Essays on Infectious Diseases

Free essays on Infectious Diseases are pieces of writing that discuss various topics related to infectious diseases. These essays delve into different aspects, such as the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various infectious diseases. They also cover important topics such as the global impact of infectious diseases, the social and economic consequences of outbreaks, vaccination, and the history of pandemics. Free essays on Infectious Diseases are valuable resources for students, researchers, and general readers who want to learn more about the fascinating and complex world of infectious diseases.
A Cross Sectional study on Needle Stick Injuries, its
Words • 2613
Pages • 11
Introduction:The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA defines needle stick injuries as injuries caused by objects such as hypodermic needles, blood collection needles, intravenous (IV) stylets and needles used to connect parts of IV delivery systems.1 Health-care workers are at increased risk of infection with bloodborne pathogens because of occupational exposure to blood and other body fluids. Most exposures among health-care workers are caused by percutaneous injuries with sharp objects contaminated with blood or body fluids. These…...
Awojobi clinic Eruwa: running a successful rural hospital in Nigeria.
Words • 2992
Pages • 12
INTRODUCTION As a student who wants to see medical practice to advance in Nigeria, visiting Awojobi Clinic Eruwa (ACE) was one of the best things the Ibarapa offered me. The zeal to stay back home and practice a kind of medicine that is driven by indigenous technology and available manpower was born through that visit. This is particularly important in an era like ours when there is a mass exodus of doctors to greener pastures across the globe, especially to…...
Health CareHepatitisMedicineOrgan DonationResearchSurgery
Sex Workers In Malawi Deal With Hiv
Words • 662
Pages • 3
In Malawi where poverty and unemployment remains high, many women turn to sex work in order to support themselves and their families. Malawi has one of the world’s highest rates of HIV and while the country has made huge strides in fighting the epidemic, female sex workers remain extremely exposed, with much lower access to health information and healthcare in the community (MSF.2014). A study conducted by Tokar, Broerse, Blanchard and Roura (2018) in Uzbekistan states that, in as far…...
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Microbiology Rotavirus
Words • 550
Pages • 3
The following example essay on "Microbiology Rotavirus" is about rotavirus infection, also called rotavirus gastroenteritis, or colloquially, stomach or intestinal flu. Until 1973, no one knew why hundreds of thousands of children were dying after having severe diarrhea, there was never any indication as to why these situations were occurring in hospitals across the world. Most children were misdiagnosed with gastroenteritis, malabsorption, or celiac disease and given treatments for these diseases, that was until four scientists: Ruth Bishop, Geoffrey Davidson,…...
BiologyHealthHealth CareInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiology
Different Types Of Impetigo
Words • 1820
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on  Types Of Impetigo familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper. The chief bacterial pathogen associated with impetigo is Staphylococcus aureus. which are Gram-positive bacteriums that are ubiquitously present in the environment ( Melles et al. . 2004 ) . Other instances of impetigo involve bacterial species. Staphylococcus pyogenes. which is besides known as group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus ( GABHS ) . One alone characteristic of…...
BiologyEpidemiologyHealth CareInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiology
Telegram Call Says Waiting
Words • 1657
Pages • 7
This essay sample essay on Telegram Call Says Waiting offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Alan Bennett’s ‘Waiting for the Telegram’ consists of just one character talking to an audience in this monologue. Violet is in her nineties and living in a nursing home, it is about her character now and how she is treated and her past life containing death, regret and life choices.…...
Demerara Revolt
Words • 2039
Pages • 9
The folllowing sample essay on Demerara Revolt discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The 1823 slave revolt in Demarara. Guyana. started on a sugar plantation called “Plantation Success”- on the east seashore of the settlement on August 23. It spread throughout the nearby country to affect slaves from at least 55 plantations. In entire. around 10 thousand of the about 75 thousand slaves…...
Kirby Bauer Test Lab Report
Words • 1936
Pages • 8
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
This sample essay on Kirby Bauer Test Lab Report reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.It just also be capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms and of doing so when taken in very small quantities. To study whether a microbial product qualifies as an effective antibiotic, a standard procedure called the Kirby-Bauer method is employed. This method, which is the procedure recommended by the US…...
