Air pollution is the introduction of the non-natural physical, chemical and biological substances into the air, which alter the structure of the air. There are two main types of air pollution: natural and artificial (caused by the human activity). According to the origin of the pollutants air pollution is divided into physical, chemical and biological. Physical pollution is understood as mechanic pollutants (dust), radioactive (radioactive decay, isotopes), electromagnetic (electromagnetic and radio waves), noise and heat pollutants (extractions of hot air).…...
Academic performance is the student’s success achieved during the period of studying at high school, college and university. Much attention has always been paid to academic performance because parents and teachers believe that the total academic progress and achievements will help students with the process of career-making and the process of work itself. It is obvious that there is at least some sense in these words, because really, when a child gets used to treating the educational process with responsibility,…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearch
Cancer as a a System of Diseases Cancer is not a disease of a certain organ but is a system of diseases, which can influence any part of the human organism and develop there. The disease is characterized with the undesired growth of cells, which can not be regulated in natural ways, only with the help of special medical treatment. When cells grow in enormous quantities, they do not let human organ function well and a person most often dies.…...
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Vitamin D deficiency is the shortage of vitamin D in the human organism because of the insufficient food consumption and lack of the spending time outdoors. Vitamin D deficiency touches upon more than 1 billion people of Earth and can be called one of the most widespread problems. According to the survey in the USA the possibility of the deficiency of vitamin D among children older than 1 year is equal to 8%. About 24% are at the risk of…...
ResearchVitaminVitamin D
Urban planning is a process of the wise organization of the building on a certain territory: village, town or a great city. From the beginning of the human civilization people built houses for various purposes, like living, keeping crops, social and religious purposes, etc. It is obvious that people build houses and monuments not chaotically, but according to the certain rules and scrupulously-calculated and analyzed plans. There are special engineers and professional architects who plan and design building in order…...
The term “traffic congestion” (traffic jam) denotes a strong faltering or stalled traffic flow on a road. One of the reasons for this is too high a number of vehicles per unit time (or per length). The causes of a traffic congestion, however, cannot be explained.Essay Example on Research Proposal On Smoking Congestion – even those on waterways, railroad tracks, airports or in space – are a subject of research in transportation science. Transportation experts distinguish between “traffic jam” and…...
RoadTrafficTraffic CongestionTransport
School Dropout Research Proposal:Essay Example on Research Questions On School Dropouts School dropout is the notion which explains the process of school resignation by a student. The cases of school dropout are quite frequent, because students find different reasons and excuses to leave school. Many students leave school, because they are bored and want to find a job and earn money. The others leave school, because they need money being from the low-income family, so they have to find a…...
AbuseCommunicationHuman NaturePovertyResearchSchool
Public policy is the complex system of acts, decisions and laws, which illustrate the attitude of the government or the whole state towards a certain question. Public policy is a very important phenomenon which illustrates the quality and type of work of the government. Public policy touches upon every sphere of human activity and every branch of activity of the country. For example public policy influences the most important decisions in such spheres as health care, education, army and social…...
Human NatureLawLaw EnforcementPolicyPublic PolicyResearch
Poverty reduction is the complex of actions aimed to reduce the level of poverty in the world.Essay Example on Research Proposal On Poverty Poverty is only of the biggest problems of the human civilization. There always have been rich and poor people. Always one is happy and prosperous, the other is poor and simply exists in terrible conditions. The humanity has always wanted to cope with the problem of poverty, because the situation is getting worse and worse with every…...
Particle physics is a branch of physics which studies the structure, qualities and interrelation of particles. The major tool in the research of the theory of particles is quantum field theory. Briefly, every particle is not a piece of the entire matter, but a certain particular excitation of a Hilbert space. The world is observed in the sphere of particle physics as a vector in the Hilbert space of conditions, which turns in it with time. The main result of…...
Media studies are the studies which research the connection between media and society, economics, politics, law and the ways of the application of media in these spheres. Media studies can be observed in different contexts. First of all, it is possible to treat media studies as the complex of various disciplines which research the impact of mass media of different kinds on the human being. Essay Example on Research Proposal On Mathematical Biology Here one can demonstrate the energetic, entertaining,…...
CommunicationCultureInfluence Of Mass MediaMediaResearch
Flexible working hours for employees or “flextime” is the special organization of the employee’s working day where he chooses the convenient hours for his work and does not have to spend the whole day at work. Nowadays flex-time is the most adequate policy of the developed companies, because if the employee does not have the freedom of choice and he is deprived of the initiative decisions, he will not receive the job satisfaction and will probably quit from his workplace.…...
Data analysis marketing is the process of the scrupulous analysis of the information about the activity of the company for the improvement of the effectiveness of its marketing system. The idea of the data analysis marketing is to observe the core components of marketing through the different channels in order to define the general picture of the effectiveness of the marketing strategy of the business. The importance of data analysis can not be overestimated because the experts require definite and…...
