Essays on Law

Free essays on Law are online resources containing academic papers, research works or case studies that explore various areas of law. These essays provide useful insights into legal issues, court judgments, case precedents, legal debates, and theoretical frameworks related to the study of law. They can be beneficial to law students, legal professionals, researchers, and academicians who seek to broaden their understanding of legal knowledge and its application. These essays can also serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for students who may be required to submit similar papers. These essays are provided free of charge, making them accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about law.
SWAT Teams Concept and History
Words • 590
Pages • 3
More SWAT teams sprang up around the nation throughout the sixties seventies, where they were most needed. For instance, in 1975, the Fresno Police Department put together a SWAT team that consisted of ten men – two sergeants and eight deputies. They armed themselves with weapons confiscated from properties and evidence. That same year, in San Jose, California, Fred Solomon stabbed and tried to rape a woman in her home. When her children called police, he led his pursuers on…...
CrimeLaw EnforcementPolice
Film About Exploring the World of Fast Food
Words • 870
Pages • 4
The following sample essay is about a movie where the protagonist explores the world of fast food. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Super Size Me Is a film where morgan spurlock examines the world of fast foods. He uses himself as a Guiana pig exploring the different effects of substituting meals for McDonald’s for thirty days. The film presented various of themes but one theme that clearly stood out was fast food being a threat…...
Fast FoodLawObesitySuper Size Me
Criminal Investigation Essay
Words • 775
Pages • 4
Midterm Essay CJ21-Criminal Investigation Professor Yocum September 28th, 2010 Throughout the years the type of crimes and amount of crimes committed has changed significantly and has played a major role in the American society. What is crime? As defined by Frank Schmalleger (2007) “crime is a conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, federal government or a local jurisdiction where there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse” (p. 7). Criminal investigators have the responsibility of pursuing…...
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Medical Error Insurance
Words • 435
Pages • 2
Medical malpractice insurance should be a necessity for all healthcare providers such as physicians, medical assistants, nurses, and other medical staffs. This will enable them to be protected from liabilities and lawsuits from considered “negligent acts” such as mistakes, accidents, and oversights that may cause injuries or harm to the patients. These mistakes are unpredictable despite the skills the medical practitioners have (Rodgers). Medical malpractice may either be failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, improper treatment or delay in treatment. There are…...
Health CareInsuranceLawMedical AssistantMedical MalpracticeMedicine
Hobbes Vs Locke Essay
Words • 361
Pages • 2
Locke had a theory of natural law and natural right; he believed that a rational purpose to government did exist. Defending the government as an institution, Locke insisted that not only did a good government care for the well-being of its public and have a basis for enforcing obligations on the citizens of its country; but, also, that a government was necessary for public welfare. Locke maintained that all human beings were equal and free to enjoy their inalienable right…...
JusticeLawLibertyMedicinePolitical SciencePolitics
Essay On Public Facilities
Words • 500
Pages • 2
Like water, there are other essential facilities that need to be provided for everyone. Last year you read about two other such facilities: healthcare and sanitation. Similarly, there are things like electricity, public transport, schools and colleges that are also necessary. These are known as public facilities. Medical facility Healthcare in India is the responsibility of constituent states and territories of India. The Constitution charges every state with “raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of…...
DiseaseHealth CareLaw EnforcementPublic HealthPublic PolicyPublic Transport
What Was The Ultimate Goal Of Code Noir?
Words • 742
Pages • 3
Le Code Noir (The Black Code) The Code Noir was a decree passed by King Louis XIV of France in 1685 and ended in 1848. It had a great impact on the sugar industry and trade involving French colonies and territories. The Code Noir contains 60 articles each with its own right and specification. The Code contained rights on slavery, restriction of the freedom of black people, banishment of Judaism, rejecting African cultures and that Catholicism should be the only…...
