Released in 1976, "La Ley del Monte" stands as a symbol of traditional Mexican cinema, featuring the iconic presence of Vicente Fernandez in the lead role. Its narrative weaves a tale of love, honor, and the age-old moral codes that govern life. A compelling cinematic venture, "La Ley del Monte" is not merely a film, but a testament to a bygone era, an echo of a tradition steeped in rich cultural history.Directed by Alberto Mariscal, "La Ley del Monte" is…...
The Vietnam War, a conflict marked by its profound impact on both American and Vietnamese societies, was punctuated by numerous critical battles. Among these, the Battle of Ia Drang stands as a historical touchstone - the first significant engagement between U.S. Army forces and the People's Army of Vietnam. This post will explore the context, events, and implications of this pivotal conflict.In the annals of military history, the Battle of Ia Drang, which took place in November 1965, is widely…...
Vietnam War
When one hears the phrase, "King of Beers," a particular brand instantly comes to mind - Budweiser. But what earns Budweiser its regal moniker, and how does it hold its ground in a world brimming with diverse beers? This post aims to dissect the elements contributing to Budweiser's unique identity and its royal reputation in the beer kingdom.Budweiser, an American-style pale lager, has been in production since 1876 by Anheuser-Busch InBev. Named after the city of Budweis in the Czech…...
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Tourism, an industry so vast and varied, permeates almost every corner of the globe, making understanding the core participant in this phenomenon – the tourist – even more critical. In this article, we will explore the definition of a tourist and the essential characteristics that define this globally recognized role.At its most basic, a tourist is defined as a person who travels away from their home for leisure, business, or other purposes for a period not exceeding one year, excluding…...
Six Flags is synonymous with fun, thrill, and ceaseless excitement. Known for its amusement parks scattered across North America, the brand has become a cultural mainstay for those seeking heart-stopping roller coasters, family-friendly rides, and engaging entertainment. But what truly amplifies its appeal and cements its place in popular culture are its iconic commercials.For anyone who grew up in the early 2000s, the image of the dancing old man, affectionately known as "Mr. Six," is a potent symbol of Six…...
Anne Bradstreet's poem "The Flesh and the Spirit" serves as a literary piece that explores the binaries that are present in her religious beliefs. The two voices of the poem are two sisters, the spirit and the flesh, and they serve as a distinct and clear example of each element in human nature. The spirit is moral and follows the ways of God. The flesh is immoral, representing the flaws that are present in everyone; Christians and sinners included. By…...
Anne BradstreetBeliefReligion
Introduction Person-Centered Therapy was developed by the renowned psychologist Carl Rogers. This therapy is also called client-centered therapy, it allows clients to open up and talk about their problems creating an environment of empathy, nonjudgmental, and more so let the client lead the discussion. The approach allows for framing with more consequent psychotherapy and understanding the interpersonal exchanges that occur during the psychotherapy process. The Customer-Centered approach deviates from this idea and instead relies on the fact that human beings…...
Carl Rogers
Being passionate about helping others and endeavoring to make a difference in healthcare are two qualities that have led me to pursue a career in Pharmacy. Putting others’ lives before my own and being selfless are what I have consistently wanted to instill in myself from a very young age. I have known for years that impacting someone’s life and potentially changing it forever is something I want to do every day. A Doctor of Pharmacy degree has been a…...
The topic of choice. As I delve into this assignment and explore my many options, I realize how so many children's book and film characters suffer from severe mental illnesses. Many of them include Chuckie Finster from the Rugrats with a general anxiety disorder or maybe even Spider-Man with dissociative identity disorder. My choice of topic today will put us all in the thought right before the holiday season. After watching the film How the Grinch stole Christmas (How the…...
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Aristotle considers virtue to fall in between scarcity and overabundance. He believed that we should focus more so on how we act than the results or intentions of our actions. To understand ethics, according to Aristotle, it was necessary to observe the behavior of other people. Aristotle's Philosophy of Life Aristotle was very practical in his approach and many of his beliefs were based on the actual actions of people. Aristotle assumes that humans innately think and behave in ways to achieve…...
AristotleImmanuel KantPhilosophyResponsibilityUtilitarianism
The reticular formation, a mass of fiber cells and nerve build and construct primarily in the brain stem and functioning upon stimulation, especially in arousal of the organism consciousness and the sleep-wake cycle, is also mentioned to as the reticular activating system. It is what controls your sleep-wake cycle. The reticular system remains closely related with the thalamus group, which also deal with your sleep cycle When striving to sleep or staying awake, the reticular formation sends plans to the…...