Cultural heritage is the part of the material and spiritual culture, created by the previous generations, has gone through the centuries and received by younger generations as something important, valuable and respected. There are many types of the explanations of the term of cultural heritage and this phenomenon can be divided into material and spiritual parts. If one speaks about spiritual cultural heritage, one means the history of the nation, its language, traditions, customs, folklore, literature, music, religion, beliefs, etc.…...
Accounting And Finance
Classroom management is the teacher’s activity aimed at the organization of the appropriate educational process and maintenance of the productive behavior and discipline among students. It is obvious that the educational process is not only the material supply of the classroom (furniture, equipment, energy, water, heating supply, etc), but also the creation of the healthy intellectual background and atmosphere in the classroom for the maintenance of the intellectual and moral development of students. Classroom management is closely connected with psychology…...
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift was written in 1729 using diction and political and social references from that time period, which may provide a challenge for a student reader in a 2011 classroom. The full title of Swift’s essay is “A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burden to their Parents, or the Country, and for making them Beneficial to the Publick. This satirical essay is attempting to find a simple method for…...
A school uniform is a certain dress-code established for students at high school, college and university.Essay Example on Research Questions On School Dropouts The idea of school uniforms has appeared hundreds of years ago with the establishment of the first educational institutions. Every reputed school and college invented its own dress-code and ordered its students and teachers to follow this code scrupulously. There are special school uniforms which contained the emblem of the educational institution and proved that the student…...
School Uniforms
A nanomaterial is a material (including powder, aerosol or quasi-gas, liquid suspension, gel) with special properties because of its size and nanometric structure. Many materials are investigated to produce the form of nanoparticles (metals, ceramics, dielectrics, magnetic oxides, various polymers, carbon, etc.), Alone or in forms or composite structures. Nanomaterials are – in common sense – usually nanotechnology, unlike nanoparticles that can be naturally occurring or result from processes such as welding, smoking, polishing, etc. There is also nanocomposites which…...
Waste management is the system of processes and their control which are aimed at the collection, transportation, recycling and utilization of wastes. The term ‘wastes’ means the products of the human activity which are no longer used or must not be used because of their harmful qualities. It is obvious that wastes influence the normal life of people, their health badly; moreover, wastes care harmful for the natural environment, animals, plants and fish.Essay Example on Solid Waste Management Research Proposal…...
A parenting style is a complex of methods and techniques which are used by parents in the process of the bringing up of their children. There are many approaches to the children’s bringing up and each of them has the right for existence. The question of the parental style has always disturbed people, because the problem of bringing up is the most difficult and controversial one.Essay Example on Research Topics On Parenting Styles There are two main approaches which are…...
FamilyLifeParentParentingParenting Styles
Unemployment is the condition which is characterized with the incapability of an individual to find a job of any kind. The problem of unemployment is becoming more and more serious with every new year, because the population constantly rises and the employers can not create enough workplaces to satisfy the needs of everyone. Unemployment depends on the range of factors. First of all, it is the number of people, who need work, then, the policy of the country aimed at…...
Physical geography is the science about the nature and the anthropogenic changes of the landscape of Earth, which is the environment for the living organisms of the planet. Physical geography is a complex discipline which studies the planet’s geography and its peculiarities: the landscape, palaeontology, the structure of soil and rocks, etc. Being a complex and varied discipline physical geography includes also the narrower disciplines which focus on the separate elements of the planet’s geography: geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, oceanography, the…...
GeographyNatural EnvironmentResearch
Time management is the complex of methods and techniques of the optimal organization of time for the appropriate solution of various asks, projects and calendar events. The major approaches towards the problem of time management are connected with the setting of the priorities, distributing of the task on the minor tasks and cooperation with other people. The factors which influence time management are methods of influence on motivation and control over the results.Essay Example on Why Did Jose Rizal Leave…...
BusinessManagementPhilosophyScienceTimeTime Management
Recycling is the utilization of the product and the use of its waste materials for the production of the new goods with the purpose to economize energy and resources. In the modern post industrial age it is important to save the natural environment from the impact of the human activity and the unreasonable use of the natural resources. Naturally, in order to produce goods and services people require resources, which are often exhaustible ones or need much time to restore…...
Environmental Science
Sex education is the dissemination of information about sexuality to children, adolescents, or adults, which provides knowledge on human sexuality for the time being perceived as sufficient.Essay Example on Sex Education Research Sexual education actively and purposefully serves to a form a sex attitude, which is perceived to be correct in the particular culture and its prevailing sexual morality. The sex education refers primarily to the following topics: the human body and its function, anatomy of man and woman, anatomical…...
Human geography is the system of geographical sciences which embrace the territorial organization of the society, its rules and laws of its existence. Human geography is divided into the economic, social, political and cultural geography. Human geography is a very complicated science which consists of numerous branches – the research of the geography of the human settlements and the peculiarities of the human choice of the place of living; health geography; geography of development, etc. Human geography originated as the…...
GeographyHuman NatureResearch
Gender-based violence is the violent group actions conducted against the person just because she belongs to the opposite sex. Essay Example on Sample Research Proposal On Gender Based Violence Apparently, the primary victims of gender-based violence are women, and this problem lasts for thousands of years. Historically, in many cultures women were deprived of rights and their sexual abuse and slavery was often treated like a norm. Even domestic violence conducted against a woman was a regular thing until the…...