Natalie Attired
Words • 655
Pages • 3
Law and Natalie Attired Case BY Jae1214 TO: Alexis Schlamberg FROM: RE: Natalie Attired Case DATE: November 19, 2013 Statement of the Facts Natalie Attired, 23, was fired from her position as a waitress at Biddys Teahouse for having a visible tattoo. The owner, Biddy Baker fired Miss Attired because she would not remove the tattoo and feared that an employee having a tattoo that was visible would upset her more “mature” patrons, which would affect profits. No documentation could…...
Common LawEmploymentGovernmentJusticeLaw
World Schools Debating
Words • 766
Pages • 4
Just being able to argue well does not make you a good debater – just as being able to kick a ball will not make you a good soccer player. There are various rules to debating, depending on what style of debating you are using. There can be British parliamentary debating, Oxford style debating, SACEE style, and most importantly – World Schools Style debating. The rules for World Schools debating were invented in Australia decades ago, as an answer to the…...
CommunicationLanguagePolicyPublic SpeakingSchool
Case Brief Example
Words • 338
Pages • 2
Kathryn Myrick Business Law 1 Professor McDonnell Case Brief A. 5 Braun v. Soldier of Fortune Magazine Inc. , 968 F. 2d 1110 (11th Cir. 1992) FACTS:In 1985 Michael Savage placed an ad in the Soldier of Fortune Magazine (“SOF”) advertising “Gun For Hire”. The ad ran from June 1985 to March 1986 generating an average of 30-40 call per week for jobs ranging from murder, kidnapping, assault and other criminal activity. After three previous failed attempts on his business…...
AssaultCommon LawJusticeLawMurder
Main Characters In Hotel Rwanda
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Kant in “Hotel Rwanda” The Ethical theory of Emmanuel Kant is based on the idea that morality is based on good will, not happiness. Kant believed that as long as a person had good intent, then the action was also good no matter what the outcome was. If a person chose to do something good, but for unmoral reasons rather than out of respect for the law, then they did not have good intent and therefore the action is bad,…...
CharacterEthicsHotel RwandaImmanuel KantLawPhilosophical Theories
Borges’s Gospel Allegory.
Words • 764
Pages • 4
Jorge Luis Borges is famous for his short stories. The Gospel According to Mark is an allegorical take on the time-worn story of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It excels in all the essential features of good short fiction. In particular, as this essay will argue, its theme, symbolisms, tone and style showcase the Borges’ mastery of the form. These elements unite and complement one another to produce a cohesive and powerful piece of fiction. The most powerful element in…...
ChristianityCultureFictionJorge Luis BorgesSacrificeSalvation
Money Is The Root Of All Evil Quotes Great Gatsby
Words • 884
Pages • 4
The book “The Great Gatsby” portrays this theme in a lot of different ways. This negative idea towards money consists of jealousy, unequal power, and murder; all caused by money. In the same ways and more, money is the root to all evil in our own society as well. Many crimes occur with some sort of direct relation to money. Although everybody strives for more money, not everybody spends it wisely or legally. Unfortunately, the book “The Great Gatsby” and…...
MoneyOrganized CrimeRobberyThe Great Gatsby
John Paul Gotti
Words • 201
Pages • 1
John Gotti made some of the following statements and these will give you an indication of just whom he was and his mindset. I found some of them to be extremely humorous and in some black satiric comedic way to be true: “Always be nice to bankers. Always be nice to pension fund managers. Always be nice to the media. In that order. “ “Don’t carry a gun. It is nice to have them close by, but do not carry…...
CrimeCriminal LawJusticeLaw
Early Dream of Michael Jackson
Words • 853
Pages • 4
John Moxley Mrs. Minton LNG 332 11 February 2010 Dreaming Before Succeeding At the age of four, Michael Jackson already knew he wanted to become a singer. Although Jackson did not know how he was going to achieve his goal, Jackson had the American dream on his side. In the short story, “His Father’s Earth” by Thomas Clayton Wolfe, Wolfe demonstrates how people have to dream before they can succeed through the main character. The main character is a young…...
American DreamOrganized Crime
12 Years A Slave Essay
Words • 340
Pages • 2
It is difficult for a person with compassion to fathom the object of slavery.Why would one man subject another man to torment?Why would anyone exercise their authority over another like human being?Why would any human being kidnap, flog and sell another into bondage?These and many other questions surround the subject of slavery as it reared its ugly head in the southern slave states of America.The account rendered by Solomon Northup gives us a glimpse into the daily life of a…...
