Free essays on love are written by experts and enthusiasts, who explore the different dimensions of human emotions and relationships. These essays vividly describe the emotions, complexities, and dynamics of love experienced by individuals from different cultures, races, and social backgrounds. These essays discuss various aspects and types of love, including romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and self-love. The essays often highlight the significance of love in human life and how it shapes our personalities and social perspectives. Additionally, these essays discuss the challenges and difficulties that arise in love relationships and offer effective solutions to manage them. These essays are available for free on online platforms or academic journals, allowing the readers to explore and gain insight into the fascinating world of love.
Porphyria’s Lover Poem Analysis
This sample of an academic paper on Porphyria's Lover reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. The poem ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ written by Robert Browning appeared in 1836 and is one of the earliest and most shocking poems from the collection of dramatic monologues known as ‘madhouse cells’. This poem is about a psychotic character who strangles his lover Porphyria with her own hair and manages to kill her when…...
LovePoetryRobert Browning
How Mass Media Creates Social Reality
This sample essay on Mass Media Essay provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The modern society is surrounded by different types of media that present many-sided information. This is done in a gratuitous mode whether with or without the consent of the audience. It has been argued by some that the media ‘s function has extended from the conventional contemplation…...
Realistic Heroes: Arguments For and Against
This sample essay on Realistic Hero provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The premise of this topic suggesting that characters are both heroic and realistic is too narrow and generic to apply for most films and indeed all films of high literary merit whose aim is to impart philosophical ideas on an audience ready to be challenged. In Sam Mendes’ American…...
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Sonnet 116 Shakespeare
This essay sample on Sonnet 116 Shakespeare provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.Love is a common theme in many poems written by 17th century authors. Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116 and Donne’s “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” both speak of the highest form of love; eternal true love. Their use of figurative language and rhythm schemes helps to convey to the reader…...
Nonmoral Nature
This sample of an academic paper on Nonmoral Nature reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.In Stephen Jay Gould’s “Nonmoral Nature,” he discusses nature, and the difference between cruelty in animals and humans, and explains how the same moral can not be applied for both. The order in which he presents the different points of view is very important. At the beginning he supports his writing with sources from…...
Critical ThinkingGodLoveNature
Hang Thee Young Baggage Disobedient Wretch
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Hang Thee Young Baggage Disobedient Wretch. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. In Act 3 Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet have just woken up from spending their night together, in other words “consummating the marriage”. Juliet’s nurse then comes in and says that her mother wants to speak with her. Romeo bids Juliet a goodbye, articulating that they will meet…...
LoveRomeo And Juliet
The Monk Canterbury Tales
The sample essay on The Monk Canterbury Tales deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.The Contrasting Characters: The Monk and The Clerk of Oxford The Monk and the Clerk are two characters lying in opposite extremities. What one person lacks, the other has gained in abundance. This essay will explore the major differences between the Clerk and Monk in the Canterbury Tales; its…...
Canterbury TalesCultureGeoffrey ChaucerHumanismLovePoems
Mother Daughter Relationship Essay
This sample of an academic paper on Mother Daughter Relationship Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.MOTHER-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIPS In my opinion a woman is never complete until the birth of her first child. The moment she holds her baby for the first time, she thinks of all the things she’ll teach the baby. Many mothers dream of having a baby girl, to share the secrets of “woman-hood”. A…...
Love Example and Barriers to Love
This sample of an academic paper on Love Essay Example reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. The poetry collection provides us with a myriad of examples of how many have to face barriers to love – some of our speakers struggle, whilst many prove love to be an indestructible force, mainly seen by writers during the earlier periods who followed more traditional values, believing in a more courtly…...
John MiltonLovePoetry
Fleur Adcock Weathering
The following sample essay on Fleur Adcock Weathering deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. We have all felt insecure about our appearance. No matter how much one denies it, it is inevitable that in a world where appearance seems to mean everything, everyone at some point or another has experienced insecurity and diffidence towards their body image. In arguably her most famous…...