Women'S Rights
Fashion marketing is the field marketing which is supposed to advertise and promote goods and services related with fashion. Fashion industry is a very serious and complicated sector of the market, because its success depends directly on the quality of marketing. It is obvious that special experts and qualified people make some brands successful and the rest of the brands are treated like out of fashion and out of date. A well-trained marketer is able to persuade consumers in the…...
BusinessFashionFashion MarketingLifeLifestyleMarketing
Health promotion is the lifestyle of the human being aimed at the maintenance of health and prevention of various diseases. The problem of health promotion is quite complicated and wide, because the sociologists and philosophers have not decided yet how a human can control her health, life and well-being. In fact, due to the reliable research and statistics it is known that the human health depends on 55% on her way of life, on 20% on the environment, on 20%…...
Health PromotionHuman NatureResearch
Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry, the science of the genera; laws of the structure, composition and transformation of the chemical substances.Essay Example on Research Proposal Physical Chemistry Physical chemistry researches chemical phenomena with the help of the theoretical and experimental methods of physics. The history of physical chemistry is quite long and it started in the 18th century when the Russian scientist Lomonosov started to dwell on the issues and relations between chemistry and physics. Physical chemistry can…...
Global marketing is the type of marketing which is aimed to promote goods and services on the territory of nearly every country of the world. Naturally, global marketing differs from the domestic and international marketing greatly and uses different approaches and methods of promotion and transportation of products. Essay Example on Phd Research Proposal International Marketing It is obvious that global marketing is not a trick of the international corporations which want to earn money; this process is quite natural…...
Girl child education is the involvement of the female children into the process of education. Evidently, years ago an educated girl was quite a rare phenomenon. Till the beginning of the 20th century families concentrated on educating their male members, because educating girls did not meet their cultural, financial and ethic requirements. In the majority of the countries of the world girls were deprived of the chance to gain education, because they were believed to have completely different functions in…...
Early Childhood EducationHuman NatureReasonResearch
Health services is the branch of the activity of the country, which is aimed at the organization and provision of the affordable medical care to its people and maintenance of their appropriate condition of health. The branch of health services is closely connected with other branches and depends on the means of the political, economical, social, juridical, scientific, medical, hygienic and cultural character, which are aimed at the maintenance of the physical and psychological health of every person, his long-term…...
CommunicationHealth CareHuman NatureResearch
Organic food is the agricultural food which is produced in natural way without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. With the growth of population the problem of food supply became extremely urgent in the latest decades of the 20th century. The only reasonable way out of such a situation was the reform of the agricultural sector and intensive use of the chemicals and pesticides, which stimulate the growth of vegetables and fruits. Evidently, great among of vegetables can solve…...
CommunicationCultureEating HabitsOrganic FoodResearch
Credit risk is the natural risk for every lender and borrower and is based on the fact that a borrower will not be able to return the borrowed money or credit. There are many factors which influence risk management and all of them have different background. Evidently, most of the credits are taken by the individuals who want to start their own business, so there is a risk that the future business will not be a successful one and will…...
Risk Management
Business ethics is a complicated set of norms which every business should fulfil. Business ethics touches upon all the core aspects of production, advertising and sale of goods and services. There is also a theory that business ethics is the set of the moral values, which are essential for the activity of business which are based on the believe, that the priority of business should not be the profit but the good for the customers.Essay Example on Research Proposal On…...
BusinessBusiness EthicsEthicsManagementPhilosophyScience
Climate change is the diversity of the climate and weather patterns of the planet and its particular areas which is measured with millions of years and the latest decades. The weather of the planet is the unstable and very sensitive phenomenon which depends on a great number of factors. The weather of the particular areas changes constantly, but the speed of these changes has been very slow till the latest decades. Thousands of years the weather was stable and the…...
Goals In Life
Biological science or simply biology is the science which is focused on the life in all its forms; the variety of the living and extinct animals in the world; the human, animal anatomy and structure of plants; the life, development, aging of organisms and other issues which reveal life from all sides. Biological sciences are probably the oldest ones, because the human being has always been interested in the world around, the variety of animals, birds, fish and plants and…...
Business intelligence is the process of transformation of data into information, and information into knowledge, which can be used for the improvement of the competitiveness of the enterprise. The term “business intelligence” was introduced by the prominent researcher from IBM Hans Peter Luhn in 1958, who said that business intelligence is the ability to understand the connections between the existing facts in such a way to direct one’s activity to the achieving on his goal. The modern understanding of business…...
Business IntelligenceCommunicationInformation TechnologyIntelligencePsychologyResearch
Civil engineering is the engineering in the sphere of building construction, which embraces all the stages of the embodiment of the building projects: projecting, constructing and exploitation of the objects. In the narrower meaning civil engineering is the complex of the engineering and consulting services in the planning, constructing and exploitation of the industrial, infrastructural and other objects.Essay Example on Thesis Proposal Civil Engineering The history of civil engineering starts from the 12th century with the development of the weapon…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
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