Human RightsInjusticeJusticeSlaverySocial Issues
Total Sanitation Campaign
Words • 510
Pages • 3
Individual Health and hygiene is largely dependent on adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation. There is, therefore,a direct relationship between water,sanitation and health. Consumption of unsafe drinking water, improper disposal of human excreta, improper environmental sanitation and lack of personal and food hygiene have been major causes of many diseases in developing countries. Individual Health and hygiene is largely dependent on adequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation. There is, therefore,a direct relationship between water,sanitation and health.…...
HygienePolicyPublic HealthWaste Management
Founding of Insurance Agency by Williams and Payne
Words • 341
Pages • 2
Insurance was founded in 1968 by Ray Williams and Michael Payne, which was known as “M W Payne Underwriting Agency Pty Ltd”. However, their company was acquired in 1971 by a British company called CE Heath PLC and appointed Ray Williams to be the board of CE Heath PLC in 1980. In 1989, the business operations of CE Heath PLC were transferred to CE Heath International Holdings Ltd. And the company floated on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1992. After 3 years,…...
Business LawInsurance
Ballad Of Charlotte Dymond
Words • 790
Pages • 4
In this essay I am going to be comparing two pre-twentieth poems both about murders and their victims. The first is a poem called ‘The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond’ by Charles Causley. This is a true story of a teenage girl murdered by her lover after he found out she had been having an affair. The second of the two poems is entitled ‘The Laboratory’ by Robert Browning. This is of a similar nature to the ‘Charlotte Dymond’ poem but…...
A Mystery Of Heroism
Words • 347
Pages • 2
In the two short stories “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” and “A Mystery of Heroism,” time is a big theme that is loosely contorted and slowed down to show the character’s ways of coping with fear. During both of these stories, the main characters become almost paralyzed with fear when faced with death. These characters are not aware of the consequences that follow their actions. Both The Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and A Mystery of Heroism discuss the…...
Searching for Angela Shelton
Words • 567
Pages • 3
In the film Searching for Angela Shelton, a woman named Angela Shelton travels around the continental United States searching for and surveying other Angela Shelton’s. While surveying these other women she learns that twenty four out of the forty she spoke to are survivors of sexual abuse, domestic violence and rape. One woman she spoke to lived in the town that the host Angela’s sexually abusive father lives in, and she tracks sexual predators for a living. Angela’s journey is…...
AbuseAggressionCrimeInjusticeSocial IssuesViolence
12 Angry Men Reflection Example
Words • 785
Pages • 4
In the movie “Twelve Angry Men,” there were many examples of primary group roles. Each jury member had an informal role they played within the group, which influenced the final outcome of the jury’s decision for the court case. The four jury members that really exemplified their group roles were #8, #7, #1 and #3. Juror #8 was the calm architect who was the only one to vote “not guilty,” for the first vote. A major role he played was…...
12 Angry MenCommunicationFilm AnalysisHuman NatureJury
Synthesis Paper Example
Words • 299
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Synthesis essays
In modern society, global warming is one of the most serious problems causing unrest all over the world. Global warming has been blamed for a host of recent worldwide issues, such as an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, higher temperatures and droughts, and various other environmental changes. Thus, countermeasures to cope with the aggravating global warming are urgent questions in the present day. To deal with the problem of global warming many nations and organizations are making…...
Climate ChangeCommunicationGlobal WarmingPolicyPolitics
Director’s Choice: Film vs. Novel Plots
Words • 773
Pages • 4
In addiction, the essay will also cover the reasons why director allowed specific plots In the film are different from the novel. According to the movie, Core and her husband Nick were running a restaurant on a street. They decided to hire someone so that they can provide better service. Frank was a drifter, and he was attracted by Core, which made him decide to work for the couple. Frank started to flirt with Core at work but Core was…...