BeautyBody ImageCultureLoveNaturePoetry
The Long Love By Thomas Wyatt Summary
The following sample essay on The Long Love By Thomas Wyatt Summary discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Thomas Wyatt many different interpretations are formed by each person who reads It. In the title Wyatt uses the word they never giving a definitive Identity as to which they refers to. Some would say that they refers to the women that Wyatt has loved…...
Boxing: Problems and Overview
The essay sample on Boxing Essay dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Eddie’s jealousy begins to spiral out of control when he tries to manipulate Rodolfo in the “boxing match”. Eddie has been making snide comments about Rodolfo being too friendly with Catherine and too casual with his money. Eddie suspiciously invites Rodolfo to box after mentioning going to see a boxing match…...
Example Of Archaic Diction
This sample of an academic paper on Example Of Archaic Diction reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.This poem uses a lot of deep contradicting diction and oxymoron to illustrate Bronte’s state of psychological conflict after her lover’s death.’No other Sun has lightened up my heaven’, ‘heaven’ should not be applied to her, as she is still alive, yet it may also be implied as incredibly happy life when…...
Analysis of Romeo’s Love for Rosaline vs Juliet
The sample essay on Rosaline Love deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story written but William Shakespeare. The book was first published in 1597 and is well known by people all around the world. It is a play set in Italy, Verona in the 17th century. It is about ‘two star crossed lovers’ who fall…...
LoveRomeo And Juliet
“Frau Brechenmacher Attends A Wedding” by Katherine Mansfield
The ideas of marriage are explored by Katherine Mansfield in "Frau Brechenmacher Attends a Wedding", "Bliss" and "The Woman at the Store". In these two stories Mansfield conveys the destructive nature of men and how women are manipulated and exploited by their husbands within their marriages. A sense of overwhelming male dominance is created through Mansfield’s descriptions of the authority and power which the men have over the women. Mansfield explores the self-centredness of man and the lack of affection…...
AngerHuman NatureLoveMarriageWeddingWife
Characters’ Feelings in Sister Maude and Nettles
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Sister Maude. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Scannell’s ‘Nettles’ shows how a powerful relationship can spark protective impulses; when the persona’s son ‘fell in the nettle bed’, he ‘slashed in fury’ at the nettles to halt their destructive consequences. However, in ‘Sister Maude’, Rossetti demonstrates how an equally powerful relationship can evolve into a destructive drive with negative results,…...
A Room With A View Essay
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of A Room With A View Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Italy Enables Lucy to Change and Become Her Own Individual in A Room With a View Lucy is presented with an opportunity to become her own person and look at things differently in Italy. This concept is used throughout the novel A Room With a View by E.…...
CultureItalyLoveSocial Class
Astrophil And Stella
This sample paper on Astrophil And Stella offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.Breaking Free of Convention: Sir Philip Sidney In his sonnet, “Strophic and Stella”, Sir Phillip Sidney attempts to break free of the conventional displays of love while still maintaining a conventional sonnet form to represent that love does not follow any “rules”. The poem itself is a metaphor of love,…...
Thou Shalt Not Stir One Foot To Seek A Foe Meaning
The sample paper on Thou Shalt Not Stir One Foot To Seek A Foe Meaning familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.“From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers takes their life; Whose misadventured piteous over throws Doth with their death bury their parents strife. ” ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ a play of death marked love. Yet is the love presented realistic and believable? As…...
LovePlaysRomeo And Juliet
The Duchess Of Malfi Themes
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of The Duchess Of Malfi Themes. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. In the play ‘The Duchess of Malfi’, John Webster explores several themes which include both love and power, and in this instance both appear to be inextricably linked. For these reasons, one cannot define whether power or love is the defining essence of the play, but it can be…...
O What Is That Sound Theme
The sample paper on O What Is That Sound Theme familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.This was an arranged marriage which allowed her to have the British citizenship and escape from Nazi Germany. Aden met his true love, the poet Chester Coalman, in New York in 1939. Coalman became Addend’s companion for the rest of his life. Love is a recurrent theme in Addend’s poetry but so are many…...