Nature Vs NurtureScience
I'm a long lover of the book The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It tells the story of a young man obsessed with the luxuries of life, and who at first was full of innocence and beauty but slowly deteriorated to being full of hatred, ugliness, and corruption. What was fascinating about the story was that although humans usually are somehow affected by the sinful and immoral things they do, Dorian Gray's physical appearance had never changed. Although…...
Oscar Wilde
When I was a child, my favorite place to be was at my great grandma's house. She was a very kind, loving person and she really loved the Lord. Grandma always had plenty of good food to eat and fun things to do; she was a really good cook and very creative as well. She was always ready to make us something good to eat, do crafts or go for walks with us. My two sisters, my brother and I…...
Childhood Memories
Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself. The moment I saw the duel between SK Telecom Faker and KT Ryu in 2013 OGN Champions season 3 summer finals of League of Legends, I fell in love with eSports scene. I witnessed with my own eyes a mere Korean player take the world stage and grab the attention of the whole world. I felt a new kind…...
Goals In Life
English writer G.K. Chesterton once said, “The word ‘good’ has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man”. Chesterton makes an interesting point with his anecdote- how do we determine if someone is “good”? If someone is good, are they also, inherently ethical? Ethics are defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the discipline dealing with what…...
I have always wanted to help people in my community have a good healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, health is the number one priority which enables us to have a long and prosperous life. I come from a family that has overcome a lot to be where we are today. Growing up in a single parent home has given me a certain insight. My mother works hard as a nurse to make sure that my younger brother, sister and I…...
HealthPersonal Goals
A genogram is an excellent way of illustrating family relationships, conflicts and intergenerational patterns and understanding family dynamics that drive and affect family members. Developing my family genogram was extremely painful for me because it brought painful memories and experiences I had throughout the past years of my life, but at the same time, I found it a challenging way to learn more about conflicts in my family and how and why such conflicts have developed. By making this genogram,…...
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, independence can be defined in two ways: freedom from being governed or ruled by another country; and the ability to live your life without being helped or influenced by other people (Cambridge). The latter definition better represents how I feel about myself. Other people may say that independence means totally being on your own, or they may say that it’s impossible to be fully independent. But being isolated is not the same as being independent.…...
Free Papers
Vision statement To be the most innovative, ambitious, passionate and hardworking Emirati businesswomen, that is known for her successes and the change she did in her country. To obtain a good relationship with worldwide companies and represent them in the UAE. To be a leader that inspires others to think creatively and strive for perfection in their own fields. To be the same person at every occasion in life and stick to my true self. To tell the truth always…...
Accounting And Finance
The following exemplary essay on the topic “Biowulf Is a True Epic Hero” tells about the legendary Geat hero in the epic of the same name, one of the oldest saving works of English literature. He is the central character of the Old English poem "Beowulf", created in the 7th-8th centuries, a warrior who defeated a monster. An epic hero is the main person who has the higher level qualities and risks personal dangers to chase a main quest. Beowulf…...
This sample paper on Personal Statement On Core Values offers a framework of relevant facts based on the recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body and conclusion of the paper below.I had the privilege of taking an ethics class that asked me to list out what values were important to me. I thought I’d share some of the things I wrote down and finish off with my personal mission statement. This essay will give you a unique…...
The sample essay on Thus With A Kiss I Die Analysis deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.These were the last words of Romeo before killing himself. The quote itself is very powerful in the way that it links the two main genres together ‘love and death’ together. Also two very powerful oppositions or maybe they are not opposites at all. ‘Romeo and…...
LovePlaysRomeo And Juliet
The following sample essay on "Special Person In My Life" familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories and approaches. All of the people that are close to me are important. Indeed, when thinking of people I could possibly talk about, I thought about all of them and they were all interesting in their own ways but, I decided to talk about a wonderful teacher that taught me in the English Language Training Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her name…...
English LanguageLanguageReason
This essay sample essay on Why Is Hamlet Relevant Today offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.The play Hamlet composed by William Shakespeare approximately 400 years ago, remains relevant to the contemporary world due to its philosophical contemplations of the human condition, and what it is to be human. Hamlet explores the transience of life, and the consequences madness has in regard to suicidal tendencies…...
The sample essay on Environmental Statement Example deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay's introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.The dynamic relationship between humans, Earth and all else within has always captivated me. Was born in 1973 in Jamaica, my parents were politically active, was taken as a child to rallies mostly about challenging socio-political injustices and poverty, in the streets of London, Kingston and New York and can…...
Natural EnvironmentPollutionSustainabilityWaste
The essay sample on Examples Of Jean Watson's Theory In Practice dwells on its problems, providing shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.Who is Jean Watson and what is her part to the nursing profession? Jean Watson is a Distinguished Professor of Nursing and holds the Murchinson-Scoville Endowed Chair in Caring Science at the University of Colorado. Denver College of Nursing and Anschutz Medical Center Campus. She earned undergraduate…...
