Paperap Website is a platform that offers a vast collection of free essays about America. It is an online community where students and scholars can access various academic papers and use them as a guide for their own research or academic assignments. The website provides a treasure trove of essays on different topics such as American history, culture, politics, and social issues. Students can easily choose a topic of their interest and find relevant essays for their assignments. The essays available on the website are written by experts and are of high quality. The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible to students of all levels. Whether you are a student or a scholar, Paperap has something for everyone who wants to gain knowledge about America.
California Creamery
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of California Creamery. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. California Creamery, Inc. Question 1: Compute the full production cost (per gallon) of the Polynesian Fantasy and Vanilla products using: – A: Will’s old costing method. B: The new costing method (Louise’s suggestion) Ans1: The exhibit 1 is as below: OVERHEAD COSTS | |Activity |Budgeted Cost ($) |”Driver” of the |Budgeted Activity…...
Clotel Summary: Key Issues and Arguments
The essay sample on Clotel Summary dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Family Ties in William Wells Brown’s Clotel, or, the President’s Daughter It is now customary to see Toni Morrison being awarded with a Nobel Prize for fiction and hear literary critics saying that the mainstream of world literature has moved to the suburbs of the world, specifically to African and Arabic…...
America Before Columbus Essay
This sample of an academic paper on America Before Columbus Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. Before the Europeans adventurers had arrived. the posterities of the prehistoric innovators and ulterior migrators – the Native Americans – had formed a assortment of folks throughout North America. Each folk was related. Some were simple nomads who roamed through the West of the continent. while some were forest inhabitants who…...
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Sample Essay on Period After War of 1812
Was the period after our victory of the War of 1812 really an “Era of Good Feelings? ” Historians have traditionally labeled it that, but many wonder why? The Era of Good feelings took place from 1817 to 1825. During that time, James Monroe was elected president for two terms. The Era of ‘Good’ Feelings is misleading because many issues troubled the country around that time such as the American system, which tied to sectionalist events and economic panic…...
Mcdonalds Adapting To Different Cultures
The sample paper on Mcdonalds Adapting To Different Cultures familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.For thousands of years, India’s Hindu culture has revered the cow. Some 300 million of these animals roam India, untethered, revered as sacred providers. They are everywhere – everywhere, that is, except for on your plate, as Hindus do not eat the meat of the sacred cow. (International Business, Pg125) The placing of the cow…...
Arizona Immigration Law Pros And Cons
This sample essay on Arizona Immigration Law Pros And Cons provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Debate Speech: 4 Minute: Cons By adopting the same anti-immigration laws as Arizona, Florida would be violating the very values of the constitution. My first point is the violation of civil rights. In order to clarify today’s debate, we offer the following definition: Civil rights…...
Sample Essay on Lost in Translation Essay
Controllable elements, such as product, price, promotion and the channels of distribution have to be adapted to the target market. AOL (America Online) is market leader in the American domestic market in providing fast and reliable Internet Services. The company implemented their product and services successfully in the US and wanted to use the same strategy to enter foreign markets. The management was hoping to achieve the same popularity, success, and revenues in the foreign market in this case Brazil,…...
BrazilCommunicationMarketingMarketing StrategyTranslation
The Ugly American Summary
This sample essay on The Ugly American Summary provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.The Ugly American showed the reasons why American diplomacy was failing in Southeast Asia in the 1950’s and the reasons why communism was succeeding. . Its lessons seem startlingly urgent today in light of the turmoil in Central America and in the Middle East. Whether the foreign…...
AmericaCommunismInternational RelationsPolitics
Red Jacket Native American
This sample of an academic paper on Red Jacket Native American reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.We are going to take a look at Three Native Americans Pontiac, Red Jacket, and Tecumseh to see what the relation are with the white men. We are going to see how they gave to the white men and how the white men took from the Indians. Pontiac was an Ottawa Indian;…...
AmericaCountryCultureNative AmericanRace And EthnicitySociology
Tally’s Corner Summary
This essay sample on Tally's Corner Summary provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.1. Tally’s Corner is the sociological interpretation of the culture of negro street-corner men. Elliot Liebow sets out to show the hypocrisies that lead black men to this circumstance. The study is carried out in Washington D.C. The key argument posed by Liebow is that black males…...