Green Sickness Carrion
The sample paper on Green Sickness Carrion familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.“Romeo and Juliet” is a tragic, romantic play written by William Shakespeare. The play is set in the town of Verona, were rivalry has thrived between two families; the Capulets and the Montages. Romeo who is Montague meets Juliet a Capulet, at a party. Fate has brought them together and they both immediately fall in love. Later…...
LoveRomeo And Juliet
Rochester’s Proposal To Jane
This sample of an academic paper on Rochester's Proposal To Jane reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.In the novel “Jane Eyre” the main character Jane gets involved in some bizarre circumstances. Two not so different men propose to her even though the proposals are very different and elite. St Johns proposal can be characterized as unromantic and oppressing since he practically forces Jane to marry him. From the…...
FaithJane EyreLove
Performer Audience On Relationship
This sample essay on Performer Audience Relationship provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. In this essay, I would like to discuss notation and its influence on the relationship between composer and performer. In some ways composing can seem a slightly mystical process. How do we imagine musical ideas coming into the mind, what did the compositional process involve and how…...
Classical MusicCultureLoveLudwig Van BeethovenMusicRelationship
Its Now Or Never Speech
The following sample essay on Its Now Or Never Speech discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The 17th century poets, Andrew Marvell and Robert Herrick, in their poems “To His Coy Mistress” and “To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time” offer extraordinary insight into the feelings and emotions connected with love. With twenty-eight definitions for the word “love” in the dictionary and…...
Andrew MarvellLovePoetryRhymeTo His Coy Mistress
Why Do People Lie Essay
Why we lie Lying has been around since the creation of human. Adam and Eve lied to god because they were scared after they ate from the forbidden apple tree. There are lots of reasons that could make people tell lies, Even though each reason might be different from the other in the end they all of them stem from one root cause which is being unable to bear the consequences of telling the truth. On the other hand, sometimes…...
Adam And EveLoveReasonTruth
Keats Ode To Autumn Poem Analysis
This is the last poem Keats wrote and is an ode, which is a lyric poem addressed to a person or thing and deals with one main idea. The romantic poets like Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats used this form of poem a lot. The Romantics wrote of many things in their poems and believed their emotions and their imagination were very important. In this poem the main subject is autumn which Keats relates to love, death and immortality (Romantics were…...
Sabbath Made For Man Not Man For Sabbath
This is a microcosm of the attitude to which Jesus held regarding the Sabbath. The Sabbath concerns two events. They are the creation of the world and the Jews release from slavery. God gave the day to the Jews to hold as a day of rest in honour of him. What is under discussion here, is, how do we interpret this? The answer is unclear and indeed ambiguous. There are two extreme views already on the matter. Liberals believe that…...
Critiquing Barbie: A Cultural Icon
This article takes a critical look at one of the most recognizable cultural icons in American history – the Barbie doll. While admitting to the popularity and appeal of the Barbie doll across generations, Emily Prager finds certain faults with what it symbolizes. The fact that the doll was first conceived and designed by a man is the first of Prager’s objections. She contends that Barbie’s fulsome breasts and thin waistline accentuate her sex-appeal, thereby reducing femininity to the contours…...
BeautyCulturePhilosophical Theories
A Farewell To False Love
The writer uses all of these poetic elements to make this poem the best poem In the world. The structure of this poem Is very common for the era that It was written. It Is written In pentameter which Is five pairs of strong and weak syllables. This makes the poem easy to read and it gives it a pleasant structure. It consists of five stanzas with 6 lines each including a rhyming couplet at the end of each stanza.…...