BacteriaBiologyBiotechnologyDiseaseHealthInfectious Diseases
Cholera Reactions in Sierra Leone
Words • 1384
Pages • 6
The sample paper on Lauren Savaglio familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper. National Library of Medicine – The World’s Largest Medical Library,A. D. A. M. Medical Encyclopedia, May 30th 2012. ” If left untreated, it can kill within hours and almost eighty percent of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts. People get infected by eating or drinking contaminated food and water and it usually manifests in…...
EpidemiologyHealth CareInfectious DiseasesMedicinePublic Health
Mosquito Repellent Candle Research Paper
Words • 1983
Pages • 8
The sample paper on Mosquito Repellent Candle Research Paper familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Again, the foul smell of belching a mixture of chemicals to produce smoke can cause health problems too particularly those who suffer room asthma. The researcher of this study finds a solution to “go natural” in preventing the deadly mosquitoes from infesting our households. The study incorporates the tested herbal plant in a mixture of…...
Dengue FeverResearch
How a Frenchman Got the Virus
Words • 1202
Pages • 5
The book begins with a French Man, nicknamed Charles Monet, visiting the Kitum Cave*. A few days after, he begins to suffer from symptoms such as vomiting, red eye, and back pain. He is later taken to the Nairobi Hospital*. There, he goes into a coma and dies. Shem Musoke was infected by exposure to Charles’ blood and vomit. Musoke developed symptoms from the filovirus* and survived. This particular filovirus was found to be the Marburg virus*. Dr. Nancy Jaax…...
DiseaseEbolaEpidemiologyFeverInfectious DiseasesMedicine
Dengue Fever Essay
Words • 1461
Pages • 6
The sample essay on Dengue Fever Essay deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.In subtropical and tropical regions, the dengue virus represents a major threat to human health. The microorganism’s natural hosts include mosquitoes, lower primates, and humans. Infection of the human host results in a biphasic fever with the potential to evolve into severe hemorrhagic disease. Over the past few decades, the…...
Dengue FeverEpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyVaccines
Age Of Innocence Essay
Words • 1190
Pages • 5
  The age of innocence is a book on choices. It is the story of how the character Newland Archer finds himself happily engaged to May Welland a beautiful young woman who happens to be sophisticated, polite and well mannered, and it certainly does not hurt that she is an aristocrat. He believes that he has finally found what he was looking for and is looking for a life of blissful happiness with her. He then meets Countess Ellen Olenska,…...
DiseaseHealthNursingPneumoniaThe Age Of Innocence
Carabao Dung as Mosquito Repellent: Important Aspects
Words • 1306
Pages • 6
This sample of an academic paper on Carabao Dung reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. Carabao Manure THE EFFICIENCY OF CARABAO MANURE WITH EXTRACT OF EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus cinerea) AND LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citrates) LEAVES AS AN ALTERNATIVE MOSQUITO REPELLANT Background of the Study Dengue victims are abundantly spreading in our society and they are caused by the known Aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes are merely found in places where there…...
Dengue FeverExperimentResearch
Essays On The Black Death
Words • 456
Pages • 2
What were its causes and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe? Where was it most virulent? What were the results of the Black Death and how important do you think disease is in changing the course of history? Black Death refers to a bubonic and pneumonic plague believed to have come from rats and which spread throughout Western Europe during the 14th century resulting to the death of millions, drastically decreasing the overall population of Europe, and…...
Black DeathBubonic PlagueDeathDiseaseInfectious Diseases
Investigatory Project
Words • 746
Pages • 3
Natural Mosquito Repellant A Science Research Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Science And Technology I Melvin T. Magsayo March 2012 ABSTRACT This research entitled NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLANT conducted by KAYE ANGELLIE C. NAPIGKIT of Lanao Chung Hua School. One problem of today especially with regards to health is the disease caused by mosquito. Mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies, the Culicidae. It is said to be the most dangerous species on earth. It carries virus…...