Mulattoes Apush
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Mulattoes Apush. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. V. Free Blacks: Slaves Without Masters 1. By 1860, free Blacks in the South numbered about 250,000. 2. In the upper South, these Blacks were descended from those freed by the idealism of the Revolutionary War (“all men were created equal”). 3. In the deep South, they were usually mulattoes (Black mother,…...
Indian Removal Act Essay
The sample paper on Indian Removal Act Essay familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.Was Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Policy Motivated by Humanitarian Impulses? Authors: Anthony F. C. Wallace, Robert V. Remini, A Summary By: History 2111 Summer 2011 A summary comparison of views regarding the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Was it an act of humanitarianism intended to help and save the Native American culture from the white settlers,…...
Challenges Education Black Males
After reading and viewing the video I can attest that educators face many challenges educating black males. Statistics after statistic all point to a crisis among black males. This crisis begins in homes, stretches to K-12 educational experiences, and leads straight to the cycle of incarceration in increasingly high numbers. Kafele (2012) states that the crisis doesn't begin when students drop out of school. In far too many cases, it begins before they even enter school (pg. 67). In the…...
Roman and American Entertainment
The following sample essay is about what Roman and American entertainment was like. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Roman and American Entertainment Everyone around the world has similar versions of entertainment. Entertainment is the amusement one receives through an event or a series of actions. Modern-day entertainment has changed vastly since the ancient times, but the base idea of each style has remained consistent with past. Ancient Rome and modern-day America have parallels in…...
Ethnocentrism Examples
This natural circumstance can be expected to emerge where a unity is established between different ethnic, racial or linguistic groups. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particularize ethnic group or culture especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic divergence and politeness serve to define each ethnicity unique cultural identity. According to textbook The Health Anthology of American Literature It exemplifies the term ethnocentrism that predominated during the Early Colonial…...
Desirable Daughters
Thesis: In the novel Desirable Daughters, the main character in the form of Tara Lata struggles with the major themes of Self versus Society, Self Destruction and Self Discovery. The novel Desirable Daughters belongs to that genre of American literature which deals with issues of immigrant life and cultural assimilation. There are sufficient works in this genre that represent Hispanic, African and Chinese ethnic minorities in the United States, but relatively few that speak for South Asian immigrants in general…...
US-Mexico War in 1846: Should It Have Happened?
The following sample essay on "Disruptancy": whether or not the United States should have gone to war with Mexico in 1846. The United States had sixteen soldiers killed in battle and believed Mexican troops were invading their territory. However, Mexico thought the annexation of Texas was a violation of security and power on Mexico and that the United States was setting themselves up for a war. Each side had inferred their territory boundaries, which also caused the war. Both sides have…...
American Dream Essay
The word superseded is separated from the rest of the title with a comma, so that it is emphasized. The word superseded is also an allusion to McDonald’s, which is seen all ever the world as a symbol of America. McDonald’s is a huge corporation, and using a word related to it in the title helps to show that America in general has become a country where bigger is better, and everyone wants to gain as much for themselves as…...
AmericaAmerican DreamCommunicationCultureIronySociology
Texas Revolution Essay
The Texas Revolution By Jessica Bouillon Texas History The Texas Revolution was a key point in our nation’s history and in the history of the state of Texas. For, if Texas had not revolted the way that they did, it would probably not have become a state. There are many causes that are speculated on why Texas revolted whether they are political disputes against the Centralist party in Mexico that had primary control at the time of the Revolution. These…...
Spanish Conquest Of The Aztecs
The following sample essay on "The Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs" traces the relationship between the Spanish conquests of Montezuma and the Aztecs. In particular, the role of Conquistador Hernan Cortes is being explored. The Spanish conquerings of Montezuma and the Aztecs were both a Spanish conquering every bit good as an Indian civil war. The thing that ties them both together is the Conquistador Hernan Cortes. You could reason for both sides as to which played a more important…...
AztecCultural AnthropologyLatin AmericaMesoamericaMexico
Chinese Immigration To Canada
The following sample essay on Racism of Chinese Immigration in Canada BY Hangnails The Racism of Chinese Immigration In Canada Nowadays, Chinese Immigrants are all over the world, and they work across various industries to serve the country and the public. However, not many can Imagine how difficult of a condition the Chinese immigrants were forced to live in In the late 19th century. The racism summarized in the television broadcast “Chinese immigration: Not welcome anymore” causes me to think…...