Blanche And Stella
The following sample essay on "Blanche And Stella": discuss how each of the following characters that are Stanley, Mitch, Blanche and Stella use their actions, emotions, and sex to manipulate each other in order to survive and achieve what they have set out to do. In this play each one of the characters has an intention to fulfil a need of their own, for Stanley he’s intention is to remain as a dominant force in his and Stella’s relationship and…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLoveMasculinity
Poem John Clare First Love
The verse form First Love by John Clare is written about the poet’s feelings of unanswered love for a affluent farmer’s girl. Mary Joyce. The poet uses assorted unusual effects in the verse form to convey this sense of loss. supplying deep penetrations into his head in a apparently simple and brief piece. Combined with words which reflect the temper in each poetry. these make it a really powerful verse form. An unusual signifier of contrast is used in First…...
Lysander’s Lover
The two women argue. Hermia accuses Helena of steeling Lysander’s love from her and Helena argues that she is in on the act. Demetrius and Lysander begin to row about who loves Helena the most. The arguments are full of extreme dislike emotion and generate images of hell once again. There is a theme of jealousy here. Puck is told to fix his problems. He pretends to be each human to separate them and get the right couples together, Hermia…...
A Midsummer Night'S DreamLove
Describe The Character Of Alyohin
The themes of love, marriage and women are pervasive in Anton Chekhov’s stories. This focus is symptomatic of the author’s awareness, on the one hand, of the intersections between society and literature and, on the other hand, of the prevalence of these motifs throughout the history of literature. Chekhov’s particular treatment of these themes is of interest because of the ways in which he reshapes the archetypal romance patterns (in this case, Tristan and Isolde or Lancelot and Guinevere) in…...
Anton ChekhovCharacterCultureLoveMarriage
The Story Of Yingying
The following sample essay on "The Story Of Yingying": about two characters who approach their relationship from different moral perspectives. The Story of Yingying features two characters who approach their relationship from different moral perspectives. The two live in an ancient Chinese world in which complexities attend their individual stations in different ways that conspire to keep them apart. Zhang is a scholar who has little money but who holds the promise of becoming distinguished in his academic pursuits. Yingying,…...
Short Story Research Paper Example
The story Eve read is called ‘A very short story. It Is written by Ernest Hemingway. He was an American writer and Journalist. Hemingway style was significant as he was brief and straight-forward. His subject matter Is love, war, wildness and loss. Most of his works are biographical, and this story Is not an exception. Let me pass on to the analysis Itself. As for the title, In direct meaning It refers to the small size of the story, but…...
CultureErnest HemingwayLiterary GenreLoveShort Story
Lady Or The Tiger Essay
The Princess’s Jealousy Love or jealousy, which overcomes the other? Can love be so strong that you are willing to make sacrifices for your lover just to keep them alive? Or can jealousy be s o powerful that you are willing to murder your lover? In Frank Stockpot’s short story, “The Lady or the Tiger,” he ends the story with a question, leaving the readers to decide which door the p eeriness chose for her lover. The clues given in…...
Heartfelt movie The Lovely Bones
The movie The Lovely Bones is a great heart touching movie. Writing a summary over anything is complex because you have to pick and choose important details. Writing a summary for this movie it is even harder because this movie jumps to many places and times. This movie shows that you can’t trust everyone you know. The movie also shows people that they do not need to talk to strangers. The Lovely Bones is about a girl who made a…...
Bend It Like Beckham Relationships
The movie Bend It Like Beckham was released in 2002 by producer Gurinder Chadha. Ever since then, it has received critical acclaim for being “full of easy, an impeccable sense of milieu that is the result of knowing the culture intimately enough to poke fun at it while understanding its underlying integrity.”* The movie has been nominated several times as “Best Film of the Year”. Although this movie is considered a comedy, it expresses relationships and cultures in a serious…...
Human NatureLoveRelationship
The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Analysis Essay
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock explores the emotional and conflicting thoughts of a middle-aged man who is indecisive of attending a party to meet a woman. His indecisiveness is caused by his hypocrisy towards the higher classes of society along with his self-consciousness and concern for superficial matters. He concludes that he has achieved nothing and that his life is futile. One of the poem’s main issues is the effect of industrialisation on society. Eliot uses personification of…...
LovePoetryThe Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock
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