Dengue FeverInfectious DiseasesMalariaMicrobiologyResearch
Contagion Movie Summary Essay
Words • 981
Pages • 4
In 2011 , the blockbuster, Contagion, was released, featuring several prominent actors. In summary, the movie is the story of a father who loses his wife and son to a completely brand new virus. This new virus, dubbed MOVE-I, originated from a bat in Hong Kong. The bat bit a fruit then dropped it into a pigpen infecting the pig that consumed the fruit with the bat’s virus. While pig was prepped to be cooked, the chef touched the pig’s…...
EpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic HealthVaccines
Food Bourne Illness
Words • 763
Pages • 4
Foodborne illnesses are defined as any illness that you receive from the consumption of food that has been contaminated by a certain bacteria, virus, or parasite. Salmonella is a common foodborne illness found in beef, poultry, milk, and eggs. It has an estimated 1. 2 million cases every year just in the United States. Salmonellosis is also known as Salmonella. According to Salmonella (n. d. , “Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, predominately motile enterobacteria with diameters around…...
EpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic Health
Cultural Interaction Essay
Words • 887
Pages • 4
Cultural interaction is the basis for the world today. Without cultural interaction, the Americas would still be filled with Native Americans. The whole world would be isolated from other cultures. For example, America would not have certain foods and animals, such as bananas and cows; likewise, Europe would not have corn or turkeys. Between the years 600 and 1450 C. E, Cultural interaction was very beneficial due to the expanding of trade, spreading of religion and cultures, and strengthening nations.However,…...
AfricaAstronomyBubonic PlagueCultureEuropeIslam
Evolutionary Relationships Quiz
Words • 597
Pages • 3
Credit Quiz 2 1) If two modern organisms are distantly related in an evolutionary sense, then one should expect that A) they live in very different habitats. B) they should share fewer homologous structures than two more closely related organisms. C) their chromosomes should be very similar. D) they shared a common ancestor relatively recently. E) they should be members of the same genus. 2) Within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3TC, a patient’s HIV population consists…...
BiologyEvolutionGeneGeneticsHivNatural Selection
How Malunggai Trees Are Used
Words • 758
Pages • 4
“Malunggay” in the Philippines, “Sajina” in the Indian Subcontinent, and “Moringa” in English, it is a popular tree. Many Asians use the leaves of Malunggay (Sajina) like spinach and also the fruit it produces as a vegetable, like asparagus. It only used to be known as a vegetable for lactating mothers. But new scientific studies say that malunggay’s medicinal and market possibilities. Touted by scientists as a “miracle vegetable,” malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for…...
DiseaseHivMoringa OleiferaVitaminVitamin C
Baroque Literature
Words • 298
Pages • 2
The Black Death Greatly Improved the European Society Throughout history, many unforgettable events have affected the literature of the time: wars, revolutions, industrialization, and disease.Although many critics very quickly point out the changes in literature that the industrial revolution caused, not many of those critics are willing to dig any deeper into the past.However, the fourteenth century contained changes in literature that were just as dramatic.The repeated outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague in that century led to many significant changes…...
Black DeathBubonic PlagueCommunicationCulturePrinting Press
Clinical Case Studies For Nursing Students
Words • 895
Pages • 4
Imagine you are following the doctor as part of your nursing training. Before you enter the examining room the physician pulls the chart off the door and hands it to you. You enter the room and greet the patient.  What is your tentative diagnosis? Each question is worth 3pts. Clinical Case 1 The throat is red, raw, and has a “beefy” look; lymph nodes are swollen, patient is feverish and fever is high: blood samples reveal bacteria in a chain.…...
EducationEpidemiologyHealthInfectious DiseasesLearningMedicine
biology research task
Words • 1213
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on biology research task about biology research task on Neurocysticercosis. Aim: To investigate what causes a tapeworm to enter ones bloodstream even getting to the brain, what is neurocysticercosis, is the case increasing or at risk of increasing? Hypothesis: Not deworming, eating unhealthy processed food mostly pork and unhealthy living causes worms in bloodstream , neurocysticercosis is a sickness where there is a worm in someone's the cases are growing and are at risk of increasing.…...