Settle For Half
Words • 729
Pages • 3
In A View From The Bridge, Arthur Miller aimed to write a modern tragedy involving ‘the common man’. He wrote in 1949 for the New York Times that ‘the common man is an apt a subject from tragedy in it’s highest sense as kings were. He thought that tragedy ‘is the consequence of a man’s total compulsion to evaluate himself justly’ and that most of us are willing to remain passive when our dignity and our image of our rightful…...
A View From The BridgeCultureLawTragedy
Johnson V. Misericordia Community Hospital
Words • 886
Pages • 4
In 1980, patient (plaintiff) James Johnson filed suit against Misericordia Community Hospital alleging medical malpractice. The suit specifically alleged corporate negligence in the appointment of Dr. Lester V. Salinksy (independent member) to the medical staff at Misericordia Community Hospital. During the surgery, Dr. Salinsky severed the femoral artery, resulting in partial paralysis for Johnson (casebriefs. com). Ultimately, Johnson suffered a permanent paralytic condition to his right thigh muscles with resultant atrophy and weakness as well as a loss of function…...
Common LawCommunityHealthHealth CareHospitalJustice
Computer Task Group
Words • 708
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Computer Task Group": describing of William Brotby biography and his experience with Computer Task Group. Inc. In 1995 William Brotby was hired by Computer Task Group. Inc. ( CTG ) as an information engineerings adviser. Upon engaging. Brotby had to subscribe an understanding saying that he would be restricted to work for any CTG clients if he left the company. No more than two old ages subsequently. Brotby left CTG and began to work for…...
AppealCommon LawGovernmentJusticeLaw
Class Action Suit Uric v Estelle: 1974-1979 Ruling
Words • 460
Pages • 2
In 1974, the petition was Joined by seven other inmates and became a class action suit known as Uric v. Estelle. The trial ended in 1979 with the ruling that the conditions of imprisonment within the DC prison system constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the United States Constitution, with the original report Issued In 1980, a 118 page decision by Judge William Justice. There followed decades of further litigation In the form of consent decrees, appeals and…...
Common LawCrimeCriminal JusticeJusticeLaw
If Parents Are Too Lenient In The
Words • 664
Pages • 3
I pacifically remember my dad dragging my older sister out of Safety by her coveralls taking her to the truck and spanking her, Just once and not very hard. I never threw a fit with my dad after that, my mother was a deferent story because she refused to spank us and rarely followed through with her threats. Flash forward 22 years and parents don’t feel safe enough to spank their children. Spanking a child could sanction a visit from…...
AbuseChildChild AbuseChild NeglectChildhoodFamily
Social Issues Diagram
Words • 793
Pages • 4
I movement believed helping the poor was a duty I the social reformers also I There is still government subsidized That were divided into several land created settlement houses. Hull House in Reworked for legislative reform lousing that isn’t always in the bests limits to house more families in Chicago founded in 1889 was the best known Tit help the public and neighborhoods. Homelessness remains al Lethe same amount of space, settlement house in the U. S. It was based…...
ChildChild LabourJane AddamsPolicy
Runner Keeper make your dream come true
Words • 725
Pages • 3
I feel like Jason Jacobs portrayed many of the characteristics of an Entrepreneur, but there were 5 in particular that he really possessed. Perseverance and determination I felt were the strongest characteristics that he showed. The reason I say that is because after he quit his job and pursued is desire, he was faced with many doubters of his idea. Even with the negative reactions from individuals, Jacobs pushed and never gave up on making his dream come true. The…...
CommunicationDreamHuman NatureIntellectual PropertyReasonRunning
Leadership Traits Essay
Words • 904
Pages • 4
I believe the LT judgment is the ability to weigh the starting, midway, and outcome of any decision and decide which would be best for his junior marines, which way would be able to incorporate the strength of his marines, be open for other suggestions too because there are so many angles that a situation can be looked at and you might miss something when someone might see it, and most of all be able to carry out the mission…...