AmericaCanadaChineseCountryImmigrationRace And Ethnicity
William Howard Taft Progressive Era
The Progressive era was an important time in American history because it was the period in which Americans had to look at the issues that arose from the rapidly changing industrial and political environment. The time of the Progressives occurred because Americans were facing a whole new set of problems caused by industrialization, urbanization and immigration. During this period there was rampant poverty in the urban areas, low wages and poor working conditions for immigrants and all other low income…...
Came To America
The play A view from the bridge the author, Arthur Miller, is presented to the audience as a tragedy but not a classical, a new, modern tragedy. I still employs the elements well known to classical tragedies but then it is set in the docks of America where illegal immigrants are not uncommon to be hiding. There are many cultural issues surrounding the play and the modern tragedy genre like the way that different cultures treat justice; in America there…...
A View From The BridgeAmericaCultureDramaTragedy
Why Was The Era Of Good Feelings A Misnomer
The period of James Monroe’s presidency has gained the term used worldwide as the “Era of Good Feelings”. It was adopted by this name because of Monroe’s action in visiting the U. S military basis and because of the spirit of nationalism and optimism gained by the people from the War of 1812. Foreign affairs exemplifies why this name is partly fact. However, the perception of unity that this era defines is somewhat misleading. Throughout this period, there were various…...
Reconstruction Policies
The Major Failures of the U. S. Reconstruction policies after the Civil War The U. S. Reconstruction policies were developed and implemented by Congress to apply some sort of order to the southern states after the Civil War. The policies were designed to aid the failing government in combating the economic, political, and social problems that resulted post-war. Reconstruction began in 1865 and lasted until 1877 and that period is known to be one of the most tumultuous times of…...
Gambling With the Future
The following example essay on "Gambling With the Future" is an analysis of a literary work by Purich Publishing. The book briefly compares the native gambling institutions of Canada to that of the United States. The history of the social and economic impoverishment of aborigines of North America in general and Canada in particular is fairly well documented. But the effect of European colonization and settlements in Canada has had a destructive effect on aboriginal gaming and gambling as well.…...
Sam Houston And The American Southwest
The first half of the nineteenth century was a time of emergence, change, and uncertainty in the American Southwest. Randolph B. Campbell celebrates this historical time period in his novel, Sam Houston and the American Southwest, as well as the life and times of the southwest’s hero himself, Sam Houston. Sam Houston provided guidance to southwestern expansion in the United States, more than any other individual. Within his novel, Campbell describes Houston as a man who possessed courage, wisdom, and…...
Crime Data Comparison Paper
The FBI’s 2009 official Crime Report Comparison has just been released the 24th of this month. This data is important because it is the official report of Crime Statistics in the United States. For this comparison I have chosen 2 similarly sized (medium) cities separated largely by geographically and environmental as well as social and cultural influences. Anchorage, Alaska is the State’s biggest city with 40% of the vast State’s total population. Flanked by gorgeous sub-Arctic scenery, it is one…...
Should Canada Reinstate The Death Penalty
The death penalty is also commonly known as and referred to as capital punishment. There are different methods as to inflicting the death penalty they are hanging, decapitation, electrocution, gassing, shooting and lethal injections. These are the most commonly used methods. Capital punishment is the execution, by the state, of those found guilty of a crime as stated in the Canadian law. In Canada the penalty was restricted to a small number of very serious crimes, such as treason and…...
AmericaCanadaCountryDeathDeath PenaltyDisease
What I Learned From The Broken Spears
The book The Broken Spears is a very interesting and illuminating scholarly work about the important historical event of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs. Author Miguel Leon-Portilla had undertaken the arduous task of translating key passages from the native-American Nahuati language accounts of the Spanish invasion and conquest. In the latest edition of the book the author has fleshed out more details and facts, making it a definitive work of this event. I learn a great deal by reading…...
Team America Rent Parody
Team America satirises almost every convention of an action movie, America’s political views, and the all important American actors who set themselves up as key spokespeople on world events. It does this by exposing the debateable issues and flaws, and ridiculing them. The film’s main focus is America’s blind view of the rest of the world and the USA’s ‘Global responsibility’, a quotation taken from neo-conservative statement. In fact, the main aims in the neo-con statement are that America must…...