BiologyInfectious DiseasesMedicineMicrobiologyPublic Health
Evolutionary Characteristics Of Bats
Words • 1130
Pages • 5
Bats are a unique group of small mammals to have evolved wings with a well-developed ability for powered flight. They exhibit evolutionary characteristics that to a large extent are considered socially, physiologically and ecologically unique and peculiar. Bats are classified under the Order Chiroptera containing the suborders Pteropodiformes and Vespertilioniformes which consist of mega and micro bats respectively. They are the most abundant group of mammals in terms of population numbers with a great diversity of over 1000 extant species…...
AnimalsBiologyEpidemiologyInfectious DiseasesMicrobiologyViruses
Biotechnology: Biological Weapons/Bioterrorism
Words • 1358
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on Biotechnology: Biological Weapons/Bioterrorism discusses what biological weapon is all about, why is it harmful or useful to human beings and what are the consequences there are in using them. Introduction Nowadays we are living in a world where progress is very much appreciated. Technology made our lives a whole lot easier and there are many inventions who had been a great help to us, mankind. However, does all this inventions promote the goods of all…...
BiologyBiotechnologyBioterrorismInfectious DiseasesMicrobiologyMilitary
1st Essay Sample on Black Death
Words • 4423
Pages • 18
The black plague that ravaged Europe from 1347 to 1352 put entire societies in flux as those who were infected lived in very for their lives. The death of 25 million people would not go unnoticed. Consequently analyzing the reactions of people during the Middle Ages to the bubonic plague is imperative. Victims, friends, and family felt that death was inevitable, and reacted to the deadly disease in fear, desperation, and superstition. In the personal diary of Agnolo di Tura…...
Black DeathBubonic PlagueDeathDiseaseInfectious DiseasesMedicine
The Mid-Fourteenth Century Crisis in Europe
Words • 1307
Pages • 6
Why is the mid-fourteenth century regarded as an era of crisis in the West? Europe was plagued by devastating outbreaks of the plague as well as by destructive wars. Why did the plague spread so rapidly on the European continent in the mid-fourteenth century? The bacterium that likely caused the disease, Yersinia pestis, followed major trade routes to and across the continent. What is historians' highest estimate for the percentage of the European population that perished from the plague between…...
Black DeathCultureFlashcardsFranceItalyPope
CSM Western Civilization Exam 1
Words • 1722
Pages • 7
After the 1340's, the economy of Europe was marked by silver shortages essentially a painting executed on fresh plaster a fresco painting Dante's "Divine Comedy" depicts the poet's mythical journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven What drove the increasing European interest in African gold? increasing demand for expensive luxury foods in Europe the leader who united the Mongol tribes and began the conquest of China Temujin, who took the title Genghis Khan Mongol governance was directed toward securing tribute from…...
Black DeathCultureFlashcardsItalyMiddle AgesRenaissance
Event Management: HIV/Aids Awareness Day
Words • 1730
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "Event Management: HIV/Aids Awareness Day" is a report on one of the most important areas of work to prevent the spread of HIV infection is to inform the public through large-scale communication campaigns. Event direction is a uninterrupted procedure that revolves around the use of undertaking direction patterns, in the creative activity and scheduling of events such as conferences, seminars, festivals and concern exhibitions ( Polivka 1996 ) . It involves the planning, monitoring and…...
ConsciousnessEpidemiologyEvent ManagementInfectious DiseasesManagementMicrobiology
We've found 70 essay examples on Infectious Diseases
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FAQ about Infectious Diseases

How a Frenchman Got the Virus
...Yet Nancy Jaax didn’t check her suit completely when dealing with Ebola. EBOV is a very rapid and hazardous agent that the human population should be alert about. “A hot virus from the rain forest lives within a twenty-four-hour plane flight from...
How Malunggai Trees Are Used
...Aside from that, the stigma associated with AIDS makes it so much more painful and embarrassing. This dreaded disease is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which attacks the immune system making the sufferer susceptible to all kinds of ...
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