This essay sample on Marketing Plan Essay Sample provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.OBJECTIVES Combining business school education, professional/personal development training, self education along with life experiences directed me toward beginning a career as an entrepreneur. Many years have been spent taking classes and exploring various business opportunities. I started my college career as a business major. During that…...
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Every Man Is An Architect Of His Own Fortune. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Every person is an architect of his future. Discuss. First draft Batyrkhan Saniya, ID 20122886 Academic Reading and Writing Course GEN 1120 Turgan Zhanadilov 12 February 2013 Outline I. Introduction. Thesis statement: Although some people believe that it is quite hard to manage the future…...
This essay sample essay on How Self Esteem Affects Communication offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.Self esteem is the extent to which we value (like or dislike) ourselves and also whether we approve or disapprove of the attributes that we believe we possess. Our self esteem is one of the main elements of our inner being, and therefore directly affects our communication with others,…...
CommunicationLifePersonalitySelf EsteemSociology
This essay sample essay on Oxymoron In Romeo And Juliet Act 3 offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion are provided below.In Act 3 Scene 5, Romeo and Juliet have just woken up from spending their night together, in other words “consummating the marriage”. Juliet’s nurse then comes in and says that her mother wants to speak with her. Romeo bids Juliet a goodbye, articulating that they will…...
The essay sample on Enfp Careers dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. Carl Jung, one of the most renowned psychiatrists in history and founder of analytical psychology, introduced the personality typology. According to Dr. C. George Boeree’s (2006) brief biography of Carl Jung, “Jung developed a personality typology that has become so popular that some people don’t realize he did anything else.…...
This sample paper on Personal Opinion Essay Examples offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. People have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay, you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion essay, you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. You support your…...
This sample essay on Psychoanalytic Approach To Personality provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Analyzing the components of the psychoanalytic approach to personality Herbert Reeves PSY/250 April 26, 2011 David Brueshoff Analyzing the components of the psychoanalytic approach to personality Theories are analytical tools for understanding, explaining, and making predictions about a given subject matter. One such subject of much debate…...
Human NaturePersonalityPsychiatryPsychotherapySigmund Freud
The following sample essay on Essay Why I Want To Be A Nurse discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Admission Essay on Why I Want to Become A Nurse As I was growing up I remember being afraid of doctor and nurses. I use to hate going to the doctors I’m pretty sure most children were afraid too. I remember so clearly that…...
Attachment TheoryNursing
The following sample essay on Mayo Clinic Narcissistic Personality Disorder discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a specific kind of personality disorder. A personality disorder is when people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, it limits their ability to function in relationships and in other social aspects in life (Mayo Clinic). Narcissistic…...
Borderline Personality DisorderMedicineMental DisorderNarcissistic Personality DisorderPersonalityPersonality Disorder
This sample essay on Sonny's Blues Essay offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below. “Sonny’s Blues” is an emotional story written by an amazing author, James Baldwin, who has come to be one of my favorite writers. This particular piece talks about the troubles of African American freeing themselves from the mental bondages of their surroundings, the ghetto. The title is significant, and helped me…...
AddictionHeroin AddictionHopeHuman NatureJames BaldwinMusic
The sample paper on Lifespan Development Essay familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.The paper analyzes the influence of various external factors on the cognitive and physical development of children. The results of an interview with an old relative are used to analyze the real-life implications of such influences and interactions. The paper includes the discussion of Piaget’s development theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and touches upon the questions of…...
Attachment TheoryChild DevelopmentHuman DevelopmentHuman Nature
This essay sample on Heroes With Integrity provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. This person puts away self-desires to make others happy in difficult situations or circumstances. There are many different types of heroes because of how one may describe the person they look to as one. A lot of times people look up to those who do the…...
Character TraitsHeroIntegrityLifePersonality
The essay sample on Personal Responsibility In College dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down.The correlation between personal responsibility and college success Roland Miner GEN/200 November 30, 2012 Sara Martin The correlation between personal responsibility and college success Even though some may say there is no direct correlation between personal responsibility and college success, the relationship with how responsible you are and how…...
Character TraitsLifePersonal ResponsibilityPersonalityResponsibility
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of The Financially Independent Firm Or Individual That Acts As The Bondholders' Representative Is The. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Brittany James FIN 1100 Module 4 Home Work Assignments [Answer all questions in details] 1. |Matthew Boyd asks for your help! He has saved $10,000 and wants to invest in common stock. Choose one of the long-term or short-term techniques…...