Human NatureJusticeLeadership
I Believe I Can Fly I Got Shot By The Fbi All I Wanted Was A Bag Of Chips
Words • 287
Pages • 2
I believe I can fly I got shot by the F. B. I All I wanted was some chicken wings and a little bit of collad greens I believe I can soar I got a beaten at the geocery store the barneys ones are: I hate you, You hate me Let get together and kill Barney put a nine millarmeter to his head bang bang bang Barney’s dead I hate you, you hate me, Let’s go out and kill Barney,…...
CommunicationFbiLaw Enforcement
Wolsey’s Foreign Policy
Words • 756
Pages • 4
Henry’s aims since he came to the throne in1509 was glory, he thought he could get this through vast amount of money. Henry at the time was almost broke and therefore needed “glory” quickly, and the way Henry came up with to make money and gain glory was via war. He needed to attack France but he had no money, Wolsey raised the funds and so became very close to Henry and he went on to gain “glory”. Although Henry…...
Foreign PolicyLawLaw EnforcementPolicy
Hammurabi Code Was It Just
Words • 483
Pages • 2
Hammurabi’s Code: Was It Just? Hammurabi, the king of ancient Babylonia, erected large pillars of stone throughout his kingdom to establish the laws of the land. The large steles reminded the citizens of the civil and criminal laws that were created by Hammurabi to protect the weak, innocent, and poor of Babylonia. However, by the standards of modern society, Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. For the most part in the modern world, all people are thought to be created and therefore…...
The Day I Will Never Forget Essay
Words • 353
Pages • 2
Have you ever been to wedding that Just makes you want to cry and say I am so happy for you? I did and that was when my sister got married a year ago. This was like a fairytale but even better. As my sister was getting ready for her wedding. My mother was going around taking pictures of everybody that was going to be In her wedding. It was Like everyone was running around like a chicken with their…...
Cosumer Protection
Words • 819
Pages • 4
Federal court rules Telephone Consumer Protection Act does not apply to commercial SMS text messages sent to cellular phones. The ruling came a few weeks ago in Satterfield v. Simon & Schuster, No. C 06-2893 CW, 2007 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 46325 (N. D. Cal. June 26, 2007), a case involving the transmission of an SMS text message promoting a popular author’s “mobile club” to a cellular phone used by a seven-year-old child. The defendants, the publishing company that contracted…...
Business LawCommon LawGovernmentJusticeLaw
Social Deviation
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Every human culture has members who exhibit deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is any action that is criminal, unacceptable, confusing or just strange to the majority of the culture’s members. Each culture differs in its response and handling of deviant behavior. For example, behavior that would land someone in a mental institution in the United States might cause placement as the village shaman in other cultures. Although deviance might be harmful to a culture, it is also essential to cultural flexibility…...
CrimeHuman NatureJusticePoliticsSocial Psychology
Was Tom Robinson Found Guilty
Words • 268
Pages • 2
English 9 GT 12 December 2011 Thesis Statement: The Tom Robinson trial in To Kill a Mockingbird parallels the Scottsboro trials through similar events, verdicts, and testimonies. I. Scottsboro Trials A. Timeline Events 1. April 6th 1931- the trial of nine men begin. 2. April 9th 1933- Haywood Patterson was again found guilty for rape. 3. April 9th 1933- Patterson found guilty and sentenced to death. 4. 1940s- all but 1 escape or are paroled. 5. June 9th 1950- the…...
CrimeCriminal LawJusticeLaw
Drawing The Color Line
Words • 855
Pages • 4
Drawing the Color Line Drawing the Color Line by Howard Zinn the second chapter from A People’s history of the United States. The authors writes this chapter to explain racism and how it started, “a continent were we can trace the coming of the first whites and the first blacks-might supply at least a few clues” he wants to use history to try to explain why it started. In this chapter Howard Zinn gives us an insight on Slavery and…...
Atlantic Slave TradeInjusticePoliticsRacismSlaverySocial Issues
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What Was The Ultimate Goal Of Code Noir?
...Legacy Even if the code was removed, the phase of this period was adopted into many books and documentaries. A few of these books have been published in Mauritius specifically, “Gorges” by Alexandre Dumas. The Code Noir remains a legacy of the Fr...
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