have believed that they will ultimately have to settle for a man that might be able to reach their level, only If that woman took the time to teach him correctly. Another notion that women hold is: if a man gives a flower or writes a poem, he is in some strange way degrading her or Just trying…...
What Is Motherly Love
In the following sample essay on what is motherly love. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. “The heart of a mother is a deep ocean at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. ” A great saying A mother is a unique relation in humanity which has no replacement at all. No one can return for mother’s sacrifices. Nothing can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Mothers…...
Jealous Antonym
Love has a definition—a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person—but yet has so many different meanings. Thesauruscoping demonstrates the different meanings in which the word Love can deliver. The synonym of Love, Adoration, does not necessarily mean that these words have the same meaning. The definition of Adoration is the act of paying honor, as to a divine being or to worship. These words can be isolated from each other by meaning because they are two different descriptions. Love…...
Human NatureJealousyLove
Country Lovers By Nadine Gordimer
Literature is a wonderful journey that takes you into an imaginary experience that will take you away from your everyday life into an entire new world. Literature has a way of providing you with entertainment while educating you of many different facts and situations. It teaches you new perspectives to look at daily situations. You are pulled away from a living, breathing world into one that was created in the mind of the author (Clugston, 2010).From this week reading assignment…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLifeLove
Being Single vs being in a Relationship
Life has many tough decisions. One of the most important is whether to stay single or to be in a relationship. Life is hard enough without a relationship complicating things even more. Single people’s lives are improved in many different ways compared to married people. When you are single your financial situation improves, you gain more freedom, and you have many more career choices. These days the cost of living has gone up. When you have a family to support…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLoveMotivationPovertyRelationship
Kisses From Katie
Kisses From Katie by: Katie Davis Author, Katie Davis, started her missionary and writing career at the astonishing age of 18. Katie was no ordinary teen-aged high school graduate, she graduated as class president with other accomplishments throughout her high school years such as Homecoming Queen. She could have carved out a career and established a solid social-life, until God radically stepped in. “l have absolutely no desire to write a book about myself. This is a book about a…...
Haunted House Essay
Jennifer Gutierrez ENC1102 Literary Analysis A Haunted House The characters in the story are the couple that lives in the home currently and the couple that is dead that use to live in the home previously and wanders through the house. The couple that lives in the house is not afraid. They now that two ghosts are going through their home looking for something. The other couple, that is ghosts, is harmless. They mean the narrator and her husband no…...
CommunicationGhostHaunted HouseLoveSoulVirginia Woolf
Human Condition Essay
Jane Eyre demonstrates the human condition in various ways throughout the novel. Mr. Rochester demonstrates the human conditions of reckless abandon and foolish love. Mr. Rochester demonstrates this with his wife Bertha. Mr. Rochester is a very passionate character, and passion often leads to recklessness and/or foolishness. Mr. Rochester married Bertha in Jamaica and because he did not marry for love, he neglects her when she goes mad. Instead of facing his problems or considering the consequences, Mr. Rochester locks…...
Human NatureJane EyreLove
What Is Meant By The Marriage Of True Minds
It can be said that love, in all aspects, has a broad yet distinct ability to conquer the lives of those who are fortunate enough to encounter such fulfillment. There are individuals who will spend an entire lifetime searching for the correct and adequate meaning to a single-syllable word with nothing more than four simplistic letters to comprise its body. Affection, fondness, adoration, devotion and ardor are all emotions that symbolize and thrive in the presence of love. William Shakespeare’s,…...
FamilyLoveMarriageMindPoetryWilliam Shakespeare
How Do I Love Thee Analysis
In what ways, and how, does Elizabeth Barrett Browning convey deep and eternal love in the poem “How Do I Love Thee? ” from the Sonnets from the Portuguese XLIII? The poem “How Do I Love Thee? ” from the Sonnets from the Portuguese XLIII is a Petrarchan sonnet of fourteen lines, consisting of an octave and a sestet. It was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-61) in 1845 and was composed for her husband, the renowned Romantic poet, Robert…...
LovePoetryRobert BrowningSonnet
Ballad Of Charlotte Dymond
In this essay I am going to be comparing two pre-twentieth poems both about murders and their victims. The first is a poem called ‘The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond’ by Charles Causley. This is a true story of a teenage girl murdered by her lover after he found out she had been having an affair. The second of the two poems is entitled ‘The Laboratory’ by Robert Browning. This is of a similar nature to the ‘Charlotte Dymond’ poem but…...
Cynical In A Sentence
In the poem ‘Talking in Bed’, Larkin displays a rather bleak and cynical view of lasting love. In the first stanza, Larkin uses a pun in the second sentence. Lying together there goes back so far The word ‘lying’ can be looked at as physically lying or the act of lying. Larkin shows his cynical side here as he talks of deceit in the relationship that ‘goes back so far’. I believe that Larkin means they are lying about their…...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
In the early 1590’s, William Shakespeare wrote a play. This play was about the power of the mind and the importance of love. It was called ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The theme of the play is based around the difference between illusion and reality. This is shown through love and the fact that true love never did run smooth. The play also emphasis how love can provoke hate and envy and cause people to do irrational things. In the play,…...
A Midsummer Night'S DreamDreamLoveNatureNightWilliam Shakespeare
Robert Browning Porphyria’s Lover
In Robert Browning’s poem, “Porphyria Lover,” both the speaker and Porphyria desire to be the most dominate partner in their relationship. Porphyria, however, brings tension into their relationship when she constantly attempts to be the most dominate partner. As the tensions keep increasing, the speaker finds it hard to fulfill his role as a man. However, when Porphyria’s weakness is brought to the speaker’s attention, he attempts to take full advantage. In the beginning of the poem, Porphyria appears to…...