Still Hungry In America
Still Hungry in America Marian Edelman Wright wrote the famous literacy narrative “Still Hungry in America”. Marian Wright has been a proponent for disadvantaged Americans her entire life. Edelman’s career began after graduating from Spellman College and Yale Law School. After graduation, she became the founding president of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). In result of Edelman’s phenomenal leadership, CDF has become the nation’s strongest voice for less-fortunate families and children. The mission of CDF is to “leave no child…...
AmericaChildCommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Slavery: A Problem In American Institutional And Intellectual Life
Stanley M. Elkins’ illustrative work Slavery provides a different a approach to the phenomenon of slavery in American history. Unlike ordinary depiction of causes of its origin and its advantages and disadvantages, Elkins takes into consideration an entirely novels manifestation of slavery i.e. slavery a dilemma in American history and its effects of intellectual and institutional life. He reinforces the idea that in the early nineteenth century, two phenomenon, democracy and capitalism, changes the course of events and the socio-psychological…...
Looking For Alaska Analysis
Sixteen year old Miles’ twin passions are reading biographies and collecting the last words of the famous. Deciding to search for, in the last words of the great Francois Rabelais, the ‘great perhaps’, Miles leaves his family in Florida and moves to Alabama to complete his final two years of school at Culver Creek Preparatory School. Miles is befriended by his gifted roommate, Chip, who prefers the name “The Colonel”, and included in the Colonel’s group of friends, among them…...
AlaskaLooking For Alaska
Why Should We Restrict Immigration
The following sample essay on "Why Should We Restrict Immigration": should we restrict immigration in the U. S.? The answer to that is quite simple, no. the real question is; is it necessary to restrict immigration in the U. S.? That answer is also quite simple, no. immigration has been a big topic since the early 1900’s once the immigrants really started coming over to the U. S. Ever since then people have been trying to restrict the flow of…...
Difference Between Spanish And Portuguese Exploration
Q 6 Compare and contrast the early colonial empires of Portugal, Spain, and England in terms of motives, economic foundations, and relations with Africans and Indians. What factors explain the similarities and differences in the two ventures? The Age of Exploration was a period from the early 1600’s to the 1700’s during which Europeans explored the world, searching for trade partners and desirable goods. During this time, the three most influential European nations were Portugal, Spain, and England. If fingers…...
United Fruit Company Neruda
Pablo Neruda’s political poems are unlike his other poems because of his keen focus on social commitment and harsh realities of life. His language is simple and being a common man wrote for the common man. His work is greatly criticized because of his metaphorical references in his political poems unlike any other poems of his time. His political poem majorly intervenes the Neo-Imperialism in the US during the 19th century. He denigrates the corporation due to the greed experienced…...
CommunicationGreedLatin AmericaMetaphorPoetry
Gettysburg Address And American Romanticism
Name: Tutor: Gettysburg Essay American Romanticism in Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Several aspects of American Romanticism are evident in Abraham Lincoln’s “Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863”. Much of the Romantic language used in this excerpt illustrated the nation’s state and the Civil War. An aspect of American Romanticism stems from the theme of the Civil War. In the beginning of the address, Lincoln commences by asserting that, “our fathers brought forth on…...
Abraham LincolnAmericaCountryCultureHistoryMedieval Europe
Male Degeneracy And The Allure Of The Philippines
Name: Allure Example Male Degeneracy and the Allure of the Philippines Question One In the course of the progressive era, America was struggling to achieve social control in the form of racial superiority in terms of men gaining control of their women and family life. As industrialization increased, women began competing with men in professional sectors. Women, feminists in particular were vouching for independence as well as equality with men. This problem was mainly facilitated the use of machinery as…...
America Land Of Opportunity Essay
Land of OpportunityHow does social class define who we areWhy do you think History books leave out issues of social and economic inequalityThat opportunity is not equal in AmericaAccording to Loewen, social class is probably the single most important variable in society.From the womb to tomb, it correlates with almost all social characteristics of people that we can measure. * Affluent expectant mothers are more likely to get prenatal care, receive current medical advice, and enjoy general health fitness, and…...
AmericaCountryHuman NatureLifeOpportunitySocial Class
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