Director’s Choice: Film vs. Novel Plots
In addiction, the essay will also cover the reasons why director allowed specific plots In the film are different from the novel. According to the movie, Core and her husband Nick were running a restaurant on a street. They decided to hire someone so that they can provide better service. Frank was a drifter, and he was attracted by Core, which made him decide to work for the couple. Frank started to flirt with Core at work but Core was…...
Porphyria’s Lover Literary Devices
In “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning and “Mariana” by Alfred Tennyson, the poets use many different literary techniques to create a sense of mood and atmosphere. They choose their language and vocabulary carefully to make the reader use all of their senses, using techniques such as imagery, rhyme and rhythm. “Porphyria’s Lover” begins with a description of the rain and the “sullen wind” which makes the mood seem dark and gloomy, though unlike in “Mariana,” this changes later in the…...
Tragedy Narrowly Averted
The following sample essay on Tragedy Narrowly Averted tells about the fine line between tragedy and comedy for the audience. How far do you agree with this statement with reference to ‘Much Ado about Nothing? Shakespearean ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ (MAN) juxtaposes the themes of love and deceit and how deception can be used for good or evil. This juxtaposition creates a fine line between tragedy and comedy for the audience and portrays the tragic elements underlying in comedy. There…...
ComedyDeceptionLiterary GenreLoveMuch Ado About NothingTragedy
The Lovely Bones Summary Example
How does Sebold use representations of speech and other literary techniques to portray the character of Grandma Lynn in the following extract and in one other extract in the novel? In The Lovely Bones, Grandma Lynn plays a key role in reconnecting the Salmon family following Susie’s death. Throughout the novel, Sebold and uses a variety of different literary techniques to portray her character to the reader. The extract is the scene where Lynn is first introduced, which Sebold uses…...
Physical Appearance Research Paper
H. D. said that ” when some someone is using steroids, he has psychological disorders that increase when the use stops. One disorder is anxiety from the loss of the superior feeling you get from the drug” (43). Moreover, H. D. notes that many people in the world too depend on the effect of steroids which damage their lives a lot. His case shows how an unconfident person almost killed his life to achieve his perfect body image. By the…...
BeautyBody ImageEating DisorderMental DisorderSteroids
Forrest Gump Review
In the historically fictional film, Forrest Gump, underlying themes arise through the life story of an innocent soul. Critics describe the film to be a magical story of a hero, while other critics describe the film to be idiotic and insulting. Although critics downplay on the way Gump’s story is told, I believe that the underlying messages of the story itself should be the main focus. Critics overlook the overall messages of the film, yet these messages are of great…...
Film AnalysisForrest GumpLove
Poetry Explication
For such justifications, reader are capable of “walking into” his poem so effortlessly, as its themes and central ideas present invulnerableness issues that torment the soul. Through the eloquent journo eye of words composed by Spenders, it would be most sinful on the readers’ behalf not to ex prurience an astonishing connection between the burdens of the 21 SST century individual an d the 1 6th century literary genius; not even time can segregate man’s state of mind. Precisely, “S…...
CultureLiterary GenreLovePoetrySonnet
Romeo Juliet Summary
For my English coursework, I have been studying the Shakespeare play “Romeo and Juliet”. “Romeo and Juliet” is a romantic tragedy. The plot chronicles two star-crossed lovers, which belong to two feuding families, the “Capulet” family and the “Montague” family. For the two to be happy they must deceive their families. This is done with the help of Juliet’s maid and Friar Lawrence. The dramatic play concludes tragically as the couple die, together, in a sad twist of fate. The…...
DramaFictionLovePlaysRomeo And Juliet
When We Two Parted vs First Love Poems Analysis
Explore the themes of “love and Loss’ and how they are expressed in the poems “When we two parted” by Lord Byron and “first Love” by John Clare. Answer: Comparison and Analysis “When we two parted” by Lord Byron and “First Love” by John Clare both deal with love that was once dear and is lost. While “When we two parked” is about the unhappy end of a clandestine romance, “First Love” is about unrequited love. The title of “When…...
Edgar Allan Poe on Love And Death
Edgar Allan Poe was born. Soon after his birth, he was taken Into the family of John Allan after the death of his mother and father. Following this tragedy Pope’s brother died and his sister went Insane. Poe applied at the university of Flagella where “he became an active member of the Jefferson Literary Society’ (Wilson). He made good grades but failed to give enough money for the expenses of school, which forced him out of the university. Poe left…...
DeathDiseaseEdgar Allan PoeHealthLifeLove
Dissolution Of Relationships Essay
Discuss research (theories and/or studies) relating to the dissolution of relationships. There are many different reasons for why a relationship must come to an end, but despite all of the differences there is one similarity – the process that is involved in the break-up of a relationship. According to Lee’s stage model (1984), there are five stages in the break-up of premarital relationships: 1) Dissatisfaction – one or both partners realise there are real problems within the relationship. 2) Exposure – problems identified…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLoveNegotiationRelationshipSocial Psychology
Still Life By Elizabeth Daryush
Daryush looks at the sweetness of life from a naïve and “young heiress” in Poem A, Still Life while in Poem B, Cunningham chooses to look at life from the perspective of an “aged lover.” In both poems, the poets reveal their differing attitudes towards life. Both poets emphasise love as an aspect of the speakers’ lives through the similar form of a sonnet in their poems. The form of a sonnet expresses the poets’ focus on love in both poems,…...
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